2006 14 October :: 5.38pm
i am bored. i should be doing homework, but i really don't care all that much.
i think i may go to my grandmas house before we all go to jakes.
that would be a good time, let me tell you . . .
my grandma-she is crazy.
she's a bad ass.
for sure.
ooh now i am really excited i got myself all worked up about grandma.
now if i don't go i am going to be really sad.
you're the bomb
you rock my life
you made my mom
will you be my wife??
well, maybe that is going too far.
i don't know.
this is getting weird.
i'm so sorry.
2006 13 October :: 5.02pm
So the ultra-sound was today. Baby weighs about 6 lbs 14 oz. Whoooo. And I had the sonographer get a picture of the gender and then she put it in a sealed envelope so I could have it for the baby book. So now at home I have this envelope that seals the big question! And I can't open it now. Ahhhh! :-D
2006 12 October :: 4.58pm
I am so happy. Charlie and I are planning more dates now. Like tonight. After he gets home from work. And tomorrow. And a color-tour to Holland on Saturday. :-) I am extra extra excited.
And tomorrow we have an ultra-sound. They may take me early. Any time now...
2006 11 October :: 4.30pm
so mitch told his friends that i am a lesbian.
im ok with that.
perhaps i should try it out next semester when robbys away.
heck maybe ill just try it now.
2006 9 October :: 10.36am
i have been sitting here for a long time it seems and i am starting to think that it would have been better if i just didn't go to class today.
2006 6 October :: 12.02pm
:: Music: beatles - white album
jeez. it's just playful banter.
i guess i can dish it out, but i just can't take it.
2006 4 October :: 5.05pm
it gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say;
it gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say;
it gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say:
2006 3 October :: 12.37am
:: Mood: exasperated
:: Music: thunder
you should buy my car.
burning hair is pretty much the worst smell ever.
and somehow, i think it smells worse when it's your own.
son of a bitch.
2006 26 September :: 6.57pm
About a couple more weeks!
I am so exhausted. Today we had a doctor's appt. for 8 in Cedar. So we had to get up at 6:30 to get there in time. Then we went back to sleep once we got home. Then I had a Chiropractic appt. Then I slept. Now I'm at the library. The baby dropped even more and it's harder to sleep. But I'm so excited I can't wait. The sky was soooo pretty early this morning! The clouds looked feathered and the sky was orange, purple, pink and red. I want to start painting again. This weekend was my baby shower and it was a lot of fun. Lots of good food too! Next week is my birthday, it came really fast. Other than that lots of doc. appt. and such. Lots of sleeping. Blah.
2006 22 September :: 3.12pm
Rainy weather makes me exhausted.
It's really pretty out though.
I can't believe it's Friday already though. But that's a good thing I guess. Everyday is the same for me, lol. Considering I don't work or go to school. It's a seven-day weekend every week. The baby dropped lower and tomorrow is the baby shower so that's good. :-) I'm just really worried about having baby while dad is out in South Dakota w/grandpa. So things either have to happen before Oct. 11 or after Oct. 20. I'm still talking it over with baby. We're still hashing details...haha.
I love my family. Last night my mom and aunt came over and we soaked our feet and did pedicures/manicures and ordered Q'doba. And watched Peggy Sue Got Married. And stuff. And it was a lot of fun. Tonight I'm going to Home Depot to check out some grills. Then making Snickerdoodles for my daddio. Then going to my parents house . Then Charlie and I are going to have a scrabble battle. haha.
That's about it.
2006 20 September :: 10.36pm
should i feel guilty for being pissed? i don't think so. i want to eat. i want to go home. i want to not have to do this shit.
hell, i daresay i'd even rather having to buy books.
son of a bitch, man.
she didn't really need to print off 150 copies of the habitat for humanity thing did she? i had to print of MY things. aren't I more important than her? and i can't get the marihuana one to work. that makes me sad.
2006 19 September :: 5.46pm
:: Music: simon and garfunkel
we're doing dinner with professor eick tonight. it's been a few months since i've seen him, so that's cool.
aside from that, i'm at college, doing college things.
like, my radio show.
and harry potter club.
and sociology (i.e. cross-dressing and writing journals and reading articles)
and psychology (i.e. thinking about thinking and writing journals and reading articles)
and german (i.e. schlafen)
and film (i.e. watching movies and writing journals and reading articles)
and radio plays
and trying to get a job
and having lots and lots of sex
and doing laundry
you know; college stuff.
2006 19 September :: 3.56pm
the baby dropped the baby dropped the baby dropped
i can breathe again and eat yayyyyyy
i'm going to natural choice chiropractic tonight for a free massage yippee
2006 18 September :: 4.13pm
Ughhhhhh. I hurt soooo bad! So we did end up going to the hospital. Everything turned out to be fine. But this baby is ready to come out!!! I'm measuring 37 weeks and just ready. I am exhausted, nesting, sick, uncomfortable. Blahhhh. Hear my complaints! lol. :-) I've started going to some natural childbirth-type classes and a really cool chiropractic office. Tomorrow is another class and we get free massages! Yay! My baby shower is this saturday! Double-yay!
2006 18 September :: 8.36am
im sick of getting up before the sun every single day . . .
2006 11 September :: 8.28pm
So a trip to the hospital might be in order tonight!
1 comment |
2006 7 September :: 7.08pm
Had a doctors appt. last friday. I am now measuring 36 weeks. Who knows what's going to happen :-) I'm totally nesting now, too. We finally got everything moved in and around and put away and it feels great. It looks like a home now. And this weekend we're going to get more stuff for the nursery and I am planning on cleaning/washing everything. I had the intention of doing it but I've been soooooo exhausted.
Anyway, it feels weird school is starting up again already. I feel kind of sad because I miss all my cooking classes, but it would be way too stressful right now.
2006 6 September :: 10.44am
so today is the second day of school for me. although yesterday i only went to one class that lasted a mere hour and then i went home and sort of slept until i had to work.
i am sitting in the computer lab waiting for 11:30 to roll around. i thought about reading while i wait and again while i wait later for robby to get out of his class, but instead i called casey and told her she needed to hang out with me. i mean, reading on your second day back is just not right. i don't want people to think that i want to be here. seriously. i'm only here for the hot chicks . . .
2006 5 September :: 4.47pm
:: Music: Tool - Lateralus
der Universität ist sehr schwer! sehr viel, sehr groß hausaufgabe immer!!!
aber ... ich will leben. ich weiss das.
und meine wohnung hat ein geschirrspülemachine. das ist sehr toll!
2006 29 August :: 11.47pm
:: Mood: tired
that's really kind of an interesting contradiction... the fact that they can't spell "back to school" anymore.
anyway, i'm back, and school is where i'm at.
i live here:
10266 Laker Lane
Allendale, MI 49401
mail me things that won't explode or set off a metal detector. the anthrax i'll deal with.
good to see everyone's still alive. and i figured it was high time i asserted my own continued existence.
but i'm tired. and i have lots of homework already. and i'm trying to clean. and it's just not working out. but school is fun dammit. i'm busy this weekend. why do i do this to myself?
2006 25 August :: 10.52pm
Saw baby today :-) He/She has dark hair, a lot of it, and a cuuuuute face. We had a 3-d ultrasound done as well, and got some adorable pics of the face. Baby was smiling again in these ultrasounds, at least it really really looks like it, even the nurse said so.
My aunt and I had a ton of fun at dinner. Seriously, who spends $140 at an Outback? hahaha. :-) Everything has been going pretty well.
2006 24 August :: 2.14pm
Yay :-) My aunt is coming over tonight and we're going to dinner. That is going to be fun :-) Tomorrow is the ultrasound so we're really excited. We have to finally sign up for birth classes too, we're a little late. Oh, and next spring or around there Charlie, Baby, and I are going to Connecticut to visit my friend! I'm so excited!
2006 22 August :: 4.09pm
So on Friday morning I started having contractions. Went to our doctors appt. and took some tests.
I am measuring 32 weeks!
Crazy stuff. So we get another ultrasound on Friday. If I go into labor in the next 4 weeks they won't try to stop it.
2006 16 August :: 6.05pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: "white walls" still remains
major suckage
you suck so much sometimes.