2005 2 April :: 11.04am
Whooo! Katie and Dan are here!!
Whooo! Waffles!!!
Haha.. Looks like a good day. Uh oh.. hope i didnt jinx myself.. :-D
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2005 1 April :: 10.49pm
Vanity fair is a vair strnage movie in which Reese Witherspoon is a whore. Not really.. but.. kinda. There is one hot guy though.. which is cool..
Yeah... so my mom is watching that awesome movie about amish people, and so i'm still at mandys... which is unfortunate, cuz we're both really tired. Ugh...
I feel bad for leaving ashlee, but ohh well.. i'll buy her something in Canada.
"Is this an inconvenient moment?" hahaahah..
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2005 1 April :: 3.48pm
Its stupid when people i thought i could trust spread rumors and ostracize my best friends. If you're reading this, you know who you are. Yeah, thats right. You.
You've been saying how horrible we are and what bad people we are for doing that. But i can remember you saying how much you wanted to.
And we arent the ones who say how much life sucks. You're the one constantly complaining about everything. Your life, your mom, your weight, your friends. And its because of that, that you dont have any.
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2005 1 April :: 3.49pm
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2005 31 March :: 7.14pm
All aloney.. on my owney... hee hee..
Should i watch a movie? Or read about the apocalypse?
Hmm.. i have Supersize Me and The Devils Playground.. the devils playground is about amish peeoples though.. which is cool.. since i too was amish once.. hahahahaha...
i get kinda freaked out of being home alone sometimes.. because I'm cool...
Heh.. -looks around-
PaRaNoId! To the max...izzle...
The internet is starting to bug me.. i should take up knitting... Or elk farming..
dont judge me.
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2005 31 March :: 4.41pm
He remembered me!! And.. held my hand.. haha kind of.. Ohh, lordy he is the most beautiful boy i have ever seen... Heehehehehee...
I'm SOOO uber glad i went.. even if that meant spending a day with... /sophie/... no just kidding..
We were anti social.. and it was fun. Dont do drugs and drive..
he writes disturbing stories though.. about antelopes..
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2005 30 March :: 9.29pm
Ohh god, OWL was so sick when ann.. in class.. i can't even say... ughh..
buuuuut... MAMMOGRAMS SAVE LIVES!!!!!!!!! w00t w00t!
And omg... I dont have to go to school tomorrow!! Yes. Thats right. I. Am. The best. Ya know why.. CUZ I'M PROLLY GONNA SEE A) FORREST!!! (ohh my giddy dumplings!! HE IS GOD!) *drools* 2) RAMSEY!!! *mmm lip ring* or 3) SHANE!!! *pretty hair*
If i see all three.. Ima pee my pants. Hee hee hee.. Yeah.. me 'n' soph 'll have us a good ol' time! *wink*
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2005 30 March :: 7.56pm
:: Mood: sooper dooper happy
:: Music: AFI-Dancing Through Sunday
I called sophia after school sometime and talked to her for a bit, of us had to go I can't remember who. and I didn't talk very much at school. maybe saidl ike 20 words, except the conversation I had with nora..who is mad at me now...
in 5th period me and my group thingy went in the hall to work on a video presentation. we were interviewing "hitler" and then these two kids came over wondering why we were talking about hitler. after we said it was for a project and we had made fun of hitler a bit, we found out the kids were german foreign exchange students..whoops. lol...hmm..yep,t hat's all.
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2005 30 March :: 3.23pm
:: Mood: fgdshk
feels like shit, but i can take it like a
I thought-- nevermind.. i guess its not true..
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2005 29 March :: 8.15pm
I wish i had some raver friends.. alot..
I miss groovin to techno with my sister.. i have no one left to talk about it with..
ohh deah.. I need ta brain wash all mah friends..
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2005 29 March :: 6.56pm
SoOoOoO.. today was pretty shpiffy..
Bad things-
-Mrs. Blair got mad at me for telling her i didnt want to go on the shtupid choir trip
-Going to Social Studies.. god i hate that class
-being assulted at lunch.. (actually that was more fuuny than bad.. but i still got salt in my hair.. Thank you brenan..)
-Being talked to by a crazy gut at starbucks
Good things-
-ashlee was a sweetie to me today
-not having to sing in choir
-getting an extra day for the SS project
-Bonding with alex at lunch
-Finding out HW center isnt that bad
-Finding out Ambure, Jordan, and Buddie are all in HW C w/ me.
-Bonding with buddie and sharing secrets afters.. just like old times
-going to Huckleberries for din dins
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2005 29 March :: 4.46pm
holy-FUCKING-shit. I hate people. people make me want to die.
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2005 28 March :: 9.21pm
I was Trish. Jim was uncle Rico, and my mutti was dear old LaFawnduh. Hee hee. silly quiz!
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2005 28 March :: 8.53pm
I'm feeling a lot better now.. for.some reason. Idk.
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2005 28 March :: 5.58pm
:: Music: takes my mind away from other things.
I'm at the YMCA and I didn't want to go. it's pissing me off. nothing good except lunch has happened today. and I'm taking it out on everyone else, doesn't that figure. I want to start own little hand-written journal..but not enough. I want to so I can take shit out on THAT instead of other people. I'm feeling depressed again. just want to die, but barely not bad enough..I just have to wait, like before and hope it passes..again. I won't be able to play drums today, and I couldn't yesterday either. I don't have a guitar... my dad keeps kicking me off of the computer in the middle of stuff, like, he does it, so Icant say good bye to dear friends, even if he makes me get off for a good reason, it's not fun.
I hear the morning chior, sing to me..their elegy
I can't express myself, no words will come.
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