2008 16 December :: 5.57pm
best weapon in COD5 is the flame thrower :D
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2008 15 December :: 11.15pm
this is an update.
I'd like to actually write what I'm thinking here.
But I'm censoring it so that nobody judges anyone else.
Fair enough?
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2008 15 December :: 7.43pm
Things have been pretty crazy lately, and are finally starting to calm down.
We have the house to ourselves.
Haven't lived by ourselves since August.
Im signed up for spring classes.
Hopefully the funding goes through.
I started talking to Tara a lot more latley, and it makes me miss the past.
When I lived a more adventurous life.
When nothing mattered but having fun.
I don't do spontaneous things anymore.
And I should.
I need to, but I really don't have anyone to do them with because I have distanced myself so much from everyone.
Put miles between us.
I really miss hanging out with friends.
Not that I don't love hanging out with Mike, but ya know..
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2008 12 December :: 3.53pm
Jimi sent me this today
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2008 12 December :: 1.48pm
My dad bought a new TV, gonna watch Batman on it.
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2008 12 December :: 3.13am
this grinds my gears.
really, he's not president yet and the quotes from people in that little animation are amazing, they are praising how amazing of a president he is.
the guy wasn't even in the senate for a whole year before he started his campaign to run for president, how great of a guy does that make him?
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2008 12 December :: 2.46am
As if life hasn't been good enough to me, tonight i bowled a 212, 160, and 190.
my average is 156
my new high game is 212
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2008 12 December :: 1.53am
I'm really getting a kick out of people on the internet.
Anyone familiar with my journal knows that I speak in generalities in my journal and it is often quite open ended in style, I do not speak of specific names or occurrences in my writing. Chances are if I am writing something and you read it, then it has nothing to do with you specifically.
With that said, someone read a 2 line entry of mine and it was somehow more inflammatory then a very long flame war, really that is flattering that my writing has that kind of impact but that is really giving me far too much literary credit. The said entry did was not in reference to said person that was upset, it was a recollection of the whole day and the childishness of the flame war that was previously mentioned. And to begin with, most of the things I write on here should really be taken with a grain of salt.
But hey, let's all get pissed off on the internet.
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2008 11 December :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: Fuck it...
I'm done!
I dont see how something can go from being about David and Mindy and turn into me showing my 'true colors' and apparently being the biggest bitch in the world and losing friends. I just have one thing to say to those of you that this concerns...
Fuck you.
If I'm such a bad fucking person for not putting my nose where it doesn't belong then you can go to hell. Dont talk to me anymore and dont act like your some sort of force to be wrecken with or something because you're not.
I dont need this kind of bullshit in my life.
I'm better than this, I'm better than you, and I'm happy with my life and dont need to worry about what other people or saying because in my case, shit isn't true and never will be true.
I'm happy with or without such idiots in my life...
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2008 11 December :: 7.33pm
Well I must have done something wrong. Now I don't get to read the daily updates on the happy lives of the Rainbow Friends and their residence in the Gingerbread House Paradise.
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2008 11 December :: 3.30pm
Heh, so I guess some people don't like what I have to say.
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2008 11 December :: 4.09am
whatever bad things have happened in the past all melt away when i see her smile.
and that makes me smile.
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2008 9 December :: 2.17pm
i just found a BSC cd, it was buried in some stuff.
hahaha, brings back highschool memories.
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2008 9 December :: 12.10am
People are showing their true colors.
Rather disappointed with folks.
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2008 8 December :: 11.15pm
these past few entries have been all emo and shit, and the next few arn't going to get any better.
if you want to talk shit about someone do it elsewhere, this is MY place to write what i think.
Don't be a dick on my woohu, thats my job.
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