2004 21 January :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: wheezy
Where have all the woohuers gone?
yikes its been a while since someone's updated
this weekend was aunt being here was great...friday night was funny, my mom found out shes not actually talking about a milkshake lol, sat was stage crew which was actually a lot of fun... night fam, monday day off thank god for martin luther!
yesterday i tutored (aww) thanks to erica for totally saving my ass..i owe you!
today i feel like crap...had to do nebulizer ugh bastard...have the option of not going to school tomorrow...should i suck it up and save it for when im dying?...hmmm contemplating...i suppose i'll figure it out manana.
omg one tree hill is my life!<(pulling a danielle) i am totally obsessed! though im a little dissapointed in the american idol bad auditions not so hilarious.
so everything's going getting really physced for feb. break...and its soooo soon...just 16 days of school!!!
dammit did the cleaning lady throw out my horoscope from the post yesterday? it was so good...
but basically my main mantra in life is: always keep an eye on the big picture
big kiss~gabs
..and for God's sake will someone update???
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the end of the rainbow
2004 15 January :: 7.59pm
:: Mood: uncomfortable
yesterday was a totally weird day, thanks brig i would not have made it without you.
i hate bad dreams..they affect my whole day and make me depressed and weirded out.
and it makes me sad that it happened...i don't know why but it makes me so sad.
sigh i wish it wasn't a snow day today...i mean its great and all but i really wish i was like in a mood where i really really needed it...i would've been fine with a delay.
and i think its about time i figured myself out...i've been ignoring it for too long. i need to get myself together.
the end of the rainbow
2004 14 January :: 5.35pm
:: Mood: confused
it shouldnt be this hard
ive been feeling a lot of emotions lately, yet every time i go to write them here, my fingers freeze and they just dont type. im having a block and since i cant express, i cant ask for advice.
i hate things when theyre hard.
1 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 13 January :: 5.52pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Excuse Me Mr.~No Doubt
"Roger The Rat!"
"What an Asstro!"
^^^haha God I <3 the NY Post
I'm so excited my aunt is in town i am soooo soooo soooo excited.
And I can't wait for the weekened (murderor+bigfish etc...)
And I really hope we have a snow day on thursday. C'mon Mr. Weiner My Trusty Weatherman make it snoooow!
And I can't wait for more football (go cults!!!!!!!!)
and i really cannot wait for the superbowl! that is like my favorite night in the whole world!
ooh ooh ooh...
so much waiting
yet soon it will all be a distant memory
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the end of the rainbow
2004 12 January :: 6.34pm
:: Mood: pissed off
no not roger too no please
this absolutely blows
36 days til pitchers & catchers...when a huge void will be clearly visible
stupid texans!!!!!!!!!!!
the end of the rainbow
2004 11 January :: 7.26pm
oh yeah and by the way except for senora estufe, who else is totally OUTRAGED at the fact that Britney Spears, Beyonce AND Ashton Kutcher (ew) beat the SG Johnny Depp on VH1's hottie list???
the end of the rainbow
2004 11 January :: 5.26pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: best of me- the starting line
tell me what u thought about when u were gone and so alone....
although most of it was spent in front of a computer screen typing things for english and having my face stuck inside a book (not that i minded that, harry potter is the best), i must say that it was a pretty good weekend.
yesterday i went to the mall with meredith and stephanie, there was nothing at the mall but we did manage to run across the street between the mall and the cheesecake factory 3 whole times in 6 degree weather. we were originally gunna eat there so they told us to come back in a hr to get our little pager thing (ran to mall time #1), we came back and hr later to get our pager (run to cheesecake factory #2), lady tells us that its another hour, so we tell the lady umm no and we got some YUMMY cheesecake and went back to the mall (run to the mall time #3), we ate our "designer" cheesecake lol meredith with ranch 1 and then ran around the mall saying MAH-HAH really loud as we passed people and discussing the origin of cherilyn and merediths word GNA. good times girlies good times. i heart meredith's facial expressions during her GNA fits.
i also discovered a new song thanks to miss lizzy which i absolutely love...check it out:
"Best of Me"-The Starting Line
tell me what you thought about when you were gone and so alone
the worst is over you can have the best of me
we got older but we're still young
we never grew out of this feeling that we wont give up
here we lay again on two separate beds
riding phone lines to hear that familiar voice
and pictures brought from memory we reflect on miscomunication
and misunderstandings and missing each other two
much too without you, let go
we turn our music down
and we whisper
say what your thinking right now
tell me what you thought about when you were gone and so alone the worst is over you can have the best of me
we got older but we're still young
we never grew out of this feeling that we wont give up
jumping to conclusions
made me fall away from you
i'm so glad that the truth
has brought back together me and you
we're sitting on the ground
and we whisper
say what your thinking outloud
tell me what you thought about when you were gone and so alone
the worst is over you can have the best of me
we got older but we're still young
we never grew out of this feeling that we wont give up
we turn our music down
and we whisper
we're sitting on the ground
and we whisper
we turn our music down
we're sitting on the ground
and next time i'm in town
we will kiss girl
we will kiss girl
tell me what you thought about when you were gone and so alone
the worst is over you can have the best of me
we got older but we're still young
we never grew out of this feeling that we wont
feeling that we cant
we're not ready to give up
we got older but we're still young
we never grew out of this feeling that we wont give up
1 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 11 January :: 2.37pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: White Flag~Dido
The weekend was really fun...
But also really weird and upsetting...
I got out so many feelings about people it made me feel so relieved yet so shitty.
it was hard not listening to my's gonna take some getting used to...but im glad i did cos i realized im not ready to let go of that part of me yet, and it's a huge relief, and i'm actually really happy that it didn't work out.
i've decided that i don't want to deal with people anymore. i'm going to be as nice as i possibly can because as much as some people love it, i hate it and i can't deal with people and drama.
and i may have been wrong all along...and for once my second instinct might be right, and that makes me so much happier because this is how i wanted it deep down.
i need to stop worrying about everything and just enjoy myself and life for it's a beautiful thing.
christmas decor is coming down :( its so depressing.
freezing love~gabriella
the end of the rainbow
2004 9 January :: 3.48pm
:: Mood: quixotic
:: Music: Waiting For Tonight
this week was rough. I don't know. It was really very difficult for me to come back. On Monday night I was up for four hours just crying. It's not a good feeling...and it wasn't just because of school. I was just feeling--depressed.
But as the week dragged by I started to feel better I guess.
i'm waiting for *tomorrow* i can't wait...i really can't. i have a feeling it's going to mark such a moment in my life--i think. and i hope it works out just as i have it in my mind.
I always listen to my conscience. it's just who i am. my heart def. doesnt get enough playing time ;) hopefully i'll finally be able to listen to something that never gets a chance to be heard.
And I figured that I was right about something. I don't think I wanted it any other way. Like I always say: trust your first instinct. And I think i totally changed my mind back and i love it yet hate it.
Peace & Love
"trust yourself. your heart won't lead you somewhere you don't want to be."~dml :)
4 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 7 January :: 5.31pm
:: Mood: creative
Should I or shouldn't I?
Do I listen to my heart or my conscience?
~Pease post telling me which one~
I'd really appreciate it
6 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow