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Down for the count...

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:: 2004 5 June :: 4.53 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Heaven - DJ Sammy

Don't throw your pussy in the air
yeah feel like shit. i was messing around with our kitten Tidy, and...kinda threw it up in the air, guess i was under a celing fan, it hit it and flew across the kitchen and onto the counter, then off the counter to the floor, where it started flipping out and spinning around in circles, and i was screaming "oh shit" a lot i guess because ashley punched me for that one, and then...yeah. it looks fine now, like its not limping or anything...i guess because its like not walking or anything...but yeah. mom thinks it busted something inside. yeah. so, now that we all know im a horrible person, im gonna yeah head out the door...yeah ok dont kill me...bye

Oh btw, though it should probably be taken out of my care, my rats new name is either Chloe or Paige. Chloe is definitly more "cutesy" or whatever, but yeah Paige fits it more. no one likes Paige though....My rat dont care what anyone thinks! ahhahah
*runs off*


:: 2004 5 June :: 11.02 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: It's gonna be love - Mandy Moore

Got outta the house...Finally!
Right, ok was kinda mad earlier when I wrote, and now Im Not mad, so, my day:
Got woken up at 9 by the phone, it was gramma telling us to get up and get ready because she was on her way to pick us up because she wanted to go shopping and then out to lunch. So, yeah Ash and I have like 15 minutes to get ready and then we go shop, then pick mom up and go out to lunch, well I wanted to go to the pet store, but mom had to get back to work because her lunch break was over, so we drop her off and then come back to the pet shop. Ashley had talked me into getting a hedgehog, and she even said she would by it if I kept it and took care of it, I figured I would either way so I agreed to it, anyways, we get there and ask how much they are, lol freaking 95 bucks. my uncle used to raise them, and Ash had gotten one from him for 20 dollars. lol kind of a big difference there. anyways, we decide to forget about the whole hedgehog thing, and then someone came in and was asking about the rats and I couldnt help myself and I went back in the back and was looking at them, and I seem like The cutest one ever, it was like the perfect creamy color and it had bright little black eyes and a cream tail lol kinda fell in love with it, so....yeah bought it! lol I still aint got a name for it, but it'll get one eventually. ok, well gotta big ass day planed out tomorrow, gotta go back to town and get some fly sprayer shit because flys are horrible down here, and then go get a few tunnels for the rat and some food and a ball and wood sticks for her to chew on and a new water yeah gotta stalk up on rat stuff, Misty was to big for the tunnels so we never bought them and she didnt like the wood sticks, but this one aint stopped chewing on this little hideaway thing I got in there, its like stairs and underneath it is hollow so she can climb underthere and sleep and whatnot, so yeah gotta get her something. so yeah I gotta go pee then get to bed.


:: 2004 4 June :: 9.58 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: She's a Bitch - Missy Elliot

ok, Iv been like freaking out thinking Kelly's hurt because he hasnt been on in freaking forever, so finally I email him, and like Right away he emails me back and yeah hes not hurt or anything, apparently his computer got messed up and they sent it in to be fixed. Well he could email me then, but not before hand so that I wouldnt flip out. I thought he was pissed at me, hurt, or yeah freaking dead. NoPe. anyways, whatever at least hes fine.


:: 2004 2 June :: 12.11 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Broken - Seether/Amy Lee

I didnt go to bed till 2:30 and as always I checked on Misty, and she was dead. So yeah I cried for awhile, then finally fell asleep, but I feel pretty blah right now. I doubt Ill get another rat, ashley wants me to get a hedgehog....but I aint so sure. Ill probably just mess around more with the cats. mom said were getting rid of Savannah. They dont like any of the pets that I like, they hated Piper and so they got rid of her when I was over at Kaylas once. Were keeping Tidy and Flag because they have the "best personality" out of them all. *rolls my eyes* anyways, I guess just whatever. Im tired and I think Im going to go back to sleep.


:: 2004 1 June :: 10.27 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Here without you - 3 Doors Down

I've not talked to Kelly in such a long time, I feel like I hardley even know him anymore. I compleatly understand that it's the end of the year and he has finals, and he has work, and he has family stuff...but it still doesn't make it any easier for me. I miss him and I don't know if I've done something to upset him or if he just needs time away from the internet, or time away from me....I just don't know anymore

That one time you let me see your soul
That was the time I felt whole
When a smile and a touch of the hand was all we would need
Now we are seperate, like the wind scattering a seed
The spark, our love, gone from our touch
Do you know that I still love you as much?
Every night I yearn for your hand, your taste, your lips
Your mouth on my breasts, your hands on my hips
Though all I get is a cold lonely bed and a single salty tear
I've know about her for half of this year
Is she prettier? Somehow better then I
Whatever you say, please be truthful, not one more lie
I still love you, I still long for you
I know you long too...
Though not for me, but for her

I'm off to take my shower. I'm not even going to re-read that. I just made it up as I went, I don't know if it's good or bad, and frankly I don't much care at the moment.


:: 2004 31 May :: 10.30 pm
:: Mood: sore/tired/sore/burnt/sore...
:: Music: Someday - Nickelback

Yup made it back alive. ok, so we head out were good for a few hours, then dad decides to stop to fish. Now, this is Trevor's first time actually fishing. hes messed around with a pole with no hook on it but this time hes a "big boy" so he gets a hook. Well, we pulled up on the bank and dads fixing Taylors fishin pole, and Trevors standing right in front of me pushes the release for the line and some how the hook ends up in my top lip. Yeah, hurt like a mother. Dad finally got it out, but my lip swelled up so bad lmfao i looked like i had a lip job gone awry. Anyways, all the dramas over for the most part, nothing else but just plain fishin stuff happens, getting caught up and all the fun dragging and yeah all that fun stuff. anyways, we get in, go set up camp, cook supper, go to bed, get up freaking early in morning and its freaking freezing cold good lord thought my ass was gonna just fall right off. anyways, we cook breakfast, and go down to the boats, catch minnows (thats what we use for bait), load up and head out again. im in charge of keeping the sun screen on the kids, so i lather them up real good and end up using the rest of the bottle, and i didnt worry about it because i figured we had another bottle in the dry box. nope. we didnt. so now im freaking burnt, i cant even put my bra on because my bathing suit was backless (i ended up wearing a one piece)and yeah im freaking red and my arms and back are sore from paddling. oh, and i have posin ivy on my legs and ass from squating to go pee on the banks. yup. hurts like a mother. all down my legs too....or up them...? anyways, yup. we ended up with only 3 fish, though we did have 6. i caught a 12 and three quarter bass, and a gogali but the freaking gogali got loose and yeah we cut up the bass. anyways enough of this boring trip, i have to go find a comfy spot in my bed lol so later


:: 2004 29 May :: 8.35 pm
:: Mood: quizical...that a word? is now
:: Music: I wanna live - something?? Gracin

Quizes and mOre Quizes...Im bored bitch leave me alone

Which Rock Chick Are You?


Which British Band Are You?


Which Grunge Band Are You?

lmfao ok so i dont know any of these people or yeah. lol later we going shopping! yeah were just now leaving freaking psychos! i aint going to be able to get up at 4 in the morning! lord
*walks off muttering*


:: 2004 29 May :: 10.52 am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Simple Life - Carolyn Dawn Johnson

Ok, so dad, Taylor, Trevor and I are going to go floating. Mom and Ash are staying behind and's going to be weird with out Ash because we always made fun of the drunks that always manage to flip their boats on the creek, and of the ugly dogs and the kids that think they're the shit and jump off the Big Rock and manage to belly flop or do a back buster...just yeah. oh and since yall have no clue what the Big Rock is, it's 'the' place to go if you wanna swim and stuff in the creek, there's this freaking huge rock that's directly above the water, and you climb up on it and dive off and theres a rope that you can swing off of, and yeah its really fun, but you have to be really fucking sure of where your going to land when you jump or swing into the water, because theres huge rocks scattered just below the surface that can mess ya up pretty bad if you hit. a few years ago this dude dived off the BR and crushed his whole face on a rock and ended up dieing on the way to the hospital in the back of the ambulance. yeah...I dont get on the freaking rock. lol i dont exactly like going in water where i dont know what lurks beneath and where i cant see the bottem. not big on that. lol yeah i dont go to the lake to offten. anyways, yeah todays moms birthday, and shes feeling a lot better then she was so its all good, though she is going to go to the doctors.
anyways, we gotta go get some food and drinks and stuff, and i've got to get another bikini because the one i got kinda shows much to wear at a family yeah its bad, but good for non family members...? lol ok anyways later


:: 2004 28 May :: 10.46 am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: I'm not gonna sleep - Clay Walker

every memorial weekend we go floating for 2 days but this time moms like really sick, i dont know whats wrong with her, but shes stayed up crying for the past few nights, and shes throwing up and just yeah. we thought it was just cramps or something, but they've never been this bad, but she refuses to go to the hospital, but maybe shell change her mind, she needs to. anyways, so we might not go floating to keep an eye on mom. Tomorrows her birthday so ashley and i are cleaning like every freaking thing in the house. dusting, sweeping, vaccuming, mopping, just yeah everything. so yeah anyways i gotta go get started on that. later


:: 2004 26 May :: 5.51 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: No One - Cold

Stupid sTupid scHool
alright so i didnt pay much attention to the other slip of paper that came along with my grade card, and apparently it was my New and Improved schedual. stupid fucks i wish they would leave it alone. ahh itll probably get changed again, but im going to put it in here again. freaking retards i swear!

--first--English II
--fourth--Spainish I
--fifth--Government History
--sixth--Housing and Family
--seventh--Novels and Creative Writting

alright anyways yeah thats what it is. freakin retards. anyways...nicoles acting all weird. she keeps saying like and omg a lot....yeah shes turning into me *cries*
lol i never payed attention to how much i say like...kind of...scary actually. lol anyways...shes scaring me, she dont talk like that *bites my bottem lip and looks around* lol

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