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:: 2010 18 July :: 7.31pm

No food all day. 1/2 cup blueberry Smirnoff, 1/4 cup sprite, 1/4 cup blueberry juice=me completely trashed.

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:: 2010 10 July :: 7.32am



:: 2010 13 June :: 10.58pm

I'm nominating him honorary coon-ass.



:: 2010 7 June :: 2.57pm

Run! Bitch Run!
1 of 5 stars
Netflix instant



:: 2010 7 June :: 1.23pm

Killer Diller
4 of 5 stars
Netflix instant



:: 2010 4 June :: 10.47pm


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:: 2010 3 June :: 12.05pm
:: Music: Gorillaz - Stylo

Dear Jim
Dear Jim [Gaffigan]:
I had a weird dream last night where I went on a killing spree, murdering all of my ex-college roommates (I had a lot of them apparently), and for some reason Elvis Costello was fingered for the crime. I sat in the courtroom and watched him get a life sentence, and then he turned to me and smiled and starting singing, "Alison, I know this world is killing you." And the really bizarre part is, my name isn't Alison. What could this dream mean?
- Norah, Lancaster PA

Dear Norah:
Wait--the "bizarre part" was that your name isn't Alison? Really, THAT was the bizarre part? Not the murder spree or your letting a great musician take the heat? Just your name? Lady, you're a nut bag. Stop watching Law & Order before bed.
- Jim

Excerpt from "You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You: The Believer Book of Advice":
Amazon Page



:: 2010 28 May :: 3.31pm

This damn thing is as hot as a stiff cock!



:: 2010 26 May :: 10.13pm

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.
- Matt Groening

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:: 2010 22 May :: 10.28pm



:: 2010 21 May :: 10.54pm




:: 2010 21 May :: 5.21pm

"Get to the back of the line like Rosa Parks!" Not something best said when drunk and in mixed company. Still fucking hilarious.



:: 2010 21 May :: 10.50am

I got Netflix for my Xbox on Sunday. Really nifty. The only thing I really miss is the skip feature. I'm used to being able to skip 30 seconds at a time to get through the boring parts.

So far Netflix has been suggesting good movies. Although, this morning, I watched two flops. Nine was awful. Keith was only slightly better. Or maybe it was worse. Either way they both sucked.

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:: 2010 10 May :: 1.23am

Fringe - A Show on the Rise
So, I have a question for you fellow TV viewers out there: When did Fringe all of a sudden get so good??

I've been watching this show since the beginning, and despite the fact I immediately saw it for what it was (a 'X-Files' ripoff), it didn't stop me from making it a part of my regular viewing rotation for the past couple of years. While I've always enjoyed (most of) the characters and its escapist/sci-fi tones, I always felt it was vastly inconsistent. Well, that's not entirely true... it was consistent in its inconsistency. The mythology episodes were usually good-to-great, while the stand-alone episodes were usually boring-to-silly. But something's happened since it came back from hiatus. To start, even the one-offs have been captivating, with the time-traveling episode guest starring Peter Weller (aka RoboCop) the most noteworthy example. But, more importantly, I think the showrunners are finally letting the characters and the storyline find their own voice. Yes, they are still ripping off 'The X-Files' (even going so far as cribbing the "I Want to Believe" tagline in last week's episode), but for once, I'm able to see past the similarities because I find myself totally engaged in the stories on their own merits and not as a derivative of another show. To wit, last week's twist evoked an audible reaction from me usually reserved only for my most "hardcore" shows. (As a side note to complete the 'X-Files' comparison, they have even managed to do something the veritable FOX show couldn't, making local law enforcement characters richly detailed with their own angles and motivations. Hell, it's even picking up at the same time 'The X-Files' did: late second season.)

More than anything, the one facet of this show that has kept me coming back through its ups and downs (and is all the more richer now that the rest of the show has caught up) is Walter Bishop. Make no mistake, John Noble's character is the best, most complete, and engaging currently on television (and yes, I'm including 'LOST' in that discussion). There's no other character I can think of--on any medium--that can have me laughing out loud one moment, pulling on my heartstrings the next, than back to guffaws, all within the space of a single scene, as the supermarket scene in last week's "Northwest Passage" did (see link below). Noble's performance is absolutely gripping, and the range and nuance he brings to the already juicy lines reminds me of how criminal it is that this man has not even yet been nominated, let alone won, for this role yet. (Seriously Hollywood, get on this!)

If you haven't seen the show or previously gave up on it, now's the time to give it a(nother) chance. As sad as I am to know that my favorite Leonard Nimoy won't be making any appearances past this season, I can't wait to see where they take it from here.

"Delicious Strawberry-Flavored Death!":

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:: 2010 5 May :: 6.55am


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