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:: 2003 19 October :: 6.33 pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: none

Too lazy..
Heyy...i haven't updated in awhile. i'm too lazy to..but anyways. On saturday, me, amanda, seann and ryan are going to halloween horror nights xiii @ islands of adventure! i cant wait! it's gonna be fun i hope..and scary. Anyways I think the marlins game is on now, I want the Marlins to win! I like the yankees too, my whole family perfers them to win then the marlins, but for once i've changed..and i'm rooting for the fish! But anyways i'll tell you what i did this weekend, Friday um...I had no school, I didn't do anything that was kind of my rest day. Saturday, me and my mom went to Super Wal-Mart then to Bj's to buy some food and stuff. Then later I went over to Seann's house and we watched like half of Scarface, and then we watched the Marlins game, while doing so we were looking at his photo albums, he was soo adorable when he was liddle, he had blonde curly hair! aww i just want to eat him up =]. And here I am today, i cleaned a lot, well not actually cleaned but I washed my clothes, i did my hair, and i think thats basically it. Well i'm gona go see how the game is goin x0ox

`*i love you

:: 2003 12 October :: 10.55 am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: none

Today is going to be a dragging day. I have to clean the house and its my SUNDAY where I'm only supose to be resting and doing my homework and talking on the fone =] hehe. Anyways Friday i went to the movies with Amanda and Ryan , with Seann too, we saw Out of Time..that was a rele good movie...i actually paid attention to it, lol half the time i was mad at Seann cause he was talking soo loud! I can't stand that, i also cant stand when people talk through the whole movie! Oh well. Saturday I went to Seann's house, we painted some Mickey mouses on his parents bedroom, cause his mom loves Mickey Mouse a lot. So we did that and then we went to Roadhouse Stakehouse and ate foood. Seann and his dad were playing table football with a muffin. It was funny, and then we were all trying to figure out if this girl with this humoungus ass was wearing underwear and i sayd of course! she had to of been! Well today i'm doing cleaning. I have to sweep the floor, clean my bathroom, jeez why cant it clean itself! And tomorrow is School once again, oh well ...oo and 4 days until Seann's birthday..[October 16], and 13 more days until we all go to Halloween Horror Nights XIII at Islands of Adventure [October 25]...well x0ox buhbye

`*i love you

:: 2003 6 October :: 9.26 pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: none

New journal
Holla, this is my new journal...this is the 2nd time writing this new entry because i saved it before and it didnt save it sayd the server could not be found. But anyways ya that made me mad.lol. okkie anyways this is my new journal, my old one was on the screen name IxlatinqtxI...so if ya wanna look at that u can...cuz this is continued because i wanted my screen name to go with this journal thing. Well today was not that good of a day. My dad is in the hospital because he got his apendix taken out because he was not feeling good, and now he has an infection and hes got a fever, and im rele worried. My mom was bitchin at me today saying that I dont care about my dad because i dont go to see him at the hospital [I dont live with my dad, parents got a divorce i forgot how many years ago]..1st how am i supose to get there, i dont have a car, anywwhere in florida it at least takes 20 minutes to get somewhere, and 2nd my brother and i was going to go but dad sayd not go during the night cause he dont want us to die or something, hes overprotective lyke that =] so she rele pissed me off....but 2morrow me and my bro r gonna go see him afterschool, well after my bro gets out of school at FAU. And then later today me and Seann were having arguements...but we good now. 2morrow is school once again, today was Yom Kippur so we had no school, thank god for those Jews. What do they do on Yom Kippur anyway? Oh well i gotta dip x0ox buhbye

`*i love you

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