2005 23 August :: 12.58pm
:: Mood: Grateful And Blessed
:: Music: Latley- Samantha Mumba
I Dont Want To Love You If You Dont Love Me
I Dont Want To Need You, When You Wont Need Me Too
I Dont Want To Care About You If You Dont Care About Me
You Say That You Need Me, But You Dont Show Me.
Im So Grateful For You. What Would I Do Without You?
I Wanna Know What Your All About, Please Dont Turn Your Back On Me
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 22 August :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: estatic!
:: Music: kelly to the clarkson!
oh, dear i've missed him so very very much!!! oh i miss every single little dumb thing about him and even the things that aren't dumb lol. oh i miss singing in the car with him. oohhhhhhhh you don't realize how much you love someone until you have no contact with them for a week did you know that?!!
oh my i am a happy girl once again.
i love you all once again and thanks for anyone who put up with me if i was sad. and i love you all.
yay i love my baby!
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 22 August :: 7.53pm
I had a bad day today. Hopefully tonight will be better. :)
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 22 August :: 12.28pm
The O.C. Season 2 comes out tomorrow and guess who just bought it!?!?
Thats right. Me!
Brianna now you have to come over and finish the 1st season and then we can watch the 2nd one.
LUKE- Shut up queer!
SETH- Well at least I don't shave my chest!?
LUKE- What did you say!?
MARISSA- Luke..come on.
SETH- I just said you look nice in a sweater vest. It was a compliment. --The O.C.
7 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 22 August :: 11.55am
I know there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
You've built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems,
the feeling of belonging to your dreams.
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
And there are voices
that want to be heard.
So much to mention
but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic,
the beauty that's been
when love was wilder than the wind.
Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
Listen to your heart, mm-mmmmmm
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.
Thats my favorite song as of, right now.
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 22 August :: 11.20am
woohu.... im going to buy new scrubs.
i hate scrubs. girls at school wear scrub bottoms and think they look all hot.... if they had to wear them to work everynight i doubt they'd be so excited to wear them. i haaaaaatttee scrubs.. bahh.
i have a red flannel thing tonight on this tv show called heaven is my home... aparantly its on channel 22 or 23 and their gonna ask us questions and then air it on and off for 2 weeks... so thats cool. and then sunday we're going to WGVU to take part in their telethon thing.... and we're gonna be on tv then too. woot woot.
me and keegan watched the aristacats last night.... i love disney movies.
heyy.. does anyone know of a good place to have a birthday party? my little sister is turning 5 and we want to have a really fun party for her.... and before you say chuckie cheese.... dont. thx.
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 21 August :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: aaaaaaaaa
my feet hurt ugh.
i honestly think i'm going to go to bed right now. i'm so tired.
this was my day.
i woke up and ate some cereal and found out roman is on his way home hooooray!
i had a lot of time before church so i'm like hey i'll go for a bike ride so i leave at like 9:30 and went on my bike ride it was 6.3 miles hooray but i didn't get doen until like 10:10 yeah so i had to hurry and i did not hurry fast enough because by the time i got to church the parking lot was COMPLETELY packed and i was 5 minutes late and i didn't havfe anywhere to park and i didn't want to come in when it had already started so i left.
yeah i left. ughghg and then i cried and then i drove to long lake and went to the place where not many people go and i read my bible for a while. i swear there is some weird crap in there. hah no offense you know. and then i drove to work and i was in such a bad mood.
i 'trained" until like 3 but i was taking tables by myself anyway but jalyn got the tips and then cory gave me my own number so i took the tips myself and i made 25% of all my sales today so hooray it wasn't a lot of money but in theory it was a good tip amount. so hooray buti was on my feet for 9 fricken hours. i was at work for 9 hours! wowzers i think that's the longest i've ever been. it was n't bad i really like rosie's.
goodnight now.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 21 August :: 7.56pm
Today I slept all day. It was so nice.
Yesterday morning I went to the mall with Andrea. It took us like five hours to get there. The traffic was horriable. I was extremely tired so after the mall I went home and not even five minutes after I fell alseep, Kevin Meek calls me and wants me to go to the mall with him so even though I just got back from the mall I went anyways. I was so tired. I hadn't slept in two days straight. So we went to the mall, met up with Andrea and Brie and then I went back with them and we went to the mall again to see Dan. I was at the mall three times in one day, it was great. Then we went to a party but we didn't stay long because I was extremely tired from lacking two days of sleep so I went back to Matt and Stuarts house with Amy, Brie, and Chad. The minute I got there I walked right into Matts room and went to sleep but like an hour later everyone at the other party showed up so they kept coming into Matts room every five minutes and waking me up. They all insisted that they wanted to see/talk to me so I really didn't get that much sleep. Everyone was being loud as hell so I was listening to my iPod and I woke up and it was missing. I freaked out because if I lost it then I would be in soo much trouble but it turns out Andrea came in there and I was sleeping so she took it from me. Thank god Andrea told Stuart the truth or otherwise I would have felt even worse than I already do now. Last night when we all finally went to bed there was like six or seven of us all laying on the floor. Stuart and our friend Brock who we now call Broccoli locked Andrea and I outside. It wasn't cool at all. Stuart was mad at us because we wouldn't tell him what we talked about with Matt. It was the dumbest thing ever and we were out their for like 20 minutes just chilling on the porch with Matt. We had to two way Amy and make her wake up and let us in. Thats really all I remember about it.
Where is Fred when you need hiim!?!?
Matt: "Well if you guys don't want to come with us you have to stay here with Stuart!"
Me: "WE DO!?!??"
@ Olive Garden
Waiter: "Do you want a box for that?"
Me: "Umm *thinking* yeah...
Brie interupts: "you can bring it back for Stuart"
Me: ", no thank you"
lol what insides jokes we have brianna and andrea
8 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 21 August :: 1.40pm
i slept till 12:30 today.... it feels so good to sleep.
im trying to remember what i did yesterday..... but im drawing a blank.
ohhhh... we had the greenville parade yesterday mornin... scott and keegan came out to see us. half way through the parade sue picked up a couple of "hitch hikers" too..... laughs.
then after i got out of work me and keegan watched the wedding date.. it was gooooood. then we fell asleep... i got home around 4, slept till 12:30, had a hamburger.... found out one of my friends is "engaged to be engaged" whatever the hell that means, and now im sitting here waiting for keegan to bring me my scrub top for work tonight.
he's gotta work at logans tonight..... you should all go see him.
senate meetings wednesday and thursday.... my only 2 days off.... tears.
well... im pretty boring right now... guess i'll go.
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 20 August :: 12.03pm
That was seriously a bad idea. I hate having a cell phone for the fact that when you call I hate having to answer it but then I hate not answering because I then feel bad.
Yesterday I went to Michigans Adventure with Andrea, Brianna, and people from Andrea's work. It was fun and we went in the waterpark and it was freezing cold and there was barely anyone in the waterpark because of that. We still had fun though. After that we went to Andreas and got ready, went to Olive Garden, then we went to Stuart and Matts house for a while. Andrea stayed there but I left at like 3am to go to hang out with Kevin. I don't even know whos house it was but we stayed the night their and watched Old School. We didn't go to sleep until 7am and I haven't slept in two days. I'm extremely tired.
Today I'm going to the mall with Andrea and later Chris's party.
I really don't have anything else to say so I'll get going now.
2 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 20 August :: 7.52am
greeeeat... the greenville parade is this morning and is raining.. bahh.
we saw the 40 year old virgin last night, it was really funny. i liked wedding crashers better... but it was pretty good.
then we got back to keegans and for an hour and a half went through clothes and priced them for their garage sale today... the rain helps for THAT too.. damn rain.
i need to finish school shopping. i just dont feel like it. im all shopped out.
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 19 August :: 9.03pm
anyone wanna fucking hang out with me ? beans i love you and as soon as you left i'm crying like a little pussy becau;sdlkuasdkl;fjasd;kj al;sjdfasdjgsjkdl jkslgjkasdklgjskdgjlskdjgsgggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaasdf
i am in a really fucknig bad mood once a fucking gain anyone wanna take a fucking guess whayas;dlfkjasdg;lksdjg god i'm gonna go run my fucking car off a bridge go fuck your self every single fucking one of you i fucking hate you all
does anyone wanna buy a fucking i pod. i need fucking money
fuck you all.
6 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 19 August :: 3.13pm
I was wondering who has been a T.A. before and for what teacher.
I want to know who I should choose to T.A. for next year, so let me know anything you can.
10 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 19 August :: 12.31pm
my computer is toooooooo slow.
i am now without a user pic. till i can get to keegans because he has a good comp. bahh. well, which is tonight.. but still.
NOTE TO SELF: dont ever leave your car at his house with the hopes that he'll beable to get you back to it. he has no self control when it comes to sleeping... hmph. awww but he's so cute when he sleeps.
i have to work the next 4 days in a row.... AND our hours got cut. people keep dying at metron... we need to go to a grocery store or bingo tournament and recruit more old people... maybe that'd solve the problem. you never know.
i really SHOULD go work on the goodbye letter for the post that i assured sue was nearly done..... mehhh. i dont want to! i still have a month left! its not over yet! *cries.... im going through denial. i ALSO dont know who all is trying out for red flannel this year... so if anybody knows... leave me a comment pleeaaaasssee. and good luck to all futrue prospects! mmmm..... here comes the sadness again.
blueberry pancakes sound good.
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 10.59pm
Describe your family:: | pass | How do you deal with your hair?: | whatever | Your first job:: | arbys'.. or no, the farm | What kind of student were/are you?: | i was a straight A now i'm like b's and a's and the occasional C | How often do you go to the movies?: | like once or twice a month | Have you had to move before?: | yeah once in 2nd grade | Do you have any regrets right now?: | kinda not big ones really | Do you think it is okay to date someone you met online?: | after meeting them in peson yeah | Who was the worst teacher that you ever had?: | jenson haha | Who do you admire?: | well it was tammy but now i dont know !! other than that probably roman for the way he can deal with things and his confidence and he doesn't give up | What do you want to be when you grow up?: | neonatel nurse | What things really irritate you?: | gah......... | Dumbest thing you've ever done: | backed out really fast when i was crying and hit a car and then ... yeah i'll just stop there. | What would you change about the world?: | mean ass people would not be here | Have you ever had to go to the hospital?: | yeah | Have you been to another country?: | no | What are your interests?: | i duno | What are you afraid of?: | the nightmares i've been having | Do you attend church regularly?: | yeah | What was the worst date you've ever been on?: | duno | What do you think about the war in Iraq?: | stupid and pointless | What was the worst moment of your life?: | ..... | How do you cope when you are upset?: | cry and kick windsheilds and break them | What is your favorite thing to eat?: | duno | Bad habits of yours: | eating bad and swearing |
Discuss Your Life Survey brought to you by Bzoink
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 10.52pm
yeah well fuck this.. but whatever
about you ....very long | Created by xxxStephi540xxx and taken 86 times on Bzoink | Basics... | whats your full name: | jmw | nicknames : | baby , pookie, pappy | age : | 17 | birthday : | whatever | location : | mi | hair color : | brown | eye color : | blue | height : | 5-1 | weight : | ajs;dlfkjsl;fkaj!! | do you think ur hot : | no | do others find you hot : | roman | Which friend is... | best friends : | roman jess and jess | Drugie : | duno, ryan? | quitest : | hmmmm i duno | funniest : | all | loudest : | dani | Craziest : | jess h | funest when high : | duno | annoying : | a | coolest : | all | easiest to talk to : | roman | most trustin : | roman and beans | loyal : | beans jess jess roman dani | Have you ever... | smoked a cigarette : | yeah | a cigar : | no | weed : | no | got drunk : | no | got fucked up really bad : | no | had sex : | asdj;sldk | been in love : | yeah | had a three some : | no | kissed a member of the same sex : | no | cheated on ur bf/gf : | no | broken a bone : | yeah | cut yourself : | a;sldfkj | cried yourself to sleep : | yeah | wanted to die : | yeah | been to a party : | sure | been in the hospiltal : | yeah | Do you.. | have a crush : | on roman | have a bf/gf : | yeah | get high often : | no | sing in the shower : | yeah | sleep with a stuffed animal : | yeah | like to travel : | not the traveling part but the being there part | wanna get married : | yeah | have kids : | no but want them | Are you... | straight : | yeah | gay : | no | bisexual : | no | hot : | no | Caring : | yeah | Sweet : | yeah | loyal : | yeah | loving : | yeha | Bitchy : | yeah | Slutty : | no | Flirty : | yeah | First things that comes to mind when you hear... | red : | mad | blue : | sad | blood : | shoot | death : | dead | pink : | pretty | punk : | spiky hair | prep : | bitch | boy : | roman | girl : | jalyn | smart : | beans/spud | dumb : | donna | razor : | shower | you hate what... | color : | ..none | TV show : | most | movie : | duno | letter : | asdlfadf | number : | asdf | name : | why | boy : | does | girl : | anyone | song : | care | Favorites... | color : | pink | movie : | um i cant' .. remember... | tv show : | i duno | music : | everything | song : | right now cherish | band : | your mom | name : | sephia | childhood memory : | pssssssssssh. | animal : | swan | drink : | water | food : | junk | candy : | m and ms | store : | old navy at the moment | themepark : | cedar point | waterpark : | whatever | tv theme song : | um duno | number : | 2 | letter : | .. | scent : | roman | ice cream : | cookie dough | vacation spot : | duno | season : | summer/warm weather | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to Bzoink
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 5.37pm
:: Music: Ali- Breathe In, Breathe Out
Do The Chicken. BUCKAH. Do The Chicken.
-K. Loye
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 4.32pm
:: Mood: bored
Well, how is everybody doing?, thats good to hear. I'm doing pretty good actually. Things aren't the best, but they could be a lot worse. Last weekend I went to Tyler Mull's party. That was quite the blast.....from what i remember. Then Friday night i went with Lee Armstrong, Danny Rector, and Jake Holland to The Grill. That was a lot of fun too. But then we got kicked out because of a fight. But it wasn't our fault, so its all good. Then saturday i went with Lance up to Howard City and went to Amanda's work. It was the first time i saw her in like almost 2 years. She still looks good. Still as pretty as she was last time i saw her. I miss hanging out with her. We talk every now and then, but we never get to hang out and it makes me sad. But hey, what can ya do. I've been working and keeping busy lately also.
I have more to say, but i have to say it later cause i have to go cause i'm at work.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 2.45pm
:: Music: Goodbye To You
I don't really have anything new to talk about so I'll just re-cap this week.
Sunday & Monday I was at Lisas
Tuesday I went to Bries house then Andrea, Jordan, Brie, and I all went to Matt and Stuarts house and hung out with their neighbors and Rich Chapman. They live on 28th street. We stayed the night there and hung out. It was wild and crazy but extremely fun.
Wednesday morning we got back to Bries house and slept for like 3 hours and then we came over to my house and watched The 1st season of The O.C. and then Kevin Meek came over and we went to Kevin Drumms and hung out with a bunch of people there. We came back to my house at midnight and we started watching more episodes of The O.C. and Brianna is still upstairs watching them now as I speak!!
Today were (Brie, Dan, Andrea, and I) are going to Stuarts and Matts and were staying the night.
Tomorrow I'm going to Michigan Adventures with Andrea and some other people.
Saturday I'm going to Chris's party and thats really all I know for the weekend.
I've waited so long to finally feel this way. Anyways I have to go because I want to watch The O.C. "Im happy which never used to be an accomplishment"
MuCh Love-Ashley*
3 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 1.16pm
I love my life... except my mom pissed me off today which doesn't happen very often.
you know, just when the way someone says something to you sets you off? well she did that.
I borrowed her CD player a couple weeks ago and then she got pissed at me because she forgot to get it back... It's like she's not mad until she remembers to be, and then is double mad because she forgot to be mad and somehow it's all my fault.
cheers gents
1 ..chose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 12.21pm
i hate cleaning... i get distracted to easily.
went to blues last night... totally got hit on by the guys in the olive express.... even got a discount on my lemonade... ooooh yeah.
scott came down, and i talked to wyatt quite a bit... what a doll he is. i talked to yancy too... always a plus. i love how i can talk to him so easily about anything.... sighs* if only everything was perfect.. he'll never fully grow up though.
KEEGANS here..... gotta go... i love seeing his car pull up the driveway.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 17 August :: 12.58pm
:: Mood: jealous
[How I Feel... Within A Song]
I couldn't tell you
Why she felt that way
She felt it everyday
I couldn't help her
I just watched her make
The same mistakes again
What's wrong, what's wrong now
Too many, too many problems
Don't know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to go home but nobody's home
That's where she lies broken inside
No place to go, no place to go
To dry her eyes broken inside
Open your eyes
And look outside
Find the reason why
You've been rejected
And now you can't find
What you left behind
Be strong, be strong now
Too many too many problems
Don't know where she belongs
Her feeling she hides
Her dream she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's fallen behind
She can't find her place
She's losing her faith
She's fallen from grace
She's all over the place
She's lost inside
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 18 August :: 12.03am
maybe i'm just a mean mean little girl.
well other people wouldn't think so , so if you do, then you suck. i love you but you suck i didn't do anything wrong.
i wanna go cry/die/eat a pie now.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2005 17 August :: 8.23pm
so uh boyfriend o' mine.... gonna call me anytime soon? gonna even let me know if you even fricken MADE it to Florida. orr......maybe you'll just chill and let me worry.
ugh. k i was doing good but i am starting to get annoyed now.
2 ..chose the best times |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..