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:: 2007 1 January :: 12.34 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Look after you - The Fray

2007 is finally here and I've got a whole hell of a lot to look forward to.

* Contest season for FFA -hopefully making State which would take place in April.
* Senior Pictures. -I pray they'll come out good. I'm not too photogenic, but we'll see.
* Senior Trip to Orlando, Florida -April 25-30 Only class to ever fly. We be teh shit.
* My effing 18th Birthday which so happens to be taking place in Florida. Sweet? Hell yes.
* Graduation (!!! zomg) -May 10
* Fucking Graduation Party. That'll be a great night.
* (Something I won't be looking to forward to) Getting another job. Ashley wants me to get one with her at Wal-Mart -oh joy- and sell my soul to afford college. I might look into prostitution as well. Not sure, but it's a definite possibility.
* July something I shall finally be getting my shit together and going to Michigan. Hello Kelly. (... like hello kitty... but not... I liked it, f you)
* Finding a job up there, which I will totally force Kelly to help me with.
* Getting my ass to school a mere 3 months after graduating, only to start the whole 4 year shit all over again. This time it'll be alright though, because I'll be able to see Kell and make him take me places to destress. Doesn't he have lots to look forward to? Haha

That's the jist of it. Of course there are small things but so far that's all 07 has for me. It should be a good year, and if not, hopefully at least better than the previous one.

Christmas was good, lots of food and not-so-needed presents that i've no place to put, but that's alright, whatever. That's why they made little sisters, and rubbermaid tubs that fit under your bed :)

One more day of break and then school starts back up. I think I'll be even more annoyed with people so it should be interesting, I'll try not to be, but I'm definitly not making any promises.

I don't know if the mail runs today or not. Ashley said it doesn't but I think it should.


:: 2006 15 December :: 3.55 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Turn to Gold - Audioslave

Final Scores
Accounting - 100%
Business Management - 100%
Psychology - 95%
English - 100%

That's all the finals I had, and they were all really good, so I'm happy.

Tomorrow night is the Christmas dance... I so do not want to go, but my friends and I always get a group photo and I do already have my dress so I can't just not show up.
My hair appointment is at 1:30 so I'll have to use lots of hairspray so it'll stay. We're all going to go eat in Joplin at 4:00, then the dance starts at 7:00 I think, so we'll only be a little bit late for the start of it.
I'm debating just taking the pictures and then leaving, because I still have to do some last minute shopping.
I have to get a movie for Jessica, something for one of my teachers, something for the gift exchange at church this sunday, and something for my youth leaders... yeah. Goodbye all my money.

Everyone was bitching me out for not coming up town tonight, but... fuck them. I'm staying home and talking to Kelly for a little bit, and then I'm going to pray my face doesn't break out and die tomorrow, and sleeping. I don't even know how I'm going to do my hair. Geeze. I'm so behind in everything.

Note to self: Get your shit together.


:: 2006 14 December :: 9.27 am
:: Music: Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Today marks the third month Kelly and I have been together.
Love him.

I had my Accounting final this morning, and I messed up one transaction, but thankfully I caught it before I turned it in.
I have my Psychology final today as well. I wasn't worried about my Accounting one, but Psych is a whole other story.
Kelly said I need to not be such a worry wart, so I'm trying to tell myself it'll be alright, but I'm still terrified.

Last night Ashley and I were messing around, and she tickled me and I threw my head up and she brought hers down and we killed eachother. I have a huge goose egg on my left eyebrow, and she's got one on the right side of her forehead.

Ok, I have to study for Psych now.

Oh yeah, did I mention I love Kelly? Cause I so do.


:: 2006 7 December :: 10.04 am
:: Music: Smack That - Akon & Eminem

It just wouldn't be a good day if the school's server didn't crash at least eight times in the middle of doing something important.

People annoy me today.
I've not been able to sleep lately.
Christmas dance is on the 16th. I don't want to go, but everyone will kill me if I don't. I'm almost at the "eh, I don't care if people get pissed" point. What will I do there? Watch all my friends dance with their person, while I overload on punch, causing me to take a trip to the bathroom every 20 minutes to piss, and sigh non stop thinking of how much fun I could be having if Kelly were here. I would so drag him to petty little High School dances.

I need to get my damn senior pictures schedualed and taken. I guess I'm doing it in Spring or some shit, because it's gross now and everything is dead. I hate pictures.


:: 2006 4 December :: 8.33 pm
:: Music: Oil and Water - Incubus

Mom has not stopped making my life hell for deciding to move to Michigan. She doesn't think I'll be able to afford it, she doesn't think I'm going for the right reasons, she knows that I won't like it, she knows that I won't make it.
Why does she now care after 17 years of not giving a fuck about me? I feel like she doesn't want me to be happy and have what I want. She said that I was getting out of here for a man with a dick between his legs, and that was the only reason. It's nice to know that she thinks that I'm nothing but a whore who'll go to the extremes for a good fuck. I wish that she would just leave me the fuck alone about this. She's not paying for one damned cent of anything I do after high school so she can go to Hell and keep her mouth shut.
I'm to the point that even if things don't go as well as I would hope, I don't get all the financial aid and scholarships that I need, I'll go just to spite her. I don't hate her, but I wished I could.
Dad doesn't think I'll be able to afford it, nor does he want me to go, but he's realized that if I want to go, I'm going and that I'm old enough to make this decision, that he can't take my hand and lead me in the other direction. I only wish mom were more like him.
If I stick around here for the two years mom insists that will be two years without Kelly and I don't want that. The only other option would be for him to come live down here, but he's already said that he doesn't want to do that, so that isn't even an option really.
I wish this would be made simple, but then I guess it wouldn't be called life. I'm to the point that I can't handle mom in my face screaming about how I can't do this, how she won't let me etc. I can't even say anything back. I have to sit there and take it, or she'll cut off the internet and take the computer. That would really be hell. I would seriously just move out if that happened. I would go live with my grandparents. They hate her anyway, they'd understand. Of course that wouldn't solve me having a computer, seeing as how they've not got one either, but I wouldn't have my mother to listen to any longer.

This rant settled nothing. I don't even feel better. I'm now just petrified I'll come home from school tomorrow to a bare desk.
I wish I knew where Kelly was, he'd make me feel better, but he's not talking so Lord know's where he's at.


:: 2006 30 November :: 6.54 am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Dig - Incubus

Ice and Sanity
Ok first thing first. I bought the new Incubus - Light Grenades album last night, and it's completely amazing. I cannot get enough of it.
Second thing; There's this ice storm going on and ... well it got me out of school so props to it, but there's always the "it could eat my power lines" thing that dampens the glee of the no school.
Already two of the surrounding towns have lost their power. Some how it missed us and we're snuggled between the two towns. Hopefully it stays that way. I made mom a huge ass list of things that I'll need to survive if it steals away the power. Example - 1. AA Batteries for my cd player so I can still be amazed with Incubus, 2. A Door to December and Demon Seed by Dean Koontz. 3. Generator for the computer only.
Not too extreme of a request imo.

Anyway, mom informed me that we all have to clean the house from top to bottom right now incase we lose power.... Do not want to do this. I want my bed back. But oh well. I'll snuggle up after I work.

Oh! Speaking of which, I'm supposed to work Thursday nights and my boss didn't call last night to inform me of whether I was or not, when he's supposed to. So ... I take it I'm not working, which so isn't cool. I need money damn him.
Ok. I shall return when I am able to.

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:: 2006 29 November :: 8.44 am
:: Music: Crazy Bitch - Buckcherry

I fucking got into Ferris!!!!
Just after I decided to stick around home too, and wait a few years. I'm going to call up there and see if there's any way to waver the out of state tuition, like if I get a high enough score on my ACT next time around or whatever, and if so, fuck home, my ass will be planted in Michigan.

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:: 2006 14 November :: 7.28 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: I alone - Live

So.. 2 months with Kelly. Amazing? I think so too.

Psychology test tomorrow. Hopefully I don't use the noose my teacher is setting up for us.

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:: 2006 10 November :: 11.14 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic/bummed
:: Music: Lucky - 7 Mary 3

So ... obviously tonight was Barnwarming. And bitches, I fucking won.
*Barnwarming Queen*
That's right. I got second in the bitting an apple on the string, first in milking a goat, first in throwing a cow pattie, first in doing an obstacle course with a spoon in my mouth with an egg on it.
It was pretty amazing, and my crown is effing huge.
I was hoping Kelly would be on and I could be all happy and talk to him to make for the perfect night, but he isn't on and I don't know if he'll get on later so I don't really want to go to bed for the fear of me getting off right as he gets on.
I might just go to bed anyway because I'm so tired.


:: 2006 6 November :: 8.44 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Hate me - Blue October

Why does school have to be so sucky and long?

<3 | Random Journal