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:: 2007 22 February :: 11.29am
:: Mood: tired

okay, so ... tickets for "The Colour":

apparently anyone can just go to the studio (104 lower commons) and pick them up.

what i can do, then, is grab like 10 to give away for my show or whatever.

so, you guys can either get your own, or i'll tell you when to listen, and you can call in to the show and get them.

i'm not sure if there are actual tangible tickets that i'd need to get to you guys, or if they are just using a name list.

synopsis is:
March 11 (sunday, i believe ... it's the last day of spring break for us)
The Intersection (so you'd have to get to GR somehow)

i have fil down for two, jackie down for two, liz for one.

once i find out more i'll let you guys know.


On 2/22/07, ChrisTopher Best < space3monkey@hotmail.com> wrote:
are these tangible tickets, or is it the name list again?

and also, are these available to give away on our shows? do we have to do anything special to do so?


Chris Best


These are tangible. They're in the station. You may give them away on your show.

- j.



:: 2007 21 February :: 7.27pm

on-campus webcams



i wish i could remember how to make a hyperlink (how'd i do?)

5 comments | feedback


:: 2007 21 February :: 11.15am


We have 500 tickets to The Colour at the Intersection on March 11th.
They're from Los Angeles (Oh, WOW!) and they sound pretty good. We're
supposed to try to get as many people as possible from GVSU to attend
this show. It is our partnerships with the Intersection on issues
such as this that gets us all those delightful free tickets.
Any ideas on how to distribute these tickets in a cool way are
definitely welcome. We'll try to do another mobile broadcast right
quick (this one with less 'I told you one thing, but now I'm actually
changing all of that!', which makes certain Promotions Directors a
little bunched in the knickers), but... I mean, we have 500 tickets.
Do you even know 500 people? I don't -- I haven't seen a solid 500
people all about doing one particular thing in one setting since the
Houston 500.

To listen to The Colour, get on that Myspace thing:

Love & Rockets,
J. Bennett-Rylah

16 comments | feedback


:: 2007 19 February :: 8.45pm
:: Music: the ladd mcintosh big band

shit shit shit.

i knew i was forgetting something.

sooo.... i'm supposed to be at the fucking place with the stuff right now.

and i'm totally not.

man, i'm dumb.

1 comment | feedback


:: 2007 15 February :: 12.20am

today came and went and only slightly pissed me off.

thanks for the card grandma.

i don't want to think about love. it doesn't seem to be on my side lately.

3 comments | feedback


:: 2007 12 February :: 11.01am

there is a FREE JAZZ show


from SEVEN to NINE post-meridian

you all should BE THERE


i even capitalized all of the important parts for your viewing ease.

10 comments | feedback


:: 2007 8 February :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Brian Bromberg - downright upright


i am completely and utterly whipped.

and all that that implies.

i am not looking forward to tomorrow morning.

i want so desperately to sleep in.

1 comment | feedback


:: 2007 2 February :: 12.29am

oh shit!


you're five years old a couple of weeks ago.


... how's it feel?

4 comments | feedback


:: 2007 2 February :: 12.27am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: BnL - everything to everyone

hate on me if you want to, but damn ...

i really love snow.

it makes me sad that i'm too poor to go skiing this year.

3 comments | feedback


:: 2007 1 February :: 6.15pm

Totally didn't go to class today. Totally no regrets about that. Totally wearin my pjs all day. Totally watching Grey's tonight. Totally lots o snow outside. Totally...

2 comments | feedback


:: 2007 30 January :: 1.41pm
:: Music: dave brubeck - time out

alright, since phil and tracey both expressed an interest, i think it would be a cool idea to get a group going to the intersection for this jazz thing. if i had any money, i'd say we could do dinner or something as well. since i don't have money i won't be doing any such thing, but for those of us who do, it's certainly a possibility.

here's the info (off of sectionlive.com):

Monday, February 5
FREE! 7pm - 9pm.

i'll plug it on my show tomorrow night as well.

and also, i may forget somehow between now and then. hopefully somebody will remind me, so i'm not a total asshole for ditching on my own party.

1 comment | feedback


:: 2007 29 January :: 6.26pm
:: Music: the song on kevin's journal

so, i guess there's a free jazz show at the intersection, monday nights from 7-9. i'm strongly tempted to check it out.

winter camping is this weekend. i'm super-pumped about that.

in other news, it's hella-cold.

2 comments | feedback


:: 2007 24 January :: 4.22pm

Caleb is rockin the camera



:: 2007 24 January :: 9.10am

Well it's kind of been a while. It's so hard to get up at 6:30 every morning. I am not used to this yet. Definitely not getting enough sleep. School is going well. Caleb is doing very well. He was weighed yesterday by the nurse and he weighs a whopping 12 lbs. 10 oz. now. He's in the 50% percentile. And he's 24 inches long, he's in the 75% percentile. I think he's going to be very tall. He's just a happy little boy, always smiling and laughing and cooing. He talks so much. And he's a good cuddler.
Other than that things have been good. I'm going to go buy an elliptical in a couple days, I am so excited. I've lost 10 pounds in a few weeks. yay.



:: 2007 17 January :: 2.14pm

wcks radio show

this semester my show is the same format as always (jazz, with some talk in there).

there is a new addition to the crew, as katie booms is now my co-dj.

also, there is a new time and place. it is wednesday nights, 10 to 11 pm, at http://www.thewhale.org/

if anyone has any questions, just say the word.

6 comments | feedback


:: 2007 12 January :: 2.38pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: led zeppelin

first week back on the horse. so far it's been a good ride.

i'm taking calculus, media production I, audio production I, speech, and weight training.

calc is cool. it's nice to have math again. too bad my prof is so dry.

media I should be cool, probably my hardest class. but i get to make movies, right. and my professor is pretty cool.

audio I is my favorite class ever. i'm seriously more excited about this class than i have been about anything before. flippin' sweet. and i'm taking it with my advisor, who happens to be my dad's friend from river city. it's totally awesome.

speech is going to be arduous, but my professor is nice. she's seriously a sweetie.

weight lifting is pretty much what you'd expect. again, cool prof.

that's about it.

i've gotten up at about 8:30 every day this week. and i have to get up at 8 tomorrow.

i'm sore, i'm tired, and i'm ready for a nap. but i don't get a nap. that's cool though. i made muffins. muffins fix everything.



:: 2007 11 January :: 9.01am

Sooo... Back at school. Early. I got up at 6:30 this morning! And my first class was only a half hour long. And my second class doesn't start until 10:30. And I'm excited about pottery tonight with Becca!
In other news...

Caleb is 11 weeks old today, where does the time go?
He started sucking his thumb! It's so adorable! He's gotten really good at it overnight. Yesterday he tried and tried and then overnight he got the hang of it. This morning on the monitor I heard "smack smack smack" and I knew exactly what he was doing and it made me smile. :-)



:: 2007 3 January :: 7.29pm
:: Mood: relaxed

last night


pretty fucked up. but in a good way.


4 comments | feedback


:: 2006 22 December :: 10.59am

i'm kind of bothered by this grade problem

fixing the german thing would boost my semester GPA to about 2.8, and my cumulative to about 3.25. i would be okay with that. but right now they're sitting at 2.5 and 3.18 respectively, and i'm just not as cool with that.

i know it's pointless details, but i think it's a big enough deal to be concerned.

or maybe it's just the fact that i despise being lied to and taken advantage of. honestly, that's probably the lion share of it.

1 comment | feedback


:: 2006 19 December :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: pumped

final grades
sweet. apparently i kicked a little bit more ass than i was expecting:

i got a 99 on my image & sound final, and a B+ in the class.
i got a 96 on my media production modes final, and a B+ in the class.

in the not kicking so much ass:

i got a 79 on my german final and a B- in the class. i'm confused by a couple of her marks though... but even still, i did kinda flub on the exam.

i got an A on my honors final, no word yet on how i did overall, which can't be good.

anyway. that's all i've got. hope everyone else got satisfactory marks. and don't forget, it's up to you to determine what falls under the heading of "satisfactory".


CFV 123: B+
CFV 124: B+
GER 201: C-
HNR 233: C
HNR 234: B-

German says C- and not B- like i was expecting.

i sent her an email immediately. i only hope it's not too late. aside from that, honors was a little better than i expected. i figured on Cs for both of them.

2 comments | feedback


:: 2006 18 December :: 3.10pm

i am done with exams.
i feel nice and a little tired.
i need a cozy bed, a movie, and some cake batter ice cream.



:: 2006 11 December :: 11.35pm
:: Mood: existential
:: Music: classical piano

this music is seriously magical, in a way that nothing else is.

you can just get lost in it. lost only in your mind, maybe, but the music is the catalyst.

and it has been that way for hundreds of years.

2 comments | feedback


:: 2006 11 December :: 4.04pm

so this week sucks.
monday: calculus test
tuesday: lab final/work
wednesday: group presentation in communication
thursday: chem test/work
friday: finish all my hw/study for exams/work
saturday: work/study/online quizzes
sunday: work/study
monday: chem final/calc final

i want break now!!!!
i want sledding, hot chocolate, rosie cheeks, sleeping in, friends, family (maybe), no homework, days off of work, new years, and presents!!

1 comment | feedback


:: 2006 11 December :: 2.38pm

Yesterday we took Caleb to get his portraits done! That was fun. They turned out really cute. Oh, I found out what Charlie got me for Christmas! We're going to Grand Beach Resort in Traverse City (where we went on our honeymoon) for New Years Eve. It's so pretty up there! Caleb got weighed the other day, he is now about 10 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 3/4 in. long! Okay, here are the pics:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This one is going in our Christmas cards:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

8 comments | feedback


:: 2006 10 December :: 1.14pm

no matter what i do, i'm bound to have somebody pissed at me.

it has always been the case. i've posted about it before on here.

but you would think that after years of pissed off people i would have some sort of response.

i have none.

for sooth, bitches.

4 comments | feedback

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