The tragedy of a track marked beauty queen.


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Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.

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:: 2003 29 December :: 1.34 am
:: Mood: tired

Mmm...I'm Belle!
Which Disney Princess are You?Find out!

: ) I'm Belle...she's the best..ever.

save the empire!

:: 2003 29 December :: 11.47 am
:: Music: From Autumn to Ashes

last night, I fell asleep on the phone with Alex. -I can barely stay up past midnight these days, I don't know what's wrong with me.- he woke me up, and we got off the phone, him leaving me with a "goodnight beautiful." I love him. anyways, so I'm awake..and extremely confused. Jennah had been talking to Brett on her hott new celly, but now she was telling me she'd been off the phone for 15 I try getting up, stumbling here and there, and said, "I need water, you have to go out there with me." so we go into the kitchen, Jennah sees a roach or something and freaks out, leaving me even more confused..whatever, so we go back to my room, I start playing Deep Abyss on her phone -I got to level 4! beat that Patrick!!- she starts eating and that was that. I had great fun.
I don't want anything to change. I like everything how it is..the Fabs, me and Alex, I even like Brett and but last night, when I was talking to Alex, we were talking about the future and what may happen. in all honesty, it scared me. I mean, it really scared me. I don't want anything to change, I don't want anything to happen. but I don't know, it's one of those things that I, that no one, can stop. whatever, I guess I shouldn't be thinking about that right now.
I love you know who you are.

save the empire!

:: 2003 28 December :: 6.44 pm

.Your name: Shannon
.Your astrological sign: Aries
.Your eye color: "belle" brown : )
.Your desire: I dont have one.
.Your hair color: blondish brownish..but not for longg ; )
.Your drink: arizona pina colada..or apple juice
.Your color: pink or black or green
.Your time of day: 1:37..
.Your weather: depends on my mood
.Your pets: hah, I have 8 cats..did have 9 but one ran away..SCORE!

In 10 years-
.You will be living: with the Fabs and Alex in San Fransisco..I'll still be in school, working towards a degree in psychology..or pharmacy
.Will you be married: Yes.
.Will you have children: not at 23
.Will you have a job: a small part-time one
.Will you be happy: Yes.
.How much will you regret: I'm not sure yet.

This or That-
.Pink or Black: Dress black, think pink ; )
.Neon green or Black: ehh thats a hard one..
.Grey or Black: Black
.Food or Drink: drink..non-alcoholic though
.Movies or TV: MoViEs
.Cd or Cassette: CD
.Kiss or Hug: if it's a pretty kiss, kiss. if it's a hold hug, it's hug. if it's both..both.
.Sex or Love: Love.
.Love or Hate: Love.
.Death or Life: Life.
.Phone call or Visit: Depends.
.IM convo or E-mail: neither.
.Wolf or Tiger: wolf
.Fish or Frog: to eat? look at? frog.
.Leather or Pleather/vinyl: neither..but leather is kinky--jennah
.Boots or Shoes: Shoes
.Sandals or Stilettos: Sandals
.Reading or Writing: reading..or writing, depending on what kind of mood I'm in..but always reading.
.LiveJournal or DeadJournal: Woohu.
.Now or Then: Now.

A little of this, a little of that-
.You want: to be 18
.You have: 5 different colored pairs of converse.
.You need: I need a lot of things.
.You like: pretty kisses
.You love: Alex.
.You eat: swedish fish
.You saw: a penis in a book..haha
.You smell: nothing?
.You hear: the history channel..a football game..
.Glitter?: I hate Mariah Caery..
.Gloss?: : )
.Candy?: I want candy.

For the boys, (on girls)
*Open minded girls can answer to-
.Girls with G-Strings? it's hot
.Girls with Hanes? it's not hot.
.T-shirt or Tank top: um..I thihnk I like tank tops better..
.Make-up or None: depends
.Shy or Not: shy girls are so cute
.Smart or Don't care: Smart
.Blonde or Brunette: depends
.What color eyes: brown

For the girls (on boys)
*Boys can answer to if they want-
.Color hair: brown
.Eyes: brown
.Just want sex?: yea, they do.
.A giver or Receiver: both
.Racist or Not: hahah
.Boxers or Tighties: boxers :)
.Caucasian or African American: WHITE, BITCH...niiice jennah..

--Shannon : )

save the empire!

:: 2003 28 December :: 11.21 am
:: Music: .M.C.R.

wow, this is my first entry and I kind of have no clue as to what I'm doing..I wish Jennah would get home..who needs church? ehh..I'm not athiest, I swear, I just don't like what people have done with religion, there ya go..anywho, I'm cleaning out my room. it's completely torn apart. but I'm having fun with it. and I can't wait until we put the futon in..and, whoa whoa whoa, the dvd player. this thing is totally gonna be the shiznit : ) .
I went shopping with Rach yesterday. haha, I got 2 shirts from Charlotte Russe that would make Jennah proud of me and would make Cooper want to kill me..if that tells you the Story of the Year cd, which is pretty good..oh yea, and 5 HOTT thongs ; ) .
I don't feel good now. I need my fabs and my love to come help me go back to being Shannon the Interior Designer. where are you guys? : /

save the empire! | Random Journal