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:: 2008 23 February :: 2.36am

I have become comfortably numb.



:: 2008 17 February :: 3.26am

"Altos we can’t hear you. We need more sound from the altos. Altos you were flat. Altos count right.....altos, altos, altos."

wtf dude? There are three other voice parts you can be picking on in Opera rehearsal, not just us. I don’t even sing alto, only for this opera, and I'm still singing louder then the three other alto girls.

I don’t know, maybe its hard to hear the altos because there are twice as many sopranos?? Or maybe, just maybe its because the low register does not carry like the high one? Could it be that the sopranos high B's are going to cover up and altos middle C?? And lastly, could it be that alto is the only part you have ever sung, and that you don’t know how to properly critique the sopranos?

Uhh. Frustration. I have never been yelled at so much for singing in my life.

Way to go altos.



:: 2008 17 February :: 3.23am

Love is old, love is you.




:: 2008 6 February :: 3.07am

So for my English 222 class I have to write a 15 page paper. It has to be about the career field I am going into. And I have to have an interview with someone who teaches the profession I want to go into, and a professional in the field. So I sent out a few emails to people I knew would get back to me. Then I said "what the hell" and I sent out a few emails to some of the hot shots in opera (well to their agents at least). Some of these people included Deborah Voigt, Christine Brewer, and Rene Fleming.

Today I got a response:

"Dear Jacqulyn

Thank you for the email and sorry for the delay in responding.

Christine has said that she would be delighted to do this interview for you. She would prefer it if you could email the questions to her; please could you email the questions to me.

All best wishes

I have an interview with Christine Brewer.

For those of you who dont know who Christine Brewer is, she is one of the biggest Stars in opera in the WORLD.
I am absolutely stunned. I can't believe I got a response let alone an interview!!! It truly is a miracle

1 Would you catch me if i fall? | ...


:: 2008 6 February :: 12.46am


So, why the change (again) Andy?

2 Would you catch me if i fall?Maybe | ...

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