2004 10 May :: 9.05 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Hoobastank
Updating . . .
Uhhh . .well, Good people that read this, I love you. Anyway, nothing really has happened latel. Aisha cracked an egg open and a dead baby bird fell out. It was humorous. I went shopping more times that wanted this weekend and bought a bathing suit, Duel Master Cards (so sue me) candy . . and thats really all worth mentioning. EOGs today, tommorrowand Wednesday. Then the Geometry one the day before we get out of school. w00t. This summer I have a few goals:
1.Get a frickin tan. -_-
2. Practice guitar and start the band I have planned for a while . . .
3. Practice flute. Gotta have that or my dad will freak.
4. Have a RPG session/hangout with Matt Ragazzo.
Ok . .thats really all. Will write later . . I hope.
~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~
12 Hearts |
Broken Hearts |
2004 30 April :: 10.43 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Hm. NOT RAP!!!!!!
The 8th grade dance.
The dance was tonight. I wore a dress. Yes, a dress. Then Aisha and Rhianna put makeup on me and stuff . . And some people said I looked good O.o Heh. Yeah right . . .. Well, it started off well, then some things happened that made me really sad and depressed and pissed off. Then people were asking me "Whats wrong?" a THOUSAND FREAKIN TIMES and I was getting annoyed. And to top it off, they played shit music. So basically the dance sucked. The only good thing was the fact my friends were there and suffered with me.
~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~
5 Hearts |
Broken Hearts |
2004 23 April :: 5.26 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: ;_;
My day.
Well . .today started off ok . .I finished a geometry test I think I passed with a good grade . . then LA came along . .took a test about the Holocaust/Anne Frank . .got a B on it . .then electives . . nothing really occurred . . science(-_-+) . .then SS. Then I got home and found out my dog that I love and have had for five years, was dying and was going to be put to sleep. So basically, I am in a Terrible mood and feel like I wanna die.
~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~
1 Heart |
Broken Hearts |
2004 18 April :: 7.59 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Blind Guardian
I am sick.
Uhhhhhhhhhh . . .I feel like crap . . . .no . .like crap run over by a truck. ;_; Damn pollen should burn in HELL. I went to Renee's play thing . . and yes. Me and Dana met Conner. and we said . . O.O DAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNN. Haha ok . . .well, working on research paper lol . . thats really all.
~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~
1 Heart |
Broken Hearts |
2004 15 April :: 7.07 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Tantric- Breakdown
Today was AWESOME! We won the S.S. History bowl for ou school for the third time in a row . . .and we missed NO questions. ^.^ Matt loves me again . .I think o.O . .and I skipped lacrosse to celebrate ^.^ Wow. Take nore people, this is like the ONLY REALLY happy moment I will EVER have. OK. Bye.
~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~
6 Hearts |
Broken Hearts |