2004 4 March :: 12.39 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Tourniquet - Evanescence
Rain and Thunder
yeah i aint been able to get on for 2 days cuz its been storming really bad here and mom gets all weird and worried and paraniod and stuff...lol yeah its funny but annoying so anyways....lol our school is going to be like gone next year. they fired 11 of our teachers, we have 4 teachers left in the high school for next year, and so since our school is now shitty like everyone is leaving, like all my friends are leaving, and yesterday i cried for a really long time, and we got out at 12 since it was wendsday and so...yeah i cried when i got home and i just cried whole freakin lot. anyways, i just hate our school now and i want to be homeschooled because all my friends are gone and its just...anyways bye bye
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2004 1 March :: 10.35 am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Everybody's Fool - Evanescence
2 school or not to school
omg the best fuckin song in the world is Tourniquet by evanescence. good lord i love that song....anyways i came home from school because i have the biggest migrain in the world, and my medicine makes me cranky and...yeah. im not supposed to be on here im supposed to be sleeping, but i dont want to sleep, so here i am...not listining to my doctors advice...ahh but its all ok, what do the doctors know anyways? haha ok i think im going to....go do something
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2004 29 February :: 7.08 am
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: Tournequit - Evanescence
Mistake or not
i may have did a big boo-boo and scared the one guy i love away...but then maybe i just did what i felt was right and didnt scare him away, just aware of my feelings....yeah anyways, ill find out later what the consiquences of this thing is, but i gotta go because piper just ate trevors pizza...uh-oh...lol im getting bitched at now...bye bye!!
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2004 29 February :: 11.15 am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Haunted -Evanescence
ok tonight our church went to see The passion of the Christ, and all i have to say...well no the main thing i have to say is HOLY SHIT! i mean omfg its so...something. i cried throughout the whole thing basically, but ima cryer, i cry over anything and nothing but my friend jess, dont cry on nothing and she cried tonight while watchin it. i mean shit...its so graphic and real, its amazing, and hollywoods going to regreat not backing it and mel gibsons going to be remembered forever for it (not that he could be forgotten anyways), and...well yeah, shit.
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2004 26 February :: 10.03 am
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: When its over - Suger Ray
Im tired, its almost friday, which on friday we get to go to neosho to EAT CHINESE FOOD!!! OMFG I CAINT WAIT! lol i LOVE chinese food so damn much and i can finally eat with CHOP STICKS!! ahhhh!! lol im so damn good at 'em too. hahaha. ok well i gotta goooooooo no not goo i dont goo...lol i gotta GO! whew that was kinda gross but anyways, bye bye
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2004 25 February :: 12.48 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Milkshake - Kelis
yay! we got out at 12 today and ahh its great. but anywho when i was little i was on a merri-go-round or whatever it is and i fell off of it and broke like half of my front teeth off and today, like just a few minutes ago some of my fake tooth stuff....um yeah chipped off and so yeah trip to the dentist real soon *sighs* i dont wike de dentist nope nope. shit lol and i just bit my tounge, so yeah bad day. lol ok ima go...byebye!
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2004 23 February :: 10.01 am
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Take me away - Fefe Dobson
ok lol kelly went ahead and scanned the OLD pictures of me...which just happen to look like SHIT! lmfao anywho i should be getting the new ones soon and sending them his way...if they pass my judgement... *sighs* lol anywho im bored theres nothing to talk about im leaving
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2004 20 February :: 4.29 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: With You - Jessica Simpson
tonights homecoming so im gonna be gone almost all night at the game and dance...well i dont know if im staying for the dance, i aint made my mind up. im really excited but im kinda pissed off too, because i have to miss the end of Charmed. i love that show so damn much, lol and Cole is SOO FREAKIN HOT. omfg...its like an orgasm every time you look at him...whew...anyways...lol um yeah i dont know so bye bye
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2004 18 February :: 1.14 am
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Numb - Linkin Park
every wendsday till March 17, we get out at 12 because the teachers are doing this...thing...lol i dont know what it is. anyways whatever the thing is its fine by me. im tired and iv got a cold and i caint stop coughing and my nose is stuffy...ahh its horrible, but anyways...yeah i dont know. life is pretty dull so im going to go....im talking to karl right now...and yeah i dont know still so bye
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2004 14 February :: 9.23 am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Here without you - 3 Doors Down
The Day Of Looooooove
im alone....but im happy, i dont know why, but i guess i still got some faith in my love life turning out ok after all...who would have guessed!?! ok...well i dont even know, lol i wonder whats up with everyone raggin on Andy about that virous thing...? anyways i aint got no virous from here...lmao i love how he called everone insane though...nice touch i think. anyways, i got a dozen roses from a "secret admirier" today, they got delivered at 7:00 this morning. dont know what the hell he was thinking. oh, he signed it "your secret admirer" but then put his name at the bottem...dumbass. it was from
TURNER!!! haha anyways im gonna go dance to this song thats on. lol its The touch of my hand by Britney Spears or whatever its called. ok well later!
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