2008 3 April :: 11.30pm
Crosby Loggins is ADORABLE. Celeb-crush activate!
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2008 3 April :: 12.26am
Good news on the homefront
So one of my French papers, the longer one, received good news today:
1. The decision was made to have all students enrolled in the course turn in their final term papers in English (and not in the target language French, German or Spanish as originally stated).
2. FH, GN and SH students are still expected to conduct research that includes scholarly readings in their respective target language. These sources should also be cited in the bibliography (MLA style) of the paper.
Weight lifted, captain.
I still have not found an outfit for Friday. We had band practice yesterday and I thought that all our mediocre skills would somehow combine to form awesomeosity. This did not turn out to be the case. We will definitely not win on skills. I shall need the costume of all costumes or we will need stage presence beyond all stage presence.
The kitty is beyond very cute right now.
I love you all.
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first breath after coma
2008 1 April :: 9.00pm
I gave my speech for my EU class today. It was terrible. I blacked out, I seriously don't remember much of it but I'm not concerned.
I am entering a Rock Band competition with Bekka and maybe Laura on Friday. It will be fantastic! I am thinking of getting a really awesome outfit and just rawking. That way, we at least have a chance of winning. What I will wear? I do not know.
I am sorry I have not called you back yet Jessa. I have had no time. I'll try to call you later this week but it might not be until after the weekend.
I love you all.
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2008 31 March :: 12.08am
:: Music: Happier by Guster
blast from the past!
The ballet was awesome. I almost want to go back to ballet. If only I was coordinated or flexible...
Hannah is awesome too. I wish I could hang with her more often.
Announcement: we can no longer be friends if you cannot smile witchyer eyes. There will be a test at the end of the week to weed out you non-smilers.
I have a speech on Tuesday that I haven't even started. Oh and I have to watch a movie and write a paper on it for French class on Friday. And really I am not stressed about it at all.
I have not yet watched this week's episode of John Adams but I believe I shall blog about it when I do.
It is going to be warm and awesome this week with rain and awesomeness. I plan on wearing dresses.
I love you all.
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2008 29 March :: 1.41am
I got a facial today. Not that kind. The other one. It included a foot massage (or feet massage since I have two foots), hand massage and back massage. I am so incredibly chill still from it and it got done at 7. It was two hours long and now my stress is nonexistent. I highly recommend it.
I saw Run Fatboy Run with Katti, Oliver and Nick today. It was good. It was slow to start but it got fantastic once it picked up.
Also, why I love these people: "Fuck Princess Peach. It's motherfucking Princess Toadstool, you assholes." said Katti. "Is there a reason why they changed it?" asked Nick. "It wasn't girly enough. You know what I think of that? I think I want to shit on them. I am not normally into shitting on people but that deserves a nasty taco Cleveland steamer."
I have papers and taxes and scholarships due and I am not stressed about them at all. Lallalalala.
Oh! Do you want to see one of my host brothers in a stupid youtube video he made? WELL TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY!
I swear I had something to say but I don't remember. OH! I did not wear a bra today and it felt wonderful.
Also, I am obsessed with Twitter because I can update from my phone. So, that's a good place to catch me dropping it like it's hot. Or whatever. Word to your mother.
I love you all.
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2008 25 March :: 6.10pm
I have a twitter
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