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:: 2006 20 January :: 7.19pm

Don't tell anyone, but...
Ashley is a ROBOT!

10 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 20 January :: 3.23pm

I feel like death.

Edit>> I guess I'm going to Ashley's now so we can be sick together, lol. We're gonna watch movies and just enjoy the germs filling up the room. :)

I think my voice will be completely gone by tomorrow.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 20 January :: 1.32pm

Last night I was in the hospital again. I was actually going to explain everything thats going on, but now I don't really feel like wasting my time. If you're important then i'll let you know what happened.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait until I can go back to school next week.

I probably wont ever say that again.


:: 2006 18 January :: 8.48pm
:: Mood: Sad*

January 18, 2006* :(
Holla Dawgs! Lol. I’m turning GaNsTa. Rachael is making me this way, haha.

Anywhooo: so this past weekend definitely didn’t turn out the way that I had planned since like last Monday haha, BUT it still was a good weekend. Friday, the game, I had sooo much fun. As everyone knows by now, we beat Sparta. I ended up going to the game with Kyrstal and Alex because Rachael had to work… blah. Then after that I went over to Krystals for a while then left and came home and did absolutely nothing. What a wonderful Friday huh lol? Saturday, I so didn’t even wake up or even start getting dress for anything until like 2:30. It was awesome. But Saturday afternoon(ish) I went over to David’s and we watched movies. Then Steven come over there. Definitely haven’t seen him in awhile. Then I left David’s and came home at about 11:30ish. Sunday I did like nothing and Monday we didn’t have school thank gosh. I don’t remember, it was either Sunday or Monday that I went and seen my lovely Ashley. She’s sick and I love her so I brought her a flower and ice cream. I went over to Kevin N Lee’s for a bit, then hung out with Rachael for a little bit on Tuesday because we had a snow day and it wasn’t even snowing haha, and I seen her puppy Mya! Awwwwwww, is all I have to say. I’m gunna take a picture of her next time I see her and post it because she is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

And well today… school. I friggen hate school. I’m trying to get switched out of my first hour (sorry Amanda), but it doesn’t seem to be working out and its pissing me off. But yeah so today after school I went and seen Ashley again because I missed her. This week is gunna suck without her. She’s writing me a note tomorrow though and putting it in my locker when she comes in to get her homework, yay lol. Oh and tomorrow im going back over to ashleys just because… I can and we need to finish our movie that we started watching today… “Red Eye”. So yeah this weekend don’t really have anything planned just yet. Probably game on Friday. Saturday I don’t have a clue. Sunday… mmmh maybe hanging out with David, not sure. And so yeah that’s all I got really.

Leave Comments Bitches.<3


Happy Birthday Sara! (On Friday)


R.I.P James Fitzgerald. Kari Ann I Love You And Im Always Here For You Hun. You Know The Digits.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 18 January :: 6.59pm

Today was a long long day. I haven't slept very much today. I had a lot of friends come over to visit me :) I love them. They're too sweet.

Now my sleeping schedule is off track. At around 3:30 am my mom wakes me up to so I can take my medicine. I fall back asleep. Then at 7:30am she comes and wakes me up again so I can take more medicine. I sometimes get up and go visit everyone who's getting ready for work and school or sometimes I just fall back asleep. I sleep until around 11:30 when she wakes me up again. I get up..she makes me eat something..I watch a movie...I sleep until 3:30..usually by then someones here to see me..I see them for a while...I usally sleep some more..wake up..i'm forced to eat..I watch tv for a while then I sometimes fall asleep and at 11:30 before my mom goes to bed she wakes me up again and makes me take more medicine...

Haha im going to be addicted now.

I pretty much didn't do that at all today so tonight's probably going to be rough.

I'm going into my 3rd hour (drama) for like 20 minutes just so I can talk to H and see what I'm going to do about the play and I have to get all my homework from the rest of my teachers. Ugh..

Josh's letter he wrote me was so cute. I'm so sad for him. He has to face Ms. Eilola alone...oh well things happen. I'll write his letter tonight, and I can't forget to write Lisa's and Kelli's too.

When I got my picture taken for my license the lady was like "you could have at least smiled" since I was complaining about me looking horriable and then she said that and I just wanted to slap her and be like "umm maybe you should shut the fuck up I have mono and I've been in the hospital" and then I also just wanted to lick her or something so then she'd get mono too.

Anyways I don't really have much to say and too many people are talking to me and my brain still can't function very well and im getting too confused so I can't do all this at once.

~mCaLa~ says:
bummer....so H found out today, did u hear this story yet?
*ASH*-forget the things we swore we meant <3 says:
*ASH*-forget the things we swore we meant <3 says:
~mCaLa~ says:
oh...well he was in shock..he's like "are you serious? lil one has mono?" we're all like "umm..yea" he let out a yell..lol

Hope this was fast enough Stacy!!

<3 ashley

8 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 18 January :: 6.54pm

so i figured out what i hate so incredibly much

and i would never do that to any of you so i really hope karma comes back to you to get you what you deserve.


1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 18 January :: 3.52pm

Today turned out all right. I didn't exactly start the morning off well, but I tried to get over it and just get through the day.

Last night was a lot of fun. I went shopping for some people, then hung out with Lisa, Chris, and Devin. I love how whenever Devin and I hang out we never do anything, but we still end up laughing the entire time and just having fun. And nooo, we're not dating, just to clear that up for some people who've been asking. I just love being around him and we're good friends. I mean do you really have to be dating to have sex? Really now, ahahaha.. I crack myself up.

So, I get to Econ today and we get our tests back... 102% BIOTCH.
I cannot believe it. I was $7,000 off, when we were only allowed to be $1,000 off! Did he just not notice?! Ahaha.. hey, I am not complaining. I am passing that class and I'm extremely happy about it.
I am excited for the new semester simply because that class is OVER.

Anyway, Dani's going to be getting me and we're gonna go visit poor Ashley in hopes of making her feel better!

Today was good. I need to just remember I have so much to look forward to and stop living in the past. It's over and I need to accept that. Hey, I'm working on it.

Oh, and Jess.. thanks for the poem. It made me smile, haha. I love you, my bitch. :)

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 18 January :: 1.22pm

I miss someone that doesn't even exist anymore.


:: 2006 17 January :: 11.23pm

I'm not really mad at you. I just don't think you meant what you said. You lied to me and from now on I can no longer believe anything you say.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 17 January :: 10.50pm

That kid is great and he deserves people to give him a chance.

Why do people judge on looks all of the time?
Try to understand a person for once.

I'm just pissed and surprised.

Ya know what? He's an awesome kid. And I'm sorry that you don't see that. Just because someone isn't like you doesn't mean that there's something wrong with them. It means they're different and that's it.

I'm so fed up with all these people. Just, grow the fuck up. Being shallow will get you no where.

Ughh.. I don't even know. Nothing I say can express how entirely mad I am. Just.. change how you look at people. CHANGE. No, you're not perfect.

You're far from it.

Edit>> No, RON I am NOT talking about a retard or deformed person. He's normal!


:: 2006 17 January :: 10.14pm

lol hahaha omg. jess i have something to tell you. omg............. rarr.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 17 January :: 1.59pm
:: Music: Bob Dylan - Blowing in the Wind

Everything reminds me of you.
Days like today are hard.

I hate memories.

Some times I wish they could all just go away.
Yeah, it's better to have loved and lost or whatever the fuck.
But, it's not easier. And I miss you every day and think about you every day. I just want you back. To this day I'd still take you back.
And that is pathetic and sad.

It wasn't like that for a while and now it is again.

I'm trying to be strong. Sometimes it works other times it just does't.

I wish I could throw all of what I remember in your face so you could miss me like I miss you. Did you just forget? Does it just not matter to you? Did it ever matter? I have a million questions that I'll never know the answer to.

I just want it to be over with.

When will it all be over with?

Nevermind. It makes no difference.


:: 2006 17 January :: 1.26pm

That's what I want.


:: 2006 17 January :: 12.57pm

I love YOU freezing rain.

Having the day off is nice, but I am awfully bored. It's quite all right though, I'll take a day of boredom to have a three day week.

When will we sing a new song, a new song? We're all asking the same damn question, POD. You suck and all your music sounds the same.

Bah. I can't wait for this year to be over. One more semester. I can't believe it. I'm a senior! Crazy. I really wish I could figure out what I am doing after High School though.

I'll get it.

Econ better be my only class with exams this week or I'm gonna have to kill a bitch.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 17 January :: 11.40am

damn ice. im greatful school was canceled... but if it would have been snowing i would have checked the weather BEFORE i got ready (well ready as in washed my face and brushed my teeth.... but STILL awake enough to be angry about getting up) this is ridiculous. middle of winter and it rains. psh.

i was watching the news this morning....

"a chocolate new orleans?" are you kidding me! why is it that racism starts at the top of the chain?! pathetic.

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 January :: 9.10pm

okay, is this odd?

"It's no exaggeration to say that the pain and desperation of cluster headaches have actually led to suicides."

...orrrrr what? lol. i'm dumb sorry.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 January :: 2.49pm

Stop doing this. It's getting so annoying. You don't get that.

Everythings about you. It's always about you. You think the world revolves around you. You're selfish and I can't stand it any longer. Maybe you should just listen to yourself. I think we were right.

You just made everything a lot easier for me, so thank you for pretty much proving everything we thought.

My dad and Kelli are coming to see me tonight :)

Aww yesterday I got flowers and then today I got more!!

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 January :: 11.20am

oh my gawd. lol....

i love you and i dont care who knows it :0)
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jeez louise. i'm in love with you.

(Jess you know i'll really really miss you. But) I can't wait for everything to start.

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 16 January :: 1.00am
:: Music: Pink Floyd - Hey You

I have decided that Big Nasty is easily the coolest person on this earth.
I mean he fucking turned his room mates room into a bike course and has bike races. How does that not make you cool? I want to live with that kid for the rest of my life. Not because I have some crush on him or any shit like that, I just love to hear him talk, haha.

Anyway, this weekend was awesome, yet incredibly lame at the same time.

The laser light show was cool.

I am sick and I need sleep. I hope it's not the plague.

I miss you, Ashley! Get better soon, my dear.

Night assholes.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 15 January :: 10.20pm

i LOVE every other saturday...... they're always perfect. ALWAYS, and yesterday was no exception. i say everyother saturday because i dont work every other saturday and keegan never works saturdays.. so we get to be together all day long.

we're both semi broke right now.. so for most the day we just lounged around his house. i got teh 8th season of friends, his mom made one of my favorite dinners (tatertot caserole) and it was just nice to be home all day. then we met stacy, dani, dustin, devin, and brandi downtown and saw that pink floyd laser show at the planetarium (sp). which was most deffinately an acid trip... lol. i dont think you get the full effect if you're not stoned.... which heaven knows we werent... laughs* but it was pretty cool. WAY to much stimulation for the eyes though. ouuuch. after that me and keegan went to oasis which was wonderful. we got there around 12 and had the greek room reserved which i've been wanting to see since prom last year. it was amazing. (keegan popped his OTHER shoulder out of joint a few days ago.. so its been pretty sore.. hense us going to oasis and me having an "excuse" to get a new bathing suit.... giggles) but yeah... it was awesome. i thought it was an indoor room, but we walked in and theres murals all over the walls and a fire place and statues.... but no ceiling. it was just beautiful. the perfect end to the perfect night. then we went home and fell asleep and got up this morning to go to a new church. we're looking for a church. we went to Sparta babtist this morning... which was nice, but we wanna try a bunch of different ones.. so if you have an suggestions... comment. we're looking for a contemporary service with contemp. music. and we're not looking to become involved with a youth group... just sundays.

everything just feels so right. not only are we going on 14 strong months.. but we're still so incredibly happy. never have we almost "broke up", because we're mature enough to handle our arguments. i've never felt this way before. EVER. i thought i did once... i though THAT was love... and i couldnt have been more wrong. now, i find myself falling in love with my best friend... and although its a process that may take anywhere from a month to a couple years to fully develop... im looking so forward to that moment that i've been dreaming of my whole life.. where i can look that ONE person in the eyes express that age old 3 letter phrase that people have been saying since the dawn of time.

we're so on track with eachother. and i think its awesome that we're growing spiritually together.

*smiles* i admire you!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 15 January :: 9.50pm

today was so hectic but everything turned out great. i love roman so much. i am so lucky.

we are so lucky.

and jess i totally freakin love you. we both do lol

1 ..chose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 15 January :: 7.40pm

Okay so I'm going to try to make this short because I'm about to fall asleep.

Last night I woke up around 4am and I started crying because I couldn't breathe or swallow any liquids. My mom gave me some kind of medicine to calm me down and it wouldn't help so we went to the hospital. When I got there they told her I was dehydrated and they gave me a breathing mask and they tried putting an IV in my arm, but they couldn't find a good vein so they had to keep trying. I was getting so pissed because it hurt so bad. Finally they found one and they had a huge bag of some kind of liquids connected to my IV. They said it would take over an hour to get it pumped into my IV and into me and then they put Steriods *sp* into my IV to take down the swelling of my glands so I could breathe better and apparently I'm allergic to w/e kind it was and I had a major allergic reaction. I almost passed out and then I got all these weird pains everywhere and it felt like someone was stabbing me with all these tiny needles so I was screaming and crying and I really don't even remember what happend after that because they gave me something and it pretty much knocked me right out. I was so scared though. My machines I was hooked to were beeping and I hated being on a stretcher. I seriously felt like I was going to die. Anyways I don't know if I said it or not, but I do have mono so I probably will be out of school for a while. Who knows what's going to happen. I think when my dad walked into my hospital room it scared the crap out of him. When he seen me he just kept looking at everything I was hooked up to and all the IV's and he was like "God this is awful" and I can tell he felt bad because he isn't going to be here for me since he's leaving for Pittsburg tomorrow morning. Oh well though. My mom has to pretty much force me to eat and drink. I can't even stay awake long enough to eat anything, but the doctors said that I have to because all the medicine I'm on right now will make me sick if I don't. But I'm getting too tired so i'm going to go take a nap.

Thanks Stacy, Dani, and Dustin for coming to visit me today. It was awesome. I <3 you!


Oh yeah and Stacy I don't know why I was thinking about this, but when you seen me today where did you say I looked like I came from..idk it was some movie or something...haha I don't remember what you said, but it made me laugh at the time when you said it.

3 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 14 January :: 5.19pm

no not really. i'm already eating a sandwich. i'm done pretending thanks

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 14 January :: 3.46pm

so ive come to the conclusion that i really really really really really really really really really really like oysters....... strange and as weird as they are... i like em


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 14 January :: 1.12pm
:: Music: Pink Floyd

Nothing interesting.
I'm going to Spring Hill. So, let me know if you're going and if you know anyone else that is. It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious.

Anyway.. I am excited for the laser light show tonight. I've never been to one, I hope it's cool.

Edit>> If you got senior pictures, I'd like one pleeeaassee. Even if we're not like really good friends. People tend to forget to give me a picture. *angry face

6 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 13 January :: 10.07pm

Tonight was fun.
I hung out with Sammie, Leah, and Courtany. We met up with a bunch of random guys I didn't know. It was pretty damn awkward, because they were all churchy and the girls there like hated us. But, Tim was cool. Like.. yeah.. I want to get to know Tim.. hahaha. Yeah.. let's just leave it at that. Ok, he's SEXY. I said it. There.

Anyway, I like hanging out with old friends and getting to know new people. It's so crazy how I seem to make new friends every week. I love it. I'm sad that it wasn't like this sooner.

Mishy.. it BETTER have been me. Cross your fingers for me, ahaha. Maybe we can watch Batman Begins and HIYA sometime. :)

Tomorrow is gonna be fun.

I really need to figure myself out.

2 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 13 January :: 4.02pm

ughghghhghg i think i hate myself. maybe i should stop being a bitch to everyone. well you dont know anyway

4 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 13 January :: 3.12pm

I missed school again today. I've been sick for the past few days, but this morning it was really bad. I woke up at around 3:30am and I had a fever, I thought I was going to throw up, I couldn't breathe, etc so I just started bawling and this morning I wanted to go to school, but then my mom seen me and she wouldn't let me go. We went to the doctors and at first they tested me for strep throat and it came back negative and the doctor said there is also a differen't kind that I could possiably have that doesn't show up on tests, but since they weren't sure they wanted to test me for mono and draw my blood and get a blood count. So anyways my mom and I are sitting there in the doctors office and then my mom was talking on her phone and they have a sign saying that you have to turn your phone off and we were waiting for the lady to come in to draw my blood and I thought my doctor said her name was Dino, but her name was really Dina and anyways I was being completely serious at this time because I seriously thought it was her name and i'm like "Mom, put your phone away, Dino will be here soon" and my mom just busted out laughing and she's like "Dino? Dino is a dinosaur! Her name is Dina, not Dino" and so then I was laughing because thats what I thought her name was and then all of the sudden she walked in and my mom hurried and put her phone away and she hung up while she was talking to my sister and I was laughing hysterically because I knew "Dina" was going to walk in and so then my mom goes "oh sure you laugh about it now but wait until the needle goes in" and she was trying to cover up and make it sound like I wasn't laughing at the lady and then I kept laughing still at how dumb my mom sounded and how she was lying lol. So I was pretty pissed off that they had to draw my blood because I'm scared of needles and it wasn't as bad as I thought but they don't know what I have until Monday. It really sucks because I'll fall asleep and when I wake up I always feel worse than I did before I fell asleep and I just start bawling again. It hurts so bad. I hate this. I hope that I don't have mono because I'm pretty sure I wont be at school for a long long time....

5 ..chose the best times | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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