Jade is my color.
I try to not look at times past. I try so hard. I hate myself when I do think of them.
I try to live by the moment. For the now.
I forgive. I forget....too much.
I am flawed. I am broken. I am human.
To those who fell away. May my deeds be forgiven.
To those who are around, thank you.
For those who would give up on me. So be it, your choice. I cannot stop you.
Some black dude made a kissy face at me as I was pulling out of BP. WTF? Really? ew. I'm really not that flattered. Just disgusted. Sammy is now my Rainbow Bright <3. Work was...boring. Busy. Gotta love shipment day. Only 2 skids today compared to our 3-4 skids we get. Thank god for holiday time because they'd rather make sure we don't get screwed by stealers. Protecting what's ours. Word.