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I don't hold my breath, and I don't hold my tongue.

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:: 2011 13 June :: 10.18am

shit i'm not in the mood to deal with today

1. heather
2. aimee
3. Customers

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:: 2011 11 June :: 11.20pm

I just wanted to share this here



:: 2011 11 June :: 3.13pm
:: Mood: confused



:: 2011 11 June :: 2.40am
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: "Love you till the end" By The Pogues

What Is Love
A love all-commanding, all-withstanding
Through a year is my love;
A grief darkly hiding, starkly biding
Without let or remove;
Of strength a sharp straining, past sustaining
Wheresoever I rove,
A force still extending without ending
Before and around and above.

Of Heaven 'tis the brightest amazement,
The blackest abasement of Hell,
A struggle for breath with a spectre,
In nectar a choking to death;
'Tis a race with Heaven's lightning and thunder,
Then Champion Feats under Moyle's water,
'Tis pursuing the cuckoo, the wooing
Of Echo, the Rock's airy daughter.

Till my red lips turn ashen,
My light limbs grow leaden,
My heart loses motion,
In Death my eyes deaden,
So is my love and my Passion,
So is my ceaseless devotion
To him to whom I gave them,
To him who will not have them.

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:: 2011 10 June :: 12.20pm

spud and kevin keep doing the 30 day song challenge, i'm going to do it to

Day 1 - my favorite song

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:: 2011 9 June :: 5.39pm

The current arrangement and state of affairs is most pleasurable.



:: 2011 8 June :: 3.36pm

Let's make it brutal in here
Day 0: Why my journal is fucking better than yours.

Tired of all this soft rock nonsense

if they would have only included Josh Homme on the video as he does the backing vocals

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:: 2011 8 June :: 2.33pm

the action is go!

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:: 2011 8 June :: 3.28am

repost of day 14, for interested parties
namely, me.

in retrospect, i probably should have paid more attention in piano lessons.

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:: 2011 8 June :: 3.06am

Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Hate me if you want to. I'm sorry, but I've heard this song one too many times.

this video might just make me love this song a second time.

3 comments | [x]


:: 2011 7 June :: 10.48am

When a man lives dangerous, he is not afraid to DIE. When he is not afraid to DIE, he is strangely, free to LIVE...



:: 2011 5 June :: 3.38pm

"Taking what you want just might set you free"



:: 2011 4 June :: 1.39pm

Taking shits with the door open, classic



:: 2011 3 June :: 3.04pm

Fuck you, touch screen. I wanted to edit that entry, not delete it.


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:: 2011 1 June :: 2.54am

Day 15 - A song that describes you
this took way too long to find. i like it though. practice practice practice until you get it right. then practice some more. i like the bass drum rolls, these guys are dialed in.

nothing fancy, but CLEAN. this is probably why i don't have friends. turns out it's hard to find drumline videos on youtube with match grip. but i still like what they have going on here. never thought i'd miss high school so much.

video doesn't allow embedding? WTF?


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