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I don't hold my breath, and I don't hold my tongue.

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:: 2009 13 June :: 1.31am

hockey fight, I'm pissed off



:: 2009 12 June :: 11.10pm




:: 2009 11 June :: 7.29pm

retro vans, slip on



:: 2009 11 June :: 4.33pm
:: Music: rain

my diploma and transcripts finally came in the mail today.

i only made the dean's list 3 semesters out of 8. but i graduated from both the college of liberal arts and sciences and the honors college in good standing, fulfilled all the requirements for the film and video major, and finished with 121 credits and a 3.364 GPA.

which means, basically, that i spent the last 4 years of my life spending thousands of dollars and hours upon hours on 4 sheets of paper telling me ... what?

that i still have to shovel dirt for a living, and not even manage to scrape by without a lot of financial support from friends and family? funny though, the papers don't say anything about that part. They honestly paint what, to the untrained eye, would be a picture of a successful young man with a bright future and a world of opportunities. when in actuality he is just a loser with no real job, a fair amount of debt, not a lot of excitement, and way too many nights - and days - stuck at home to sit and think. that's a very dangerous place to put a mind like mine. it rarely goes happy places. honestly, the only way my brain seems to be able to keep itself happy is when it has plenty of distractions, and people to entertain. otherwise, it just turns dark.

then again, maybe i just feel dark because it's all rainy and miserable outside. i wish it would just fucking storm. that would be a lot more exciting than this drizzly crap.

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:: 2009 10 June :: 7.32pm

Seriously hates this whole working thing..



:: 2009 9 June :: 5.19pm

Thank you all for the birthday wishes..

I had a great weekend.. and was very sad when I had to return to work this morning..



:: 2009 9 June :: 4.55pm

I might get a motorcycle



:: 2009 9 June :: 3.42am

Just got my Flickr up!

I really don't know what its all about but I guess I'll find out.

Anyone have one? If so add me




:: 2009 9 June :: 3.34am

Project shockwave is complete and ready for phase 2, being implementation

The media center is almost ready and I owe Dennis some money tomorrow



:: 2009 9 June :: 12.40am

So very very tired.

I feel like my head is constantly swimming.

I feel like I need to talk to someone, dont get me wrong its not like I don't have friends here but they have their own things to worry about and are very much concerned about only having a good time. I dont need to be troubling them with my issues.

I guess that's what brings me here, again.
It seems like no matter how many times I try to tell someone something its always 'the wrong time' and 'maybe we'll talk later'. Its sad when I rely on an old site that no one reads as a comfort, an outlet. One unlike I have in the 'outside world'.

I've been working on getting into college wich is quite frankly, a pain in my ass. Essays, transcripts, meetings. BAH!
If only it was a simple interview a few questions they acess you and then BAM you're in.

God hates me

Went out and watched HANGOVER toinght and it was AMAZING!
New favorite movie

Yeah I got kind of side tracked when I get a chance I'll be back to write more.



:: 2009 8 June :: 10.03pm

It's gonna be a long night in the lab

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:: 2009 8 June :: 11.45am


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:: 2009 7 June :: 10.53pm

saturday night i was at cheers, i got drunk and sang karaoke it was awesome!

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:: 2009 6 June :: 2.55pm

Last night I had the time of my life, and I broke out of my shell a little bit..
I don't EVER dance, because I have no rhythm, and I just feel awkward when I try..
But I danced A LOT last night..
And had a blast.. there were several pictures taken.. i have some posted on facebook.. but there are some that are better left off the internet.. lol

I wonder what is in store for the rest of the weekend!!



:: 2009 6 June :: 3.04am

Go see The Hangover


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