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Down for the count...

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:: 2007 12 March :: 9.06 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Megalomaniac - Incubus

I stayed up way too late and managed to sleep wrong once I did get to bed and now my back hurts.
Also, Saturday night I went to a party and Tessi and I had to go find fire wood and we found these huge pieces on the side of the road that required both of us to pick them up and throw them in the back of the truck. I think doing that screwed up my right knee because it hurts so bad. I'm limpin around looking like a sad little moron.
I didn't get time to finish blow drying my hair because we were going to be late for school so my hair's huge and yeah. Just not a good day so far. It's still got some potential I suppose, but I'm not holding my breath.

Apparently Tim Burton is making a movie out of the old musical Sweeny Todd, staring Johnny Depp. It just went into production so it'll be a long time before it comes out, but I want to see it so bad. I <3 Johnny Depp.

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:: 2007 9 March :: 10.14 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: This ain't a scene, it's an arms race - Fall Out Boy


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:: 2007 8 March :: 9.48 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Lightning Crashes - Live

Computer Stealer
In the library I have a certain computer. I always get on the dumb thing when I'm done putting the books away, and EVERYONE knows what computer I get on, if not simply because I pile all my shit in the seat and log on before I do anything else.
A stupid girl came in here and moved all my stuff and logged me out, even though she knows damn well that I'll be done in like 10 minutes, and gets on it.
Sure, not that big of a deal, there are, after all, about 5 other computers that I can get on. But wtf. why did she have to log me out and move all my stuff when SHE could have gotten on any of the other 5?
Other than that, today's been pretty good.

lawl. There's a little note stuck to the top of every workstation that says "No Chat Rooms!!! Any violaters of this rule will be severely punished"
Makes me giggle.


:: 2007 6 March :: 8.43 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Gross Red Hair
Today was shitty, then I got home and it was even shittier.
I then got online and was cheered up by Renkoski and Kelly.
Kelly just let me rant forever, and Renkoski was like "oh yeah they're assholes" (the assholes in mention are 2 guys that pissed me off all day. Long story.) and we swapped stories of their douchebaggariness.
Then Kelly ran away to the UT Match and I ran away and showered.

I dyed my hair this really pretty auburn color and I was really happy with it. Then I fucking washed it and all the brown in it has just gone away and I'm left with neon red hair. WTF. Not ok. So here I am washing my hair three times a day and just using about half the bottle of conditioner to make my hair not completely dead and let it break in half at the sight of a brush. Very depressing. I'm so going back to never dying my hair again. Just plain brown from here on out... after I dye it again to make it un-red. zomg. Never ending.

Holy leaves, that reminds me of the Never Ending Story. That was such a BA movie when I was little. I watched it like all the time.

And then I studied Poultry so I didn't get shot in the knee cap...

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:: 2007 4 March :: 8.47 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Linger - Cranberries

*Caution* - Mushy
MSN keeps killing Kelly and I's conversations. Just today he didn't say anything after 12:32. I thought I had made him mad so I would say something every now and then but he never responded so at 3:32 (yeah I gave it exactly 3 hours) I left and was completely upset. I left and watched Hogan Knows Best and then left to go hang out with my grandparents for a little bit and steal some bread that grandma made (because it's oh so good). I get back and sign back on but set myself to Away and go watch like 30 minutes of Mr. Deeds then get back on the computer and Kelly's talked to me. We talked and whatever and I was kind of snotty (heh) and he hadn't said anything because his computer showed me as offline and blah blah blah we figured out what happend and all was well.
But seriously, that's been happening a lot lately and it's stressful. That's the only way we get to talk, so when it messes up I don't appreciate it too much. I love him though.
He's just perfect, even though he says he's not.
I'm just lucky and I thank God for letting me be with Kelly because I really need him.

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:: 2007 1 March :: 2.09 pm

My teacher was like "Hate is a strong word..." so I jumped up and went "but I really really really don't like you!!" and everyone was like
and I giggled and sat back down.
How many times in my life will I get that opportunity again?!
I enjoyed it

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:: 2007 1 March :: 11.04 am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Make Yourself - Incubus

Got my FAFSA done last night. It was freaking hard. I had to ask Kelly a million questions, and finally I made dad sit down and help me with it.
I'm excited though, one less thing to be worried about.
Ugh and then the bell rang.


:: 2007 27 February :: 7.49 pm
:: Mood: blah

So Mrs. Arnold sent me to the nurse first hour and I got sent home. I called mom and then the hospital and they got me an appointment and I have a really bad case of the flu, I've got really high blood pressure due to stress, which is the cause of my headaches as well, and I've been instructed to take it easy and stop worrying - so easier said then done. I'll try though.
I have a huge list of things to eat and not to eat for random problems and blah. It's awful but at least I'll be getting better. I've got like 3 prescriptions.
I miss Kelly, but I'm gonna go to sleep anyway. Hopefully I'll talk to him tomorrow.


:: 2007 27 February :: 8.45 am
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Clean - Incubus

I think I need to go get a few tests run on me, I have been so sick lately and for no reason apparent to me. I've had a headache for the past week, and I've been going to bed and getting the 8 hours of sleep that I'm supposed to be getting, I've been trying to keep my stress level down and eat healthy and blah blah blah, and nothings helping. My parents don't like for us to take medicine and so I just never took any for my headache, but I finally had to last night because my head hurt so bad I could barely keep my eyes open and I didn't want it to get so bad that it finally blew into a migrane. I've also been feeling really sick to my stomach, shakey, faint, and sore.
I don't know if I'm just making myself this sick fretting about affording school and trying to keep my grades up so that I'm not pushed out of the top 10% in my class and trying to get FAFSA done and getting scholarships done and turned in or what but I still think I need to go to the doctor. I'm definitly going to inform my parents of my problems tonight.
I really want to just go home right now, but I have so much going on some of my classes that I can't afford to miss so I'll probably just end up staying and just being miserable.

On another note, I got to go shopping last night and I got these kick ass black peeptoe 3 1/2 inch heels (which I, as of right now, cannot walk in. haha) and a knee-length black and white dress with red earrings and thick headband for the wedding. I'm excited. I also got the Make Yourself - Incubus cd that I've been looking for, so I'm excited about that as well. I need to make a hair appointment because my bangs are way too long, and I need to go get my nails done. Ugh, I'm also out of red nail polish so I need to get some of that as well. It's not even my wedding and I'm handing out a shit load of money for this thing. I spent about $110 for the dress, shoes and accessories. So not ok, but luckily they can double for my National Honor Society outfit this April. Now all I need is a dress for prom, baccaloreate and graduation. I have enough heels, so I'll just buy dresses to match the shoes. Look at me be smart!

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:: 2007 26 February :: 11.01 am
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Basketcase - Greenday

Today was an ok day, but it just became bad and I'm not aware of the reason. I just got all blah and want to go home and skip the next 4 hours. Probably because I forgot to finish my Sociology study guide and that's the next class I have, I have an officer meeting during lunch, and then I have to give my reasons during Ag. This is definitly a reason for bad days.
Anyway, I'm going shopping after school for 2 dresses. I'm pretty excited. Prom sucks, but you get to look pretty, and the other dress is for a wedding I'm in. I hope I can find a silver or blue one. If not ... I'm screwed.

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