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:: 2009 23 June :: 7.11am

I'm really not looking forward to this whole work thing for the rest of my life. I hate waking up early. Ugh!

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:: 2009 22 June :: 4.00pm

"yeah she's a little rough and has some issues but what broad doesn't ya know" - PhilHimself

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:: 2009 22 June :: 3.20pm


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:: 2009 22 June :: 1.51am

Selling my desktop, here's the craigslist link. I would make it a better deal for any folks that I know.

I'm much more interested in motorbikes and outdoors adventuring these days

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:: 2009 21 June :: 1.33pm

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:: 2009 20 June :: 2.29pm
:: Mood: StOkEd!!!
:: Music: Self Esteem - The Offspring

K, party tonight, my house! Celebrating my birth-week! There will me plenty of booze to share just pitch in a couple bucks. We'll also have hot dogs on the grill and probably some chips and stuff. We will probably be by the fire for a while so bring a chair or something I guess. All are welcomed unless you're questioning whether I like you or not, then you should probably ask someone. lol. =) So dont be dumb, come hang out!! And we have plenty of room in the house for drunks to sleep too. =) Call the cell for directions. 6168353680! Starts around 7:30-8pm so come over damnit!!!

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:: 2009 18 June :: 2.52am

got my helmet and gloves today, might just get my bike this week

motorbike adventures!

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:: 2009 17 June :: 5.10pm

Singleton 12 year aged single malt scotch whiskey, it even smells definitive.

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:: 2009 16 June :: 10.01pm

Tired of hearing old dudes talk about pills that give them boners every time there is a TV on.


but anyway, I got my new license and am gonna do some 40s after midnight

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:: 2009 16 June :: 7.24am

few people here will get this, but the ones that will do will lol
chelsea; show this to AJ he'll laugh his ass off.

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:: 2009 15 June :: 8.47pm

I wish I had what it takes to be a model!

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:: 2009 14 June :: 6.08pm


bad idea.

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:: 2009 13 June :: 12.36pm

watching a show on the history channel about big siege weapons

giant trebuchet, wanna see them fire that, thing's huge

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:: 2009 13 June :: 1.31am

hockey fight, I'm pissed off

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:: 2009 12 June :: 11.10pm


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