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Down for the count...

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:: 2005 14 September :: 5.44 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Waterfalls - TLC

Got our math grades today and I have a 79%. I want to just lay down and cry. That's the lowest grade I think I've ever got.
In Biology Mr. Terry was flipping through our tests and saying random grades. I could see mine on the bottom, and when he got to it he said 48... I just kind of sat there open mouthed while slowly dying while he flipped to a few more and then he was like "oh... I think I'm dyslexic..." flipped back to mine and said 84. I started laughing but then I started crying at the same time and I basically sat there and cried for 10 minutes while laughing. It was pretty crazy.
The rest of the day was alright, though someone kept farting in math and it was making me gag. Pretty gross.
I realized that I like the long hair look for guys yet I'm with a bald one. What the hell...


:: 2005 13 September :: 7.30 am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Skin - Rascal Flatts

school in 50 minutes... Normally I'd be on the hot bus right now, but Ashley decided to be nice and take us to school on her way to school so that's rather exciting.
I was getting ready to do my homework last night when Tessi called, and then we got Caleb in on the conversation too. We talked for about 2 hours and... well apparently I caint do homework while talking to them too. I don't even really remember what we was all talkin about. I know porn came up at one point... go figure.
Anyway, that means that I had to stay up till 1:30 getting math done, and I didn't even start studying for the Bio. test. I have it fourth hour so maybe I'll get a B on it. Hopefully... *Crosses fingers* I didn't even get my stupid math done. Geeze... Basically I've become pretty bad about not getting my shit done for school. Not good. I better get my ass in gear and keep my GPA up so that I can go to college if I want to. I don't even know if I will. Really all I have to do is take the Real Estate test deal, which doesn't require a college education, and then just... bam. Everyone's been telling me that I need to at least get a 2 year business degree. I don't think I could handle takin 2 more years of school. I despise school.
Anyway, we gotta get our asses outta here and be on our way to school.


:: 2005 12 September :: 7.44 pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: I Can Love You Like That - John Michael Montgomery

school and other random things
~so school pictures was today... we all know how them go. your face breaks out horribly during the night, you get chocolate milk spilt on your WHITE shirt just moments before you get yours taken, you sneeze as the camera flashes and you have an asshole camera man so you don't get to retake it, you have something in your least it always happens on the movies. Mine turned out pretty good i think. i didn't get anything spilt on me, i didn't break out, i didn't sneeze and i had nothing in my teeth... i don't even have a teethful smile so it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm one of them people with the shy smile so whatever.
~I got out of class to help the elementary get ready to take theirs. Sounds cool, exciting and important right? Wrong. Basically I played bitch and had to run all over the school and grab the classrooms that needed to get ready and drag them down to the point of picture happenings.
~Doug has got himself a woman. Pretty exciting, so good for him. He seems rather happy. They've already been to a symphony... yeah... pullin out the big guns.
~It's been a week today since the last time I talked to Karl. I'm so lonely and depressed. I never thought I would come to rely on talking to someone to keep my spirit up. I've been kind of dragging through school and... well it's just crazy. Listening to sad lovey songs and crying all the time. It's pretty bad. I got a letter from him today and oh my gosh it was so sad. It was Really mushy and I loved it.
~Ok, I have a big math assignment and a HUGE test in Advanced Bio. tomorrow so I guess I gotta go.
~Oh, I cooked supper all by myself! Sirloin steak, baked potatoes and green beans. It was rather good... Makes me happy that I did it without any help at all and didn't even burn it. There's a shit load of dishes now though and guess who has dishes? Yep... Me. Maybe I can talk mom and dad into doing them since I cooked. Doubtfull, but it's worth a shot.

Ooh! We got people comin in from New Orleans to stay in town and at our church... we have a Really big church and a building with places to sleep and then there's this place called "His Childrens Camp" that's not even finished that the church is helping build and make for abused children and stuff... yeah, a bunch of people are gonna stay at the camp, at the church and in the building. A few people I know are lettin people stay with them and the kids are gonna start goin to school with us and everything. It's gonna be so stressful because we have a Really small school and there's barely enough room for all the people that already go, let alone new people, but... well what can you do? They need some where to go and we got room to board them.. just not to educate them. I'm sure thing's'll work out though.


:: 2005 12 September :: 7.44 pm

~so school pictures was today... we all know how them go. your face breaks out horribly during the night, you get milk spilt on your WHITE shirt just moments before you get yours taken, you sneeze as the camera flashes and you have an asshole camera man so you don't get to retake it, you have something in your least it always happens on the movies. Mine turned out pretty good i think. i didn't get anything spilt on me, i didn't break out, i didn't sneeze and i had nothing in my teeth... i don't even have a teethful smile so it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm one of them people with the shy smile so whatever.
~I got out of class to help the elementary get ready to take theirs. Sounds cool, exciting and important right? Wrong. Basically I played bitch and had to run all over the school and grab the classrooms that needed to get ready and drag them down to the point of picture happenings.
~Doug has got himself a woman. Pretty exciting, so good for him. He seems rather happy. They've already been to a symphony... yeah... pullin out the big guns.
~It's been a week today since the last time I talked to Karl. I'm so lonely and depressed. I never thought I would come to rely on talking to someone to keep my spirit up. I've been kind of dragging through school and... well it's just crazy. Listening to sad lovey songs and crying all the time. It's pretty bad. I got a letter from him today and oh my gosh it was so sad. It was Really mushy and I loved it.
~Ok, I have a big math assignment and a HUGE test in Advanced Bio. tomorrow so I guess I gotta go.
~Oh, I cooked supper all by myself! Sirloin steak, baked potatoes and green beans. It was rather good... Makes me happy that I did it without any help at all and didn't even burn it. There's a shit load of dishes now though and guess who has dishes? Yep... Me. Maybe I can talk mom and dad into doing them since I cooked. Doubtfull, but it's worth a shot.

Ooh! We got people comin in from New Orleans to stay in town and at our church... we have a Really big church and a building with places to sleep and then there's this place called "His Childrens Camp" that's not even finished that the church is helping build and make for abused children and stuff... yeah, a bunch of people are gonna stay at the camp, at the church and in the building. A few people I know are lettin people stay with them and they kids are gonna start goin to school with us and everything. It's gonna be so stressful because we have a Really small school and there's barely enough room for all the people that already go, let alone new people, but... well what can you do? They need some where to go and we got room to board them.. just not to educate them. I'm sure thing's'll work out though.


:: 2005 10 September :: 12.58 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: I wanna do it all - Terri Clark

Well... it's a lot different now... yall approve or dissapprove?
Lemme know...

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:: 2005 10 September :: 10.48 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Baby Doll - Pat Green

Gross Creepy Things
My best guy friends (Jacob) sister (Samantha) who just graduated is dating our History teacher Mr. Navarro. He's.... how can I put this... a rather unique individual. He gets REALLY excited about things dealing with History (which is probably a good thing considering his occupation...) and he has these LOOOOOONG skinny fingers and he like waves his hands around while talking and they... eww his hands are just weird and he should wear gloves. They aint gross, they just... weird a bunch of people out. Other than that he's a real cool guy. When he first came... actually just until last year, his hair style was a comb over. Yeah... He's only like 24. Anyway, he now got it cut into a more "modern" style, short on the sides and back and longer in the front... basically the hair style every male in high school had until longer hair became "the thing", only he doesn't spike it... which is probably a good thing.
Now, Samantha... wow. Long, gorgous red hair, beautiful green eyes... but she's rather weird herself. She's just one of those people that's so smart that she's weird. Jacob's the same way, only he's more smart about weird things that no one really cares about. It's fun, he's a great person to be around and we think the same way, though I won't even pretend to be as smart as him, so it's all hunky dory. lmao we're considered the "Weird" people of our high school. it's rather fun. I couldn't even attempt to explaine it. We find things like " Save the people" folders ammusing, while others are like "... what the fuck!? ..."
it's great.
it's wonderful.
anyway, back to the point, Samantha and Jacob's parents are REALLY weird, like, worse than them. it's crazy. His mom... ok i caint even go into it, but they would NOT approve of Sam and Navarro, so they keep it mum. Jacob doesn't even know about it which KILLS me. I only know because Sam is best friends with Jenn who goes to school with Ash and Ash and Jenn are friends and so she passed the news along to Ashley and Ashley decided to ruin my life by telling me. I cannot concentrate in History no more because Ashley decided to share that they... fornicated.
Now I just picture his ... strange, special hands carressing her body while.. *gags*
ok i'm done, simply because i cannot force myself to continue.

I think I'm ready for a differnt lay out. I'm sick of this one ... i'll think about goin for something... happy and chipper. Maybe. Depends on if i find a back ground i approve of, which is doubtful because I'm picky as hell.
I still have to do some house work naked (just for you Kell ) so ... yeah fuck the work, i'll do it later.

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:: 2005 8 September :: 5.32 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Where You Are - Rascal Flatts

I figured it was time to update again since i aint since the 26... but yeah.
Karl came down Friday and left Monday at one... he picked me up from school... it was so sweet. lol all my friends like flocked out of the school and like killed him and Bubba.
We ... had sex. oh it was so wonderful even though it did hurt soooo bad. We didn't until Monday... oh it was so crazy.
He hates seeing me cry so I held it in until i couldn't see them anymore when they was drivin off and then i just started bawling. oh it was horrible. I had to do the MDA boot block like we do every Labor Day since my folks are on the fire department and yeah... so he got to leave me standing in the middle of the highway. i felt like a hooker, it was wonderful. lol. Anyway, luckily i had my make up because i got to go be on TV!! it was so exciting...ha, no not really, i just kind of stood there and mom and dad did all the talking about how much we raised and stuff. BooooOOOOooooring.
Anyway, schools still really hard and we have way to much homework. I was gonna be in FFA but I don't know if i'll be able to because since Ashley's at college there isn't anyone but me to take care of the house, kids, and cook supper, so I might have to sacrifice my social life for my family. Now, some may be wondering "why doesn't your Parents do all them things". Well my friends (i'm guessing) my parents just don't do them things. they claim that it's to stressful coming home from working all day to a needy family. Hmm maybe you fuckers shouldn't have had 4 kids then huh? Yeah, smart move. So, I get to do all that fun stuff all by myself. Ashley's never home. She's at home Friday night through Tuesday morning, then she stays with my cousins that live up there by the college to save gas since it's so damned expensive anymore. stupid... gas... whatever.
On another note... actually, back to Karl, while down here he managed to accidentally break his phone. How did he do that? Simple. He jumped in the pool with it in his pocket, it fell out of his pocket and he stepped on it. Hmm. Wonderful. Now, he's broke from comin down here and therefore cannot afford to grab a phone real fast so i caint talk to him. It's killing me.
anyway, i'm tired so i'm gettin outta here

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:: 2005 26 August :: 4.12 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Yellow - Coldplay

So I got a 94% on my Advance Biology test. Definitly not the best, but I guess it's acceptable for right now. I was rather upset though. Johanna got a 75%. I would have died, seriously. I could not live with that.

Karl called me last night at like... 7 maybe I don't know, but he was going some where with his friends or some shit I don't even know, and then he said that he would call me back later as usual...but then he didn't. I don't know if something happend or what. I hope he's alright, and I'm sure he is, but I got a little worried. I don't mind that he didn't call me, I mean for petes sake he shouldn't have to call me every single night if he doesn't want to, but ahh it just worried me. I'm sure he'll call tonight and everything will be hunky dory ... I hope anyway ...

Anyway, I've been in a really bad mood all day and right now I want to go sleep for like 10 hours, not that I'll get to, but yes, it would be nice. Anyway.. Oh!!
Karl said that they might move his deployment date back to December, or at least to after Thanksgiving. If they do that then he wants his family and mine to have Thanksgiving...together. I was like oh... ha... yeah that'll be cool... but I was really thinking holy shit no, my family is so demented and messed up that your family will hate me and forbid you from marrying me. But yeah... we'll see how it goes. I kind of want to meet his family before my family meets his family... but I don't know. It probably would be fun.
Anyway, I'll talk about that later


:: 2005 25 August :: 5.12 pm
:: Mood: happy/tired
:: Music: A Whole New World - Aladdin (thanks to choir its stuck in my head...)

This has been such a long week and it Still isn't over. How depressing is that? Just one more day though.
We had a pop test in Algebra II and I got a 4 out of 10, so I guess that means that I missed... freakin 3. Yeah, just wonderful. I wanted to cry, but I was to tired and I didn't want my make up to run. lol good reasons, I know.

Tessi has been making me so mad lately. She's gotten into this phase where she punches, slaps, or pinches you for saying or doing anything that she either doesn't like or doesn't agree with. Hell, she does it for no reason, she'll just come up and do it. I don't want to hit her back because then she'll hit me and blah blah blah it would just go on forever and we would probably end up getting into a serious fight. I don't want to fight with her for God's sake, I just wish she would fucking stop hitting me. Also, today she decided to make a little poster that had pigs and lady bugs on it. Now, I'm not deathly afraid of them, shit I'm not even really scared of them, I just prefer not to be around them for the simple fact that I don't like them. I don't even like to see pictures of them. She knows this yet she fucking did that shit anyway. She's terrified of midgets but you don't see me giving her pictures of them now do you? Fuck no. I don't know, I don't want to fight with her, but God damn, she needs to like... change. Everyone agrees too so it aint just me, not that any of yall would know...

I'm done with this shit


:: 2005 24 August :: 10.34 pm
:: Mood: stressed/tired
:: Music: Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows

Does liking Choir make me a complete and total geek?

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