these relics of remembrance are just like shipwrecks...only they're gone faster than the smell after it rainss <3


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:: 2004 21 June :: 11.21am
:: Mood: almost perfect...

first day of summer!!!
Saratoga was nice...i'm excited that i get to like design my room and stuff..the house is really pretty and cute and i'm so excited to get up there. It's just too much fun.

The thing I'm a little annoyed about is that I have to work until the end of the track meet which is like septemberrrr...but hopefully it will lighten up and i'll be able to come home more frequently...and hopefully I'll get some visitors! I know florida people are coming but I want some edgemontians to come too.

i saw the day after tomorrow this weekend. i really enjoyed it. scares the hell out of me to imagine something like that happening. but it got me into quite the movie mood.

I dont think i updated about everything being OVER! Earth sci i found very hard and it was def. made out to be much easier than it was. But w/e it's done and finished...not going to worry about it.

Wow...sophomores. I just can't believe it. We're growing up so fast. This is the last week that we're all like home before we go our respective ways. It's really kind of sad. 10 months of drama and what-not and then its like a fresh slate.

But for once I'm actually not dreading the end of the summer. I'll be excited to go back and see everyone. I feel like this year I finally found myself and my place here.

so here's to summer '04...hope everyone's is awesome. Don't forget your roots.

...Until September

3 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 20 June :: 11.40pm

i get it!
type your username with your.....
nose: edmjoso9 xo
elbow: dmlxoxlo
chin: dmlxopxco
toes: demlxoxo
eyes closed and one finger: dnkxit9
back of hand: dmmlxopxo
palm: dfm,;.lxlxol
wrist: dsrm,lkcioxcio

oh yea and by the way...
josh is coming tuesday!!! (written entirely with my tongue ;))

the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 16 June :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: newlyweds marathon

its know when you see someone who you havent seen in like a few years, like parents friends or something, and they say "oh my god, they grow up so fast.", and we always kind of stand there and nod and smile, kind of overlooking the fact that we actually DO. last night i was talking with my dad about school and it progressed to college. i know a lot of people are always like yea, i dont want to know what college im going to yet, but i honestly do. i want to know what school im going to be at and what its like there. and the scariest part of it all is that we have next year, and thats it. next year is all the time we have until we start looking for colleges. one year---thats all.

today i was watching saved by the bell, the one where they graduate, and as stupid as this is, that episode made my eyes tear. its such a reality check. "i thought my last day of high school would be the happiest day of my life...until i realized what i would be leaving- friends." -zack morris
loving, caring, fun, amazing friends. 4-14 years of friendship with people who love me...people who i love. i cant even imagine leaving them for anyone in this world. jeez, i get upset just thinking about it. i know, i just know, im going to be the girl whos bawling when she goes up to get her diploma, a total wreck, all because she knows shes leaving such a stable group, the people who caught her before she had a chance to hit the ground, people who made her smile when she could barely see beyond the tears that veiled her eyes, people that promised to always be there....but time ran out.
remember, we only have so much time left together. remind eachother how much each friendship means everyday, because before you know it, you'll be leaving eachother. to everyone whos been there for me, i love you all more than you know. i could never ask for better people to be my friends. you've all grown to be part of me in some way, and without you and i would never be the same . you are my world, and dont you ever forget it.

2 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 14 June :: 7.00pm
:: Mood: mellow

How to make a Goobs827

3 parts mercy

3 parts brilliance

3 parts empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of lovability and enjoy!


Personality cocktail

Hmmm, interesante.

It's been quite the interesante weekend actually. Between Briggette's Saturday and my house yesterday and ahem something else. I'm sure you probably know what I'm talking about. But yeah, it's been crazy and fun and funny.

Global was fine today. Mult. Choice not so bad. Essays easy. I was so stressed last night much to my surprise. Now espanol, should be okay.

Not much else to say. I'm looking forward to these next few days and also kind of dreading them. It's odd but exciting.

Wow, weirdness.

And Erica congrats about Japan! Thats freakin awesome!


1 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 14 June :: 6.31pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: penny and me- hanson

random stuff
Quizzes I Stole From Erica

How to make a dmlxoxo

3 parts pride

5 parts courage

5 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of wisdom and enjoy!


Personality cocktail

Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates a11
your best quality isyoure responsible
your worst quality isyou get annoyed @ stupid peep
this is becauseOf the people you hang around
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Things That Make Me Laugh
**I found these while cleaning out my folder from the year. I love first period bio, good times, good times. So now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comical fantasy conversations of Jesse Bordwin.**
[{NOTE: briggette's character is a dreamily lovestruck puddle of mush and as for me.....well, im a ghetto mama with a big mouth and an attitude lol}]
Convo #1:
Danielle: was cookin' good lookin'?
Briggette: [sigh] oh, not much, but Jesse just dominates my thoughts.
Danielle: das not duh only thang he'll be dominatin' soon...
Briggette: [gasp] DANIELLE!
Danielle: was wrong wit' dat honeychile?
Briggette: well, i guess, he IS so dreamy.
Danielle: mmmmhmmmmm, girlfriend. go for the gold girlfriend!

Convo #2:
Briggette: hey danielle
Danielle: mmmmhmmmm, was happenin' babe!?
Briggette: well, y'know, its Jesse again. I just can't keep my eyes off him.
Danielle: i know whatchu sayin', dawg. he is major--yummy.

Briggette: Wow booky-poo, that Jesse Bordwin sure is one sexy mama.
Danielle: I know- his kisses are so dreamy.
Briggette: Yeah, tell me about it, mambo chicky bow wow.
Danielle: Excuse me?
Briggette: Nevermind, but Jesse is hot.
Danielle: Yeah.....

<3 <3 gotta love those. <3 <3
---and who says all of what we say is fake "honeychile" lol love u briggerssssss

1 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 14 June :: 2.11pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: i fought the law- greenday

so its done, finally its done. that stupid bitch global final is finitoooo. no more 50 multiple choice/dbq/thematic essay nightmares...whoop whoop. overall, i thought that it was a pretty successful test. hardest part= multiple choice. i hate kuklis's multiple choice, but thats okay. i almost didnt mind taking another kuklis m.c. as kinda like a salute to her. what an awesome teacher, honestly, shes one of the best teachers ive ever had....scratch that, shes THE best. who else would put up with 20 maniac, paperball throwing, rowdy 9th one. shes so dedicated, and what really comes off, she loves what she does, and moreover, she loves the kids. it doesnt matter to her how crazy and out there you are, she LIKES to be at school with us. yes, she works us to the bone, but she cares so much that she grades every piece of work that we do. yes, her tests are so hard that sometimes we just want to cry, but she teaches you how to take them and do WELL. she stops at nothing until she gets you to the point that she wants you at. ill miss her wacky outfits. remember at the beginning of the year when she came in dressed up and we were all like freak-o? i dont even notice it anymore. its so awesome that she does it, actually. not too many teachers would take that chance at embarassment walking throuhg the halls dressed as a monk just to get her kids interested. her dedication shines through when she teaches and i honestly will miss having her as a teacher next year. its so rare to come across someone who loves their work as much as she does, and just that spirit of knowing that she wants to be there and wants to be working with you helps the time pass, and makes the work...enjoyable. no one deserved that yearbook dedication more than she did.

**snaps for ms. kuklis and 5th period global. awesome times, awesome year, awesome class. AWESOME TEACHER. 'nuff said.**

2 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 13 June :: 2.17pm
:: Music: memory- sugarcult




1 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 12 June :: 12.48pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: movie awards...

Boston was fun. Very short...hardly 24 hours but it was very nice to see the family.

Pre-prom was nice. Wow, the girls in our grade looked so gorgeous. I hope you all had a looked stunning.

Finals have been okay. English w/e I didn't do amazing on but the multiple choice is only .5 points each so I think I'll be okay. Math was very easy for me. Only 3 more to go. I'm so scared for global. 2 Essays aghh. This will be the test I am going to need every minute I get.

But besides that I'm so excited it's almost over. I have a job at the track in Saratoga now so I'm really very excited for summer.

Hmm...not much else to say. I love this whole finals state of mind...It's very laid back...take a test...relax, hang out. Things are going very well.


the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 9 June :: 3.34pm
:: Mood: embarrassed
:: Music: penny and me- hanson

yet another EXTREMELY embarassing moment....
i come out of the english final and im walking in the breezeway. i decide to be cool and just cut onto the grass and get out of the breezeway, but of course i fail to see those stupid yellow ropes that the stupid gardeners put up to make u not walk on the grass and my sandal gets caught and i trip and fall on my face, my glasses go flying, and i get grass stains all over my knees and palms....worst part of all: all the little 8th graders were standing there and all saw and they laughed at me. one particular person (samara hart cough, cough) laughed so loud and pointed at me. what a bitch, jeez, its not like shes never tripped before. uggh. the little alben was the only one nice enough to ask me if i was okay, hes nice, i know him from stage crew. whatevs, theyre just our stupid "little sevies".
ive yet to decide if that embarassing incident tops the time when my bathing suit top fell off and i didnt notice.

im not having a good week in terms of klutziness, i fell down the stairs yesterday morning lol.

english final wasnt so bad, ive had a massive headache since this morning though. as i do more math problems for tomorrow i find myself dreading the final less and less. what frustrates me the most is that i can do as many math problems as i want at home and get them all right, and then as soon as i take the test, i make STUPID mistakes (i.e.:2x4=6) [yes, u make fun now, but ive actually done that....a few times. lol] maybe if i just pay more attention ill have flawless work tomorrow. i would love that.

english. math. italian. global. spanish.

ONE DOWN 4 to go.....summer, here i come :)

2 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 8 June :: 9.30pm
:: Mood: satisfied

Tis Ova
Today was strange. It really didn't hit me that it was the LAST time for going to my classes this year. All the things I was worried about or thought about regarding school, are just--over. As I mentioned a few posts down, it's been a crazy year.

But this post is here to discuss the more school parts of school. My work has been very consistent this year.

Earth Science: Ha. Mr. Weiner=horrible teacher but great guy. He's so nice. I feel bad for him, he's tortured. The class was fine though.
Spanish: Ugh. Mrs. Lehv could be nice but she could be a total bitch. It was by far the most I ever worked in Spanish and I'm thrilled to get out of that class and very much look forward to Mr. Thoren :)
English: Sproulean. Loved her, hated her, loved her, hated her. As Kate would say "You start to like her again, and then she wears a Polo shirt and Coach belt and you hate her again." She is SO Charlotte from Sex&The City
Global: Best, best, best class ever. So entertaining. Not just that, but Mrs. Kuklis is the best teacher I have EVER had. Her dedication and time spent just trying to make us want to learn is unbelievable. And she had to put up with us. I respect her soooo much and wish I could have her every year. It was a pleasure and relief to have a teacher like her.
Math: I did very well this year with Ms. A. I'm really happy I have her next year.
Ceramics/Studio Art: Some great memories. Gonna miss the Joan.

And to my girls: S/E/K/J: Best friends a girl can ask for. So many memories. Lysm. B: it's been a bumpy road but I still cherish our friendship with all my heart. Love you more than you know. E/D: So glad we got closer this year. Love you. {EMSSMCKKEELLJHN}<--some oldies, some newies.. Love you girls...thanks for the laughs and for always being there. Guys too...thanks for the crazy moments...sab: greatest seniors ever, thanks for all the advice.

And while I read some of your posts and hear what people have to say, I was wondering about the whole closure issue. I think it's going to get harder each year actually. It just comforts me to know that I have worked to become the best person, student and friend I can be. And as weird as today was, that's closure for me. But if you don't feel closure, just remember sophomore year is just 3 months away and you can always just pick up where you left off. But I think everyone is happy this year is over. I think we can all agree in saying its been insane for all of us. Just be proud of all you've accomplished. As Brig pointed out to me, we're halfway through our times at Edgemont, enjoy it and live it up.

Great, just got Professor Snape. Dammit. Now I have to worry about it during finals and Boston. UGH. No wonder I took a 2 hour nap today. ERGH!!! Frustration alert.

and now, I must go study for finals..Oh's not THAT over. Ha.

*goodbye freshmen's been real

the end of the rainbow | Random Journal