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Down for the count...

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:: 2010 17 February :: 1.23am

oh shit bitch!



:: 2010 15 February :: 12.38am

I really need to stop drinking. It's real sad when all you think about is wanting a beer in the morning when you wake up.

4 <3 | <3


:: 2010 11 February :: 12.32am

It is now Samantha's 22 birthday right now. In 3 years, she'll be able to drive rental cars.



:: 2010 10 February :: 12.53pm

I said shit goddamn.



:: 2010 9 February :: 11.57am

Going to Ann Arbor for a hockey game today. I do not feel very well. I've got this nice cough and my nose is all stuffy. I freaking love it.

This is my great editing skills done in photobucket. Yeah, photobucket. FAIL.




:: 2010 4 February :: 2.07pm




:: 2010 4 February :: 1.22pm




:: 2010 31 January :: 4.11pm

At work. It has been insanely busy. I still need to finish putting up tags. 2 hours to do so. I don't think it will get done.



:: 2010 31 January :: 3.13am

Oi this whole Ali thing is ridiculous. I think I might actually go insane. One moment is something, the next its nothing. JFC. Make up your mind.

Write blog review for Fragcast
Finish art piece
As much BF:BC2 as possible
Evening: running admin meeting for a2k
Evening: a2k Clan 1yr celebration, monthly meeting
Auto Show with Ali ...maybe more.
Evening: Superbowl Party @ Verns

[Edit] Revised apparently I got wrong dates...



:: 2010 29 January :: 12.48am

Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Okay heres the skinny: it fucking rocks. There are some problems, but thats to expected in a beta.

Explosions all over the place. Bullets flying all over. Noise. Noise. Noise! The first 15min made me feel like an ant looking at a sandbox. It is absolutely amazing to play. I wish I had a better system so I could actually stand a chance in close quarters. My system only manages to run it at round 25fps which blows. I need to tweak some settings to try and make it go up but I dont think I will manage to pull much more out of the system.

The kits are rather slim pickin at the start but that just takes some time to unlock things.
This game carries over lessons learned by both BF2 and BF2142 which is great. Kit unlocks balance against starter weapons. Pins for just about anything you do is back from 2142. They minimalized the text you see on screen which is nice. No wall of kills spamming the corners of your screen. No radial control menu when you hit 'Q' anymore. Just a simple tap to light someone with a target. The audio isnt loud in your ear with the same line "....spotted!" no longer is in your ear 5 times in 1second. No commanders that I could tell which mean no recon class going solo to do stupid stuff.

Sniper registration could use some work, but its still amazing.
You actually have to use mil dots! I dont know if windage is taken into account just yet, but it certainly is possible. Its a totally new engine for the game. I love not seeing laser points for scopes. Keeps the riff-raff away from using the rifles.

The MW2 naysayers will be content with hooting and hollering over their precious game and miss out on a much more immerse battle game. This game is competition gold. Squad vs squad will be amazing. In the first ours of playing tonight I got to squad up with 3 other of my clan members in a server. We rolled the map on both ends. Revive, re ammo, shoot, shoot, shoot. I can see TWL, CAL, MLG, XPL, and CEVO all taking this game on for tournaments.

ModernFail2 can have its lack of community support over in its corner. Fine by me. Its days are numbered due to the lack of support, the rehashing of old content, and lets not forget shit job of fixing bugs. "Blame it on Steam!" "Who needs PB?! We've got VAC!"

The wait is almost over! March is near!

Giant maps. Great action. Amazing environment destruction. 15000 kit variations. Vehicle mayhem! Dedicated servers! Tactical combat! Realism!

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