The tragedy of a track marked beauty queen.


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Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.

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:: 2004 5 April :: 6.13 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Aerosmith.. :)

I <3 you!
so this is exciting. I am going to a concert with my parents..haha. I guess it isn't really weird, I mean, my dad went to warped tour last year and he'll be going again this year, but whatever. it'll be fun.
yesterday was a blast. I went to a cheerleading competition with laughed at all the crazy screaming soccer moms. then we went to eat with his mom's best friends, whose daughter was in the competition. then we..dun dun dun..went to the beach. yea..I went to the beach. I am so pale, it's so sad. and I'm so self-concious that I make myself wear a guy's bathing suit over my bikini..legs=uglyyyy. but I think my boobs looked nice. ;) such a nerd. anyways, we had fun..even though he picked me up and threatened to throw me in the cooollllldd ocean. eek. and I'm good at putt putt! kind of!
yea and today is Kurt's D-Day. did he, or someone else kill him? hm. I don't really know, who does? but I think if I had to bet my money on it, he did it. so guys, if ya know, you're christian, pray. if you're buddhist, meditate. if you're some other kind of religion, do whatever you do to mourn or whatever. and if you're an agnostic, or if you're (my favorite, though I'm not one) an athiest, siiiiiing! and keep in mind, whatever yuo are..he wanted to be dead for a looong time..suicide or not. alrigth, I think I'm leavin in a few, so I'll see you cats on the flip flop! ;)

<3333 Aerosmith! (and Cheap Trick.)

save the empire!

:: 2004 3 April :: 8.50 pm
:: Mood: a good way.
:: Music: Every Time I Die

Last call..k-k-killllll it!
okay so brief overview of my weekend so far.
Friday..jumped a fence in a skirt..shortcut to Starbucks from Willa Springs (my ass) 4 scratches though..:)..went to UCF for Relay for Life with Jennah and Rach..hung out with Mr. Farran a lot..donated by buying shirts that say "College is for Losers" on them..grrr8. haah..spent the night at Jennah's..good times., today..went to Alex's..walked to Red Bug..tried watching Runaway Jury, waaaay too pictures developed-saw Patrick and Davis at Eckerd, do not think Patrick's mom likes me..layed down together and almost fell asleep..went home..ate asian food..watched Kurt Cobain special..and now I'm here. it's been fun. I reallllly like Every Time I Die. so I'm going to go listen..later guys.

save the empire!

:: 2004 28 March :: 8.27 pm

"and no one cares about your relationship anyway." if you don't care, don't read. stupid fuckin self-absorbed spoiled wanna be original asshole teenagers. I mean, seriously, I don't write in here for people to read. I write in here because it's something to do and, I like to write. and yea I have it in my profile, some people do like to read, one..that doesn't mean you haaaave to click it, suckas. so getting that out of the way..
I fucked up our happy week of no fighting. I didn't mean to..I was just an asshole today. I'm on my period. so maybe that was it? I don't know. at Mark's show I threw my ice on him..because I don't know, he was doing the little ass grabby thing that I hate, and he knows I hate, and it embarassed him..even though no one saw. I don't know, I feel bad now. it's only 8:32. and I'm exhausted. I haven't really felt good since yesterday and ehh..I don't feel good. I need Alex..but I don't think he likes me too much right now. he thinks "I don't care." is this caring? this is caring. I care. I'll prove that I care. I love him so much. I'm fucking eating my own heart out. goodnight.

save the empire!

:: 2004 28 March :: 7.12 pm

I lied! it is a different song! Bleeding Hearts. it is it is it is!! it's good too! old atreyu, omg, this is the shit.

save the empire!

:: 2004 28 March :: 6.43 pm
:: Mood: nice.
:: Music: atreyu :)

today was fun. Alex came over around..1..we talked kissed watched part of sleepy hollow put dreads in my hair then went to Mark's show, whcih was realllly cool. Mark's band was first, out of three..but we didn't get to see the third. they were really good. :) the second band was really cool too. they kinda reminded me of atreyu..'cept I can tell what the lead singer of atreyu is saying. dude, Mark and Davis moshing was so..I wanna say cute, but it just wouldn't fit..I guess. it was funny. Holly was there. I haven't seen her in so long, it was nice. she and Ryan remind me of Alex and I. I'm just a cheeseball like that. dude, I just dled a song by Atreyu called Bleeding Hearts getting all excited because I thought it might be like, a new song or a really old song or something..and it turned out to be Lipgloss and Black. I hate it when people do that and get the names wrong. oh well, it's still a good song. oh and guess what? they might be, probably, coming with From Autumn to Ashes. how fucking cool is that?
yesterday was the pig roast. thank god Alex went with me. he had fun, which made me happy. I had fun too..except for the part when that really crazy woman freaked out about us kissing..and then tried to get us to dance..dude, she was fuckin gone..I mean, gone. she was so should have seen the look on my sister's face when she took her cigarette from her and started smoking. hah, and then she pulled my dad out of his chair making him fall. she made herself look like such an asshole.
and I just found a new..or old..atreyu song for real. this makes me happy. I'm going to go try to match it to a cd. :)

save the empire!

:: 2004 28 March :: 12.22 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Every Time I Die

1) Using band names, spell out your name.
S-Straylight Run
H-Hidden In Plain View
N-Never Heard Of It
N-Norma Jean
2) Have you ever had a song written about you? a couple..good..and bad..
3) What song makes you cry? Gloomy Sunday by Sarah Mclachlan
4) What song makes you happy? there's a name one, Echo by Trapt
5) What do you like to listen to before bed?Konstantine-SoCo

I know, I'm a nerd.

1 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 27 March :: 1.57 pm
:: Mood: nice..but I don't feel good.
:: Music: nothing, nothing at all. ;)

I liked this one.
Have you ever...
eaten peanut butter out of the jar?:who hasn't?
learned how to play a musical instrument?:in band in 6th grade..didn't get very far..
smiled and cried at the same time?:yess
been confused but played along anyway?:hahahah alllll the time
mistaken a stranger for someone you knew?:haha, yea
called a friend/teacher/stranger Mom or Dad?:in kindergarden
made out with one of your friends, and then regretted it?:not by choice.
played hopscotch?:hah, in winter park with miss michele. :)
punched someone so hard they bled?:no, but that's a good goal
gotten unexplainable bruises?:yes actually
been poisoned, either on purpose or by accident?:no..
seen your favorite band in concert?:favorite band at the moment? no. but I have seen bands in concert at the time that they were my favorite.
bought a CD, then hated it?:duh
When was the last time you...
bought deodorant?:my dad bought me some about like, a couple weeks ago?
answered an equally stupid survey?:yesterday..but it was cuter
called someone a 'bitch', 'slut', or 'hoe'?:I don't really know.
gave someone the middle finger?:I think last night.
just drove/rode around for the hell of it?:don't have a car..ERIN!!
saw your very best friend?:she's here right now. :)
talked to your cousin(s)?:hm..about a week ago or so I talked to Chris.
read a book that influenced your life?:ooooh, I finished one like, 2 weeks ago.
played in the mud?:aw, a long time.
ate so much food you almost vomited?:haha, do it alll the time.
fell asleep during something important?:never..don't think.
did something new to your hair?:it's been a while.
went to the hospital?:couple years ago.
told someone you hated them?:haha, today I think.
cried uncontrollably?:4 or 5 nights ago..and it wasn't just "uncontrollably crying" it was uncontrollably bawling.
Who is...
your mother's best friend?:my dad.
the person you used to hate, but now get along with?:um..Mishel.
the first person online right now on your buddy list?:Alex.
the last person you made out with/had sex with?:Alex.
the one for you, that got away?:he hasn't gone anywhere. :)
Why should we, or anyone for that matter,...
feel sorry for you?:no one should really.
wish we were you?:I get straight A's..:) and I have the best boyfriend ever.
hate you?:see the previous question. ;)
want to murder you?:ah.
give you all our money?:because I want to see every band that I have a cd for..and moremoremore!
put you on our friend's list?:I'm nice.
talk to you online?:^^
read your journal?:it can be interesting..and miiiiiiiiind expanding. hah, I wish.
Either/Or Time Of Course...
radio or CDs?:CD's by far.
striped socks or patterned socks?:solid.
emo glasses or dyed hair?:oooh hard one. why not both?
best friends or boy/girlfriends?:what if your boy/girlfriend is your best friend? huh? and no one should make anyone choose.
sleepovers or hanging out time?:aren't sleepovers hanging out time extended?
pillows or sheets?:well, either would could pile up sheets into pillows and use pillow cases as sheets.
uncontrollable sobbing or hiccups(really the same, aren't they?)?:no they aren't the same.
four years of absitence or four days in a bathtub with your best friend?:haha, calling cooper my best friend, I'd say 4 days in a bathtub with him..keep the hot water comin'. ;)
Got Any...
Happy Bunny merchandise?:haah nope.
drug paraphernalia?:in my house? yes. in my possession? no.
pink things you can see right now?::) flowers outside the window.
weird talents we should know about?:didn't you ask that already?
family members that you haven't heard from in over 3 years?:^
dirty socks?:^
overdue library books?:^
back taxes?:^
one night stands/flings in your past?:^
people on your buddy list you've never talked to?:^
stuffed animals on your bed?:^
closet monsters?:^
secrets that are sort of pointless?:^
regrets that haunt you every day?:^
substantial amounts of money?:^
old ticket stubs?:^
memories/unwanted hair that you'd like to get rid of?:^

The Things No One Really Wants to Know About You survey brought to you by BZOINK!

it's cool right? you knooooow you wanna take it.

save the empire!

:: 2004 26 March :: 12.45 pm

lovelove all around.
His name:Alex
His height:5'4"
His eye colour:brown
His hair colour:brown
Date of birth:1-4-90
Place of birth:florida
Random questions
What physical part of him do you like best?:his smile :)
What part of him in general do you like best?:his um, laughlaughlaugh
Describe him in max. 5 words:funny, cute, beautiful, social, perrrrrrfect ;)
How does he smell?:like axe..and his house..
What does he do for a living?:hahhahhahhaha, right.
Where did you meet him?:school
What's his education?:um, 8th..grade..
Who are his best mates?:Patrick :)
How long have you known him already?:about 2 years
Does he know about your feelings towards him?:yes..
How does he dress? (Punk, preppy, sk8r...):um, right.
Which song describes him?:I don't really know.
Which song describes the way you feel about him?:Echo-Trapt
Which song describes the situation you're in with him?:Konstantine-SoCo
What is his favourite song?:he has a few..Last Kiss-AFI, War All The Time-Thursday..
What kind of music does he listen to?:everything from old afi punk to hidden in plain view :)
Getting personal....
Have you ever kissed him?:millllllllions of times.
Have you had sex with him?:nope.
Do you wish you had?:had sex with him?
Do you want to marry him?:I'm 13, but yea.
Do you want to have kids with him?:3.
Final questions
How does he feel about you?:he looooooves me :)
Do you LOVE him?:of course.
Unconditionally?:yes yes yes.
Then go tell him!

All About Your Crush (for girls) brought to you by BZOINK!

I thought it was cute. :)

save the empire!

:: 2004 25 March :: 8.23 pm
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: so are we playing for keeps?

I make up excuses just to touch you and I can't stop, I can't stop..
went to cici's tonight with Alex Jennah Patrick Brice and Sydney. it was fun. I love Alex.

it's happy week. be happy everyone. :)

I love you Alex!

1 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 23 March :: 7.23 pm
:: Mood: broken down.
:: Music: I have Hidden In Plain View stuck up there.

Jennah's dying.
she's freaking me out.

today was okay. bad actually. better at the very enddd. mom forgot I had a Vicki appt. as I'm walking home, she crazily drives up and yells at me to get in the car.."yea um, okay mom.." so we go. I had a short, 40 minutes. but it was good.

also also also.
Alex and I aren't dead. nor broken..we're "broken down.." Hidden In Plain View..they're giving me hope.

hope...AHH HAHAHA!

Mark has a gig. I'm happy for him. if I was 14, and was going to public..gee golly whizzer, I'd piss a good way.

my dad is talking to my sister on the phone..


wow..okay. Mishel has this's so incredibly sad.

I'm in a weird mood. I want Alex, but what else is new? tomorrow is Wednesday..Wednesday is like, sooo library day! :) :) I hope he still wants to go. I hope he still..loves me? fuuuuck. leaving right about now.

save the empire! | Random Journal