2009 25 July :: 3.33pm
New goal to add to the list real quick
Had to write it on here or I'd forget
Goal #5
Get a Sphynx
does anyone know where to get one?
2009 25 July :: 11.01am
For like the first time in a very long time.. My mood does not reflect the wheather.. Usually when it rains, I feel completely lethargic and do absolutely nothing.. But right now it is down pouring at my house and I want to go playin the rain, or do my dishes, sweep and mop my bathroom, laundry room and mud room floors, and clean my bathroom.. I already cleaned out my refridgerator and vacuumed at like midnight..
I am feeling pretty good about life these days and that makes me feel even better. Optimism is not something I show easily. I usually have to struggle to show it.. I think it is a trait passed down from my dad, and his dad.. Because everyone who knows my dad, knows that he does not smile regularly and sometimes it takes a lot to make him smile.. Other times he just smiles when he sees his kids and grandson. And I absolutely love that. My mom is sometimes a hard one to make smile too, but she at least laughs with me at all the dumb shit I do or say.
And I have a 20 lb dog trying to climb frantically onto my lap because he is terrified of hard rain.. Tank is a lot better during rain and storms.. He doesn't try to get on my lap as much anymore.. But Dozer is absolutely terrified.. It's kind of cute..
2009 23 July :: 11.09pm
:: Music: Nothing ATM
good times, good times.
Spent last night with Jess. We just hung out, watched Dog the Bounty Hunter, made brownies, ate peanuts, and drank a little. Fun night. :]
2009 23 July :: 7.50pm
2009 22 July :: 7.18pm
I'm Old Greg, I got something to show ya
2009 21 July :: 11.32pm
Dice really abandoned their fanbase by putting 1943 on consoles only.
2009 20 July :: 12.33am
Drinking a ping of HOPNOXXXIOUS from Walldorff that my dad brought me from up north.
This is the stuff of kings right here.
2009 19 July :: 11.02pm
Kimbo Slice will be on the next installment of The Ultimate Fighter. Fighting as a heavyweight. Atleast Dana White gave him a shot. Ill be pullin for him.
2009 19 July :: 7.11pm
Kansas City Chefs
Hello there,
My name is chris, and I am in Kansas City (well... shawnee, KS. but close enough). isn't that cool? i thought you'd be impressed.
I'm getting kind of hungry. probably because this entry is about what i've done so far since i've been here.
we got here yesterday morning. i proceeded to burn cds and copy music to my laptop for the next several hours. then we went out to dinner. it was amazing. i got a glass of gewurtstraminer and a fish sandwich. today we went to gymnastics practice, and went shopping at kohls and old navy. then got gelato. now we're chilling at the house. leaving sometime either tomorrow, or early tuesday.
that's about it.
i should get some food. to eat. and stuff.
P.S. funny quote of the day:
"I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink." - Joe E. Lewis
2009 17 July :: 12.47pm
Save gasoline, ride a motorcycle.
2009 16 July :: 9.10am
weird harry potter dream tonight.
was with some chick, after we killed voldermort.
we had to destory what was left of him (it looked like mercury) it was really weird.
(finished the last book last night)
2009 15 July :: 3.25pm
There are many days where I miss the Air Force, some of my Training Instructors were like fathers to me.
1 comment |
2009 15 July :: 11.46am
so i had this really really fucked up dream last night.
I was at this party down the road from my house, it was apparently at jamie henteg's house, wich i've got no idea where he lives. but he was there.
anyways we get there and hang out with some people, and music is playing
and then jamie comes down the stairs with a shotgun and points it at me, and i'm like "WTF DUDE?!" and eventually he shoots me in the chest with some of those bean bag things, twice, and it didn't bruise. eventually he calmed down and everything was cool lol. so i go outside and todd kopkau(sp?) is singing and amy waller is playing the tamborine.
really really weird dream.
2009 14 July :: 5.21pm
Yeah, so I am easily amused about the littlest things..
But I am super excited that Tank can finally lay down on command, and I've been working on getting him to roll over.. He only half rolls over on his own.. But its so cute!! I love it..
Dozer on the other hand, is kind of a lost cause.. You try to get him to shake, and he thinks its an open opportunity to lick the crap out of your hand.. And he ate another flip flop.. Little bastard! Good thing I only pay like a dollar for my flip flops..
2009 14 July :: 1.01pm
Thanks Hendo, for shutting that Brits mouth right up.
Also. Oregon PO box is the shit. straight baked!