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See You At The Bitter End

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:: 2003 25 November :: 8.37pm

Ok, change in plans promwise. Talk to me for details.

7 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 23 November :: 8.10pm
:: Mood: not happy
:: Music: I believe in yesterday.

And This chip off the old bong is Harley.
I hate my mom and how she hates Roxanne. She hates how she is wierd.She is stupid.
I hate my mom's beliefs. Set free told her that dreamcatchers attract bad dreams and she believed them. My little half sister can not have one in her room now.

I do not know why I updated. I ate a lot of food yesterday and today. My brother flew out today. I have strike tommorrow.

I am happiest when I am busy and distracted. That distraction is gone now that the play is over. It started to not work either. Now it is gone. I am awaiting the results with bated breath.

16 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 19 November :: 10.48pm
:: Mood: depressed

We almost got out of school in 4th period today.
Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The

"I've travelled through the land of
surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart
out and keep my head up, and now I travel
through the land of peace."

The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship,
intuition, and fun. It is governed by the
goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined
Rings, or True Friendship.

As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your
friends. You would much rather have strong
ties with friends than a single tie with a
lover and your devotion to your friends is
clear. You may have great intuition and be
able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes
you can seem distant yourself.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

I do not think this sounds like me at all. Only certain parts.

I am very depressed. Usually keeping busy distracts me, but it is losing its effects at a very rapid pace. Almost nobody believes I could ever be unhappy. They think I am a happy person. If you wish to know of my latest dream, go to Shell's journal.

3 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 19 November :: 11.17am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Rmbling of others talking

I went to North in grade 6
STUPID FUCKING BLOCKS!!!! School blocked my friend page. The only thing I can do is update my journal. I wanna read other things you stupid bitch! Yup. I am in scheduling currently. I hope they can change my schedule how I want them to. Elsewise that would suck. Damn.

I have noting else to say. Byebye and have a nice day.



:: 2003 17 November :: 7.51pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: 2 Friendships last forever

I forgot to mention in the previous entry that I can shoot water from my piercing hole. Quite a distance as well. YaY for 3!!!!



:: 2003 17 November :: 8.15am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: I had Spice Girls in my head, but now it is some naked chick on the TV for Virgin Wireless or some s

My weekend.
So on Saturday I woke up at 5:30. I was at school from 7:30-10:30. I only debated 3 rounds because I had a bye. It reelly hurt my score because I did not do too well on the other 3 it seems. I only went against Great Falls people. 2 from CMR and Stacey from GFH. CMR are the funnest to debate. One was a junior named Andrew, and the other was little Lawrence. Again. It was even the same case I debated with him in Butte. I HATED debating Stacey. I do not like her style as it bugs the hell out of me. I was not liking her particularly this weekend. Or any times I am around her. Ever. Plus, the timer was on her desk kuz she kept stealing it back and I had been doing neg all day. My last round was my first aff. I was on my last rebuttal and was in a neg mindset, and so I was wanting to go on for 6 minutes. I only got 4. It was bad. I missed sooooo much. And I did not like the judge. GRRR on his stupid face!!! -_-

I sawed Lindsey and Krista. I watched the last duo round as they were in it kuz there is only 4 couples in it. Duo is awesome and I can not wait to start. I am about to call Gwen and tell her to stay after today. Unfortunately, MPA was directly following duo and in the same room and it would have been difficualt to leave. Why anyone would wanna compete on writing graduation speeches is beyond me. They were VERY boring for the most part except for the first chick. She was good. And, alas, she got first, I do believe. NEVER willingy watch MPA. NEVER. I must finish homework and get ready for Shhool now. Shhhooool sucks. At least no play tonight. Not till Wednesday. I have 4 built up math assignments due to the stupid play and I hope I will get around to making them up. I also have a 3-7 page short story due in English tommorrow and I need to work some sort of a student in there kuz Dailey has stupid requirements. I am going to try to get into drama at semester.

Shake, shake, shake, shake it like a polaroid picture.

Oh, and Josh took first in novice LD. YaY Josh.



:: 2003 16 November :: 9.52pm

The font was messed up....highlight it if you can not see it.

If i was a serial killer i would be Jeffrey Dahmer.

The psycho killer of the 90's, Jeffery dahmer abducted, drugged, sodomized, tortured, murdered and devoured his young male victims one at a time. After receiving calls of a rancid stench emanating from dahmers apartment, investigators found the decomposing remains of over 12 young men.

Dahmer would drug his victims, then proceed to drill a hole in their head, inserting acid into the brain, keeping the body alive but killing all other functions. he called them his "sex zombies". After the body would die, he would then proceed to mutilate and pose the body, taking pictures, and cooking and eating what was left over.

Kill count: 12-13

Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!

I Will Die of Natural Causes.
Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack.. Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats

Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!



:: 2003 15 November :: 1.23am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Lilo and Stitch (the TV series!)

Korey has AWESEOMELY pretty eyes. Like Wow baby blue. They just kinna stick out. I am discovering a lot of the actors to be absolute dolls. I will be sad when it is all over. I have to get up tommorrow morning at normal time and go to school a little earlier than normal time. It sucks. More than 12 hours at school on a Saturday. I may continue with this portion later.

Shannon was kind of freaking me out today. He was hanging alllll over me and kept kissing me and crap and telling me he loved me. And the other night, he dreamed about me. I do not know what about. I decided I did not want to know, so I did not ask. So, yah.

I am tired. Night night.

2 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 8 November :: 8.07pm
:: Mood: depressed

Ok. I remembered my dream for once. It goes as such:

I was roomates with Lindsey(Instaticpallor Lindsey) at some place. It almost reminded me of a college, but not quite. We were hanging alot of our stuff of a wall. Shirts and crap. It all had to do with a theme and it was like a shrine that everyone was doing. We found pictures we were made to draw and put them up too. We 20 minutes later found out there was a contest for those, so we entered them. Ours were last, and we both got into the top 3. Davey Havok was the judge. Whoever won got to be his personal something...like friend or something. I went into Lindsey's room thing and Davey was there. I decided I was going to kill her if she won. She had a briefcase that I decided is a gun.I opened it and asked if the safety was on. It was in pieces and a bunch of marbles were there. My picture was crude stick figures and pretty much nothing. I did not even see why it got so far. I told her I was going to kill her. Davey said that just because of that, I lost. Lindsey could take one friend, so she took me. I got to go anyhow.

6 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 4 November :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: hungry

Science Experiments can be fun.
I got sick when I had too little sleep. I got sick when I had too much sleep. I got sick when I had the recommended amount of sleep. Conclusion: I am just going to get sick and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Yup, I am at home sick again. I felt as if I was going to die this morning. 5th or so day I stayed home. DAMN THIS SHIT! I have so much missing work still.....I better go start it now..*sigh*

No. Screw that shit. I am home. I am going to watch a movie. Byebye all.

2 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 4 November :: 12.09am

I am about to fucking scream..AGAIN......however watching this show on VH1 is arousingly awesome... It is Totally Gay....and awesome......DAMN THE RIAA, DAMN THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 3 November :: 11.12pm
:: Mood: annoyed

I Love Malifficent!
You are Malificent!
You are Malificent! You have to be the darkest of
all the villians. You're all about death and
despair. Die fools, die...

Disney Villians: Who Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



:: 2003 3 November :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Uh oh! Somebody needs help with their feng Shway!!!!

School. Again.
I am in Neiffer's class. Bored. Not wanting to work. All I reelly need to do is cite my pages. And my paper is boring. This kid next to me is listening to Eminem. Loudly. I am needed to stay after today. Must go...It would not let me do anything before. It said I was under 13.

2 Hearts | Love?


:: 2003 1 November :: 11.35am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: When I say no weed, I mean NO WEED!

Damn you Mishelle. I like to sleep.
Christie's bday party was interesting. I sang Backstreet Boys. And *NSYNC. We watched a little of a BSB video. Interesting. I lost what I was to say. G' Night.

1 Heart | Love?


:: 2003 31 October :: 9.25am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Ataris - My so called life

HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now off to school. :-/

Everyone have a nice day.


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