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:: 2005 11 May :: 10.44pm

anyone who's pissed at ryan gorter needs to stop being pissed at him.

go to this website and laugh at him instead!

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:: 2005 11 May :: 4.36pm
:: Mood: weirded out!

this is some fucked up shit.
it just seems so surreal. my life is completely crazy. just school, no school, school in the gymnasium, mom's gone, mom's home, no car, cool car, good student, flunking class.

i just can't keep up with all this. and it's not that i'm trying to keep up and getting frustrated (although, that's where i usually am). but i'm not keeping up and i'm not caring that i can't keep up, and i just don't know what's going on.

it's just freaky as hell. my wallet's in mrs. millard's class. but i found the spare car key... ROCK! i mean, i wasn't that worried when everybody else was freaking out. i was mr. calm-cool-and-collected. but now that i'm home, with no school tomorrow, and all of my patterns disrupted. it's an unpleasant sensation, to put it lightly.

my source of any sense of normalcy?

there you are:

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:: 2005 11 May :: 12.05pm

andy! is there any way that you can print off all my entries....?

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:: 2005 10 May :: 11.00pm
:: Mood: sleepy

alright... my OFFICIAL OPEN HOUSE INFO!!!!

i finally beat my mom into submission and made her settle on a date. jigga w00t w00t for beating family members senseless.

here you go:

when -
SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2005. 1-5 PM. (i won't necessarily be kicking you out at five. i just had to pick something)

where -
directions are thus; take the east beltline south to three mile. go left (east) on 3 mile (you have to do a michigan U-turn). a little ways down on the right, past Dunnigan Rd. (if you hit Maguire, you've gone too far), you'll see a subdivision thingy; go in. you will then be on arbor chase drive. a little ways up the hill on the left, is our house. i don't know where the number is, but i'm sure it's there. and we'll put out balloons or something. because i'm totally worth it.

you and whoever... just give me a ballpark figure of how many people to expect.

why? ----- because i'm tremendously POPULAR! remember?

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:: 2005 10 May :: 10.10pm

i made quite a bit of progress on the car today. little odds and ends. it took most of the afternoon. but i futzed with the idle setting, and the vacuum setting, and i pulled the door buzzer (that thing was SOOOO obnoxious). in the process of pulling that, i accidentally unplugged my mix-meter (the moving lights on the far left side) and my tachometer. so that was a huge wiring mess trying to figure out how to put that back together. i think we're good now. i'm not sure it's exactly how he had it, but hey, it's functional. i also made quite a few breakthroughs with the stereo, so the mix is almost where i want it now (about freaking time). i'm still gonna replace the stereo unit and those door speakers, though. other little bits. nothing major. but it feels really really good to be making some progress.
it seems to be running a little more rich now, after all the fiddling around, which will hurt my fuel economy somewhat, but it's still in the happy yellow area anyway, which i figure will save on spark plugs and crud like that. it used to be more orangy, which always bothered me, but now that i'm kinda used to it, i almost want it back. that's okay. it's where it's "supposed" to be now. no sense arguing with that.

the whole problem from friday was so stupid i could have kicked myself. okay... the fuel distributor is on the air box, where the filter is. it measures how much fuel to distribute through a flap in the intake that measures how much air is being taken in. so, the air goes in box, through filter, pushes flap, then through the intake 'pipe' (since i don't know the correct terminology), then the throttle body, to the manifold, to the engine, then exhaust. so, the rubber boot that connects the intake pipe to the throttle body had somehow slipped off of the intake pipe, from vibration. this excess vibration was caused by the vacuum set screw, which had vibrated out of it's threading completely, and was just sitting on the manifold. a little bit of teflon tape on the set screw, putting the intake stuff back together, and we were back in business. i think there's still a small vacuum leak somewhere, but i can't tell where it's coming from. i pushed up the idle a bit (it was completely backed off) and then shut the vacuum a little more. using the two in conjunction i managed to reach a semi-happy idle.

with the idle completely backed out:
when the vacuum is wide open, it idles at like 1200 rpm, very very smooth, a little on the rich side. as i close the vacuum, the idle will drop. it stays smooth down to maybe 1050 rpm. anything below that causes a sort of stutter. basically, it starts to bog down (to maybe 800 rpm), the fuel unit senses the problem, and richens the mix, so that it jumps back up to about 1250 rpm. it just winds up feathering up and down like that. sometimes it'll keep running, sometimes it can't pull out of the drop, and stalls.

with the idle pushed about 1/16":
i put the vacuum past the previous 'stall point' to find the new 'stall point'. turn back half a turn or so to find the 'smooth point'. the P.O. said that it's supposed to fluctuate a little (but i have a hard time believing it's SUPPOSED to stall out completely from the fluctuations.)
after the engine has revved for awhile, it will idle happily at about 950 rpm or so (it sounds so sweet with that 290 degree cam in there). as it continues to idle, it will begin to bog down, and fluctuate. it just seems to get progressively worse until a certain point. it drops to about 600 rpm, then revs to 1100 or so, and fluctuates there. that's the maximum fluctuation. it varies from that, but it won't stall out anymore, and it seems to be about as happy as it's going to be right there. i just hope nothing vibrates out of position again. which, i'm sure it will. but for right now it's as good as i can get it. it's still running richer than what he had it. but eh. i'm not so sure i like the way he had it. he said he had it tweaked and all, but i think it's just one of those finnicky cars what will need constant attention as conditions change. all the final adjustments were made on a warm engine (after about ten moderately fast miles) and a fresh tank of 92 octane from speedway. i really should go to mobil and get the 94 octane, but it's so far out of my way. speedway's good enough. but admiral is the devil. you won't ever see me filling my car up there anymore. i just don't trust them.

and i also did the math on my gear ratio situation. if i take the "guage" values (speed/mileage) they will be close. but the "actual" values are going to be about 106.67% of the "guage" values. so, for every thousand miles i put on the odometer, figure on an extra 67 actual miles. whoopty frick. but it has a moderate impact on calculating mileage ... and speed. with a pretty heavy foot all the way through senior banquet and senior skip day, i got 21.5 'actual' mpg. which isn't terrible. it's definitely not the 30 he promised me, but it's not bad. plus i figure, running 110 octane, that number would go up a few more miles. not that i'm gonna run race fuel every day. but sometimes you gots to splurge on your baby. i also don't think that it's the 200 horses he promised me either. i doubt he ever had it dyno'd. i'm curious to see what it would dyno at, so i'll be on the prowl for a place with a chassis dynamometer. i'm thinking, with all the exhaust work and intake work and cams and compression and everything, a generous figure is 150 hp. which would translate into at least 120 whp, which still isn't bad. especially not for a car that light. but it isn't taking me very long to stuff it full of heavy "junk". i need to check the spare, and throw in the cross-iron and jack. some other time. i'm frickin' tired right now. and i'm totally flunking calculus.

oh. speed. yes speed. here's the conversion table i made:

25...................... 26.7 mph
35 ..................... 37.3 mph
45 ..................... 48.0 mph
55 ..................... 58.7 mph
70 ..................... 74.7 mph
94 ..................... 100.0 mph
115 (buried)......... 122.7 + mph

i haven't buried it yet. but i've hit 100 'actual'. and i've been shifting at 6500 rpm. there's no reason for me to go beyond that, because the next gear will pick up at at least 4000 rpm anyway, so it's no big deal.

i have to work on going into second still. and he said something about using the e-brake to maintain traction during drag racing. it beats me. i can't wait to pick up some r-compounds and slap 'em on this bad dog. but i'm thinking brakes should be the first performance upgrade. and maybe a couple strut tower braces. i want to set this up for oversteer drifting. that would be feckin' sweet.

and with that...

bedtime. "all my homies and my bitches say 'whaaayoohhhhh....'"



:: 2005 10 May :: 5.10pm

arizona? hmm..



:: 2005 10 May :: 5.11pm

one track mind

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:: 2005 9 May :: 4.12pm

i feel better, i guess. but it's still not good.

i need to do my saline rinse and shit again.

michael is coming over tonight to take a look at the GTI. hopefully it's the alternator, just so that way i won't have to work really hard at replacing things. but it would be kinda expensive. i just want to get it sorted out, so that way i'll have a car for this weekend (which is booking up incredibly fast). i have bowling on friday night. then moving saturday morning/afternoon. then jackie saturday evening/ maybe sunday. but i won't have to do any homework!!!!

fuck yeah. but i suppose it's not like i do homework anymore anyway.

love me, and i'll give you dirty talk in my sexy voice.

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:: 2005 9 May :: 9.41am
:: Music: The Influents - Last Good Bad Idea

the spell is broken
It's raining! I might go outside and do a happy dance in nothing more than a black tank top and spongebob pajama bottoms. Whee!



:: 2005 8 May :: 11.58pm
:: Mood: sick

important open house update!!!
this weekend was okay. it sucked i didn't get to hook up with jackie, but at least i got to talk to her.

i've been pretty sick all weekend, and i'm kinda glad i didn't have the opportunity to give it to her, because i'm sure i would have.
but yeah. lots of love and thoughts and prayers in that general direction for most of the weekend. they were very generic, but heartfelt.

went to kathy's parents' place on saturday. worked on the van. grilled chicken and burgers (i'm so frickin' awesome), played some futbol with the chillin (singular).

today was church and g-rents' house. nice and relaxing, but i didn't get shit done. and then when we got up to cedar, the remainder of the evening was moving shit to the new house. and we went out for dinner. that was really really fun. i had a super good time, so i'm glad that turned out okay.

my open house is now sunday june 12, rather than may 21. this is with mom's side of the family. i'm not sure which house it's gonna be at, but i think it's still gonna be in cedar. the utilities are all getting shut off on june 1st, though, so i don't know how that's gonna all pan out. we'll just see, i guess.

that's all i have for now. i'm super tired. and i still feel like shit. but i need to go to school tomorrow.

then after school, michael's gonna come over, and hopefully we'll be able to fix the GTI. at the very least, we'll be able to identify the problem. after that it's just a matter of getting the right parts and putting them on (sometimes the lesser half of the battle... sometimes not).

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:: 2005 8 May :: 6.44pm

Oh man. I am kind of worried. I mean, I wouldn't be so worried if it wasn't for my family's views and everything. I just don't want them to hate me and I would hate feeling out of place w/them.
Mowed the lawn today. It is SOOOO nice out. And my parents said they'd let me go up to Grand Marais w/Charlie over Memorial weekend. Dad said it was because he trusted us both. So it will be fun. We shall swim in Lk. Superior. Heck yeah. Okay I am done.

5 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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:: 2005 6 May :: 4.19pm
:: Music: Bouncing Souls - Say Anything

It's been awhile. And don't start singing that song.

Semester's been shitty. Grades are decent, though. I've dated around a bit - one guitarist, one Bruce Lee super fan, one deer-hunting dude, and a total geek. The geek is the only one with any potential.

He's not good-looking, but he's kind of adorable - tall and clumsy. He has perfect hands, an awesome voice, and a nice mouth. He's incredibly smart, fairly blunt, and in need of a haircut. He wants to dye his hair blue. Adorable. Now, here's the bad part. He's leaving once he graduates from his lovely prestigious school, because he's not from this area, and then he's going off to a wonderfully prestigious law school. Also, I think I'm attracted to the idea of him, and not him. Who wouldn't want a smart, decent guy who has an awesome future and seems like he'd treat you well? I don't know, but I'll say that I didn't feel "the spark" that the Descendents were singing about. He's not rocker-like at all, so our musical tastes don't align. Also, I'm a little offended that he thinks that I "act like a girl too much for [his] taste", but that he still thought I was attractive enough to want to date me. Ah well. Obviously nothing's going to happen, so it's fine. I'll wait until I see the BHB again, and maybe I'll finally have the courage to ask him out, or at least to a concert.

"So now you wait for his spark. You know it'll turn you on." Yeah. I am waiting for that spark from a guy who looks like trouble.



:: 2005 5 May :: 11.18pm

this is extremely pretty. maybe mine will be this pretty someday...

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:: 2005 5 May :: 10.52pm
:: Mood: relaxed

VW stuff...

so, i was rooting through the box of stuff that came with the "doodle bug" (previous owner's nickname for frau hase). it has the instrument cluster from a diesel that will fit in the gti, so i'll finally have an accurate speedo, hopefully (and odometer). there was also a pair of taillights in the box, and the ones that are on the gti now are cracked, so jigga W00T for me being awesome and keeping useless junk.

i like cars.

senior banquet was pretty kick ass, actually. except for the part where i drove away from the gas station with the gas cap still on the roof of the car, and then it fell off and exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. but it's all good. the doodle bug box had an extra in it. (double W00t)

man, i'm pretty.



:: 2005 5 May :: 3.01pm

As you've probably noticed, I use the term "douchebag," along with some variations (douche-rocket, douche-cracker, douche-nozzle, etc) a lot in describing people. There are many characteristics one may possess to come across to the public (me) as a douchebag. Today, by request from my friend Jessica, I was looking at her pictures from spring break in Miami, and I encountered someone who captures all of those aforementioned qualities. He is, in fact, the essence of douchebag. And a gay douchebag at that. Take notes, so you don't make some of the same mistakes. His name was Oliver, and he was from Michigan. Two strikes against him already, just by waking up.

Click image to open link:

^ ^ ^ ^ Ryan Gorter ^ ^ ^ ^

that's all i have for today.

Edit: humourous explanation...

Name: Oliver. There aren't many names that are more homosexual than Oliver. As soon as you were old enough to realize what your name was, you should have killed yourself. Don't bother trying to change your name, because no matter what, you will always be Oliver, and you will always be from...

Home state: Michigan. Or Michidan. Whichever you prefer. Worst and gayest state in the union. God Michigan sucks.

Pink shirt: I don't give a shit what any of these fashion faggots say, pink is not the new blue. Pink is fucking pink. Quit watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and put on a game. Ever notice that no sports teams in any league have pink anywhere in their uniforms? Not even the WNBA. Pink is the color of flowers and hippie's hair and uninfected vagina. No man should EVER wear this color in any way. EVER. If you wear a pink shirt at any time you are a douchebag. You look like a pussy and a sissy, and I want to shit down your throat. Especially when you wear a pink shirt with a...

Popped collar: No. This just enhances your overly apparent douchebaggedness. When you buy a collared shirt, it comes with the collars folded over exactly how they should be. Leave them alone. Why do you want to hide your neck so bad? Don't want to show off that hickie you got last night from that dumb slut you slipped some rufies? Because that is the only way you're pulling any box with your collar turned up. Girls laugh at you. No matter what you think, it is not cool. Flip it back down and go change out of your...

Black undershirt: Is this supposed to fool us into thinking you're hard? Let me remind you, you're wearing a PINK shirt, with the collar up. You are not hard. Although I guess it matches your...

Wristband: What the fuck? This pisses me off maybe more than any other thing here. Just get done trying to play basketball? Do you sweat profusely around attractive women, and need to swipe your brow every now and then? Or is this just another ploy to seduce some unsuspecting whore? Perhaps you're wearing it because it matches that black undershirt which makes you look hard and brings out your true metrosexuality? Metrosexuals are gay. And so are you with your...

Cell phone clip: Hey dickhead, everyone has a cell phone now. 90% of 11 year olds have cell phones now. My 74 year old grandfather has a cell phone. There is no need to show it off to anyone. Pants have pockets for a reason. Use them. Oh wait, that's probably where you keep your stash of rufies, and the stuff you use to make that...

Hemp bracelet: God I hate you, and the fact that you are giving the camera a...

Peace sign: The Persian Gulf war ended over a decade ago, and with it went the peace sign. Maybe you were letting that fag behind you checking out your ass know how many fingers you want him to use. And what's up with those...

"Intellectual glasses": You are not smart. And those specs aren't tricking us into thinking you are. Remember, you have on a PINK shirt. Obviously you are not intelligent. I mean, come on, you also have on a...

Detroit Tigers hat: Not that I have anything against the Tigers, but wearing this hat exhibits the fact that you are either from Michigan, or cheer for Michigan sports teams. Both are equally unacceptable. Everyone from and everything about Michigan sucks. Michigan, along with Wisconsin should join Canada. Or you could just move there. We wouldn't care. And Canada wouldn't notice that you're wearing...

Earrings in both ears: Well I guess we're back in 8th grade now, and you're rebelling against your parents by doing something they don't like. You are not goth, and you are not a rock star. You are a douchebag. Seriously, in your hand is...

Not a beer: Notice everyone in the picture is holding a beer, except for Oliver. His Powerade and vodka makes him look like a real tough guy. Berry Blue. Mmmmmmmm. That could expain his...

Stupid facial expression: The typical look of a douchebag. "I'm too cool to actually have my picture taken, so when you force me to, I will make a facial expression to make it appear that I am cooler than everyone else around me when in reality I suck cock." This look will be easy to spot on anyone who displays any of the above.

Now you know how to spot a douchebag, or realize that you are one. For those of you who aren't, when you see a douchebag on the streets with your friends, make sure to point and laugh at him and give him the Factual Material douchebag salute. To do this, just extend one hand out, and make a motion with it as if you were, in fact, squeezing a douche bag. And if anyone recognizes Oliver here somewhere, punch him in the face and break those stupid fucking glasses.

7 comments | feedback


:: 2005 5 May :: 12.05pm
:: Music: fall out boy-dance dance

awsomeness on a stick
we're going to sing to the stars
we'll shout like no one is around
dance like we're fools in love

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:: 2005 5 May :: 11.27am

so becca....cant hang out friday. jason has a date.



:: 2005 4 May :: 11.03pm

Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female

You are both sensitive and savvy

Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed

But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

whooo. just barely. i thought for sure i was going to wind up being more female. it was just a sneaking suspicion i had.

but actually, that assessment was quite accurate. an impressively perceptive quiz, right there.

short, and to the point, just the way i like 'em.

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:: 2005 3 May :: 8.58pm
:: Mood: nostalgic

... seems like i'm always feeling nostalgic...

i vacuumed out the car, and cleaned out the rest of my junk. i also put signs in the windows.

first person to offer me $300 gets it. maybe. no, yeah. first 300...

it just makes me sad. i'm gonna hate to have it leave. it'll just never be the same.

i have over two years of memories in that car. that's a lot to practically give away to somebody who wants a winter beater.

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:: 2005 3 May :: 1.19pm

so prom was fun! i cant believe it was the last highschool dance! ahh...this is all happening so quick. with everything thats gone on lately at least graduating soon is something i can smile about. although im slacking on that sense i havent even started my senior exhibition and we only have 12 more days of school left.

i like jason so much. hes so great. everytime that i think that its a little rough with him...he makes it so i dont feel that way. we are pretty much together without a title.
i do have a question i need answered though and im no about to write it in my journal. anyways my family hates him and i however adore him. almost everything about him. butterflies are in my stomach right now just from talking about it so im just going to stop. he told me that if and when we end up going out that we will have a really long relationship....he says," you know if we end up together that well be together for a really long time right...and we are pretty much already together" so i think that hes giving me hope....not sure if thats what i need but im glad im getting it. im not going to give up on this. he told me not to give up on him and that only time can tell so i guess ill see and i wont give up thats for sure.

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:: 2005 3 May :: 11.56am

it smells like tacos.
i would love one right now.

she is right. i am happy and that is all that matters.

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:: 2005 2 May :: 9.20pm


just a quick one.

pron was awesome... i had a really good time. it's still kinda surreal to me though, with the car and everything else happening.

ever since katie left, i've just had a screw loose or something, and it feels kinda like i'm living my life from the outside. and that's not to say that katie was such an important part of my life, so much as it's just that was the needle that broke my camel's back. or something cool like that.

anyway. i had a really great time. i'm looking forward to the next time i'll be able to see jackie. which is who knows when, the way my life is. maybe someday things'll slow down.

i've been extremely forgetful lately. senioritis? highly likely. among other things.

4 comments | feedback


:: 2005 2 May :: 3.04pm

alive.. but feeling dead..
i think my interview went poorly.
but my interviewer came up to my desk afterwards to tell me i did a terrific job.
soooo.. i guess we'll see what happens next week.



:: 2005 2 May :: 11.30am

dont ya just love life
wow...i hate my family. their all judgemental snoops who only care about themselves, and making others feel like crap. when your mom and your brother go behind your back and read your journal entries and read the guy u care about so much's entries and then put their two cents in on how hes not a good guy. how he doesnt respect me. how im just another warm body. or how because I like him more than he likes me...hes a bad guy cause he doesnt like me the same.
oh and i disgust my mom. yup and im a whore. all because of what jason says. lol what ever they need to stay out of my life and i need to get out.

im miserable and ready to take lots of vicaden so i wont feel ....im giving up on being happy at all.



:: 2005 29 April :: 11.36am

To Agree- or not agree
You know... English is probably the worst subject ever.
The teacher asks you to read a poem or story.
Analyze the information. Identify the theme.
You examine the story and share your results.
She nods and tells you she sees how you got that and it makes sense- but you're wrong.
Anyways- I give up.

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