2003 16 September :: 7.18pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Farther Away - Evanescence
So tired. Head..... hurts..... must...... take..... nap. Okay, I'm a little more awake then that, but anyway. In school today they finally got rid of those crappy way-too-shiny don't-mark-them-up-or-you-spend-your-christmas-vacation-cleaning-them desks. YAHAHAHAA! SAY GOODBYE TO THE CRAPPY TOPPLY-OVERY-NESS OF THE SATANIC DESKS! Now we have tables like we did last year. Much nicer, de gouzaru. I am chewing gum. I am allowed to do that now because I HAVE NO MORE BRACES! YAHAHAA! View it! A bubble! Now I have gum all over my face. Tis strawberry bubblicious. Or is it Bubble Yum? I dunno, they are all the same to me. We performed our lovely skit today, and Marilyn, if you are reading this, I must say you did a splendid job! Twas beautiful! We were the stars of the show! yay! No props and yet still beautiful, don't you agree? Yesh yesh. My dog won't shuttup. He enjoys barking at the lawnmower. Now he is quite. Good dawgy. Hee hee. "dawgy". that is a funny word.
Go fuck yourself
2003 15 September :: 10.59pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Princess mononoke
This spanish homework is very confusing. Tis evil. Anyway, eh.... what was i gonna say? OH YEAH! NOW I REMEMBER! I got my braces off today. Now my teeth feel all weird. Dude! the lady who was doing my teeth said "Okay, now I'm gonna floss for you." Then she took the floss and friggin killed my gums. She says "You need to floss better, your gums are bleeding." Well, yeah, I floss, I just don't shove the stupid string in my gums! I swear she took big chunks out of my gums like a was a friggin peice of meat! A bunch of blood mixed with spit at the back of your mouth doesn't exactly taste too great, lemme tell you. I like vampires and all, but in my opinion, too much blood really doesn't taste that good! Eeew. I went to rinse it out at the sink and practically gagged at how much blood came out. I think she enjoys butchering gums. Maybe it's her hobby.
"Hmm... I think I'll butcher some poor innocent kids' gums today.... with my secret weapon, *dramatic music* THE EVIL FLOSS OF DOOM!"
Yup. I think that is what orthodontist assisstants think - well, at least this one did.
Stupid Spanish homework! I'm gonna improvize! Yahhahaaa! Die you foul foreign-languaged home work! Feel my wrath!
Go fuck yourself
2003 14 September :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Heart of the Sword - Rurouni Kenshin
I went to the airshow today. It was pretty cool. I mean, the planes were. The weather was actually quite hot, and there wasn't any shade anywhere on Moffat field. I think that my favorite part were the Hornets. I don't remember the # of the type of jet, all I know is that it started with and "F". They could go as fast as just below the sound barrier, but you gotta watch out for that gigantic sonic boom-like sound. Man does that hurt your ears if you don't plug them. Another cool thing was that a Nighthawk stealth jet showed up, quite unexpected. I don't think it was even really supposed to come. Apparently the pilot had just come from New Mexico. He went around the field about 2 times, and then went back the other way, back home. O_o Odd.
The thing that got annoying though was that they often showed the same planes over and over again, doing close to the same tricks they did last time. The biplane, however, came back again, but did a really cool trick. They had set up these poles with a ribbon stretched between them stretching over the runway. The biplane did a loop in the air and then went right under the ribbon, without touching the runway. Then it did a loop again, but stayed upsidedown. The biplane lowered itself closer to the runway and, still upsidedown, broke the ribbon. Twas cool, one of those things you must see to really experience ^_^
Julie wouldn't let me buy her a frozen lemonade. Curse her and her stubborn ways. Grr. But anyway, that was my day. Not like anyone reads this, but oh well. Now you know.
Go fuck yourself
2003 13 September :: 1.51pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Christmas songs! Yay!
I like Christmas songs
I ish listening to opera-style Christams songs, de gouzaru. Tis fun! Tis fun! Especially since Christmas isn't until *counts on fingers* approximately 4 more months. Or is it 3 1/2?
I am not very good at math. I am so glad that today is Saturday! I am also scaring myself because when I woke up this morning it was only 9:00 AM. I usually sleep in until 12:00 pm, and that's just when my mother wakes me up. I wonder how long I would sleep if my mother didn't wake me up O_o <<<< this is a fun face, is it not?
So is this one ^_^;
OK, now I ish getting sick of christmas songs. I switchy now to..... ummmm... ELVIS! YES! ELVIS YAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA! C'mon! Sing to the grooviness!
Wow, I shouldn't have eaten that cereal this morning. Twas cinnamon apple cheerios. not all that great, but okay I suppose. Looney Tunes are on. I am not paying much attention to it at the moment, as I have music blasting in my ears, if you can consider Elvis music "blasting," but i occassionally glance at the screen every once in a while. Not like anyone cares. Oh well, now you know, just incase by some wonderous coincidence you were wondering how often I glanced at the television screen.
I am switching my music once again. I have noticed that I am getting to be rather fickle with my music choices. tomorrow I am going to the airshow with my bestest friend Julie. I've never been, but it's sounds interesting enough. Then maybe I can go to the Renaissance Faire next weekend. Tis my happy place.
Now I ish going to listen to some good ol' j-pop. Yes, that wonderful music where you have only a vague idea of what they are saying every once in a while, and that's if you know a little japanese. Gotta love it. I mean, it is simply impressive if you can sing along, but if you can translate, now that's talent!
Well then, Sayonara!
Go fuck yourself
2003 12 September :: 10.45pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: Innervision - System of a Down
Ok, anything interesting to write? Not really. Last nights episode of Inu-yasha made me feel really sad. *pouty* But i'm ok now! *grins* My, I'm such a dork....
I'm chatting with my friends right now, and we're having an Underwear/tea party. Inside joke, don't ask. *sigh* Some things are so complicated. Btw, I have an insane Literature teacher. She reminds me of Miss Piggy from the muppets. Actually the resemblance is almost scary. She even almost talks like miss piggy O_o
Speaking of muppets, I like the muppets. That just occured to me yesterday; my, my brilliance is astounding. Another thing that occured to me a few days ago was that clowns are scary. They really are. I mean, think about it: what is normal about people bouncing around, abnormally happy, wearing perfectly applied white make-up, brightly colored clothes with little poof balls, and tripping over gigantic shoes that could easily squash a rodent? I mean, that's about as normal as a hamster deciding it wanted to be a lawyer so it jumped out the window and flew away to Algeria. I think about the only clown I like is Trowa, but he's not one of those happy clowns that would gladly poke you in the eyes and trip you so you fall into a pile of horse crap. *shudders* and the way they just... STARE AND STARE AT YOU, ya know? If you don't have a friggin smile on your face, they look at you, make a pouty face, and then see if they can make you laugh by kicking some innocent six year old in the shins or something. Okay, maybe they don't do that, but you get my point. Life's like a box of chocolates.............................................
............ and that's all I have to say about that.
Yeah, pretty much....
Jimmy Dean Sausages Shoes
Go fuck yourself
2003 5 August :: 11.50pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: System of A Down - Aerials
1st entry
Whoop dee doo. My first entry. My my, how entertaining! I pretty much sat around today and acted like a hyper-active idiot in chatrooms. Oh well, nothing really special. I really don't feel like working on this homework that my tutor gave me. I mean, it's summer! ~mumbles~ Near the end of it too...
Right now I am mercilessly being tortured by courage the cowardly dog, who is trying to get back to the house because there is a giant starfish out to destroy Mueriel and Eustace.
Oh goody! ~wrings hands together, grinning evilly~
Hmmm.... maybe I'll attempt to set the VCR to record FLCL tonight....
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Go fuck yourself