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:: 2005 8 February :: 4.59 pm
:: Mood: Pissed off
:: Music: Since U Been Gone

Today has sucked. I absolutly HATE when people think that it will be funny to touch my glasses in order to get smudges on my lenses. It takes to long to get them clean again and...well it just really pisses me off. Anyone with glasses knows that it's a pain in the ass.
Johanna thinks that doing this is great, and she gets quite the good laugh out of it. She thinks it's so wonderful when i get fucking pissed, then she tells me to "just get over it". By that point i want to punch the shit out of her face.

MSN has also been a fucking bitch lately. Last night it would not let me sign in until around 8:30. My parents have decided that i "just don't get enough sleep" and therefore I have to be off the computer by nine. This is completely retarded. If I'm tired, I go to bed. If I'm not, I don't. Why don't they get this? I don't know, but it makes me mad and I want to scream. Tonight it looks as though MSN is in the same mood. It's not just me either, so I can't blame it on my computer. At school Jessica asked if anyone had a problem with it last night. Everyone said yes. Blasted messenger.

Two kids got caught smoking pot on school grounds today during lunch. The cop always hangs around school know since the "gang wars". It's really gay but I think it's hilarious that they got caught. Retards.

Justin got suspended for saying that Caleb gets molested by his father. He was just joking and it was freaking hilarious but a teacher over heard and sent him to the office. Caleb said that the principal called his house that night. lmao. So funny. Next thing we know Family Services will be calling. I will die if that happens. Caleb deserves all this. He told Starr that he got STD's from her mother, he constantly lets everyone know that he has seen Stacia's boobs, and just constantly makes fun of everyone and makes their life hell. Then he gets upset if anyone says anything about him. Its gay but still funny.

Karl said that some guy hit this other guy in the face with a flashlight while he was sleeping and he had to get 6 stitches. That's scary and demented. He might not get leave during the summer, and so he might not come down here. That would suck, but I was nervous about him coming anyways so maybe it works out for the best. Not that I don't want him to come...but...I don't know.

Alright, I have to go do laundry so later
- Rachel -


:: 2005 1 February :: 2.43 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson

hmm...ok im at school and the keyboard sucks ass. like you have to kill the spacebar to make it space and then it gets stuck so it just keeps spacing and its really annoying. by the time you get it all fixed everyone in the damn computer lab is staring at you like your retarded. its great.
i have to many tests this week. actually, they're like all tomorrow. i have a Biology test, a Spanish test and a Missouri History test. the only one that im going to do alright in is the stupid spanish test, but then we have another one on thursday, the "Big One" as they call it, and i shall fail that one. Tomorrows is simply a vocab test.
anyways, nothing interesting has happend in my life, as can be expected, so this is it. to many tests in one week and unwanted details about a broken keyboard.
life goes on


:: 2005 23 January :: 2.06 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic

Ok...I'm in the kitchen fixing chinese food with mom and dad, ashleys in the floor in the kitchen looking for a pan under the cabinet. The phone rings. As always I go and answer it. There's a guy talking and he goes "Does Rachel live there?" only I didn't hear who he asked lived there, so i was like "I'm sorry, what?" and he goes "Is there a Rachel there?" I go "This is her, now who are you?" and he says "Karl" and i FLIP OUT omg everyone was looking at me I was like "OMG nuh-uh for real?!" and yada yada we talked for only a few minutes because thats all the time he got. He was in Georgia and he had gotten permission to use the phone and he called me!! I started crying lol. It was really hard to hear him though, and he obviously had trouble hearing me because we both had to keep saying "huh?". lol anyways I'm going to go eat now, took freaking like 3 hours to cook chinese food. It's worth it though. I'm going to live by a damn chinese resturant that's for sure.


:: 2005 22 January :: 1.14 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Broken - Seether/Amy Lee

I want to curl up and go to bed and not get up for at least 2 weeks, just sleep the days away.
The more crude Asians at school have already decided to hate Justin. Thursday they slipped a letter into his locker during first hour telling him that they "ain't gonna put up with [his] fuckin' gay pussy white trash shit" and "[he] best watch [his] back cuz it's gonna get jumped in the hall cuz of [his] beef" and all this other stuff and it was all dramatic and yet funny. By friday the whole school had heard about it and jessicas boyfriend joey, who already didnt like them, was really mad and seventh hour they started fighting and i guess everyones in trouble and were probably going to have another assymbly about it. i want to know all the details about the fight. ill have to wait until monday.


:: 2005 11 January :: 4.52 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Backwoods Boy - Josh Turner

I haven't seen Doug in quite awhile. He told me last time that I talked to him that he might have to get his appendix taken out, so I hope that everythings alright and that he's not like...

I've stayed home for the last two days with like the stomach flu. It sucks, but I've caught up on my sleep lol.

I really want the movie "8 Seconds". I love that movie but I haven't seen since fourth or fifth grade when I was going out with Craig. lmao the good ol' days I tell ya. Anyways, that's all over now, but I do still want the movie so that I can watch it when Ever I want.

Alright, that's pretty much all, so I shall be going back to sleep...nope, nvm, I'm going to go watch Fear Factor. I've became totally in love with that show. I love it and its nastyness.


:: 2005 8 January :: 11.54 pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: Encore - Jay-Z/Linkin Park (??)

Night on the town
alrighty. i went out with jo, jacob, jake for short incase i use either or from now on, and tylor. we went and ate, lmao alright we went to mcdonalds and i asked for a number eight (grilled chicken sandwich) with no lettuce or tomato. they give me one with lettuce and tomato but no Mayo!! i was like wtf, but i just took off the condaments and ate it plain. not to bad actually. anyways then we went to wal-mart to by oil for jo's yeah, and then we went and watched meet the fockers. it is Great and if none of yalls seen it, get your ass outta your chair and go. its Great. but anyways, we then decided to go Back to wal-mart and mess around because it was only like 9 something. lol like jake bought a huge thing of v8 smoothie crap and a bag of carmel cream candy things, jo bought just like a snickers ice cream thing, tylor bought a bag of swedish fish, and i bought a package of pens (justin stole all my others *rolls eyes*) a bouncy ball thing because it was Sooo cool its like pink and purple all intertwined and shit it was cool, and then a snicker ice cream thing too. then we took the guys home and then jo droped me off. lol it was a good night.

This morning however, taylor went to feed the animals and found our black lab, Jess, laying outside by the food bin thing and like her entire right ass cheek was gone and like her hind quarters and like a little bit of her leg was just like completely open. it was SICK. well...its no big secret that taylor Aint good with situations like this. she comes tearing in the house hyperventilating, screaming and crying and trying to get out that jess "got cut" and how shes bleeding really bad and shes goign to die. now, that aint no cut wound thats for sure, but ill keep off her back about that. ash mom and i all like run out the door putting on our shoes while running, and it was really freaking bad and yeah, but dads up at the church working (church flooded like 2 weeks ago because a pipe busted and we're havening to like rip out all the floors and so we're in the old autotorium or whatever and since dad knows All about this stuff, hes been helping fix it) and so mom like goes and gets him and yada yada he comes home and they load her in the truck and rush her to the vets. she got stitches and all that good stuff and the good ol' doc said that someone shot her in the ass. yeah. great people. shes like the most hilarious dog ever and so adorable and well i dont know im not much of a dog person but i love jess and so it was really sad. but shes all good and yeah its fine cause she'll be fine...but seriously people, WHO SHOOTS A DOG?! she has tags and everthing. its just stupid and really pisses me off.

ok well im like freaking tired and i gotta get up and ready for church in the morning so ill leave it at that. later


:: 2005 4 January :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: depressed

this is soooo sad. i think i give up and my journal shall just stay icky

4 <3 | <3

:: 2005 4 January :: 8.09 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: lalalalalalalallalallallalalalalalala - Rachel

i was gonna edit my previous entry but then i thought naaaaaaaaa
anyways, i lied. that is Not all that happened yesterday.
Time: second hour
Place: Geometry
Actions: Humming to myself because I was extremely bored. I hear someone yell "OMG! JUSTINS BACK!!" I snap my head around and stare at the door way and there, in all his magnificant glory stood the once upon a time man of my dreams. Justin Shane R*****. I stared in open-mouthed amazement. He scanned the desks, saw me, gave me The goofiest grin, dropped his bag and shuffled over and hugged me. *sighs* The day passed by just like they used to. We have all but 2 classes together (third. Me:biology, Him: conditioning...i think. Seventh: Me: Novels, Him: FACS) and we laughed and cried and caught up on everything. It felt so good to have him back. *sighs* lol alright enough sighing. but anyways omg i missed him so much. and let me tell yall...he is HOT. like...impossible to put into words hot. he kind of looks like Ashton, and im a HUGE fan of Ashton. anyways, i have to go call kayla, so later.
oh, lol we got out at 1:00 today because we've gotten so much rain that everything was flooding. its still pouring outside and the temp is slowly dropping i hope that the rain starts turning into ice and then NO SCHOOL!! *prays* ok. lol later


:: 2005 3 January :: 10.35 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Away from the sun - 3 Doors Down

i was unloading the dishwasher and trevor was sitting on a stool at the snack-bar, and he like slipped off of it and he fell on dads filet knife which was sticking straight up out of the silverware part because the blades to small and thin and itll get messed up if we put it blade down...anyways, it cut his arm wide open. ash tay and i was all that was there. we called mom, but she had already left and dad dont have a job phone sense hes always on site. anyways i finally just call my gramma harrison. she tells grampa and it should have taken him about 15 minutes to get here, he got here in 5. yeah. anyways, mean while im trying to get everything ready to go to the hospital, ashleys holding trevors arm to keep him from losing to much blood, taylors in the floor screaming and rocking back in forth hypervintalating and she spazing out. grampa gets there and then in pulls mom. were all on the porch except taylor because she was like shaking and shit, dont know what her problem was and we like told mom and grampa what happend and moms like lets go, so we all make our way to the car and then i like turn around to let tay walk in front of me because i had to hold trevor in the back, and shes like still in the house and like freaking out and shaking. anyways i was like "grampa, take taylor to the house with you." and then climbed in the car and we left. they took him in almose immediatly and ash and i had to wait for like...well we got there at 5:15 and didnt leave until 7:30. he got 8 stitches and his little arm was all puffed up and swollen. he got cut right between the 2 main arteries in the arm. anyways, we just got home a little bit ago i had to go take a quick shower and get my biology and novels home work done. anyways, thats all. later


:: 2005 2 January :: 9.32 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson

omg alright i LOVE the butterflies. They stay. im pissed off about everything else though, but i cant talk about it right now. so, whoever happens across my journal between now and before i get home to fix it tomorrow, im sorry that you have to see it and No it is not staying this way. I have to go now before dad kills me (damn him) and so yeah. finish it up.
I need a list of all the colors. before andy fixed it up, there was a link to a TON of colors that you could simply type in the code or whatever for them and then wham-oo you got it.
anybody have that?
anyways, later.
thanks all yall for your help!!

5 <3 | <3 | Random Journal