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Down for the count...

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:: 2004 11 February :: 7.46 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: jolean - dolly parton

karl an nic
ok long story here....nic and karl are madly in love with eachother...painfully obvious. they are probably going to end up getting married, and when she turns 18, in 2 years, they are going to move in with eachother. they are my best friends like in the world, and i wished them the best...yada yada yada, and then nicole was like "oh dont think your getting off that easy" and then they asked me to move in with them when i turn 18, in 3 years. well almost 3 years...anywho, it was a very touching moment, lol almost kodack moment stuff, and we were all crying...well not karl but that dont count, and we might move to montana, so that i can go to college there. its gonna be great if it ever happens, and it probably will, but...anyways i dont know. i know that they aint psychotic killers, just like i know kelly aint and all my other friends...well i have my suspicions about a anyways, well see what happens. oh and if they do get married, they decided to name their first baby girl Rachel Colline. that made me cry nic said i was full of tears and pee. another kodack moment as you can tell...anyways im going to finish my card game so later

1 <3 | <3

:: 2004 10 February :: 7.37 am
:: Mood: nauseated
:: Music: my immortal - evanescence

i got all ready for school, and without being self centered, goody good person whos obsesed with herself, i have to admit that i looked pretty damn good. i got a new outfit that hugs in just the right places, and the buss was coming, and so i was getting ready to leave the house, and then BAMM i had to run to the bathroom and loose last nights supper via my mouth. ohh it was nasty, and i dont look to hot now, my make-up ran and i got dark circles under my eyes, and i still feel really sick, so yeah...just a wonderful start of my day!!


:: 2004 9 February :: 8.51 am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: not gonna get us - tAtU

i dont know if msn is down, like something is wrong with it, but omg it WILL NOT let me sign in. i want to talk to ashley, i want to talk to nicole, i want to talk to karl, and i want to talk to whoever the hell else is on. but NOOOO damn thing wont let me. i just want to scream and throw things im so mad! we didnt have school today cuz of snow, it snowed a lot last night, and so they called it off, cuz it was still coiming down hard, and so yeah... anyways, the msn thing, after i try to sign in, it says, " we were unable to sign you in to .NET Messenger Service possibly because of a problem with the service or with your Internet connection. Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet. 0x81000306 Click the Help button to check the current sevice status." but, when i DO hit the damn help button, it says something like the url you not availiable....blah blah blah, and so im just...pissed off


:: 2004 7 February :: 1.12 am
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: miss independance - kelly clarkson

Mom and dad went to sell the puppies today, and they said that they were going to sell Piper, who is MY puppy, and i cried forever. omg i have a headache from crying for so long, and then they left, and i didnt go outside, but then i had to let Freckles (ashleys dumb dog) out and there was Piper, sitting on the porch, and i broke down yet again and i like suffocated her huggin her and kissis her so hard. ahh i feel a lot better, but my head is still pounding. im gonna kill mom and dad for putting me through that, and they had better bring me chinese home!!


:: 2004 6 February :: 6.23 am
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: Backwoods Boy - Josh Turner

my life is boring right now, i aint even going to try to bore yall with my life at the moment. iv done all the section reviews in my history book, from the section that we are in to the end of the book. thats a whole lot of freakin section reviews. ok and i realize that yall aint gonna know what the hell a section review is, but i dont care. its a shit load of work, that takes forever to do. thats how empty and boring my life has been. well i have to go, so dad can call direct tv and pay the bill by phone so that we can watch MONK TONIGHT!! OMG I LOVE THAT SHOW!!! AND CSI!! AHH GREAT GREAT GREAT!!!


:: 2004 2 February :: 4.00 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: toxic - britney spears

on saturday, ashley, taylor and i did ALL the freakin house work. i mean we dusted, scrubed, rinsed, swept, scrubed...everything that you could possiably do, and we did all that because we made a deal with mom and dad that if we cleaned everything on saturday, that we could watch the Charmed marathon on sunday from 1 to 11. but then, they cooked a shit load of crap and they dirrtied a ton of laundry, and then they wanted it done, ashley had it easy cuz she puts the clothes in the dryer in a basket and switches it over and then folds it on the couch, but the dishes suck, cuz i caint watch tv and put the dishes away at the same time and clean cabnits and crap, but anyways, i didnt get the iron skillets washed, cuz i have to do those by hand cuz theyll rust in the dishwasher, and anyways long story short im grounded from the tv for a week cuz i didnt wash 2 flippin pans. ahh parents are least mine. iv been whining alot lately...oh and they bought me my rocky road icecream. haha


:: 2004 31 January :: 6.57 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: touch of my hand - britney spears

IceCream Issues
i hate vanilla icecream. i hate homemade icecream. i hate homemade vanillia icecream. everyone in my family knows that and yet they still made it. and they made it because i said that icecream sount good for dessert tonight, and so instead of doing the nice thing, and buying some rocky road icecream (my favorite). NOO they had to go to the store and come home with things to make...yeah you guessed it homemade vanillia icecream. ah i got so mad, but i didnt say anything about it im just not talking to them. i know i know i sound like a big baby cuz im throwing a fit about icecream of all things, but it kinda really made me mad!


:: 2004 30 January :: 7.15 am
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: green eyes - coldplay

AHH Julie had Brooklyn last night at 11:52 p.m., she weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces, and she was 22 inches long. omg Ashley Taylor and I skipped school today to go see her with gramma, and she looks just like Julie, thank God, cuz Dustin (Brooklyn's daddy) is, no offence to Julie, but ugly as hell. Brooklyn has a head full of black hair, and pretty pretty blue eyes. im basically an aunt now, cuz Julies like our sister. ohh i caint wait till they get home from the hospital so we can hold her longer. Julies really sore and stuff which is to be expected of course, but other than that shes doing good and shes still looking ok...ohh ok im gonna go brag some to who evers on msn...teehee


:: 2004 29 January :: 4.32 am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: watermellon crawl - john micheal montgomery

moms gottin into the handy mood. as in handy man mood. shes ripped out all the door frames and sanded them, revarnished them and she got them all mixed up so now shes trying to figure out which ones go on what door....she even asked me to put her hair in pigtails so that it would be out of her face....scary is all i have to say. lol, anyways, julie aint had Brooklyn yet, she got admitted to the hospital 30 minutes ago, contractions 4-3 minutes apart and shes dialted to 4. but the stupid doctors caint tell if her waters broke yet or not. she said that it has, but the doctors said that Brookyn had just kicked and caused Julie to pee, but she faught with them, and so they are going to have a visit inside and see whats going on up there....yummy i know. anyways shes got her epidurial and shes yelling and her spitfire attitude is coming out, which is always just peachy haha...she sure has a temper. OHH im just so excited. shes like my sister so im almost be an aunt!!


:: 2004 27 January :: 9.35 am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: ordinary day - vanessa carlton

just cuz
im home with EVERONE in my family, and i still feel all alone : ( it sucks, but oh well. i feel like doing my homework...but i have no homework to do, i feel like writing, but i can think of now stories to write, i feel like writing a letter, but the only person i can think to write a letter to is kelly...and i dont know if he wants a letter from confused when it comes to him...silly boy. we talked today in the first time in...well in a long time. i havnt talked to ashley since we had that big fight, karl said that he left like as soon as i was signing in on msn. so i missed him but barely. oh well ill talk to him when i do, karl said he asked if he had seen me so i guess that means he needs to talk to me too....? anyways, i think im going to go...copy pages from the dictanary so i can write and maybe learn some words at the same time! yay! omg im pathetic, oh well...dictanary here i come!!

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