2009 22 July :: 7.18pm
I'm Old Greg, I got something to show ya
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2009 21 July :: 11.32pm
Dice really abandoned their fanbase by putting 1943 on consoles only.
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2009 20 July :: 12.33am
Drinking a ping of HOPNOXXXIOUS from Walldorff that my dad brought me from up north.
This is the stuff of kings right here.
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2009 17 July :: 7.38pm
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2009 17 July :: 6.57pm
:: Mood: amused
Douche of the year, strikes again...!
I love how when someone doesn't want anything to do with you, they delete you from everything, woohu, myspace, facebook, etc. But then when you comment on a friends post that they are also friends with, they feel like they just haaaaaavvvvveee to be a dick to you...
It's funny to me really.
God, get a life...
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2009 17 July :: 12.47pm
Save gasoline, ride a motorcycle.
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2009 16 July :: 9.10am
weird harry potter dream tonight.
was with some chick, after we killed voldermort.
we had to destory what was left of him (it looked like mercury) it was really weird.
(finished the last book last night)
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2009 15 July :: 3.25pm
There are many days where I miss the Air Force, some of my Training Instructors were like fathers to me.
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2009 15 July :: 11.46am
so i had this really really fucked up dream last night.
I was at this party down the road from my house, it was apparently at jamie henteg's house, wich i've got no idea where he lives. but he was there.
anyways we get there and hang out with some people, and music is playing
and then jamie comes down the stairs with a shotgun and points it at me, and i'm like "WTF DUDE?!" and eventually he shoots me in the chest with some of those bean bag things, twice, and it didn't bruise. eventually he calmed down and everything was cool lol. so i go outside and todd kopkau(sp?) is singing and amy waller is playing the tamborine.
really really weird dream.
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2009 14 July :: 5.21pm
Yeah, so I am easily amused about the littlest things..
But I am super excited that Tank can finally lay down on command, and I've been working on getting him to roll over.. He only half rolls over on his own.. But its so cute!! I love it..
Dozer on the other hand, is kind of a lost cause.. You try to get him to shake, and he thinks its an open opportunity to lick the crap out of your hand.. And he ate another flip flop.. Little bastard! Good thing I only pay like a dollar for my flip flops..
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2009 12 July :: 8.42pm
So I go back to work tomorrow, and Im not excited about it.. At all..
The last few days I have filled my time with online Monopoly and watching 16 and Pregnant on MTV!!
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2009 11 July :: 2.25am
Sold my desktop, feels good man.
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2009 8 July :: 6.08pm
Life right now is great.
Other than I still don't have the career part figured out..
But I am extremely happy in all the other aspects of my life..
After trying to get shit figured out all these years, I finally feel like I have everything.
Even though my dog has decided he wants to tear up the carpet in out rental house, where my landlord doesn't know we have the little ass hole!!
Yesterday I was ready to get rid of him, and was going to put him on craigslist, but I really do love the little ass hole to pieces and Im happy he's a part of our family..
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2009 5 July :: 10.35pm
Well I am thoroughly enjoying my time off work and filling it with friends and whatnot..
We went out for Rhonda's birthday thursday night, and I drank way more than I could ever imagine..
I have a ton of bruises.. and I am becoming a professional drunk dancer!
Now I just need to figure out what to fill this week with..
We need to decide what we are going to do for Mike's daughter for her birthday, which is wednesday..
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2009 4 July :: 1.46pm
That asshole Hancock, singing his name real big on Tom Jefferson's declaration, I don't care if you were the president of the convention.
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