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Ever wonder why the stars shine so bright on that one perfect night?

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:: 2008 24 June :: 4.23pm

im pretty much done with all of this crap.... just keep looking on that one day it will all be over and i will be able to just sit down and relax... and there will nothing more left to do... finished... done

in other news.................nope there really isnt anythnig cept i sat for almost 3 hours folding, and stamping invitations and it is obvious to me that it dont really matter



:: 2008 11 June :: 10.24pm

ahhhhhhhhhhh i finally get a day off where stuff really got done. did 5 loads of laundry, cleaned out the fridge and pretty much the whole house!



:: 2008 29 May :: 8.37pm

man o man is this day hell. its a freakin roller coaster of emotion and i dont know what the hell i want or even need...... i hate hormones, and the way all these freakin things just keep making me moody....arg why is trying to stay un-pregnant worse than actually being? some times i ask if it is even worth it, then i realize i cant afford a child and this cycle continues....

yes i know random rant, but its what i am feeling at the current moment. im very happy on the inside but somewhere inbetween there and here it got all messed up.



:: 2008 29 May :: 1.25am
:: Music: NIN - Were in this together now

Roscoe has been getting me into a lot of nine inch nails lately.
We just laid there listening to NIN all night.

I love Trent Reznor's anger.

It's exciting.



:: 2008 26 May :: 9.45pm


all i know is that this wedding is coming and im freaking out cause shit aint done that needs to be done and ARHGHGHGRHGEH


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