2008 23 July :: 11.03pm
today was ok,,, worked till bout 10:30 and now i am sitting at home while tj makes HIMSELF something to eat and didnt even bother asking me if i was hungry...i would figure after 2 years living together he would at least do that.... wtf
wedding preperations are making way, the actual ceremony is all i really have left. im going to talk to pastor on sunday and pray the organist doesnt have plans that day or i am fucked!!!
no real drama to speak of today things are actaully going real well, me and tj are not fighting anymore and for the first time in a long time i am actually happy.,.. believe it or not i am.
2008 23 July :: 12.33am
:: Music: tj random verses
Went and bought all the shit for the reception today and suprisingly only spent like $100.00 on candles and decor... yay me! all this stuff is coming together and it is awesome! we only have one more month and i cant wait. now all i need is the $$$$ and the marriage licence and a couple little things and i should be all set....
im so glad i finally got to spend the day with tj. its rare that we both have a day off now that he works a funny schedule. i do like spending time with him i am just stressed so i act mean.... he'll get over it right
Nathan called from fort lee today, he's doing good just really bored i guess. he's trying to get life straitened out but somehow he f's it up... i really dont know about him. its amazing what changes when hes hours upon hours away from all of us. And not to mention my mom.. she is a freaking nut. she messed up the invites so that everyone has till the 1st of aug to rsvp but i need to know today... and she keeps making decisions for me about my wedding that i really dont need her too...ah well i wont stress i wont stess
Over all today was a wonderful day and i hope i have many more of them.
2008 21 July :: 12.43am
Just got back from watching the Batman movie and it was freakin awesome!!!! i dont watch many movies but i really really liked this one...
2008 19 July :: 12.07pm
this week has totally gone by way too fast, its having two days in a row off that messed my up i think... anyway i think i have a plan on finishing everything for the wedding, at least i hope i do i have like a month and i know it will be gone soon.
life is normail or at least for me. me and tj are working as much as possible so we get have the money to pay for shit. once this wedding is over we should be able to maybe save... calling the realator this week and hopefully the bank will get everything going so we can look at houses and maybe have one by the time our lease is up... i pray we do cause yeah this is a good apartment but i hate having neighbors all around me.
mom is driving me absolutely crazy... i bet its the stress but it seems every day she calls she has something to bitch about. Nate is at Fort Lee in Virginia and from what i hear he is doing good. its nice not having him around as sad as that sounds but he is definetly better off as far away from here as possible there is more oportunity there.
2008 14 July :: 11.53am
the shower unfortunetly was a total bust. my mom ruined it all. the entire time she was bossing me and everyone aroung like little children. she didnt even let me open up my own presents. she had some one else do it and then hand it to me. what fucking bitch... its ok though the wedding will be here and over soon then i wont have to deal with her control freakish ways...
i did however attempt to salvage the night and ended up pretty drunk over at jon and cassie's. it was sadly the highlight to my day. but it felt oh soooooo good. :)
i got sooooo much cool stuff, like the kitchenaide mixer i really really wanted.. and all kinds of cook ware and bakeware. tj will be eating god for a long time.