2005 20 June :: 6.30pm
:: Mood: ... must... stay.... awake.
work is a serious bitch. and i totally hate getting up at five thirty every day. but it's kinda refreshing in a way. i just hope it lasts.
i got nine hours in today. with a 10 min break, and a 15 min lunch. i was supposed to have 20 mins for lunch, but there were parts dropping off the line, and i wanted to stay on top of things. not to mention i was swamped by about 12 carts from the wood plant. they are kicking some hardcore ass over there to try and catch up.
this is gonna be a long week.
this weekend was great. i loved every minute of it. it was just kinda sad that i didn't get home until two last night. but i'll go to bed super early tonight. probably before dad is back from his meeting. but i loved the ride to kalamazoo. she's just so fun. in the heat of all the bullshit, we could still be us and be goofy, and it didn't matter. it's just so natural, all the time. i love that.
the real reason i'm updating.... OPEN HOUSES!
moms is SUNDAY, JUNE 26. something like 1-5 pm or around there. i can't remember exactly. the address is 2676 Arbor Chase Dr. Grand Rapids, MI 49525. mapquest it, bitches. it's three mile just off the beltline.
if you can't make that, my dad's is on SATURDAY, JULY 2. definitely from 1-5 pm. it's at the clubhouse (glass building) in ferrand estates, next to Damon's, on the south side of 44th st., between byron center and ivanrest.
if you want to come to both, feel free. i'm not gonna make you register to come or anything. just show up, and be ready for a raucous time, consisting primarily of me sitting around, entertaining my more senile relatives.
party with me, or just... don't come, and never ever see me again. that's okay. i don't blame you.
2005 20 June :: 1.53pm
tres semanas
2005 16 June :: 12.41am
:: Music: The Shins
Today has been pretty strange. Slept in till noon. Went to work. Was overly emotional. Stressed out. Got stuck in traffic for 1/2 an hour after work. Had to PEE!!! Finally got out of traffic and now I'm home. Feeling yucky. I want to go to bed so I will in a second. There's only tomorrow and next Tuesday left at Johnny's. If anyone wants to visit me, sniffle sniffle, I work at 4 tomorrow, and 5 on Tuesday.
I will be very tired on Tuesday though. Next week I work 48 hours at the Cafe. Which, by the way, if anyone wants to visit me, sniffle sniffle, it's at Champion fitness center, and is open to the public. I will be working 5:30am-1:30pm. I'm excited though. Yuck! I keep burping.
Alright it's time for bed.
2005 12 June :: 1.48pm
i found a dime
under the corner cushion
wishing it was somplace else
and so do i
2005 7 June :: 9.00pm
Well, gave my notice tonight. They said I was always welcome there. But I can't believe I cried! Blah. It was a hard decision. Hmph.
So I will be working at Two Sisters Cafe at Champion Fitness Center. That is about it for now.
2005 7 June :: 2.28pm
all around me are familiar faces
worn out places
worn out faces
bright and early for their daily races
going nowhere
going nowhere
2005 5 June :: 6.42pm
:: Mood: done
:: Music: ben fondles five - Evaporated
jesus. life has been crazy. i moved into my dad's trailer. i'm working at steelcase. i put in 25 hours last week. probably 40-50 hrs this week.
i miss my lady oh so much....
money is seriously not worth this shit.
but i suppose food is. and it's hard to come by food without money.
2005 3 June :: 10.58pm
:: Music: Comeback Kid - The Trouble I Love
freaxin' ya out
Asshole guys. Good grades.
*shrugs* At least there are certainties in my life.
I finally got a tube of that XXL waterproof mascara Nina was raving about. This is only the 2nd time I've tried to use mascara in my life, and well, I'm not very good with it. I'm afraid that I'm gonna look like that insanely religious Bakker woman with the mascara obsession.
Hardcore concert on Monday with the guy - well, the one guy who's kinda into me who doesn't make me want to vomit.
In other news, I like to cook way too much - so much that I didn't really mind smelling like weird spices, since I showered immediately after I was done. Today I made chana masala and hummus. Yep, I gotta conquer those "ethnic foods". HAH. *shrugs* One thing I've learned is that I really, really like hot sauce (which is probably the fault of that 1/4 Szechuan part of me). And I use chili powder at an alarming rate.
Yawn. I like boys. I'm like the female version of Vonnegut. I can't get over the way guys are shaped. Shoulders. Man. Maybe that's why I think the Library Dude looks good now. Back in high school, he was puny, but he filled out and has the broad shoulders. Damn. Suddenly he's attractive in a Dave Navarro kind of way.
2005 3 June :: 12.02am
Ugh. Not feeling so well.
I do have a new job. It is so hard to decide whether or not to take it though. They pay a lot less than Carino's. I'm making $8 there, but at the cafe I would be making $6 (more in the fall though). I just went in to hand in my application and she was excited and we talked for an hour an now I have a job there. It'd be good because it'd be a more relaxed atmosphere, which is what I need right now. It's just so hard right now. I love working with the people I work with now. I don't want to leave yet! Ugh.
I really am having a hard time with this.
Tummy hurts going to bed now.
2005 1 June :: 9.06pm
I'm not so scared anymore. Still scared about my parents. Still thinking about it. Not so sure yet. I am so stupid. We'll be fine. We will be fine.
P.S.- I may have a new job @ Champion. The cafe there. Going to drop off my application tomorrow. Who knows. I'm sad about Johnny's though. There are so many people there that I have grown to know and I am so comfortable there w/everything. I know a lot there.
I think that's the problem, I know everything I can about what I do there, so there isn't challenge anymore. But I love working there sometimes and that doesn't help me make my decision.
Gah. That's about it right now.
2005 30 May :: 11.52pm
:: Music: the WMA shuffle...
first things first...
01. Reply with your name and I will write something about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie reminds me of you.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, it would be...
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
because i love jackie. SHHHHH!!!
this weekend was pretty kick ass. i got to chill out. i got to graduate. i got to party all night long. i got to sleep. i cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. a lot. jackie came over. i grilled out.
and today i raced my car for the first time.
yeah, i went to grattan for the Alfa Romeo track day. i registered for the open touring session during lunch. i switched corners too fast again, panicked just like before, let off the throttle (STUPID!!!), fishtailed through turn four, and then spun into the grass. aside from looking like a moron and thrashing one of my front tires, no harm done. and the tire damage isn't bad. i just need to raise the front end a bit. and roll the fenders some more. i'd kinda like to pull those fender skirts completely, but i'm sure the metal is hideous underneath. maybe i'll be surprised. probably not.
but yeah.
and since all i talk about are cars, here you go...
2005 30 May :: 9.03pm
It just feels like a vacation. I'm watching Hell's Kitchen right now. I am getting kind of scared...of everything. I want to make sure this is what career I want to do. I've been cooking for a while now it feels too late to back out. I just want to get to the top the fastest way I can. It's really hard. About something entirely different,
I am scared it is too late. I'm calm but scared. I keep messing up. These dreams are strange. I keep dreaming the same thing.
But Charlie keeps me strong. Ahhh have to go.
2005 29 May :: 3.31pm
voy a ir a mexico.
2005 28 May :: 6.47pm
:: Mood: exhausted
The Basics and Some Personals | Name:: | Christopher Lee Best | Age:: | 18 | Shoe Size:: | 12 or so. | Height:: | about five ten. | Weight:: | 225 lbs. eesh. | Pants Size:: | i've surpassed square bottoms... 34x32 | Shirt Size:: | large. | Innie or Outie?: | innie. outies are for freaks. | Love Questions | Are you in Love?: | always. it's a perpetual thing, you know... | Are you single or taken?: | taken | If single, for how long?: | about 4 days. | If taken, for how long?: | i don't remember the official date. i hope she doesn't mind. | If taken, by whom?: | jack. | Do you like guys or girls?: | girls, obviously. | What do you think about Sporty guys?: | homosexuals. every last one of them. | Smart?: | sporty guys are certainly not smart. | Dorky?: | yes, i'm pretty dorky. | Popular?: | among certain circles. it's all relative, really. | Your Favorites | Kind of Food:: | the good kind. | Color:: | ... cool colors. quite literally. | Song:: | what the hell? you honestly expect me to have a favorite? ... barenaked ladies - these apples | Band:: | jeez. i don't know. probably BnL. | Singer:: | Brandon Boyd. hands down. | CD:: | spice girls... actually. i've never even heard that cd. Dave Brubeck - Time Out. | Kind of Music:: | Jazzz jazz jaz... | Animal:: | i like dogs. big ones. but ferrets are pretty kickass too. | Place to be?: | anywhere in nature. by a lake. with lots of trees. | Vacation spot:: | the beach. | Actor:: | i have so many. Alan Rickman. | Actress:: | i don't know. Maggie Smith? she's pretty hot. | Comedian:: | anyone who can say something funny that has nothing to do with politics or stereotypes. | Soap Opera:: | none whatsoever. | Day Time Talk Show:: | the wayne brady show. that was flippin' sweet. | Game Show:: | Jeopardy. it's like trivial pursuit in my family. fun stuff. | All Around Favorite Show:: | ummm.. i don't really watch tv much. i'm sure i have one though. i'll get back to you. | Drink:: | cola | Restaurant:: | bilbo's!!! | Number:: | 3 or 7, or anything with those numbers in it. | Letter:: | B | Word:: | apparently | Your Short Opinion on.. | George W. Bush:: | moron. but his intentions are good. | Gay Marriage:: | it's not my place to tell them not to. | Rocketing Gas Prices:: | i drive a rabbit, bitches. | Minimum Wage ($6.75):: | i thought it was like 5.25. where the hell have i been? | Drunk Driving:: | stupid. irresponsible. | Legal Driving Age:: | i know plenty of people who are 30 that shouldn't be driving. | Anorexia:: | not my problem. obviously. but a valid concern. | Mary-Kate and Anorexia:: | people have this celebrity fixation. | Lindsay Lohan (18) and her 23-year-old boyfriend:: | lucky guy. smart girl. | Young Marriages:: | lustful. again, not my place to say no. | Young Parents:: | look at anakin and amidala | Pregnency without a Marriage:: | something i'd like to avoid. | Telemarketers:: | trying to make ends meet, just like the rest of us. | Pop Quizzes:: | every quiz is a pop quiz for someone who never studies! | This Survey:: | far too long | Label Your Friends! | Loudest:: | probably jackie. | Quietest:: | sarah. although she's really not that quiet. | Nicest:: | dani? yeah, she's TOO nice. | Person who doesn't think before they speak:: | " i don't know the strength of myself..." hahaha. | Outspoken:: | Kevin. and becky. they were a really bad couple, for this reason. | Annoying:: | arden bremmer. not really my friend. but hey. | Popular or has best chance of becoming popular:: | Dance Break! | Best Dressed:: | oh, gosh. i don't know. teh fil, i suppose. | Worst Dressed:: | me. | Sweetest:: | like i know that... | Giving:: | hm. i don't know either. | Selfish:: | probably kevin. | Ungrateful:: | none of them. | Social Butterfly:: | i'm just obsessed with jackie. that's all. | Will be crowned Most Likely to Succeed by their class:: | seriously... | This or That | Soda/Punch: | soda | Sour/Sweet: | sour | Summer/Winter: | both | Christmas/Thanksgiving: | Christmas | Easy/Challenging: | challenging | Light/Dark: | dark colors/ light humor. | Sun/Moon: | moon, without question. | TV/Movies: | movies ... a lot. | Out with Friends/Out with Family: | both. | Cat/Dog: | dog. but i don't HATE cats... | Penguin/Dolphin: | hm... penguins!!! | Book/Magazine: | magazines are for wasting time. books are for spending it. | Last Questions about the Survey | Did you like the survey?: | hey, you're moderately attractive! | Would you reccomend it to a friend?: | highly unlikely | Where will you put your results?: | my journal. | Thanks for coming...: | no, thank you. |
**~Long Survey~** (w/ good grammar and decent, unique questions) brought to you by BZOINK!
2005 26 May :: 12.23am
:: Mood: tired
Why i love my car...
... or, rather, why i want this one...
2005 24 May :: 12.06pm
It feels great to be out of school. I feel lazy though. I slept in till 11 this morning. This is going to be one busy week. We'll see what's new probably Friday.
2005 23 May :: 3.48pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: mario bros. (stuck in my head)
... i see your schwartz is as big as mine...
 Green is your Lightsaber's color.
Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, and freshness. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Green is also commonly associated with wealth and happiness, so someone with a green lightsaber like yourself is a fortunate soul.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
yeah. i haven't seen episode three yet. i feel like such a loser. it's been so long, i hardly remember the original trilogy. and i only saw episodes I and II once each, so those didn't stick really well either.
but i do know that natalie portman equals the hottest thing i've ever seen. like, lovably cute, type-deal.
but i made up for it by watching three episodes of star trek yesterday.
... what the fuck were the romulans thinking? Kirk had it in his pocket the whole time. fucking morons.
2005 21 May :: 8.39pm
:: Music: The Real Enemy - High On Placebos
Does anyone read this? *shrugs*
So in the past few days, I've gone through emotional hell. It happens quite often, really. Anyhow, I'm attracted to guys who are beyond me. They're so bad for me. And I'm bad for the nice guys. It doesn't work.
2005 20 May :: 5.06pm
well i passed my senior exhibition with flying colors.....i am now a true graduate....yay!!!!!!!!!!!!my open house is june 25th! from 2-6pm....so if you all want you alla can come! il get you guys some invites soon! just need your addresses and ill be set!
1 comment |
2005 16 May :: 1.57pm
i'm gonna leave st. louis.
1 comment |
2005 16 May :: 7.59am
:: Mood: worried
this is going to hurt.
iknow im going to cry
I wont be able to take this pain
only he knows why
can i bear it
if hes not by my side
how can i keep doing this
when will i realize
that even though he reaches for me
and goes to grab MY hand
that its not how i want it to be
and that it isnt planned
its not in the books for us
and though i wont give up
he tells me to hang on a while
cause only time can tell.
so what do you propose i do
should i leave or stay
do you know im waiting for you
hoping for someday...
2005 15 May :: 1.53pm
it's strange how things just kinda work out.
seriously. it was just awesome. her family is very much my speed. further evidenced by their collection of pirated movies. not so much the piracy as the movie selections. good stuff.
and we got to watch SNL! i find that hugely ironic. just because that was something i had always wanted (yes, even prayed for) and had given up on completely. and then it just kinda happened, and as we were watching... i realised; my wish was finally granted. and i didn't even know i was wishing for it at first.
just weird shit. the ride home was long and lonely. but i grabbed some coffee. it's a good thing i remembered to get gas before i went too far. that needle kinda wanders back and forth, and it was past an eighth of a tank.
NOOOOOOO! wrong wrong WRONG! .... i love it.
warm fuzzies again. i had leftovers for breakfast. i even blew my nose with the tissue she gave me. now that's class, right there.
it all just worked out so perfectly. i'm still in awe.
right. now i have to go mow lawn. and my sleep schedule is totally FUBAR. but it was well worth it.
2005 13 May :: 8.44pm
time is moving so slow. how can i blow off the next two hours?
2005 12 May :: 12.03am
:: Mood: awesome
i just feel so good when i talk to her. even if it's through this damn computer. i hate this almost as much as i hate the phone. but hey, at least i'm learning to type faster.
but seriously. just the stuff she says, without even realizing, is just totally dead on the money. i just wish i could do the same thing for her. but she seems really receptive to the crap i dish out, so either i do better than i realize, or she's just that much more incredible.
it's not like a hot 'i wanna bone you' sort of thing, either. i mean it's just... sharp. real sharp. she keeps me on my toes sometimes. that's definitely refreshing. and i just wish i could make her feel as content as i feel when i hear what she says, or even read what she types. it's just that peace that everything's okay. some sense of completion, and yet a hunger for more. and to know that there's more there. it's just... oh..... i..... wow...... yes.
and with that, i pass out. i gotta quit staying up so late.