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:: 2009 7 August :: 10.40am

$50 wigot me this.

76 suzuki gt 185.
needs some work, but i'll get it figured out.

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:: 2009 5 August :: 12.01pm

Good Ole Teddy Roosevelt is cracked's most badass president, quite a formidable top five as well.

I hope that someone can say this about me when I die "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight."

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:: 2009 4 August :: 12.13pm

so the guy on egay with a set of carbs for $79 has a "make an offer" thing on them, so i offered $45 because i knew they wern't going to sell. he counter offers with $79... i'm like WTF!?

i reoffered $65, hopefully they take it.

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:: 2009 4 August :: 1.45am

Life has been different since the wreck. You start to look at things different after that, I appreciate my life and the people I care about more.

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:: 2009 3 August :: 12.07am

Gnarkill Vs Unkle Matt And The Shitbirdz

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:: 2009 2 August :: 1.15pm

So I got rid of Dozer yesterday. I was sad to see him go, but I have been able to hold myself together, unlike when I got rid of my cat..
I know that its best for him and he will still be able to see Tank.
And now Chelsea loves him!! :)
So I am happy that I got to make someone else happy.
Even though Tank was super sad yesterday.

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:: 2009 1 August :: 2.16pm

On motorcycles
From one of my ex guild members

"You're like PETA's worst nightmare - a dude who rides around, wears leather and looks for fawns to slaughter, then weigh for consumability."

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:: 2009 29 July :: 4.06pm

Here's the damage report

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:: 2009 29 July :: 8.17am

Had a terrible evening. Ran my motorcycle into a deer and skidded for about 20 feet to promptly hit the ground and flip over 3 times. Spent the rest of the night in the ER for shoulder injuries and now I have to go to my Doctor's office.

The stupid part is I was only going about 40, slowing down for a turn, and the deer couldn't have been 30 pounds. Fucker went through my windprotector and jerked the handle bars which caused my spill.

Ruined my favorite pair of jeans, my WW2 Jacket, and A ONE DOLLAR WHITE T SHIRT. Have some nasty road burns and soft tissue damage to my right shoulder.

I'll post pictures of the bike later, the right side brake pedal and lever are melted and the windshield smashed. Even the tip of the muffler on the right side melted a little bit from abrasion heat. Bike still runs and drives however, Honda built a tank in 81.

I've been up for 24 hours at this point, waiting for these painpills to kick in so I can maybe get sleep. Highlight of the day was eating a pretty good breakfast at the hospital.


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:: 2009 28 July :: 7.56pm

I want to go to Michigan's Adventures before I have to go back to class August 31. Like during the week maybe.

Who's in?

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:: 2009 27 July :: 11.27pm

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:: 2009 27 July :: 3.48am

I am tired from working late so here is this

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:: 2009 26 July :: 12.24pm

Hellions on parade

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:: 2009 25 July :: 11.01am

For like the first time in a very long time.. My mood does not reflect the wheather.. Usually when it rains, I feel completely lethargic and do absolutely nothing.. But right now it is down pouring at my house and I want to go playin the rain, or do my dishes, sweep and mop my bathroom, laundry room and mud room floors, and clean my bathroom.. I already cleaned out my refridgerator and vacuumed at like midnight..

I am feeling pretty good about life these days and that makes me feel even better. Optimism is not something I show easily. I usually have to struggle to show it.. I think it is a trait passed down from my dad, and his dad.. Because everyone who knows my dad, knows that he does not smile regularly and sometimes it takes a lot to make him smile.. Other times he just smiles when he sees his kids and grandson. And I absolutely love that. My mom is sometimes a hard one to make smile too, but she at least laughs with me at all the dumb shit I do or say.

And I have a 20 lb dog trying to climb frantically onto my lap because he is terrified of hard rain.. Tank is a lot better during rain and storms.. He doesn't try to get on my lap as much anymore.. But Dozer is absolutely terrified.. It's kind of cute..

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:: 2009 23 July :: 7.50pm


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