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Ever wonder why the stars shine so bright on that one perfect night?

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:: 2008 12 October :: 10.14pm

i have decided i hate pondo. i just dunno anymore.

i feel so sick right now i just want to throw up and go to be but i cant



:: 2008 10 October :: 4.50pm

today sucked at work but i am home now so its ok. it just sucks that its all alone and i have really nothing to do but laundry



:: 2008 8 October :: 6.51pm

so i got my wedding photos today. and they are great.

i totally cleaned the apartment today and i am sooooo happy i got it done. yayayayay. we have had a few people call about the truck so i am hoping we sell it soon so i can get him his truck

1 Would you catch me if i fall? | ...


:: 2008 8 October :: 11.34am

blah thats what today is. i get to stay home and clean to get ready for our inspection



:: 2008 6 October :: 9.54pm

red flannel was fun, got to see some friends i havent i a long time... god i makes me realize how much i miss it but i woudnt change moving down here for the world.

3 Would you catch me if i fall?Maybe | ...

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