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:: 2009 1 June :: 3.57am

Rarely in computer networking do you resolve your connection by adding more complexity to the network. For some reason that fixed mine this evening.

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:: 2009 30 May :: 1.43pm

SoundBite, Toshiba M305 notebook

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:: 2009 30 May :: 2.05am

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:: 2009 29 May :: 11.27pm

Rock Gym was pretty excellent.

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:: 2009 29 May :: 2.45am

Updating from my new lappy, Codename: SoundBite

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:: 2009 22 May :: 10.48pm

So I have only had My new dog since Wednesday night and he has already developed a bra fetish and has ran off twice. Not to mention he chewed up a whole tune of chap-stick, taken over tanks peanut butter roll and completely demolished a chew toy while playing a rough game of tug-a-war. He is definitely a running little bastard! I sprinted for probably 3 blocks to get him today like 5 seconds after I got home from work and spent an hour looking for the little shit last night. He is definitely not a lazy dog like My little baby doodles that is for damn sure!

I finally got some new tires and rims for My car. I had the seats taken out so that I could clean it out and I got My headlights adjusted so they work a little better. Now I just need to wash it.

My sister, Derrick and seth are up for the weekend and i'm super excited about that.

And I am feeling better about everything so that is another plus. I love having a washer and dryer! Best inventions ever.

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:: 2009 20 May :: 7.49pm

is getting another dog for her birthday!! :)

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:: 2009 19 May :: 2.52am

Watching my elders get buried is one thing, but your peers, your friends that is just well disheartening.

Tomorrow is not a good day.

We will miss you Eric.

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:: 2009 16 May :: 3.11am

Also, I now demand to be referred to as M.C. Creeper

that is all

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:: 2009 16 May :: 3.03am

I am so about Commander Spock

Doc McCoy was also kick ass.

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:: 2009 13 May :: 8.30pm

Found herself a washer and dryer for fifty bucks!
And is super excited..

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:: 2009 13 May :: 6.41pm

Real Fark Headline

"Man hits pedestrian at Home Depot and runs down a state trooper before leaving the lot. Hits a van, backs up and hits it again. Drives off screaming "WOO HOO" as he strikes several vehicles before crashing head-on with a semi. TA-DA"

Full Story

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:: 2009 13 May :: 2.55am

Everything burns, especially the world.

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:: 2009 12 May :: 10.43pm

So i'm feeling better than I did on Friday.
Much much better.
I just really wish I could find another Boston terrier for me or at least a Boston playmate for my dog.

I'vr narrowed things down to the fact that I hate my job more than anything. Seriously, to the point where I am miserable every single day and I don't want to get out of bed.

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:: 2009 12 May :: 6.14pm

Nostalgic of the GRCC days

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