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Down for the count...

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:: 2004 11 December :: 9.26 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Drop it like it's hot - Snoop Dogg

the wheaton parade was tonight, and to earn money for our class we made funnel cakes and sold them for two dollars. we made 69 dollars. we sold one of them for one dollar because it was cold. my face was frozen and i couldnt feel any part of my hands, feet or butt, but it was still great. tylor was there. i am so completely in love with him and it is totally obvious. i wish it werent, but i cant exactly help it. tessi and chris are going back out.
i need to write karl back. ive been really busy this past week and so i never got around to it, but this week will be busy too and i have to study tomorrow.
where did all the fucking time go?
i remember when i was little and it seemed like the time just stood still for the longest time, and now its gone before you blink.
nobody ever eat mint chocolate candy canes. they are gross.


:: 2004 10 December :: 10.54 pm
:: Mood: impressed
:: Music: Broken - Amy Lee / Sether

all seems new
Woah, very impressive. I knew that one day Andy would get around to us again, but didn't expect it right now. Anyways, it looks very nice and has a bit of an edge.
Anyways. Last night Trevor head butted me, and I may have a broken nose. I go to my specialist tomorrow. Oh the joys. I can't wear my glasses because it's to much weight on my nose, and so today sucked. I ran into a water fountin for God's sake. I am BLIND. Mrs. Ellis, the FACS teacher, put neon orange signs on anything I could run into in the hallway for me. lol it was great. Over the intercom they asked people to "guide me in the right direction" if they see me headed towards something that could hurt me. Ain't people great?
Ashley and Doug got into it earlier. She always gets on the computer and signs in on MSN under my name...without asking me...but anyways. Like she starts debates with everyone because she thinks that she'll never lose...but she does. It's wonderful. Except when I have to hear her complaine about how "stuck up" my friends are. Oh well.
Exactly 5 more days of school before Christmas break. We were going to have a bunch of the finals this last week, but Mr. Summers decided that he was finally going to put some effort into his job and he came up with a schedual for finals. Hmm...funny though, that it's the EXACT same schedual that we had last year...*strokes my chin* but anyways, this week is going to be about the most stressful time of the year. We have to take the constitution test on...Tuesday I think it is. I think I'll do alright, but I always think I'll do alright on my Geometry tests...and I don't. I won't think about it.
I think I want to change the look of my Journal again. I just don't want to take the time to do it. It sucks.
We're going shopping again tomorrow. The Christmas dance is next weekend, and I have Yet to find a dress. I'm going to like cry if I don't find something tomorrow. But anyways, I'm out of things to say now, so until next time....

Your Icecream Flavour is...Chocolate!
You are the all time favorite, chocolate! Turning white kids black since the 1800s. Staining carpets, car seats, and bed sheets for centuries. One thing is for sure, you will never go out of style. You can't go wrong with chocolate!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz


:: 2004 27 November :: 10.13 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Pieces - Hoobastank

omg we finally got our computer set back up and we changed internet services or whatever...well we might. were on a "free trial" at the moment. i already want to change because this one is a lot faster.
anyways....omg my life sucks. not one freaking interesting thing has happened i dont think, and i've been gone forever.
hmm...oh. we're having christmas down here at our house this year, and so we've been going in full speed trying to finish getting the house finished. we're still remodeling and we only Just got the computer room finished today. all the walls are built and painted and we put in a hardwood floor....i guess we aint all the way finished we still have to furnish the room. we just got a couch and the desk set up so far. were close. gotta hurry and finish up the rest of the house though too.
anyways, must go surf the web at a new and improved fast pace.


:: 2004 18 November :: 2.40 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: over and over - Tim and Nelly

and again it has been forever since i last wrote...i think...anyways...
last saturday my great uncle jack died. tuesday was the funeral and we got excused to go to it. jack was the janitor at the school for a long time so like everyone knew him. he was so sweet and i already miss him.
at home we are compleatly re-doing the computer room, we're repainting the walls and putting up new curtins and then when thats all done we're putting in hardwood floor. we've already gotten everything out of that room so its all piled into all the other rooms and stuff. i've been without My computer for the past 2 weeks, haven't been on it any longer then 20-30 minutes at a time for three weeks.
I kind of broke up with doug. like i did it in an email, i told him we should go back to being friends because we were always busy and we never really got to talk, and so yeah...i've not gotten a response from him so i dont know...
i miss karl so damn much omg it is insane. i like have no time to write as many letters to him as i want to because of homework and then remodeling the house and all that crazy shit, so i feel really bad because i dont write as much as i want to but i cant help it!!
anyways, once again, quite room, me typing and getting evil looks so i best scat.


:: 2004 12 November :: 1.16 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Lose it - Emenim

eww alright i was grounded forever but now im back but im in school right now and so im just going to put a quiz result down because the room is really quiet except for my typing and im getting looked at >_>

You are Gloomy the evil bear!! Nobody likes you and
you like nobody. You are evil and mean to
anybody that gets in your way. You dont know a
lot of languages except your oun language. So
when sombody gets in your way you just wanna
kiil them.

What Cartoon Character are you (pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


:: 2004 26 October :: 7.56 pm
:: Mood: Alone!!
:: Music: Tilt ya head back - Nelly/Christina

Boredness (so lots of quizes!!)

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Butterfly Highway
Lake Love15
Fame City55
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?


Uhh just love when I'm eatting a bagel, and when I take the very first bite, the whole freaking thing, minus the part my fingers are holding, comes off and just dangles from my mouth. makes me feel so wonderful.

1 <3 | <3

:: 2004 25 October :: 7.48 pm
:: Mood: moody
:: Music: Falls on me - Fuel

life has once again gone down the shit hole. im always tired because i always stay up late and talk to doug, but i dont want to Not stay up and talk to him, i just want the night to grow about 5 hours so that i can have more then 6-4 hours of sleep a night. its wonderful really -Sarcastic-
everything with doug is going perfect. i was pretty moody yesterday, but then i have to stop and ask my self when im Not moody...
alright, the phone rang, i answered, it was for mom, i got outside to give it to her, and shes not there, neither is ashley taylor or trevor or any of the vehicles. fucking retards didnt even tell me they were leaving. dads not here. im the only one here now, its fucking dark, im scared shitless of the dark, and i think its starting to storm.
....alright. ashley just got home with taylor. mom sent her to go get dad because she locked the keys in the car, and she couldnt get them out. Then she just up and leaves without telling me. i am so pissed now.
anyways, i have to go because its storming.


:: 2004 20 October :: 10.03 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: A rush of blood to the head - Coldplay

WOAH! Doug and I are now going out again!! last night he asked me, but he didnt directly tell me that he wanted to go out with me at first, he was like "I've been thinking a lot about how I was forced to ask you out and how I wasn't ready then..." and then I was like oh, yeah, wth have you been thinking about that for?" and he goes "well, the main emphasis on that sentance is Then rach" and then I knew what was going to end up happening, but I made him spell it out for me anyways *smug smile*
lol anyways, it's all good, I had a great day, we went to the FCCLA regional meeting and then went to the mall and i got like a million key chains for my one house key, lmfao it's hard to find my key because of all the damn key chains but I like key chains so bug off....anyways, lmfao one of them is like steps to having sex, and it's got the little stick people and everything it's great. and then um....oh I got one that has
B - Being
I - In
T - Total
C - Controll of
H - Him
which is great, but so not true in my current relationship, but eh, what cha gonna do?
lmao anyways the youth group went to a concert tonight, it was in a freaking huge place with like only 130 kids, so all the music was really loud and echoing Extreamly bad and now I have a headache. I love loud music, but when you cain't even understand Any of the words and then it's echoing...just not to grand.
anyways, I'm gonna go take my shower so later
- Rach


:: 2004 13 October :: 9.43 pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: You say it best when you say nothing at all - Allison Krauss & Union Station

I stayed home from school Yet again because I was up All freaking night throwing up, I couldn't even hold down medicine. It was bad. Anyways, mom took me to the doctors and of course we waited forever in the waiting room, but anyways, when we (mom just Had to go with me though I told her to stay in the waiting room...I'm so over the 'I'm scared come with me' stage) finally got into the little room and got all the prep shit out of the way with the nurse and the doctor got in there, we talked for a little bit about school and all that stuff as always he told me to lay down so, of course, I lay down. I had imagined that he was just going to poke around on my stomach. NOPE! omg he slid his hand into my pants and started pushing and poking around RIGHT about the good ol' coochie and all the while he kept goin on with the questions about school then he lifted my shirt up over my boobs and started pokin around on my stomach and then between my boobs. I was like omg when is this going to end! *crys*

So never want to go to a gynocologist!!

Anyways, Ash brought me my homework and I have to do this report on Rudyard Kipling, whos a great poet btw, and so yeah I had best be off and doing that. Just wanted to share my rather surprising doctors visit.

[after thought]
It should be a rule for doctors to have warm hands...


:: 2004 12 October :: 7.52 pm
:: Mood: nauseated
:: Music: Fly - Hillary Duff

omg I am so sick. Taylor and Trevor were really sick yesterday, and Ashley and I were like "oh yeah, we aint gonna get that blah blah blah" but uh, yeah I did! Ashleys an ass and didn't get it. I had to stay home from school today and now I'm going to have a Ton of homework tomorrow...if I can even go tomorrow. Anyways, nothing else to talk about, so I'm gonna go.

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