these relics of remembrance are just like shipwrecks...only they're gone faster than the smell after it rainss <3


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:: 2004 28 March :: 6.26pm
:: Mood: pessimistic

one week til miami!!!

scratch that.

5 days til miami!!!

omg im so excited...if only i could make it this week without:
-losing something
-getting sick
-doing bad in school
-getting into a fight with a parent/friend
-getting insufficient sleep

..and bonus points if i could:
-pull off an A in english, math, and global
-find my fucking keys!

yeah but chances of this are all very slim.

i need to learn to relax--i def. freak out about things to much..

oh yeah, and if anyone sees a key at school with a light blue coach keychain and a little chachca that says'd be totally fab if u could give it to me...(its most likely in ms. a's those ppl keep you eyes out) i will DEF. reward!!!



come on guys--updaaaaate!

the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 25 March :: 8.14pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: ughhhhhhh

OK so its NOT the plague but...

holy crap! wtf is wrong with me??? how can i possibly be sick agian??? nooo NOOO nooo! eekksssssssss.......i swear i dont know how this happens--i take so many vitamins and am sooo careful and ppl i know do NONE of that and NEVER get sick---my immune system is like mentally retarded i think---i know cheri feels my pain!

anyway so i prob. wont be in school tomorrow--great gonna have to make up 2 tests..and im missing my guidance meeting--and i may miss the ppl telling me when my peer interview is (that is unless i got cut already lol erica) eeks and screeches! in most cases, like i usually do, ill suck it up and go to school, but idk im thinking just passing would be best.

but i suppose this is a good nite to get sick~cos at most i miss a day of school and mite be so-so for the weekend...i sure hope i am~i can spend tomorrow resting up cos the weekend is gonna be tres magnifique!

although there are a few things to be happy about : i do have to say a major highlight of my day was the briggette vs. gabi math fight--LMAO hilarious! and we didnt even get in trouble hehehehe! and i got some cutie clothes at the mall today (thought i was gonna die i felt so sick but hey the clohtes make up for it!)

well peace and luv babays!

and another happy to the pantones! and all the other march babies!


5 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 23 March :: 10.14pm

i think i may have the plague

as well as a bunch of newly found bruises ewwwie!

the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 23 March :: 5.13pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: hilary duff

so yesterday i said something that i really regret and its haunting me...i hate acting like somebody who i dont want to be and who im not.

my daddy's horse had a healthy baby--first in three years! yay!

im sad the play is over--it was like the only thing i had to look forward to...except miami, which might i add im super physced about...april is always the best trip--and this yr. i (hopefully) will see some girlfriends and one ahem particular guy hehe :)

this quarter is going really well for me...if i dont do anything stupid with my 10000 tests (math wtf?) then it should be a really really good quarter.

i really wanna have advocacy (again) this week..its gotten really fun.

ouchies my kitty scratched up my hand so now theres a bunch of greater than or less than >< scars!

i hope this weekend is fun.

im loving this springiness in the air--its still cold but i just have that spring feeling and its the best!

and i hate when horoscopes are a bad way

8 more days of school!


~trapped in a box of tremendous size
it distorts my vision, it closes my eyes
attracts filthy flies and pollutes in the skies
it sucks up our lives and proliferates lies
trapped in a box~

the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 21 March :: 4.29pm

You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people
feel that they have known you their entire
life. Many often open up to you for they view
you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although
people trust you, you have a hard time trusting
them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled
up inside, or display them very quietly. It is
alright to open up every once in a while.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 21 March :: 2.11pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: ...silence...

yes more oklahoma
yeah so yesterday was really fun.

the cast party was kind of boring at first but by the end i was having so much fun--and there were some one liners that will live in infamy--LMAO "there's a P you don't expect!!" yeah it was awesome.

and this play has been such a great opportunity to make new friends, catch up with old ones, just get closer with everyone. and the older kids are all so cool and im so glad i got to meet them and become friendly with some of them. im so sad this is all almost over :( it's been soooo fun or "sick" lol staz.

i really wanna go crazy today--stand on the house when they pull it out and wave haha kira.. idk i think itd be fun to have a joke show.


...i think my parents are home

oh and btw HAPPY SPRING!!

peace out mofos

the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 19 March :: 5.34pm
:: Mood: silly

na na na na na na na na na

play was really good
cant wait for the hustle and bustle of tonite!!!

leah got kicked off of AI holla

my rents are going away tomorrow hayy briggy u know what that means

i feel like theres so many cults going on right now in school-- its craaaazy

and i am so excited for my quince

and i hate how z100 disgustingly overplays good songs to the point where i despise them.



1 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 18 March :: 5.15pm
:: Mood: anxious

wow last night was total crazy ass mood swing i felt like i was pregnant...i guess the crew thing pissed me off a little bit but i felt sooo horrible when i got home.

but hay it was just darn little prof. snape!

im so excited for tonite but really nervous i hope i dont screw everything up. mostly i hope its fun..

1 hour til im called!


the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 17 March :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: Switchfoot-We were meant to live

Happy St. Pattys
Sometimes I wish I were Irish...but idk i wouldnt want to eat ham, cabbage, and boiled potatoes blegh!--certainly happy with italian and cuban food holla!

so yesterday I had a really scary convo with briggette and the girls about terrorism and war. I really try to put it off in the back of my head and i say to myself "theyre just trying to scare us, thats why theyre TERRORISTS." but then i think of that ever so scary phrase:

"90% finished with a plan that will make 9/11 look like nothing"

and im scared out of my heart rate goes up just thinking about it...imagine what could happen...its truly hard to remember when were caught up in our problems how theres something so much bigger than us out there...i just dont think my life could go on if someone i loved were affected by this--just think of what could happen--and of course new york is like the first target--and we happen to live 10 miles from a nuclear power plant...and 20 miles from nyc...omg im starting to freak...i know i cant spend my life worrying about it and ive been good--but i dnt want to live in ignorance either---ohhhh God...why can't everyone just be friends???

lets all move to the caribbean

i really like this song

We were meant to live with so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
lately i feel like ive lost myself



totally weirded out ahh.
1 day til OPENING NIGHT!


the end of the rainbow


:: 2004 15 March :: 4.09pm
:: Mood: good

the baptism was fun i uncle is soooo tony soprano--and people think MY dad is in the mafia--holy crap its the funniest thing..the house, the car, everything.

no family issues, thank God...i truly love spending time with the normal ones...even on the crazy italian side...wish it could always be like that.

just went to the ear infection YES...but im wheezy so i have to stay on my nebulizer aka the bomb.

breaking lent a little bit--having a coke slurpee--oh but that doesnt really count does it?

jesus i swear if i hear this jessica simpson song one more time im going to kill somebody...i absolutely despise this song and it never stops playing.

im a little worried about my applications to campus and peer leadership...omg fucking EVERYONE is applying, people who dont even want to do it and are just doing it for college...its sooo annoying--as long as i get one, preferably campus, i dont really care that much if i dont get peer.

first night of hell week in 2 hours! yay so excited!

hayy 14 days til break!


2 bought a ticket to | the end of the rainbow | Random Journal