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:: 2009 10 January :: 10.20am

For years, I have had dreams that have made me wake up out of a dead sleep and look around wondering if it was actually real or not.

And last night was one of those dreams.

I had a dream that I thought I was pregnant, and then a few days after thinking that, I gave birth to a 3 month old like it was nothing. And of course everyone was in shock, and my landlords filed a complaint for not being informed and I had to sign a contract that if anything ever happened like that again I would be evicted from my house. My friend Sara quit talking to me. And a group of people were standing in a circle doing tattoo's on each other, all while water was being sprayed all over them, and my baby was asleep on the bed like 4 feet away from them. Then, when I took my baby out of that room, I went into a lobby, and the neighbors I grew up next to were there, and one of them would not even look at me because I was holding a baby. And to finish off the dream, Mike and I went to Meijer to buy chocolate chip cookies.

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:: 2009 10 January :: 2.07am

Here is my rock band photo for my side project, CRUZ CNTL

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:: 2009 9 January :: 11.50pm

phil and i started another band in rockband

clown shoezze

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

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:: 2009 9 January :: 1.09pm

hello thaaaar!

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:: 2009 7 January :: 6.32pm

Information warfare intrigues me very much.

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:: 2009 6 January :: 10.51pm

I hate the internet and everyone on it.

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:: 2009 3 January :: 12.40am

Seriously, the love of my life.


Oh, can't forget these little guys..

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:: 2009 2 January :: 5.30pm

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:: 2009 1 January :: 2.54pm

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:: 2008 31 December :: 6.19pm

2008 has been a roller coaster of emotions from good to bad.
So much has happened over the course of this year that I did not imagine would.

January: I found out I was going to be an aunt.
February: I started a new job.
March: Watched grown men fight in the middle of the street like they were on UFC. Oh, did I mention they were drunk?
April: I don't think anything really exciting happened then. I'll have to get back with you.
May: Got serious about starting college.
June: My 21st birthday, Stated college, and had a blast with summer cook-outs, my cousin got married.
July: Fireworks, a good friend was killed in a motorcyle accident.
August: A friend was killed in a drinking and driving accident, Mike's cousin moved in and then a few weeks later, Mikes mom passed away.
September: We moved into a house, I got a cat, and I became an aunt, my grandma was in the hospital for a long stay.
October: 3 year anniversary with Mike.
November: 7 years since my grandpa had passed.
December: Took the civil service test to be a corrections officer, got a dog, mike's cousins girlfriend moved in, mike's cousin and girlfriend moved out, fought with his girlfriend like a high schooler and drama began. 4 years since my grandma passed.

As usual there was a drama, there were tears, there was happiness, babies were born, and wedding vows were exchanged.

It wasn't a terrible year. Probably one of the better years.

Hopefully the rest of you enjoyed your year, and if you didn't hopefully you will make next year worth while.

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:: 2008 28 December :: 7.08pm

I got a new DVD burner for christmas, that I have gotten a lot of use out of the last few days.
I got a really soft fleece blanket, that I use every night now, and my cat also enjoys it.
And lastly, I got a new Nikon coolpix L18 camera.
I was not expecting that either.

I spent Christmas day arguing with a dumb high schooler.

I still have Christmas with my mom, my dad and my aunt and uncle next weekend..
Should be fun!

Work tomorrow.. not excited for it..

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:: 2008 26 December :: 12.00pm

(You are now reading this in the voice of John Goodman)

You are bad and you should feel bad.

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:: 2008 25 December :: 5.59am

Working 7am to 3pm, yay .....

Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom ....

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:: 2008 24 December :: 11.31pm

the only thing i want for christmas is to not feel so alone.

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:: 2008 24 December :: 11.16am

This is Mike's puppy: Tank
Both our pets sleep like this, how strange!

This is my kitty: Titty

So yesterday started off to be a bad day.
Dog got into the trash, and made messes on the floor.
But I got 75 dollars from work!
And then I waited around at my dads with my brother for my check..
Oh, and then I got stuck in the snow trying to turn around to go get my check.
So I waited for my daddy and my brother to come get me unstuck.
Quite the eventful day.

Now it is christmas eve, and I have to wrap presents, bake brownies for my dad and brother for getting me unstuck yesterday.. and then make my way to belding, and then to go up to black lake to have christmas with mike's daughter and whatnot..


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