2004 17 July :: 11.08am
:: Mood: Happeh? ^-^;
:: Music: The sounds of the Washing Machine -- Gramma's House Rock
My Week of Stuff
HEY! Guess what? I'm aliiiiive! xD Yeah, I got to Gramma Em's last night and they have a rather steady, cock-sure connection.
If you know what I mean.
Anywayssss.. Where was I? Umn.. Today's Saturday.. we left on.. Monday. So I'll go back to Monday.
:: Monday, July 12 ::
All was well, and we got up. We packed slowly to leave, and finally, we did. The car ride was good, though I kept thinking I'd get squashed by all the stuff in the back next to me.
We stopped short in town to get some ice cream, which was GEWD! And then our journey continued, through the woods, to grandmother's house we go.
So's we get there, and there's a quick spurt of rain. We're chased into our house by the weather, and a little dog named Skeeter. Skeeter belonged to the neighbours, whom we leaving the next day, to my despair.
They'd been there a couple of weeks, and had a 14 year old daughter whom was bored as pants! Blargh, oh well. So we cart all our stuff inside and went to our respective places. Gram and Gramp got their usual room, the boys got upstairs, and I got the room across from gram and gramp, which has the hand-made bunk bed.
It's pretty cool, but it was kinda creepin', 'cause the one on top was slanting downwards, yanno?
I got ahold of the piano, and tapped away at it. It's old, and out of tune. The keys stick, and make my fingers hurt at times, but that's okay, 'cause I'm not too shabby at that old piano.
What'd I do all day.. er.. I can hardly remember.. I have short-term memory loss from.. er... what was the cause again?
Anyways, we were there all day, I think it was either cloudy or storming, but yeah. Mi grandma and I went out that night, went into town.
There was some crazy fog all over the place, man. There was this one patch, we didn't even see it coming, but when we got in the middle of it, we couldn't see ONE damn THING! And I'm not even kidding, you could NOT see through this stuff. We crept out slowly, 'cause we didn't want any crashes, but continud on our way.
We stopped at the movie rental store, picking out Secondhand Lions and Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights is the best movie ever. They have the clean version on sometimes on ABC Family, but otherwise, you'll want the actual one, 'cause the clean version cuts quite a bit of the good stuff out.
So yeah, Secondhand Lions wasn't too shabby, but gram and gramp couldn't stay awake for it. We went asleep again, and I freaked out silently in the crazy quiet.
But yeah, so, we went to sleep, and let me tell you..
You are blind as a bat in that dark!
I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or not! It was so black, I thought I was staring at the back of my eyelids each time I blinked!
Not to mention how quiet it is, it's crazy quiet.. That type of quiet that makes people go insane, because the smallest sound is magnified by 1 million! I thought I heard some one standing in my door way, rasping away, but found it was my grampa's BREATHING acrost the hall!
Gawd, that's just.. the bad quiet..
Anyways, let's move on.
:: Tuesday July 13 ::
By this time, I had found the "Teach Yourself Piano" book and was working dilligently. We had to go into town again, but that's not the point.
That movie rental place kinda screwed 'cause the movies had to be back by 8 pm the next day, but that gave Gram and I an excuse to run away for about half an hour. So I worked at the piano, rewound the tapes, and we were off.
We get the Floydean's (the movie place), return the movies, and hunt for new ones. This time, we picked out.. err.. Hallow's End, which SUCKED times SEVEN, annnd.. umn.. I don't remember, but it was better than Hollow's End.
You see, this movie actually had a great plot, and the scary stuff was rather real-looking, they just strayed from their path.
You see, it's about this frat who always holds a haunted house on Halloween, and their haunted houses are always the manical shiz. They even have a donater of decorations, named Pumpkin Jack. He's all cool and halloween-ee and what not, but this year he leaves a book of the Devil with the kids.
The one evil witchee chick gets ahold of it, puts a spell on the haunted house so everyone's turned into what they dressed up as, you know? Sounds cool, right? You know, they're all killing people and what not, see, that would be cool.
But closer to the beginning, they TOTALLY strayed from the path of the GOOD movie and made it a STUPID one by having all the teenies being SEX CRAZED LOONIES! >.<
Though.. that's how teens really are, you didn't need to put it.
ANYWAYS, what REALLY killed the movie was the LESBIAN SEX SCENE! >.<;;;;;;;;; I was watching this with my LITTLE BROTHERS, and thank god Dave new to fast-forward. God..
That pissed me off.
They'll be.. hearing from something.. or other.
Anyways, Gram and I went to the store, disreguarding the severe storm warning, and when we get out.. BOOM! CRASH! RAIN! >.>;;
But yeah, we ran to the car, got totally SOAKED anyways, but went home laughing.
We watched the movie that I can't name 'cause I don't remember, and went to sleep.
:: Wednesday July 14 ::
HA! Got pretty good at the piano, and stuff like that. I played Rum with my granparents, my little brothers being either outside, or with their gameboys. They're addicting, but not THAT much.
We talked to my mom a few times whilst at the cabin, but each time, reception was bad. Gram doesn't have a land line, so we were using her cellular device. Yeap, sooo..
We went to the movie store, this time, Dave came, well, everybody came, but only Dave, gram, and I went in. We returned and picked out Beverly Hills Ninja, and The Robin Hood Gang, then went to the Elk park.
It was pretty cool, this large encasement of elk, deer, lambs, and what not. After that, we stopped by Alpenfest, which was pretty splendiferous.
The boys bought their little gun-thingies, and I got a awesome bracelet. Too cool, was it. Well, it still is. I'm not wearing it at the moment, but I know where it is, and yeah, okay.
After that, we stopped by a restuarant, just barely getting in 'cause the flipped the sign right as we got out of the car. We did get in, fortunately, and the food was GOOD. I mean, GOOD. So good, we had to get some dessert! Which we didn't finish, but took home.
We went to pay, and learned they DIDN'T TAKE CREDIT CARDSSS! o.o;;;;;;;;
You can tell where this is going, right?
Too bad.
Grampa had to go out.. and.. GET HIS CHECK BOOK! AHHH! Which was in... THE CARRRR! WHAHHAHH!
Yeah, soo, we payed, and went home. Watched Beverly Hills Ninja, giggled, went to bed.
:: Thursday July 15 ::
Got up, called dad, sang happy birthday. He didn't pick up, so we left it as a message. I'm sure it was just splendiferous ~rolls her eyes~
Blah. Anyways, we went in, watched The Robin Hood Gang. It was cute, about 2 boys and a bank robber, of course. The boys find the money, spend it on stuff, give the stuff to people, and end up giving the rest of the money to this one outrageously, almost evicted family so their daughter can have heart surgery.
The robber finds the boys, threatens their lives, gets his ass kicked, and there you go. So hum-bo to them.
I made choco-chip cookies, went crazy, and poked two holes in either side of the egg; blew the yolk out, made the cookies, painted the egg, and FWOOH!
Painted egg shell!
I left it at the cabin, so it could be all cool on the shelf.
The cookies were gone quickly, only because they were GOOD, and stuff like that....
We went to Floydean's and returned, then picked up The Fifth Element.
THAT, my friends, was a pretty good movie! I'm not all up and stuff for action, but that one was cool. You'd have to see it to get it, but Lelu was KICK ASS, MAN!
Yeap, so, after that, we got all packed up and went to sleep.
:: Friday July 16 ::
We left maybe around 1 to embark on the journey to Grammly's. We got there about 3, and Gram and Gramp hung out for a while, drank some coffee, and were on their way.
I slowly edged to the computer to get my fix (I'm like the crack-addict breaking out of rehab or something o.0;) and soon was enraveled in a Cowboy Bebop RP on Yahpp (What can I say? ^-^;)
But yeah, we had dinner, watched a movie, though I stole a shower whilst they movied. Thank god for showers. I hadn't had one since we'd left Gramma Sally's REAL house, so it was like.. what? 4? 5 days?
I didn't smell bad, I just felt kinda grody. Ew.
I caught the Middle-to-End of Sinbad, coming in on the Siren part. That part's awesome. I love the music.
After that, we went to bed. It took a while, but we finally fell asleep.
:: Today, the 17 ::
And HERE I AM! Whewwww! Donche love me?
Well, I think I'm gonna internet somewhere else. If you got Yahoo, IM me at miho_grand_evil, see ya!
Luvvles ^.~
"And why should the people listen to you?"
"Because, unlike other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent."
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2004 16 July :: 7.24pm
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2004 15 July :: 3.28pm
new guitar strings, lighter gauge than normal...
.12 down to .10...i know its crazy
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2004 15 July :: 11.37am
:: Music: Pink Floyd - The Wall (the album)
Wireless came about 20 minutes ago and it is now set up completely, with only one wire visible for the dsl modem. AirTunes works great, the network works great, everything is great. I smiled once again when I opened the packaging, I just love the way apple packages its products, it's very modern I guess you could say. Whatever it is, I like it and it makes me smile.
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2004 13 July :: 3.54pm
Just found out that AirportExpress should be here Friday afternoon! And they said it wouldn't even ship until Friday. That's kinda cool and hopefully the plans for saturday with the Apple Powerbook get together will go through as planned.
8 don't really. |
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2004 12 July :: 1.42pm
:: Mood: Contented ^-^
:: Music: Talking
Another update before I'm gonnnne! ^-^;;;
Howdy, all. Wellll, yanno, I last update Friday, so.. we'll talk about Saturday.
:: Saturday, July 10 ::
Didn't get up too early, and I had to awake quickly, for we were going to see a movie with my fair Uncle Rob. We learned there was going to be a child trade off between Rob and my g-parentals, so the boys and I formulated a plan to sneak out the back of the car so our little cousins wouldn't see us. 'Cause if they did, they'd start crying and be a handful for poor gramma and grandpa. So we snuck, and tucked, and ran, and waited at the 'plex for Rob. We got our tickets to Dodgeball, a jumbo popcorn, 4 sodas, and went on our way to the movie. We mised like.. the first 2 minutes, but it was nothing horrible.
So's we sat there for the duration, and had our laughs. Dodgeball in all was a pretty good movie.. But the ending could of been WAY better. I won't spoil it for you, but whoever companies produced it must be kind of loosing their 'good-ending touch'. Ah, well, what can you do?
After the movie, Rob drove us to Gramma's, in which we hung out for a while 'til the girls went home for a nap. These darling girls, I love them to death. The twins, who arrre... 2? Maybe 3, and their little sister, who's 1. They're just the most adorable little things, all you can do is love the dolls ^-^;
Moving on, the boys and grandpa left to go to their house an hour or so later.. annnd...Gramma was out at her jobly thing. So I was home alone for a goos 3 or 4 hours! In which I watched, well, listened to 3 different movies, becauuuuse.. I was back here at the computer, 'cause it let me be on AIM, thank gosh.
Then, the compu kicked me off (Sorry to you if you were talking to me and I wasn't answering! It probably said I was still online, but I really wasn't, and I loooove you! T.T)
They came back, watched another movie, and off to bed.
:: Sunday, July 11 ::
Haa, another fiiiiine day, or whatever. The g-parentals were off at church, sooo.. I kinda just hung out around here in my po-jamas. Nothing really happened. We made spaghetti fixings and skittered off to Rob's for our little girls. Spaghetti was good..
Blah, I've eaten beef THREE times this trip! That's horrible! The first time it was a hamburger, 'cause aunt Kath didn't know I try to stay off beef.. the second... what was the second... err... a beef-n-bean burrito. Yeah. Oops. And then I had a meatball last night.. x.X;;;;;; I'm so bad. I'm sorry cows of the dairy lannnnnd! T.T
We caught some fireflies (definately cool) and watched HP 1. I brushed out the little girlies' hairs and gave 'em ponytails, cuteness. Yeap, it were good. Then we went home and started a rip-roaring game of Monopoly! whilst watching Big Fat Liar. Another pretty good flic.. Then I went to bed around midnight. Started my last library book... Mannn, I'll be outta books soon. T.T
:: Monday, July 12 ::
Got up, finished packing, took a shower, got dressed ate a doughnut. There it is in short for you! I'm leaving today for the cabin, so I probably won't update 'til the end of this week, maybe the beginning of next week. No connection up there.. I think there's a phone. Hopefully.. I wanna talk to my mom still.. When's daddy's birthday again? Errr... Wednesday...? I'll have to ask her, 'cause I wanna call and have the boys and I sing happy birthday to him..
I'm not EXTREMELY happy.. I mean, I don't have steady net, I'm many hours and miles away from my friends, my family.. I couldn't be there in a snap if something happened.. I mean, I'm missing my dad's birthday! And the first two meetings of my 'band camp', which will prepare me for marching band...
Did my grandpa just say shit?
Welp, I'mma go! JJ's reading over my shoulder.
Luvvles ^-^;
"Well, I guess I'mma go out side if I'm not even gonna get any wine..."
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2004 11 July :: 1.47pm
:: Music: RUSH - La Villa Strangiato
I found out that there is a little more to this song than I originally thought. Looking through the album sleeve I found that this song has a dual title and 12 seperate parts. I'll list it as I found it.
La Villa Strangiato
(An exercise in Self-Indulgence)
I - Buenos Nochas, Mein Froinds!
II - To sleep, perchance to dream...
III - Strangiato theme
IV - A Lerxst in Wonderland
V - Monsters!
VI - The Ghost of Aragon
VII - Danforth and Pape
VIII - The Waltz of the Shreves
IX - Never turn your back on a Monster!
X - Monsters! (Reprise)
XI - Strangiato theme (Reprise)
XII - A Farewell to Things
XII being an obvious play on words based on the Rush album "A Farewell to Kings"
It's a little more interesting listening to the song now with these parts in mind. It's worth it to download it at least and listen to the song any maybe try to put the parts together. it's a great rock instrumental
give a fuck
2004 9 July :: 10.47pm
Finally getting a working cell phone and new service, with alot more minutes, Nextel and a nice phone. About one more month to go for school, and a few weeks for the RUSH concert. Short vacation coming soon as well, and life is good.
2 don't really. |
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2004 9 July :: 3.34pm
:: Mood: Happy ^-^
:: Music: Birds singing o.o;
I'm in Michigan!
You heard correctly, I, the great Emilina, am in Michigan, many miles and hours from my home. And let me tell you.
I swear! It's like.. 71 degrees inside the house, 80 outside, I'm sitting here in a sweater and slippers! Bloody hell! But anyways, it's been a while since I posted.
Let's do a MAJOR recap
:: Sunday, July 4 ::
Jade had slept over the night before, we had done a big camera shoot thing the night she slept over all outside and what not. We dropped her off around 10:30 at her house and I went back home to embark on the tiring journey of staying up all night so that I wouldn't have to wake up at 6 the next morning to start on the long car ride to Michigan.
:: Monday, July 5 ::
Yeap, everyone in my house (which is about 9 people) were up (except for G) and buzzing. We were tired, but pretty ready to go.. We said our good byes, and as we started out of Woodfield (my little brothers, my Galea granparents, and I) I promise you, I cried into my special pillow. I missed my parents already..
When we stopped at Cracker Barrel, I wandered in with my lovely cow slippers, "Parenting Matters" t-shirt, and blue-and-green plaid boxers. That's Emily for you, high-fashion where ever she may be. I had fried shrimp for brunch (s'good) and we were on our way again.
Though in the Cracker Barrel shop, we found a mini-accordian (XDDD) and I SWEAR if I had money, I'd buy that thing! It was AWESOME! XDDD
So yeah, I got the back seat this time. Good for sleeping, ya. I read a magazine, an ENTIRE library book, drew 3 or 4 pictures and fell asleep upside down. And that's not even metaphorical. The pillow was on the floor, my head was INSIDE the pillow, and my feet were up on the window. It was pretty funny when I thought about it.
So yeah, we got to our hotel in.. umn.. Virginia, I think. So we set up camp and went out to dinner. The food was AWESOME! Super good Itallian, but it took FOREVER to get there. But the taste was good ^-^
We went back to the hotel room, took our showers, I colored some pictures, and we went to sleep.
:: Tuesday, July 6 ::
Blah, another day in the car. It wasn't too bad, none of the car trip was. David almost threw up 'cause he didn't eat much of a breakfast, but none of us were phased. Excpet for the few minutes J and I held our hands over our ears, waiting to hear David gag, cough, and something to hit and weigh down theplastic bag he had at the ready.
Nast times 7 o.0;
But what can you do?
When we got on our way again from the McDonald's we stopped at, I started a game on J's Harvest Moon thingie for GBA. You pretty much own a farm... and... you do stuff.. and earn money, and J is so estatic about buying his cows. But yeah, besides the point, that was. I started another book in that car ride, but I haven't finished it.
We got to Aunt Kathy's and the boys disappeared in a snap. I stayed around in the kitchen. coloring and what not, finding that the pen half of my eraser actually works on pen smears. Awesome. We ate dinner, found Alex would be on with us on the short car ride to grandparent King's the next day and we watched a movie.
It was pretty amusing, based on 8th graders (oh how I could relate) and the two boys both like the girl, but that was just part of the thickening plot 'cause the girl had to tell both of them that she liked them so they'd help her.. and stuff.. So yeah.
In the end, she had to choose, but she didn't.
Though I still think the one kid was pretty hot..
<.<; Odd. Why didn't she pick him?
Anyways, we went to bed. I got Nikola's room, but couldn't fall asleep right away because she has a few of those like.. child-height dolls.. and.. yeah, I was freakin' out. Though I finally got to sleep.
:: Wednesday, July 7 ::
We got up around 10 and hustled into the car.. This is one of those many times I notice my little cousins don't like me as much as David. Because he was at LEAST said good bye to.. ._.;;
I am so unloved.
The car ride was about a half an hour long, though I barely noticed. I felt pretty gross. When we got to the Granparents' house, we pretty much disappeared. David yammered on about wanting to see the girls and what not.
God, that boy needs some type of sedative we can administer without him knowing..
Like a chill-button.
But yeah, the little girls came over. A pair of identical twins and their little sister. All girls. Plenty of fun. Atleast this time, we were each equally loved T.T Yeah, sooo... They went home.
Emily went outside! Yeeey! The boys and I did so in the front yard, went in to eat, then skittered over to the park that isn't too far away.
Plenty of fun..
Then we went home, watched "The Black Knight" and went to bed.
I slept upstairs, JJ appearing not too long after to sleep up there, too o.0;; He must think I'm a mothering figure or something, but whatever.
:: Thursday, July 8 ::
We got up around 10 or something, got dressed, and Grampa took us over to Aunt Kelly to see the little'uns. Gawds, they're cuties ^-^ But you gotta watch out for the smallest one, she'll bowl you right over!
But yeah, we stayed there pretty much all day and learned that on Saturday, we're going to the movies. Whoopa!
On the way home, we picked up some rentals, two horror movies, two family ones, though me and the boys are really the only ones who watched them through. Grandma attempted on "Cop and a 1/2", but she fell asleep. We then watched "Big Fat Liar". Tres amusant. Then we fell asleep, JJ sleeping upstairs with me again.
:: Friday, July 9 ::
Didn't get up too early, being awaken by dear Dave, who ordered that I get up or I didn't get to watch "Urban Legends: Final Cut" with them. Which I wanted to watch because I picked it out o.0;;; So I got up.
That's a super movie! After, we watched "Cop and a 1/2" again before we wandered off to do other things. I drew a couple more pictures and tinkered with some clay, and talked to my mommy, and helped assemble the birthday cake for the "party" we're throwing 'cause Gramma missed the boys' birthdays. Ha cha cha.
And here I am. This entry took about.. an hour, I think. But I did recount on like.. a week, didn't I?
Who knows. o.o;
I'm kinda tired, and I miss Florida.. And everyone.. And my mommy.. And everyone.. And my good, fast, internet connection ._.;;
I have no hope. T.T;;;;;
Anyways, I better go. Don't want to be riding up Gramma's phone bill. I lub her, I do.
LUVVLES! *-* T.T x.x;; <.
10 don't really. |
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2004 7 July :: 1.44am
About you | Whats your name?: | Tyler Lego | How old are you?: | 18 | whats your style?: | jazz/blues, plectrum style | Why did you pick up guitar?: | because air guitar wasnt as satisfying | About your guitar('s) | Do you have an electric?: | yes | if so what color is it?: | sunburst on flamed maple | What brand is it?: | epiphone | Where did you get it?: | Guitar Center | do you like it better over acoustic?: | yes | Do you have an acoustic: | yes | If so what color is it?: | black | What brand is it?: | ovation | Where did you get it?: | dunno, it was a gift | Do you like it more over electric?: | no | About your music | How long have you been playing?: | 2.5yrs? | What style do you play most of the time?: | blues | Do you find it easier to write when your upset?: | no, actually much harder | How many songs have you written over all?: | about 15 completely finished and done, about 30 if you count progressions or pieces ive worked on | Are you in a band?: | no | If so what is there name and there style: | | What band/artist inspires you most?: | duane allman, dickey betts, RUSH, bob dylan, jimi hendrix | Odds n Ends | How many picks do you have?: | about 10 that i know of, ive probably bought about 150 over time | How many guitars do you have?: | 3 | Did your parents spoil you and buy you your first guitar?: | no | How many straps do you have?: | 4 | Do you have a working amp?: | yes |
The guitar musician survey brought to you by BZOINK!
give a fuck
2004 5 July :: 2.42pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: story of my old man- Good Charloet
Hey ppls,
Well yesterday was the fourth of July, and Kristas and my 2 month anniversery. So n/m has gone on, I sent her a letter up in Washington today, and Ive talked to Aubrey for a little(because my mom kicked me off the phone.) I went to a party last night and played HALO for about four hours, so that was fun. And we also went swimming at the Jansens. morg and I are gonna go to a DCI when I stay at his house for five days, and we get to see the Cavies and the Blue Devils. I cant wait untill then, because I get no family for five days, and I get to hang with my best friend and the coolest parents. Well I dont know what else to say, except party on, and be exelent to each other.
I <3 Krista
P.S. Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Always remember that.
25 don't really. |
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2004 4 July :: 5.22pm
I'm finally home from a really great trip, that seemed to never end, but in a good way. In fact I wish I was still there...for a few reasons ;-). I'll type some more detailed stuff later when im more up to it, maybe after i go play hockey
give a fuck
2004 3 July :: 3.54pm
Schedule (pronounced shed-joo-wool)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
9:30-10:20 Physical Science
10:30-11:20 English Composition II
Tuesday, Thursday:
10:30-11:50 General Sociology
4:30-5:45 Macroeconomics
6:00-7:15 Oral Communication (Speech)
And that's how it goes
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2004 29 June :: 1.53am
Everything is looking up. I love how things are going right now. All in one day, everything picks up. I turn 18, find out will and i definately are rooming together, and realize that im starting to play hockey alot better (and to be recognized for it). New RUSH cd tomorrow, new RUSH concert in exactly one month. UCF orientation, hanging out with my cousin around orlando this weekend, and college in less than two months. I'm damn ready for this. I can't wait til I finally have time to start saving for some recording gear, im ready to start my first cd. I'm ready to sleep.
give a fuck
2004 28 June :: 3.34pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Banana Phone
Hey guys,
Well... its the same shit on a different day. Not much else to say, except that Morgan likes Tami. Tami....this is what Ive been trying to tell you. Well...Ive talked on the phone with Aubrey for a total of like 2 hrs. Morgan is staying at my house tonight, and I got 2 B's and four A's on my report card.(I was supposed to get a C in math.) So..n/m else has gone on in my life. Taylor M. is blackmailing Aubrey for stuff, so I feel like pounding the crap out of him. How dare he do stuff like that to her! I'm glad that I dont have to deal with the group next year! Im gonna miss you ssssoooo much Aub! You too Tam. Well, Ill ttyl
P.S. I <3 Krista
P.P.S. Aub, I cant wait to see the surprise! YYAAYY!!!!
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2004 28 June :: 2.03am
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2004 26 June :: 4.54pm
The Name Game -- Who you are and what you call me!
Emily:You could be almost anyone, I guess o.0; People knows me.. like that.
Em-chan: Any random anime freak, you could be. This is my con alias. ^-^;
Em: Again, you could be anyone, but that would be more of the acquantance side.. For those who barely know me don't usually call me Em.. except for Chris x.X;
Doodle bug: That'd be my mommy.. How sad, eh? I guess it's okay. It doesn't really nerve me.
Emz: Most likely Jade, though it could be any of the posse.. Yanno?
Welll, I gotta go do some stuff. BAI! ^-^;
"Well, I think we should throw these at them.."
6 don't really. |
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2004 26 June :: 3.29pm
:: Mood: Happy ^-^
:: Music: People talking
The past few days
Blah, sorry I haven't been updating. I have to type from Jadie's 'cause my internet's being a total bizazitch. LOVE!
Got up, went to Jade's. Oh yeah, I'm cool. First I was ordered about by the Dragon Lady (my mother) whilst talking to Jade.. I kinda left the phone on the couch fooor... umn.... 15 minutes? Besides the point, Kimmie is the Scary Bubble! Feeeear! It's almost baby-time for Kimmie. In August, she's apposed to gets teh baby out. She'll be all like "AHHHH!" In pain, happiness, and annoyance from more crying in the house. ^-^;; What can you do?
So yeahs, I went to Jade's.. And we were left alone for a good hour.. Sooo, we arranged to go to Erik's! So whilst we were to be getting ready to go, we were still on this bit of a laptop here. And when Erik rang the door bell, we both screamed. xD
Yees, soooo.. We went to Erik's!
And it were fun! For the half an hour we got to stay -_-;;;; Po-leeeease.. So me mam picked us up annnd.. we went to Emily's house, me and Jade. And decided that the next day, we'd see Erik again and.. we'd have 'crap-loads of fun' that we had missed out upon this day of... Er.. Thursday.. Yeah.
:: Friday ::
So's, my mom wakes us up at what.. 11? And she tells us we gotta clean mi room.. Mi casa, or some Spinglish shits of that sorts.. So I picked up the pound or 5 of dirty clothing about my room and bathroom.. Annd.. now it's in a dirt laundry bin. o.0; Fermating. Or something. My tummy just spoke. o.0;;;;;;;
So yeah.. we calls Rik, and he don't answer. And we callsded liiiiike.. 50 times, or something. How ever many it was, it was a lot... >.>; And yeah. So we called. He didn't answer, so we waited for a while, "cleaned", annnnd then we finally got a hold of a very tired Rik.
I didn't keep him on long, I could tell he needed to wake up, so's he told me he had a dentist appointment and he'd call us after. So's we waited...
And waited...
And DDRed..
And waited...
And DOA-ed...
And waited...
And watched Tomb Raider : 1..
And waited, well, actually, he called during Tomb Raider, so there was no more waiting o.0;
We called him back, and he got dropped off.. And soooo.. then... uh... He came over... And we watched Tomb Raider 2! xD We's gewd. Whilst watching, my little brothers left home, thank god.
Then Erik, Jade, mi grammly and grandpa, my mom, dad, 4 buisiness associates, my uncle, and I, went to P.F. Chang's. IT ARE GEWD! We sat at the bar first, annnd... I found a pen, and drew a charicature of this guy who worked there who looked like a pirate..
I drew him as a pirate o.0; I think he thought I was loony.. Which I was, or something. So we got to sit down, and we were eating, and Erik kept getting my attention whilst I was shoveling Street Noodles into my mouth, so I'd look funny, and he'd laugh at me, which made me laugh and almost gag on my noodles...
After our rather fattening dinner, the three of us DEMOLISHED a Wall of Chocolate, which was like.. a 5-layer chocolate cake. I swear, it was gone in 2 minutes flat. Erik ate a rather hearty portion, and he doesn't even like chocolate. That's how good it was. ^-^;
Oooooh wellll.. What can you do?
So we dropped Erik off around Midnight, that's when we left, and we went home. I STILL can't get an answer out of my mom if I can go with Jenn.. is it going to be tomorrow already!? I think it is! >.<
:: Saturday ::
Jade and I woke up around 1. Yes, she slept over again. We watched part of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It was pretty stupid, not even laughing material 'cause it was so old.. Though I did like the French guy ^-^;;;; Mannnn.. I really need to get my internet back up at home.
So we stopped the Holy Grail, ate left-overs from last night, and got quickly ready to go back to Jade's.. Annnd.. Here I am!
Jade's washing clothing and showering, which I didn't get to do x.X;;
I need to shower. ._.;;;;;
Yeeeah.. Sooo.. current events.
-Grammly's Boot camp :Status: Still on. x.X
-Marching Band practice :Status: Dates set, in my possession.
Blah, I think I have to go. If I do, I really need to call Jenn. I think her thing, her shindig thing, is tomorrow already, at that's killer, 'cause planning and shit.
"Your mother is a hampster, and you father smells of elderberries."
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2004 26 June :: 12.20am
My Masterpiece
Come gather round people wherever you roam. and admit that the presence around you has grown. And accept it that soon you'll beat to the bone. If your life to you is worth saving. You better start praising or youll begin to moan, for the times they are a changing.
Come losers and hobos who don't own a pen. please keep your clothes on I wont ask again. And please don't talk to me for thats a great sin. and you can be damn sure its you ill be blaming. For the winner now will continue to win, but the times they are a changing.
Come presidents, preachers, please don't you stall. Don't you dare throw that little damn ball. For he who gets hit will be he who gets mauled. The dodgeball match surely is raging. Please get out of the game if you dont have any hands, for the times they are a changing.
Come dragons and wizards with power at hand. Please don't destroy what you can't understand. The people before you are at your command. And the walls of your lair need some painting. You might get a new place and then join a band, for the times they are a changing.
The engines have fired they're mark will be cast. Whatever theyre strapped will be really fast. What was that thing, it quickly went past. vision is rapidly fading. The first one now will never be last, and you still say the times are a changin.
4 don't really. |
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2004 25 June :: 3.05am
It's not everyday that you wish you could take back a significant part of an action or a thought or many of both, but it has certainly seemed that I need be doing that tonight. Obviously there are things that I have said that are completely either innapropriate or misthought, but I wish for that impossibility of taking them back now. Why can't I learn, at least become conditioned to, not use my capabilities before expressing thoughts? And why am I struck silent when it seems words are needed more than any other time?Playing music helps not, I will sleep troubled.
give a fuck
2004 23 June :: 8.53am
:: Mood: Sleepy
:: Music: Silence
My weird anime-style dream in 'Cowboy Bebop'
I met Faye and Ed from Cowboy Bebop at Borders, and was talking to Faye about the series Chobits.. o.0 and from there, they took me back to the bebop. I kind of forgot what we did there, we were just like.. hanging out..
And then I tripped over Faye to sit on the other side of her, and I look down, and we're on a space ship, at a dock, like, in the ocean. And I was like "I could of fallen just then.. I hate to think about falling into the ocean because I could get cut up by all the barnacles or something." Which is fairly true.. ~shivers~
Faye nodded, and some one else started up the ship to take me home, where ever that was. Some how I fell into the water, this was the weird part. I was swimming around the dock, which wasn't much swimming, but I was seeing TONS of fish. Like, a lot of big fish, pirahna loooking fish, huge schools of tiny fish, and the sea horses! They were like, faint outlines of actually running horses that kind faded at the butts, but then there were these swirly, mollusc-like tail on them.
Then.. there were the two circling pools of HUGE, GIGANTINORMOUS giant squid. I steered clear of one, but bumped into another. It was looking at me when I felt something sink into my toes. It was like a bracelet or something, I didn't look 'cause I was goggling at the squid. So I hear Ed say,"Ed has to remember where she put that shiny thing for when she comes back." When I heard that, I thought she threw it into the ocean on accident or something.
So here I am, in some anime world, in an ocean, face-to-face with this extremely large squid, when Faye comes soaring in to my 'rescue' by hacking off most of the tenticles of the poor red squid.
She tells me to swim, which I do, and I can see that the squid is trying to stab her through with some type of weapon.. It was like a spear or something, but a bigger blade. I some how have, like, a butcher knife now, which I stabbed into the squid a few times while frantically trying to swim, still grasping that bracelet thing with my toes.
Faye starts to swim after me, screaming,"The button!" and I'm thinking,"What button?" then she gets ahead and jumps up onto the Bebop. I can just hear that huge, angry, half-tentacled squid barrelling after me, so I squeeze my eyes shut, my ears ringing a bit with some loud noise, and everything disappears..
And I woke up.
And then I had to up date my journal while this adventure was still fresh in my mind. So here I am, half asleep, updating my journal about my crazy dream.. at.. 9 am?!
I'm going back to bed... >.<
Good... er... morning. Don't let the squids bite.
"Shiny, pokey object of Doom!"
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2004 23 June :: 1.15am
:: Mood: Depressed
:: Music: TV
Onions, oreos, and it'll never be the same.
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: ~huggles~
LanaLuck22: :-D
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I miss you..
LanaLuck22: u2!
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I miss everybody.. I
hurt! ~sob~
LanaLuck22: me tooo
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Today's been really.. errr..
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Hmn..
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Emotional
LanaLuck22: oh why soi?
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I've been talking to Rik more, thank goodness, I miss that child, and I was talking to Keith.. and my heart seems to be just.. hollow.
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I want to cry so bad, but I feel I have no reason.
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And my heart hurts.. I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to see anyone.
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I hate these feelings, Lon
LanaLuck22: um..what are you upset about?
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I don't know! That's the whole thing!
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Maybe.. it's 'cause I
know it's not going to be the same..
LanaLuck22: Em...can I show you harsh love right now?
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Yes.
LanaLuck22: HIGH SCHOOOL. ITs going to be the best 4 years of your life ,your a bubbly person, with a beautiful smile, u draw people to you like moths to a flame, and your right, it wont be the same its going to be fucking 6 X better, so cheer up, and get on with your life
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: o.o
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I love you
LanaLuck22: i love you 2, so much for my
tough love! lol
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: ^-^
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It was gewd for me
LanaLuck22: :-D
LanaLuck22: sorry gtgt bed, Ill ttyl!
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Bai
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Love you
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Thanks
LanaLuck22: np, love you2, gnight!
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Night
Heh.. what can you do.. ~sighs a bit~
I've been scribbling 'I Hate Me' all over my journals and diaries.. And I love him..
I do..
Good night.
"Break my heart before I do."
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2004 22 June :: 7.21pm
New CD and DVD update
The past month or so I bought a couple new things so here's a list of the ones I remember:
John Scofield Trio - EnRoute (Live)
John Coltrane - Coltrane's Sound
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Eric Clapton - Me & Mr. Johnson
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour
Rush - Moving Picutres (again...lost the first one)
Bob Dylan Unplugged (MTV)
Roger Waters The Wall: Live In Berlin
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
LOTR: The Return of the King
Aquateen Hunger Force - Season 1
Reno 911 - Season 1
Of course I also bought my 20GB iPod in the last month, and now have about 10.37GB worth of stuff. That includes about .03GB of contacts, and calender listings. Oh, and 2,769 songs.
give a fuck
2004 21 June :: 8.49pm
:: Mood: A bit downed
:: Music: TV
What love may be..
Love is when you stay up all night because you're waiting for them to call to say goodnight.
Love is when you want to know every thing about them, good or bad.
Love is when every song on the radio is about them.
Love is when you see something funny you want them there with you so you can see them smile.
Love is when you save all the conversations you've ever had with them.
Love is when they are sad, you cry for them, their pain is your own.
Love is when you are far, far apart, yet they are still always on your mind.
Love is when they've found someone else, you smile, and say "I'm happy for you" and you mean it, even though you still want to cry.
First love is something you will never forget.
8 don't really. |
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2004 21 June :: 8.10pm
:: Music: TV
Yes, you heard correctly, our fair Erik has returned.. AND HE'S IN NEED OF A DIG! And so am I! ^-^ We likes teh shindigs.. I mean, we're in dier need..
Okay, welll.. Yesterday was father's day.
Hee ^-^
Okays, well... Nothing happened.. I really only made my dad a sandwich and picked up some screws for him.. He was happy with that. I scribbled, but I hadn't the will to draw.. Which was sad. T.T
:: Today ::
Welp, I was woken by a call from Lindz, for she was to come over today. Which she did. She signed up with Wild Hogwarts
Be right back, dinners.
Okies, back, so anyways, she signed up with Wild Hogwarts and I made her a little siggy thing.. But I still have to edit it for Gryff pride and make her an icon.. That's how nice I am. o.0;;
Ugh.. sooo.. we painted a plant pot, played DDR and DOA, and then she went home. It was nice to see her..
I'm kinda bummed for my happy of Rik being back 'cause my grandparents announced they were selling their house in MI.. I mean, it's an AWESOME house. They're right on the edge of Big Bear Lake or what ever. It's a beautiful bit of construction and their driveway's super fun.. I have so many memories.. and it hurts to say good bye to it..
And now, they're moving down here.. that being a good or a bad thing, I don't know yet.. I'll have to speculate a bit later, hn?
Blaaah, what can ya do..
I'mma go do something, that's all I know.
"Man, I gotta lay down! You're giving me gas!"
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2004 20 June :: 7.21pm
:: Mood: Dancey
:: Music: Silence
Random Memegen
>.>;; I knew it!!
"I LIKE pants.."
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2004 19 June :: 8.41pm
I played hockey again yesterday, which was alot of fun, and once again this one kid that I know there, Kevin could not score on me. He even had about 8 shots and 2 breakaways. I love getting angry by simply playing, it's fun. I scraped my knee a little bit trying to do something while skatting before hockey that ive been trying to do for almost 2 years. Jumping into the air and coming down in stopping position. I've tried it at least 200 times and half of those times i ended up bleeding somewhere. I'm still confident that i'll be able to do it one day.
Speaking of hockey, I wish I knew some people who played, it gets really boring going to northtree alone and hoping some other people come to play pick-up, and even driving to IceZone isn't much fun because I don't know anybody. It's kinda funny when Will comes though, watching him try to stop and then try to teach someone else to do it when he can't even do it. Ah well. Hopefully I'll some guys in orlando that play because it seems hopeless down here.
Went to Pat's wedding (the reception anyway) which was typical. I didn't know anybody but his friends and wife. I tried to enjoy myself, and was able to leave before being forced to dance. I checked out the '65 mustang that his dad let him drive and was gonna kill pat if it was given to him, but he was only borrowing it. i didnt drool too long, or else id get depressed because i know ill never have one that nice...see look im doing it!
How did I get back on hockey? Anyhow, I've been playing alot better, I don't get exhausted as easy anymore, and I'm comfortable now. I've waited and practiced for so long.
Brett Hull, Steve Thomas, Dominik Hasek...gone from the Red Wings.
Chris Chelios, Steve Yzerman...staying THANK GOD!
give a fuck
2004 19 June :: 7.58pm
:: Mood: Wryly amused
:: Music: TV
My lovely array of backgrounds
If you ever need any anime backgrounds, I have them here.
Heeee, I have 58 backgrounds there. All anime/manga. They include:
-Angelic Layer
-Card Captor Sakura
-Seriel Experiments Lain
Hmn.. I think that's it. Look about, you might want to use one ^-^
Welp, today was fun.. got up around noon, took a shower, went to the movies with my little brothers, my mom, his friends, and my two cousins for JJ's birthday.
We saw Shrek two, which was cute. ^-^; Loved it. So's yeah, that's pretty much it.. Got home, ate, played DDR on my XBox (IT HAS RETUUUURNED! ^-^) went down for cake, then played more DDR, and laterly changed to DOA 3
Gawd how much I missed them.. T.T
Anyways, that's really it. See ya!
"Follow the pretty pony, Mongo!"
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2004 19 June :: 11.38am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
well, Krista's and my first date was last night. So that went well....I think that it is funny that we met at the Storm stadium and had our first date there too. I got to meet Carly(one of Krista's friends) and we all talked for like 2 hours. I also gave the ring Krista, and she liked it. Krista gonna got up to her real moms house up in Washington for the rest of the summer, so that sux. She was kinda out of it at the game though.
Ill ttyl.
P.S. I <3 Krista
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2004 19 June :: 1.04am
:: Mood: Sleepy
:: Music: .hack.. or maybe it's Rave Master?
 You are Venus...
Art, Passion, Love.
Many ascribe love to the planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is more accurate. Venus shows your softer aspects of femininity; giving you the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents your more artistic side and denotes the spiritual vibrations over mundane matter. It is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun and the Moon and has been referred to as the 'Jewel of the Sky. Concerned with love and personal relationships, as well as arts and fashion. It encourages you to be generous and tactful but it can also cause you under stress to be indecisive and co-dependent on another as well as possessive.
What planet do you represent? (Anime Pictures Girls) Please Rate!!! brought to you by Quizilla
I don;t know about this Venusness.
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