2004 1 July :: 10.40 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Christina Aguleria - Cruz
Fill it out in my comments!!!
**AM I??**
1. ugly?
2. kind?
3. quiet?
4. loud?
5. shy?
6. weird?
7. selfish?
8. crazy?
9. hot?
10. cute?
11. pretty?
12. sexy?
13. nice?
14. mean?
15. immature?
16. rude?
17. cool?
18. brat?
19. stupid?
20. caring?
21. mature?
22. a friend?
23. more than a friend?
24. talkative?
25. boring?
26. beautiful?
27. creative?
28. smart?
29. a bitch?
30. flirt?
31. slutty?
32. a psycho?
33. athletic?
34. confusing?
35. sweet?
36. attractive?
37. annoying?
38. funny?
39. laid back?
40. perfect?
1. (a) Do u think I'll get married?:
(b) If u do..who do u think?
2. When is my birthday?:
3. Who is my best friend?:
4. Where did we meet?:
5. Have you ever had a dream about me?:
6. If you could change one thing about me what would it be?
7. Describe me in 3-5 words:
8. Do u think I'm a virgin?:
9. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be??
10. If u could ask me anything..what would it be?:
1. Do u wish we were closer?:
2. Any last words.... spill it:
1. I am the________ person u know.
2. Would u like to kiss me?:
3. Do you want to be my bf/gf ?:
4.(a) Do u ever think about me off-line?:
(b) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being high), how much do you think of me each day?:
5. a) Would you ever ask me out?:
b) Right now, what is the chance of that happening (in %):
6. a) Have you ever had a crush on me?:
b) Do you still?:
8. On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate my personality?:
9. Physically, what's my best feature?:
10. Mentally, what's my best feature?:
4 ...Man that is so dumb... |
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 23 June :: 8.27 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Build me up Buttercup
Why do you build me up!
Ok my cousin got married on the 19th.. if you're into getting drunk the wedding would have been WONDERFUL but it sucked... Erin looked gorgeous for being 5 months pregnant and Frank looked good too.. it was a beautiful wedding, don't get me wrong, but I didn't like it much. So yeah, then we came home.. the night I came home I went to Bridget's house to spend time with her, then Rian came over and we all went to get Chris, I had fun :-) Even though I didn't get to see him that long :-(
Then it leads up to yesterday :-)
It was going to start out as a quiet night at the Nail Salon with Bridget.. that got scratched because I would rather spend time with my 5 best friends instead of getting my nails done. So we went to WaWa, then picked up Ang...she's moving back to Colorado :-( :-( *cries* So after we all chilled for a little while we went outside... and OMG a surprise visit from Bubbles and Jordan.. I was so estatic!!! I got to see my bubbles!!!!!!!!! My night could not have gotten any better!!! I was literally jumping for joy.. I'm pretty sure we all had a blast!Then we started to get a little loud and rowdy and my lame ass neighbor called the cops.. freaking loser >:O It was ok when his kids partied all night and had beer bottles and cans all over the yards but, I'm 16 and can't have fun.. GAYY!!
So then everyone left, and I got really sad :-(
I just want one question answered......
How can you go from not knowing these people existed, to starting to talk to them, then meeting them, becoming such good friends with them, then falling incomplete love with all of them, and be so upset when they leave?
That's how I explain my feelings for my best friends....... They are pretty much my family..
I leave in 15 hours so I'm gonna conclude this...
<33 Sammie
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 22 June :: 12.43 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Nothing talking to mommy
bored and coooooooold
-PORN STAR ALIAS [First Pet's Name + Street You Grew Up On]:: Sandi Tulip
-EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS [Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot]: Ginger Montreol
-SOCIALITE ALIAS [Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied]: Cookie Philadelphia
-"FLY GIRL" ALIAS [First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of Your Last Name]: SRob
-DIVA ALIAS [Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen]: Nerds Soda
-GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS [Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went To School]: Penguin Williamstown
-SOAP OPERA ALIAS [Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived]: Lynn Tulip
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 9 June :: 11.34 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: uh.. i dunno what it is..
random quotes..
Thank God you're still angry at me. Ive got a better chance of seeing you dead, than alive, in the rain. Thank you, for this one last big mistake -"Elf Power" - Coheed and Cambria
Until the day I die I'll spill my heart for you... ~ Story Of The Year "Until The Day I Die"
Of Darkness in the valley, we can live like Jack and Sally if we want, where you can always fine me, and we'll have Halloween on Christmas.. - Blink 182 ~ I miss you
Your hair is everywhere, screaming infedelities are taking it's wear... Screaming Infedelities *Dashboard Confessional*
what's the point in all this screaming, no ones listening anyways. -Goo Goo Dolls
put on my pj's and hop into bed I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead I try to tell myself it'll all be all right I just shouldnt think anymore tonight (Jewel)
**{Some say that, time changes. Best friends can, become strangers. But I don't want that, no not for you. If you just stay with me we can make it through.}** Good Charlotte- Say Anything
Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everything Pretty soon she'll figure out You can never get 'em out of your head It's the way That he makes you cry It's the way That he in your mind It's the way That he makes you fall in love It's the way That he makes you feel It's the way That he kisses you It's the way That he makes you fall in love Love .: SugarCult:.
*+* These Are The Moments, These Are The Times, Lets Make The Best Out Of Our Lives *+* - The Calling - Our Lives
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time? Did you think that it was something I was gonna do and cry? Don't try to tell me what to do, don't try to tell me what to say. Its better off that way. ~Don't tell me~ Avril Lavigne*
In my world of paper flowers, and candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me - Evanescense - Imaginary
"If I Could Find You Now, Things Would Get Better..We Could Leave This Town, And Run Forever" Ocean Avenue--Yellowcard
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right, i hope you had the time of your life-Green Day:Time of your Life
€If a cow laughed, would milk come out its nose?€
what colour of hair do they say a bald person has on their drivers license?
Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but its ok to use a handicapped toilet?
If you didn't have feet, would you wear shoes? No? Then why the heck do you wear a bra?!
WhAT WoUlD hApPeN iF eVeRyOnE iN tHe WoRlD fLuShEd ThEiR tOiLeT aT ThE sAmE tImE?
~~*What Sound Does A Penguin Make?*~~
ok I'm all done :-P
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 7 June :: 11.32 pm
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: Christina Aguleria - Stripped Into
All these walls are caving in...
So today I went to the Orthodontist and got my braces off..but my mouth hurts for some reason.. Went bra shopping..woo... *sarcasm*. My sister and my dad got into a huge fight while my mom me and my nephew were out.. I don't know why she's being the way she is..immaturity.. So while my mom and I were at the mall.. I was being stared at by 'herpes' I was like what the hell? Damn, don't bitches have better things to do?
χ¦χ χ¦χ χ¦χ
Earlier today Trevor started shit because I told Steph that he said she was talking shit on me... here's how it went down..
x1kutisdeepest (4:44:41 PM): yo u need to stop sayin im talkin shit im not u fuckin tank now watch who ur talkin bout b4 u land urself 6 feet deep
oO its sammie oO (4:44:56 PM): Trevor.. grow up
x1kutisdeepest (4:45:15 PM): CrazyFreakShorty (4:38:25 PM): y did u tell sam i was talkin shit on her'/
oO its sammie oO (4:45:32 PM): mRtZ101: she tried to get me to cheat on one of my exs
CrazyFreakShorty: im sure
StReEtSmRtZ101: when i was goin out wid marissa
StReEtSmRtZ101: that fat slut tried gettin wid me
oO its sammie oO (4:41:23 PM): FUCK NO I DIDN'T
oO its sammie oO (4:45:51 PM): I would never want to touch you
x1kutisdeepest (4:46:02 PM): like id wanna touch u damn
x1kutisdeepest (4:46:09 PM): have u looked in the mirrors lately
oO its sammie oO (4:46:17 PM): I look in a mirror everyday
x1kutisdeepest (4:46:25 PM): i like girls who weigh less den me not 100 pounds more den me
oO its sammie oO (4:47:00 PM): *yawn* don't you think you should grow up?
x1kutisdeepest (4:47:18 PM): dont u think u should try jenny craig
oO its sammie oO (4:47:26 PM): lame..
oO its sammie oO (4:47:32 PM): you need better comebacks ;-)
x1kutisdeepest (4:48:18 PM): u need to stop thinkin u all dat when u all fat trust me yo i aint afriaid to fuckin cap ur fat ass
oO its sammie oO (4:48:50 PM): I never said I thought I was "all that" and you would honestly hit a girl? Damn you're a pussy
x1kutisdeepest (4:49:01 PM): i wouldnt hit u
x1kutisdeepest (4:49:03 PM): id shoot u
oO its sammie oO (4:49:37 PM): Hey, it would make me a happier person if I was dead ;-) but then...you would have the shit sued out of you... and your family would be out on a street ;-)
x1kutisdeepest (4:49:43 PM): u think ur cool cause u can pose of erica
oO its sammie oO (4:49:46 PM): Think before you type darling
x1kutisdeepest (4:49:54 PM): get a life and think of an original sn
oO its sammie oO (4:50:09 PM): Uhm.. Erica made this screen name thank you very much
x1kutisdeepest (4:50:17 PM): im sure she did
x1kutisdeepest (4:50:27 PM): u sue the shit outta me
oO its sammie oO (4:50:29 PM): Ask her, she did
x1kutisdeepest (4:50:46 PM): u dont have the money to afford a lawyer smarter den me
oO its sammie oO (4:50:50 PM): If you kill me..it would be done...
oO its sammie oO (4:51:02 PM): Uhm, obviously you aren't that smart with the way you talk
x1kutisdeepest (4:51:35 PM): If i wanted to talk intelligent i would but i dont feel like wasting my I.Q level on you.
oO its sammie oO (4:51:47 PM): Trevor, just grow up and get over the fact that I hate you, and I want you to stop saying shit about me when you don't know a thing about me.. Grow up
Previous message was not received by x1kutisdeepest because of error (4:51:48 PM): User x1kutisdeepest is not available.
How much of pussy is he? I mean my god.. what a loser *laughs*
χ¦χ χ¦χ χ¦χ
I miss my best friends... Kristen Stephy Bridget Rian and Kevin..I wish I could see them alot more..even though I see Bridget everyday..it's different.. I feel like I haven't seen them in months.. this summer should be good though because...we will be able to hang out a lot more.. ok onto talking kevin into coming over wiff kiss10 tomorrow
<3 Sammie
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 6 June :: 10.32 pm
:: Music: Da Butt..
Doin Da Butt..
Stealing stuff from Stephy lol
1.) Copy and paste this into your journal:
<*font color="yourusername"> <*b>yourusername<*/b> <*/font>
2.) (Eliminate the asterisks)
3.) See what color you are

ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 6 June :: 10.18 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Britney Spears - Toxic
....Don't you that you're toxic....
I was a little saddened today that plans didn't fall through..but it's a-ok!!!! We're hanging out the 13th instead woot woot...BRACES COME OFF TOMORROW!! holla at your girl!! lol im off lol
<3 Sammie
1 ...Man that is so dumb... |
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 4 June :: 7.16 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Britney Spears - Born to Make you Happy
€ ..If only you were here tonight.. €
Today kind of sucked.. but, then again, it's school..when doesn't it suck? There was supposed to be a fight today between the "Monroe Hustle" and the "Williamstown Fight Club." How dumb can these people get? Especially the 'Monroe Hustle' they swear they are tough because they beat up some chick with a skateboard...it's gay it shows how immature people are around here.. stupid emo kids >:O (No offense to the cool ones)
Came home at 2:30 as usual..but, my little man wasn't here *tear* I guess that is my only happiness when I come home...but, whatever I'll get over it. Mom was being a bitch again.. Dad was in a good mood for once.. he gave me $20 for cleaning *smile* yay!! He watched the Lizzie McGuire movie with me... and he actually stayed awake!! I guess it was because the scenery is gorgeous!!
Lizzie: This is so beautiful
Paolo: Yes, You are
^too cute *angry face*
So tonight sucks I'm not doing anything... Tomorrow I'm babysitting my two little cousins and maybe Ashley is coming over for the night...*cheesy smile* YaY!!!! She's at prom with Christopher right now... I hope she's safe and having bunches of fun!!! Sunday should be fun..Ashley and I are kidnapping Bridget for the day..WooHoo!!! I miss hanging out with Bridget *angry face* So Sunday we are going to the mall..and Erica's to give her, her happy birthday cards. YaY!!... I'm going to ask Ashley if we can stop at K-Mart so I can give Adam his card that I have had since... his birthday -lol-
I found two old poems I wrote...comment and tell me if they are good because I think I might submit them to 'Creative Grounds' next year... Creative Grounds being a bunch of stories, poems, drawings, and all that from people in school... ok here goes my first poem... it's called
In this World
I want to be in a world where I cannot
be harmed, where I can be happy and
see what others may not want to see
to be what I am and not be judged to
imagine the unimaginable, to feel the
things I couldn't feel before, to think
what I never thought I could, to see
the ones I haven't seen in a long time.
But, here I am in a world where hurt is
an often pain, where it pays to be happy
an to see how pain affects the wrong
people. How can I be judged on the way
I am when everyone would rather judge on
the way I look? How can I live my life knowing
everyone cares more about how they look?
In this world nothing is impossible, but not
everything is possible? How can that be? If
something is possible but cant be done why
is it not impossible?
In my world...In my world where I dream
Anything can be done, anything can be
possible...but in my world right now with
the hatred and fear others have caused me
I don't know how to react anymore...
A knife can pierce my skin,
a bullet can pierce my soul,
painful in many ways,
comparisons in life and death,
but all the hurt I felt,
can never compare to the day,
that one specific day,
the day you walked away,
away from it all,
away from me,
away from our friendship,
away from yourself,
away from the real you,
you took the love I felt for you,
threw it back at me,
breaking more than my heart...
breaking my emotions down,
breaking down my entire body and soul...
Ok let me know what you think!!
<33 Sammie
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 31 May :: 10.05 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Nothing..to pissed and happy to..
It's so hard talking to someone after a long year..
So I talked to Timmy today from Woodbury..keep in mind I haven't talked to him in over a year and it was/is really odd...I don't know...guys blow..
Me (9:55:58 PM): Hey Tim..Long time no talk to..
Tim (9:56:04 PM): hey
Tim (9:56:05 PM): whats up?
Me (9:56:13 PM): nothing much you...
Tim (9:56:19 PM): nothing
Tim (9:56:23 PM): just chillin
Tim (9:56:25 PM): being lazy
Me (9:56:31 PM): lol Yeah, I feel you
Tim (9:56:43 PM): i was wondering who was grabbing my ass
Me (9:56:51 PM): lmao
Me (9:56:58 PM): You're probably wondering who I am..
Tim (9:58:04 PM): lol
Tim (9:58:09 PM): actually i was just wondering that
Tim (9:58:10 PM): 8-)
Me (9:58:23 PM): lol...Maybe you won't remember me after a year of not talking to me...
Me (9:58:49 PM): ill reveal who I am in a second on my other s/n...i dont like this one
Me: ok..I'm back
Tim: oik
Me: But, like I was saying, I'm not sure you will remember me after a year or so not talking to me..
Tim: hmm
Me: I live in Williamstown...
Me: Obviously my name is Sammie
Tim: oh yeah rite
Me: :-\ don't sound too enthused
Me: is it a bad thing that I IMed you?
Me: Tim, please don't do the silence thing again..
Me: well now that you know both of my screen names..if you ever decide that you don't want to give me the silent treatment and what not...you let me know..ill be here
and that's where it ends...just like that... like nothing ever happened.. like I'm just a speck of dust that can be wiped away and never come back...well fuck that.. I will continue to come back until I get the answers I want/deserve... God guys piss me off
1 ...Man that is so dumb... |
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 31 May :: 9.09 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: Sublime - Caress Me Down
Omg... I thought today was going to totally suck..but Smashley came over and we laughed it was too great...we went to wawa for gas came back chilled..went back to wawa for coffee..and she wore her leopard blanket around wawa as a cape making funky ass noises it was too great..i love her shes so fucking awsome!!
byee <33 Sammie
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 28 May :: 11.26 pm
:: Mood: Shitty
:: Music: Sublime - Caress Me Down
Don't allow yourself to be torn...
Ok.. I have been really..blah lately I guess you could say..I want so much for 2 of my best friends (not mentioning names) to be happy.. and it kills me knowing that they aren't. I tried to be a band-aid for them...but, I guess I was one of those crappy band-aids that don't last more than 10 mins... but in this case.. I had no stickiness at all... All I know is them being together.. and now.. they're not.. and it will make it somewhat hard on me because they barely even talk as friends... I like hanging out with my group of friends...and it wont be that way any longer..it won't be the same.. I want so much.. but it's never going to happen.. maybe I tried too hard... then again..maybe I didn't try hard enough.. I guess there is nothing I can do about it now.. I'm going to lay down and rest..
<3 Sam
2 ...Man that is so dumb... |
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 26 May :: 8.19 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: LFO - Summer girls
I stoled it from Joycie! :0P
*Put an X next to every movie you have seen.*
1. CryBaby X
2. The Craft X
3. X2
4. Swimfan X
5. Fellowship of the Ring X
6. Finding Nemo X
7. Peter Pan X
8. Home Alone X
9. Aladdin X
10. The Ring X
11. 10 Things I Hate About You X
12. Not Another Teen Movie X
13. Spiceworld X
14. 8 Mile X
15. Bambi X
16. Pirates of the Carribean X
17. Edward Scissorhands X
18. Stepmom X
19. My Best Friends Wedding X
20. 101 Dalmations X
21. Scream
22. Scream 2
23. Scream 3
24. Big Daddy X
25. Billy Madison X
26. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets X
27. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone X
28. Heartbreakers X
29. Dumb & Dumber X
30. Two Weeks Notice X
31. Scary Movie X
32. Look Who's Talking X
33. Blade
34. Blade II
35. O X
36. Titanic X
37. Carrie
38. Carrie 2: The Rage X
39. Daddy Day Care X
40. Legally Blonde X
41. Austin Powers X
42. Storm of the Century
43. Oliver and Company X
44. Two Towers X
45. Return of the King
46. Mighty Ducks X
47. Fast and the Furious X
48. 2 Fast, 2 Furious
49. A Walk To Remember X
50. XXX X
51. Beauty and the Beast X
52. I Know What You Did Last Summer X
53. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer X
54. Sound of Music X
55. Mary Poppins X
56. Tuck Everlasting X
57. The Patriot X
58. The Wizard of Oz X
59. Killing Ms. Tingle X
60. Crossroads X
61. Now and Then
62. Pearl Harbor X
63. Just Married X
64. Cast Away
65. Radio Flyer
66. Final Destination X
67. Lady and the Tramp X
68. Shallow Hal X
69. 40 Days and 40 Nights X
70. Bring It On X
71. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory X
72. The Outsiders
73. The Matrix
74. Perfect Storm
75. Cruel Intentions X
76. Never Been Kissed X
77. Clueless X
78. Bruce Almighty X
79. Remember the Titans X
81. Girl, Interrupted X
82. SWAT
83. Sixth Sense X
84. PhoneBooth
85. The Lion King X
86. Urban Legends
87. Nightflier
88. Lion King 2 X
89. Little Mermaid X
90. American Pie X
91. Center Stage X
92. Scooby Doo X
93. Bedazzled X
94. Mrs. Doubtfire X
95. Save the Last Dance X
96. My Girl X
97. American Beauty X
98. Romeo & Juliet X
99. Lost World X
100. Casper X
101. Miss Congeniality X
102. The Rock
103. Face Off
104. Moulin Rouge X
105. Sleeping Beauty X
106. Alien
107. Tombstone
108. Lake Placid
109. The Recruit
110. The Shining X
111. Pocahontas X
112. French Kiss
113. Pretty Woman X
14. Dirty Dancing X
115. Italian Job
116. Love Actually
117. Identity
118. The Mummy X
119. Drumline X
120. Finding Forrester
121. Monster's Inc. X
122. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
123. Spawn
124. All I Want
125. Mallrats
126. Dogma
127. Rat Race X
128. Stigmata X
129. Eye Of The Beholder
130. To Die For
131. Gangs Of New York X
132. A Clockwork Orange
133. Chicago X
134. Big Fish
135. Donnie Darko
136. Chinatown
137. There's Something About Mary X
138. National Security
139. What Dreams May Come
140. Lilo and Stitch X
141. Selena X
142. Les Miserables; Tenth Anniversary Concert
143. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat X
144. Oliver
145. The Haunting X
146. Jane Eyre
147. Monty Python and The Holy Grail
148. Annie X
149. Pleasantville X
150. The Goodbye Girl
151. Evita X
152. How to Deal
153. Drop Dead Gorgeous X
154. Waiting for Guffman
155. The Breakfast Club X
156. Best In Show
157. The Matrix: Revolutions
158. The Matrix: Reloaded
159. The Princess Bride
160. Robin Hood Men In Tights
161. Blue Streak
162. Under the Tuscan Sun
163. Star Wars: Episode I X
164. Star Wars: Episode II X
165. Corky Ramano
166. A Night at the Roxbury X
167. Shanghi Nights
168. Wild Wild West X
169. Men in Black X
170. Men in Black II X
God I saw a lot of movies
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 26 May :: 7.46 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Hilary Duff - This is what Dreams are made of
*~*Yesterday my life was duller*~*
Friday afternoon, I went and picked Phy-Phy up (What present could be better then her?
) ... then we went back to my house and just hung out for the night... listened to music.. went for a walk and got scared to death of something that jumped into the lake when we were walking by it so we turned around and ran the other way lol.... we saw a dead frog...Stephy named him stinky... pretty much had fun...went to bed at like... 2:30 ish?
Saturday...Was the party... Stephy and I got showers, She burned like 4 cds of music... which didn't get played but oh well lol.... Stephy did her hair and helped me with mine and she did my make up for me and made me all sparkly *~*yay*~* then we went shopping... went to party city and got massive decorations (including a big palm tree I saved for Stephy)... then we went to walmart and got alot more shtuff...we dropped everything off at home, and went back out... we went to canals(a liquor store) and Stephy was freaking out lol... then we left there and went to acme for the cake... got back home at about 6:45... ashley, ashley and chris, and Jess... were there.... then soon after, rian showed up... then slowly, other people showed up... it was so much fun! lol... ashley astor turned herself into a food warrior! lmao it was so funny... we had lots of fun with the hawaiian leis... chris ran around like an idiot with a pink lei all stretched out and flying around behind him... ashley, ashley and stephy played spy and tried to sneak up on chris and rian who were talking in the front yard by rian's car.... they caught a small frog and named him stretch cause he had long legs... we all played with him for a while... by this time, everyone was there.. kristen, jr, jordan, rian, ashley, ashley, chris, bridget, me and stephy!... bridget brought her video camera and taped alot of the night and interviewed people n such.. at around maybe like 11-11:30ish, ashley, ashley and chris left... and we all went inside and watched the video from the night.... bridget and rian got into a small dispute which made rian leave for a while... he did come back though... jordan, jr, kristen, sam and i all went to wawa, spent $30 on candy... came back and bridget and rian went to bridget's to get stuff... like clothes for bridget, the other tape, and she got a couple games.. she brought twister and life... while they were gone, jordan jr and Stephy went outside, Kristen and I stayed in talking like we always do. I love mine and Kristen's talks! Then we went out back and played twister until like 4 in the morning... recorded alot of that... lol... it was fun... especially watching rian and jr and jordan playing lol... Stephy got a few pictures of them... then we went inside and played life... til like 6 in the morning... during this time, jordan put random things down Stephy's pants and shirt lol... including fake money in between her boobs....payed Kristen 100,000 to take her shirt off lol.... after it was over.... they all decided to leave... jr took stephy and kristen home... and jordan, rian and bridget all went their seperate ways... I went right to bed after that....and now...I'm still tired and its like 4 days later lol... we are all going to do that again!
<33 Sammie
*~*Now everything's technicolor*~*
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 21 May :: 9.02 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 20 May :: 8.36 am
:: Mood: sick
Happy Early Birffday!
Birthday countdown......
I don't have to go to school either!! Woot!
Ortho appointment though . . and and and
I'm sick . . . . *sad face*
I pick Stephy up tomorrow with my Mommy
YAY!! Then Saturday is going to be awsome!
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 17 May :: 8.28 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: In 1st pd
Beaten Battered Torn Broken
Woot 4 Days Until my birthday and I get to see my Stephy Leigh!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
*jumps up and down* I miss my Stephy I haven't seen her since spring break!..I get to see Kiss10 too!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO 5 Days until my el party-o *smiles* Woot I get to see people... SCORE..ok I'm just a little to excited..Time to calm down now...
<3 Sam
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 14 May :: 5.57 pm
:: Mood: Beaten
:: Music: Evanesence - M
Beaten and battered..it's no more than my own fault
Today is the schools junior/senior prom...A few people are going...but, we had a half day because of it. I woke up with a bad charliehorse in my calf, so after I rubbed it out I wen't back to sleep.. Woke up at 6:30 had only 20 minutes to get ready which is more than enough time for me, but, I knew it was going to be a horrible day when my pull-strings in my new sweatpants broke because I was pulling the pants tighter because they are too big. So I put a pair of jeans on, I couldn't find any socks...so I had to wear these high old ones...school went fine being that Bridget wasn't there for me to talk to (that made me sad), I hardly ever see Jess, Jeanna won't get a clue and Amanda doesn't count.... Then I came home and got changed and fell asleep on my favorite old soap opera.. Dallas... then my mom woke me up, and of course I was a little cranky.. so she layed down and went to sleep, I really didn't care, I just really couldn't get anything done until my dad came home. So like an hour before my dad came home I checked to see if the songs my mom was downloading were done, so I listened to them to see if they were good quality, and they were, so I logged her off and went on so I can download some songs and came out, sat and watched TV with the baby. My sister called, asking me all these things about what she needs for these cookies...I didn't know and I wasn't waking my mom up, and she was like what's mom doing, I told her sleeping, she asked what the baby was doing, I was feeding him, so she called again, my mom was still sleeping, she said I was whispering and I wasn't, so she assumed I was in the computer room..and I wasn't...I checked on my songs like as soon as my dad pulled up, and the baby was in here with me, nothing bad went on I wasn't even complaining about anything. I was kind of mad at mommy because she said that she wanted to lay down so she woke me up to watch the baby, but I got over it. It's like a routine now. My dad and I were talking and the baby was sitting on the table in his little chair thing, and I gave him some mint choco chip ice cream (heh he liked it) then he started getting really fussy and tired like so I gave him a bottle of juice, he started falling asleep, so I layed him down in the porto-crib, then I called my Aunt cause my dad told me to, talked to her and how she's coming to bring my mom her ring and blah blah blah..then I went downstairs to get the pizzelle iron thing...came back upstairs and checked the songs I had downloading...and added more to download...my aunt pulled up, so I came out. Made coffee, woke my mom up, and just chilled, then my sister comes in...screaming and yelling at me calling me a compulsive liar over shit I didn't say... here, I'll copy and paste what I said to stephy becuase it's too much to type..
"..I hope I never see my sister again all I want to see is my nephew..her..I don't care if she drops dead She's putting words in my mouth saying I'm a compulsive liar all because I told her my mom was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up...so as she's calling me a compulsive liar she starts beating the shit out of me I have a bruise on my shoulder I think, she almost made my lip bleed she starts pulling my hair and smacking me in the head, and putting me in ways where I can't fight back, and of course if I hit her back I would have gotten in trouble so I just took it, and then she gets pissed off because for once (more like the 1st time) my dad actually took my side and not hers Than saying how I supposdly said that because all my mom does is sleep (which she doesn't) I complain because I can't do anything...how am I going to complain because I can't do anything when only Bridget lives in Williamstown and she's always busy? Why fight back? So my dad can beat the shit out of me later? Then I went to get the baby because he was crying and he just woke up, and she took him from me and wouldn't take his bottle so I slammed it on the table in front of her and walked away and she starts calling me a bitch? A little while ago when we were yelling at each other she said I do nothing but complain how my mom sleeps all the time and how from the time I come home until I have to get off-line I'm on the computer...and I'm not, I don't go on until maybe an hour or so after she gets here...my mom goes on during the day...I'm about to just put my foot through the computer"
I'm off like a prom dress...
<33 Sam
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 22 April :: 11.10 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music:
From Spring Break to today?
I was supposed to go to Stephy's birthday party thing with kristen and kevin. But, my mom and dad decided to be assholes and they came here afterwards!We just hung out for a while. Then before they left, kristen and Stephy asked my parents about letting me go to Kristen's house from wednesday until friday...sruprisingly...it worked! I think we were all shocked..then they left and I went to bed.
Monday and Tuesday I had school for some gay ass reason....
STEPHANIE LEIGH'S BIRTHDAY!! Kevin came to pick up Stephy's ultimate birthday present up... ME! Me and Kevin had some time to bond in the van, I think I scared him because I was amused by a cow and a horsie. We got to kristen's at about quarter to 3? I woke up Stephy and Kristen then Kevin made Stephy get ready to go. So me and Kristen had bonding time..Then Kristen forced Kevin to pick up Laura! So me and Kristen decided to met Loser and Steph at the park....and they weren't there... they passed us and came back to get us, Kristen made me get off the corner.. it was funny. Then we picked up kenny. Stephy and Kristen were nice and let Kenny sit up front with Kevin. (It was the make bonding thing..) Steph Kristen and I sat all the way in the back, they were throwing candy down my shirt and we were all messing around and stuff.. Kevin and Kenny decided that they wanted to be complete assholes. Which caused a lot of hostility in the van and kevin yelled at Stephy and Kristen!!! He also treated me like a 5 year old... told me to turn around and put my seatbelt on!!! Besides that little drama session, we met Laura and Jordan at La Martinique in lindenwold, Stephy had soooooo much sugat, like 6 packets of sweetarts in 2 seconds. When we stopped, she got out of the car and started running around and everyone else ran around with her, or skipped around, pretty much acting like 7 year olds, it was fun! Finally, Laura and Jordan got there. We all went inside to pee. Then laura and kenny came out first, and. . they went into Kevin's van... and I think you can put 2 and 2 together...? Anyway, Stephy Kristen and me walked to 7-11 since there wasn't a wawa in walking distance. (decided to let Jordan and Kevin have time alone *wink*) When Kenny and Laura were finished doing their deed...Kevin, Laura, Kenny and Jordan met up with us at 7-11...I will never stand outside a 7-11 without almost crying again...Jordan definatly owned my ass, he left a friggin' hand print, it hurt like whoa! Then Jordan went home and we went to Kristen's... Laura, Stephy, Kristen and me all stayed up late. Wawa run (as Kristen likes to call the 4 of us now.. the 4 Wawa sluts) and finally fell asleep in the living room.
ALL GIRLS NIGHT! HOL-EFFING-ER! Laura, Stephy and me woke up at like 11, made breakfast (peanut butter pancakes and eggs),ate. Kristen got up, ate ice cream for breakfast. We cleaned up, Bridget came over, we pretty much just hung out at Kristen's. Started to watch uh...Dreams for an Insomniac (I think that's what it was called) but skipped most of the movie to the end, then we went to get movies,we got 8.. started watching them at like 6... poppy went to McDonalds for us. We watched slums of beverly hills in the kitchen first.. which completely sucked... Then momento in the living room, then downstairs to watch gothika......FREAKING GREAT movie! Me, Stephy, Kristen, Laura and Bridget were all squished on Kristen's couch, her sister sat there like it was nothing! Then we started to watch house of the dead but like 15 minutes in, we turned it off because it sucked, then we turned on may, WOW what an awsome movie... Then cecil b demented (I fell asleep on that) then they went to bed and left me there, but all in all... fun girls night!
We didn't really do anything, Steph and Kristen slept until 2, Laura Bridget and Me got up at like 10 watched Kids...jumped on the trampoline...walked to the playground..got lost on the way back to Kristen's. Stephy and Kristen cleaned up downstairs and went to play basketball.. then we all went to wawa. Came back and just chilled. Kevin called saying his work schedule got fucked up for that day, a lot of hostility...But everything turned out ok in the end....
Didn't exactly do anything during the day. That night I hung out with Erica Warren Rian and Bridget, Warren and Erica bought me a snapple *smiley* I felt special! We just hung out, talked, dyed Easter Eggs lol, they didn't leave until quarter to 3 maybe -lol- fun night..
sunday (easter)
did nothing the rest of the week... i dont remember what i did that week...but
Sunday 4*18
Ashee Chris Rian and Bridget and Stephy and Kevin came over, we chilled sang Karoke...played hide n go seek Chris fucked up his eye...but its all ok in the end..we are doing that againn lol
im outtie
<33 Sammie
1 ...Man that is so dumb... |
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 28 March :: 12.47 am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: none
I had the greatest day...
Today, had to have been the
greatest day (except kristen
wasn't a part of it :-(( ) But,
besides that flaw.. nothing to
make my day wrong... I woke
up.. after spending the night
at my sisters, took care of my
nephew for a little while..than
she took me to get my hair cut
it looks good i think...so after
my hair cut I came home, sat
on the computer cleaned my
room and all that fun stuff, than
I cooked dinner.. it came out
great!! So after a little while..and
a small directional problem.. Kevin
and Stephy came *yay* I gave
her a couple early birthday presents
then we ate dinner,
than went to the elementary school
to play on the playground..it was
so0o much fun :-) we came back
rian came over, then bridget and we
all hung out...then everyone left
and now I'm sad.. Today, was so
much fun.... but now im off to bed..
night y'all
<33 Sammi
ΏHey did you get some? |
2004 25 March :: 8.26 am
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: In school like usual!
Yep, grounded for a month off the net, so i stole this survey from bridgets journal hehe... so put the results in a comment!!!
Fill In The Blanks
I ____ Sam.
Sam is ____.
if I were alone in a room with Sam, I would ____.
I think Sam should _____
Sam needs ____.
Sam will never ____.
I want to _____ Sam.
Sam can ____ my _____.
when I think about Sam, I ____.
Someday Sam will _____.
Sam reminds me of _____.
Without Sam ____.
Memories of Sam are ____.
Sam can be ____.
____ is how I describe meeting Sam.
Worst thing about Sam is ____.
Best thing about Sam is _____.
Sam _____.
If Sam was a flavor of ice cream she would be _____.
Sam is my _____.
I wish Sam would _____.
4 ...Man that is so dumb... |
ΏHey did you get some? |