2008 7 May :: 4.49pm
circut city update...
2008 7 May :: 12.17pm
okay, here we are, the whole store of texas.
day 1: I arrive at the airport around 2ish, erin is there to pick me up, we go to the A's(aaron and amy's) apartment where we will be staying the next month. erin had to go to work, so i just stayed there and took a nap till she got home. also she bought me whataburger, wich is fucking delicious. erin gets home and so do the A's and i get to meet them, they seem nice.
day 2: I wake up to Amy making breakfest, french toast, bacon and orange juice, mmmmm, it was delicious. after breakfest i don't really remember much, i had some time to kill that day, we probably played GTA IV all after noon until i got to go and meet erin's dad (dan) who is pretty cool, he bought us dinner for erin's birthday, real nice guy and stuff.
day 3: wake up, amy is cooking yet again, this time its eggs and bacon and toast mmmm, we end up going swimming in the "luxury" pool at the apartment that day, i got burnt pretty badly, i'm finally getting "settled in" i guess, that night we head to erin's mom's house, i meet her mom (heidi) and her stepdad (james) and they are both pretty cool.
day 4: nothing eciting this day at all, shit is starting to get rocky with amy, the a's and erin have a funeral to go to, so i'm by myself in the apartment, i hang out all day, play some GTA IV and steal some internet from the neighbors.
day 5: this is where the shit hits the fan, nothing eventful happed during the day, me and erin are hanging out and messing around that night, the A's are gone at destin's house and erin sends amy a text messag saying "let us know when your on your way home" just to be curtious and shit, amy then freaks out and starts bitching about how its her apartment and we should have more respect for her and shit like that, i thought it was curtious and very respectful but whatever, anyways, erin and amy get into a text messaging fight, to much drama, about 12:30 midnightish erin calls her dad and he says we can stay there for a couple of days. we pack all our shit up and leave, left most of the stuff we bought for the apartment there just to be friendly because we used some of their stuff. again being curtious.
Day 6: erin and amy get into yet another text messaging fight and erin wants some of our money back, we paid $350 total to stay there for a month and we're there for 5 days, i do the math and $295 is about right for us to get back, amy freaks out and says we arn't getting a dime back.
.... cunt we also find out that we can't stay at erin's dad house for much longer either. so we might stay at erin's mom's if we can or i might head to chicago or something, i don't know yet.
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2008 6 May :: 10.53pm
I am watching TiVo'd episodes of CSI. First episode I watched had Mini Brittney on it. Awesome. She actually got brought up too so it was like she was in the episode. Second episode? Adam and Jamie from the Mythbusters. No mention. No lines. Just thumbs up. It was weird.
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2008 6 May :: 5.26pm
everyone was right, maybe i can't make it this far from home.
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2008 6 May :: 5.25pm
I can't decided how i feel about anything right now.
to much drama, its freaking me out.
2008 6 May :: 1.43am
glad to be out of that place.
we just moved to erin's dad's house, we each get our own room and we've got our own bathroom to share. :)
the only thing we left was a note on the counter that says
"Dear A's, went to mexico <3 justin and erin"
i thought it was clevar.
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2008 5 May :: 8.40pm
In Rockford all week. However, I am working 9 to 5. So if you want to hang. Gimme a ring a ling.
2008 5 May :: 4.00pm
I am not eligible for a Pell Grant.
Therefore I have to get Student Loans.
I am mad because tuition is due Thursday.
Fucking cock suckers!
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2008 4 May :: 8.06pm
i'm in texas.
I hate where i live, to many fucking rules, i have to put all my stuff in one tiny closet when i'm done with it, a real pain in my ass.
i don't like not having my own place, i don't like not having a vehicle, and i really don't like feeling like i'm trapped.
i knew this was going to happen.
ugggh, i don't like this place right now.
7 laughs |
2008 4 May :: 8.42pm
I went to AQ's graduation yesterday. The girls (Bekka, Laura and Theresa) all graduated.
Today they moved out. And even though I know that we will keep in touch and I will see them again, it still makes me sad. I hate endings.
1 laugh |
2008 3 May :: 4.11am
The opera here at CMU next spring will the Mozart's Magic Flute. My favorite opera and the most challenging opera CMU has done to date. We auditioned today, and we will be learning our parts over the summer. And guess what?
You all have to come see me!! It will be AMAZING!!! I cant even tell you how excited I am!!!
1 laugh |
2008 2 May :: 12.32am
Things I have to read for the GRE. Note: I've read about 1/3 of these, but do I remember them?
Milton, John Paradise Lost 27 5
Chaucer, Geoffrey Canterbury Tales 22 7
Shakespeare, William King Lear 20 5
Pope, Alexander The Rape of the Lock 17 5
Anonymous Beowulf 13 6
Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's Travels 13 5
Shakespeare, William The Tempest 13 5
Marlowe, Christopher Doctor Faustus 12 5
Gray, Thomas Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 11 4
Thoreau, Henry David Walden 11 5
Spenser, Edmund The Faerie Queene 11 3
Alighieri, Dante The Divine Comedy 10 3
Sophocles Oedipus Rex 10 4
Faulkner, William The Sound and the Fury 10 4
Shakespeare, William MacBeth 10 3
Arnold, Matthew Dover Beach 9 5
Dickens, Charles Great Expectations 9 3
Swift, Jonathan A Modest Proposal 9 3
Shaw, George Bernard Arms and the Man 8 5
Plato The Republic 8 5
Keats, John Ode on a Grecian Urn 8 4
Shakespeare, William Othello 8 4
Jonson, Ben Volpone 8 4
Homer The Iliad 8 1
Fielding, Henry Tom Jones 7 5
Tennyson, Alfred Lord Ulysses 7 4
Joyce, James Ulysses 7 4
Congreve, William The Way of the World 7 4
Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights 7 4
Dryden, John All for Love 7 3
Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Great Gatsby 7 3
Shakespeare, William Hamlet 7 3
Forster, E.M. Howard's End 7 3
Milton, John Lycidas 7 3
Homer The Odyssey 7 3
Johnson, Samuel The Preface to Shakespeare 7 3
Byron, George Lord Don Juan 7 2
Milton, John Comus 6 4
Pope, Alexander An Essay on Criticism 6 4
Anonymous Everyman 6 5
Hardy, Thomas Jude the Obscure 6 4
Wordsworth, William Lyrical Ballads 6 4
Shelley, Percy Bysshe Ozymandius 6 4
Richardson, Samuel Pamela 6 4
Sheridan The Rivals 6 4
Sterne, Laurance Tristram Shandy 6 4
Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace 6 4
Eliot, T.S. The Waste Land 6 4
Shakespeare, William Henry IV, Part 1 6 3
Shakespeare, William As You Like It 6 3
Johnson, Samuel History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia 6 3
Amis, Kingsley Lucky Jim 6 3
Melville, Herman Moby Dick 6 3
Malory, Sir Thomas Le Morte D'Arthur 6 3
Johnson, Samuel The Vanity of Human Wishes 6 3
Dickens, Charles Hard Times 6 2
Shelley, Percy Bysshe Ode to the West Wind 5 5
Forster, E.M. A Passage to India 5 4
Aristotle The Poetics 5 4
Goldsmith, Oliver She Stoops to Conquer 5 4
Anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 5 4
Eliot, T.S. Tradition and the Individual Talent 5 3
Chaucer, Geoffrey Troilus and Criseyde 5 3
Thackerey, William Vanity Fair 5 3
Spenser, Edmund The Shepheardes Calender 5 3
Shakespeare, William Romeo and Juliet 5 3
Faulkner, William A Rose for Emily 5 3
Spenser, Edmund Amoretti 5 3
Coleridge, S.T. Biographica Literaria 5 3
Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment 5 3
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield 5 3
Thomas, Dylan Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night 5 3
Webster, John The Duchess of Malfi 5 3
Pope, Alexander An Essay on Man 5 3
Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath 5 2
Hemingway, Ernest Hills Like White Elephants 5 2
Johnson, Samuel Life of Cowley 5 2
Etherege, Sir George The Man of Mode 5 2
Browning, Robert My Last Duchess 5 2
Eliot, T.S. Journey of the Magi 5 1
Tennyson, Alfred Lord In Memoriam A.H.H. 4 4
Eliot, T.S. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 4 4
Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovary 4 4
Cervantes Don Quixote 4 4
Joyce, James Dubliners 4 3
Austen, Jane Emma 4 3
Shaw, George Bernard Major Barbara 4 3
Eliot, George Adam Bede 4 3
Melville, Herman Bartleby the Scrivener 4 3
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World 4 3
Milton, John Samson Agonistes 4 3
Wilde, Oscar The Importance of Being Earnest 4 3
Moliere Tartuffe 4 3
Boswell, James The Life of Samuel Johnson 4 3
O'Neill, Eugene Mourning Becomes Electra 4 3
Edwards, Jonathan Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 4 3
Butler, Samuel The Way of All Flesh 4 3
Wright, Richard Native Son 4 2
Sophocles Antigone 4 2
Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness 4 2
Anonymous Sir Patrick Spens 4 2
Hawthorne, Nathanial The Scarlet Letter 4 2
Orwell, George Shooting an Elephant 4 2
Woolf, Virginia To the Lighthouse 4 2
Wycherley, William The Country Wife 4 2
Wilde, Oscar The Critic as Artist 4 2
Swift, Jonathan A Description of a City Shower 4 2
Frost, Robert Design 4 2
Villon, Francois/Rossetti The Ballad of the Dead Ladies 4 2
Mill, J.S. On Liberty 4 2
Marlowe, Christopher The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 4 2
Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray 4 2
Shakespeare, William Richard II 4 2
Fielding, Henry Joseph Andrews 4 2
Defoe, Daniel Moll Flanders 4 2
Twain, Mark Huckleberry Finn 4 2
Bruegel Icarus (painting) 4 1
Plath, Sylvia The Mirror 4 1
Raleigh, Sir Walter The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 4 1
Keats, John Ode on Melancholy 4 1
Dickenson, Emily If I Could Stop 4 1
Holmes, Oliver Wendell The Chambered Nautilus 4 1
The Venerable Bede Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum 4 1
Virgil The Aeneid 3 3 Burney,
Fanny Evelina 3 3 Thomas, Dylan Fern Hill 3 3
Keats, John Endymion 3 3
Milton, John Areopagitica 3 3
Voltaire Candide 3 3
Heller, Joseph Catch .22 3 3
Miller, Arthur The Crucible 3 2
Joyce, James The Dead 3 2
Boccaccio Decameron 3 2
Tolstoy, Leo Anna Karenina 3 2
Dickens, Charles Bleak House 3 2
Godwin, William Caleb Williams 3 2
Miller, Arthur All My Sons 3 2
Meredith, George The Egoist 3 2
Finch, Anne Adam Pos'd 3 1
Burns, Robert Ae Fond Kiss 3 1
Paine, Thomas The Age of Reason 3 1
Mencken, H.L. The American Language 3 1
Donne, John An Anatomy of the World 3 1
Fleming, William Arts and Ideas 3 1
Raleigh, Sir Walter The Author's Epitaph, Made by Himself 3 1
Wilde, Oscar The Ballad of Reading Gaol 3 1
Browning, Robert The Bishop Orders His Tomb 3 1
Cooper, James Fenimore The Deerslayer 3 1
Sidney, Sir Philip The Defense of Poesy 3 1
Yeats, William Butler The Dolls 3 1
Stevenson, Robert Louis Dr. Jekyll
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2008 1 May :: 1.03am
well, my plane leaves tomorrow morning at 10:37 am
for those of you that didnt' get to see me before i left....
tough shit, i'm gone now, i'll be back when i get back.
for those of you that did take time out of your busy lives to come see me before i left, i really enjoyed it, thank you.
also a big thanks to jenny and jenny's mom for throwing me a party
thanks to everyone that came.
2 laughs |
2008 30 April :: 3.06am
I like facebook because it keeps me connected to old friend.
But it also keeps me connected with people ho cause me great stress.
fo real....
2008 28 April :: 8.02pm
I have tough girl exterior that i show to everyone except my family.
Which also means that my family gets to me most of all.
They know what pisses me off, and makes me cry.
My brother most of all, knows each and every button to press, like he's dialing his best friends phone number over and over and over.
Today I got told that I am too small to be a corrections officer. And that if I work in a mens prison facility, I will be gang raped..
8 laughs |
2008 27 April :: 9.25pm
Looking at cars as ours is dying/dead. I found one I really want. They say it runs fine, it just doesn't reverse. How much do you need reverse anyway? Just park where you don't have to back up.
So if you guys find/see/hear of any cheap cars... let me know.
I love you all.
8 laughs |
2008 26 April :: 1.52am
weird isn't it?
how you see someone you went to school with and they are pregnant.. and having twins.
seems like just yesterday we we're playing on the swings at recess.
my how time flys.
in other news, 5 days. I'm nervous about the move, but i've got a good feeling about it at the same time, i got my bill paid tonight. fuck you chase mastercard i don't owe you shit anymore!!!!!!
anywho, off to meet the sandman.
2008 25 April :: 11.56pm

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2008 25 April :: 12.36pm
probably should have posted this earlier.
tomorrow night is my going away party at jenny reed's house
BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!
call me for directions 616 835 2734
6 laughs |
2008 25 April :: 1.09am
Thing I just remembered:
When Hannah and I went to see Don Quixote, we thought during the entire ballet that this one woman was this other chick's mother. But then she suddenly marries/hooks up with this creepy guy. And she is apparently other chick's really old and ugly sister.
2008 23 April :: 10.02am
It's getting so close...the end of the semester, that is. Today is my day off...tomorrow I have KKY meetings and I get installed. I work Friday and Saturday. I have an exam on Monday morning, and two on Thursday.
Then I'm done. Well, I'll be up here for another week working...but then I'll be done. Then, back to living with the parents, going to the dentist for the first time in a year (I'm sure I have numerous cavities), getting my brakes checked out, settling in, maybe do some lounging. Who knows.
2008 23 April :: 10.38pm
okay, so the deal i made with my credit card might not happen.
i was expecting a paycheck today, boss is in chicago and won't be home till friday, fucker forgot to write me a check and now i'm missing a little more than half the money to pay my fucking bill tomorrow.
its a last chance for this. fucking stupid
2008 23 April :: 7.38pm
andy came over, we got the cutlass running, it breathed its last breath by me, then it ran out of gas.
it made me smile with it running again.
11 laughs |
2008 22 April :: 9.05pm
anyone else find this extremely attractive
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2008 22 April :: 11.30am
It's bright and sunny outside, and a bit breezy, too.
I went and met with my academic advisor this morning. I am now signed for the Bachelor of Arts in English with a probable minor in political science.
Now I get start taking four semesters of French to fulfill the language requirement. Exciting.
I have a few things left to do for the semester; namely revising a few papers and finishing my notebook assignment. I can't believe I actually wrote about parallelism in discourse. What has become of me?!?
I just finished taking my last exam in human growth and development, and I have a quiz in North American Indian Cultures at 3:30, and a final in there next week. I already turned in my creative writing portfolio so i don't have to go to that horrible class again. I also have a concert tomorrow night, and then the final KKY meeting Friday where I will be sworn in as President and finish the meeting.
So many things...but there aren't. I'm putting off revising, which I should be doing now instead of updating, because I have to re-do a works cited which is perfect by MLA standards, but not so perfect by my crazy professor's standards. Whatever. MLA never said anything about an Upload or Download date...I know that much.
So...looking ahead to next semester:
FRN 101 : Beginning Level French
ENG 332: Cultural Literary Theory
CHM 131: Chemistry I
MTH 105: Algebra
MUS 186: Band
I'm in desperate need of summer vacation.
It would also be nice to win the lottery.
2008 22 April :: 3.27am
Hey remember when I was all "no more writing papers at the last minute and no more staying up until 6 am"?
Well here I am writing a paper. I am trying to wrap it up as much as I can as I have a little time to work on it tomorrow and am pretty tired and sick of it already.
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2008 21 April :: 1.00am
"I used to think the world was broken down by tribes. By black and white. By Indian and white. But I know that isn't true. The world is only broken into two tribes: The people who are assholes and the people who are not."
Anyone else know how angry I am at myself that I did not see this man speak when I had the chance? I am quite upset. He best not keel over before I see him.
Also, how upset am I that I did not go to U of Chicago? Look at this essay prompt: "Don't play what's there, play what's not there." -- Miles Davis (1926-91)
And this one: Chicago professor W. J. T. Mitchell entitled his 2005 book "What Do Pictures Want?" Describe a picture and explore what it wants.
And my favorite: Modern improvisational comedy had its start with The Compass Players, a group of University of Chicago students, who later formed the Second City comedy troupe. Here is a chance to play along. Improvise a story, essay, or script that meets all of the following requirements:
* It must include the line "And yes I said yes I will Yes" (Ulysses, by James Joyce).
* Its characters may not have superpowers.
* Your work has to mention the University of Chicago, but please, no accounts of a high school student applying to the University–this is fiction, not autobiography.
* Your work must include at least four of the following elements:
o a paper airplane
o a transformation
o a shoe
o the invisible hand
o two doors
o pointillism
o a fanciful explanation of the Pythagorean Theorem
o a ventriloquist or ventriloquism
o the Periodic Table of the Elements
o the concept of jeong
o number two pencils
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2008 21 April :: 1.01am
Welcome back to life woohu.
2008 20 April :: 10.39pm
One paper due Tuesday. Exam for same class on Tuesday. Currently have a D+ in this class. Thank goodness I can write it in English.
One paper due on Friday. Tons of questions also due on Friday. Currently have a C in this class. Oh PS this is the one in French.
One paper was due last Friday. I stayed up all night writing it. Got maybe two hours of sleep. I do not want to do that again but here I am, not writing any papers.
Two exams next week.
Laura's birthday on Thursday. The What's Morally Wrong with Homosexuality guy is coming on Wednesday. I would like to get these things done ahead of time but I just wasted all my weekend.
I = lame ass.
I = love you all.
2008 19 April :: 12.16pm
About to go to work...again. I haven't had very many hours the past few weeks, but it seems like I've been more.
So, Thursday night I got elected President of Kappa Kappa Psi for next school year. I'm quite excited...but by now the giddiness has worn off and I'm spurting ideas through every possible orfice. gross.
Anyway, I'm trying to get enough financial aid for next year so that I won't have to work....well, I'm not exactly trying...I'm just waiting for Central to put together my financial aid package and I'm waiting for them to decide if a 3.93 is a high enough gpa to qualify me for a scholarship. hah.
Looks like it's going to be all A's this semester. Perhaps my name will be in the newspaper. That would be grand.