2003 22 July :: 9.05pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: FAITH IS NOT BELIEVING GOD CAN....ITS BELIEVEING GOD WILL!!!!haahaaaa riiiiiiiiiiight..........
they are all fucking brainwashed and refuse to see it any other way!!!!!!
i found lots of evidence supporting how pentagrams are not evil and my mom got a dictionary but my evidence overuled hers and it even said how it was at one time used to represent christ's five wounds!but noooo...she then had nothing to say cept it was all a trick and how satanic i am kuz i wear it and when i asked her in the beginnin she didnt have any reason at all as to why it was evil in the first place. i am now very pissed at any christian wanting to object for no apparent reason kuz my mom made me mad and i have a tendency to take it out on any body and everybody. i am sooo pissed grr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALSO she made me put on clothes today...i have walked around in a towel or nakee for the past 2 days and i was enjoying it greatly...i have no REASON to put on clothes so i was pissed again/more
3 Hearts |
2003 22 July :: 12.07am
does anybody have a tape recorder i could borrow asap?!?!??!?!?
6 Hearts |
2003 21 July :: 6.37pm
:: Mood: restless
:: Music: 311
tra la la BOOM dee yay shra la la BOOM dee yay
the mommy works til 7 today but i can see bai again so wooohoo!!!!
anybody that would like to help me and can write(i KNOW u all can for a fact) should help kuz yah i started to write sumtin but then my brain went byebye and i suck at writin and bein creative anyhow so yah since u all loooooooove me so much give me help ok that was dorky peace
1 Heart |
2003 21 July :: 5.16am
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: bzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
im a pirate...ARR!!!
Your pirate name is:
Iron Bess Kidd
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you are that person. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
here yall go......
2003 21 July :: 4.02am
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: u remind me of the babe....
dont tell me the truth hurts my child...kuz it hurts like hell
i want sumone like david bowie....the goblin get me evrything...i also want those bubbles...ya know the ones that u can make be anything u want...and i wannna bubble with mysterious hot guy with makeup i end up dancin with in end.....i also reeellly wanna make out with sumone..dunno why..just do...preferably in the rain....i like rain=)..............schylar wants drugs...anyone wanna donate to the needy cause??
3 Hearts |
2003 21 July :: 2.48am
:: Mood: horny
:: Music: can ya guess if ya think really hard??heh....HARD....
hard...makes ya think of long if ur me......LONG...HARD...heh...heh....
i saw my baby cryin hard as babes could cry what could i dooo!......jump the magic magic dance........u remind me of the babe(what babe) the babe with the power(what power) the power of voodoo(who do) u do!(do wut) remind me of the babe!!!! what kind of magic spell to use! thats right! its NOT fair!OOOOOOOOOOO.....
IM WATCHIN LABYRINTH=D=D=D=D!!!!!!!! r ya alls happy for me!??!?!?!?!??!?! i am in a rhythmic pattern...around my living room......
DAVID BOWIE IS SOOOOOOOO HOT IN THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!how old is he anyhow??!? bsides lots but o welll hes in makeup in those outfits and those tights and that BULGE..........mmmmm..............
2003 20 July :: 3.32pm
:: Mood: infuriated
:: Music: sister sister
fucking god damn fuck
i am to be on the fucking internet an hour a day IF that and not at all while the mom isnt here(i get on kuz i have NOTHING better to do) and in eureka...nope no computer at the boringest place ever.....schylar had an ...uhh...."argument" online with my mom and haaahaaa it was funny kuz my mom just said "grw up....get outta ur crib!" and schylar actually had stuff worth sayin to say and my mom sucks at arguin but i dont know who the "GOD" person is i think i should make em be bryce and how do i block my messenger or change it so u have to have a password again????i looked in the options and havent been able to find it.......the computer is goin down into my moms room where nobody can use it...whats the point of it!??! my mom "doesnt know where i will be living when we return from eureka" and i HOPE she lets me go to the fair.
last night we had a "happy well never see ehriz again" party kuz he is movin and bethy was happy so she went out and bought a cake and lots of candy and hats and stuff and made a makeshift ehris pinata outta a box and beat the crap outta it and twas fun!
2003 20 July :: 3.13pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: boy meets world and lil girl mumblin
uhhh...more later im bein watched like a hawk now
2003 19 July :: 5.52pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: GOGOS!!!DAMN SCHYLAR!! not sure
im at schylars
yup i am and if u didnt believe me ur dumb!!!!!WUT IN THE FUCK IS SHE PLAYIN!?!??!?!??!?anyhow bathy has gone missin kuz she was sposed to be here at 11 and she was but as we were asleep we didnt hear ..pause!!! MICHEAL JACKSON!!!!THATS WUT THIS SHIIIIT IS!!!NOOO MAKE HER STOP TORURE TORTURE!!!!I USUALLY DONT MIND TORTURE BUT THIS IS JUST PLAIN CRUEL!!!!........ok like i was sayin we didnt hear her pounding and ringin the bell surprisingly kuz bethy tends to be loud.
last night i started cryin for no apparent reason. it has been a long time since i have been anle to cry then BAMB for no apparent reason i just did! nobody noticed so :) but schylar was havin "difficulties" of her own so yah its all ok now i suppose
2003 18 July :: 7.58pm
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: christian shit STILL
i updated literally 5 seconds ago
the only reason i update this thing is kuz i know of TWO WHOLE PPL that read it so yah.......
2003 18 July :: 7.38pm
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: moms gonna make my head EXPLODE....
im nakee
i am in a one-second-im-ok-but-the-next-i-freak-out-and-everyone-should-die kinda mood and i dunno why...maybe i should stop takin showers or sumtin kuz whenever i have taken a shower(which i have everyday) i get like this but o well its hot i dont wanna stink even if we do have 2 acs in our downstairs so it feels good but ya bai found matts email address on y computer(she hasnt been here for HOW long?) and added him kuz she claims to have a "pretty good memeory" but couldnt remeber what day her "beloved" DJ was coming back into town...the 25th or 26th...which reminds me.......ALL of you HAVE to go to the fair on the 25th.....the ONLY day i will be able to go kuz the next day we leave for eureka...AAAA ME AND SCHYLAR JUST STARTED SINGING LIL KIDDIE JESUS SONGS TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!..... so yah you all should go to the fair then...leave me a comment or sumtin so i kan know if u can...i might have to walk to schylars house so i will highly melt kuz its sumwhere near a hundred degrees and she lives hellishly far away so i will die but byebye all
1 Heart |
2003 17 July :: 2.27am
:: Mood: heeheeeheeeheee
:: Music: me loffin
tipffs a genius!!!!
heeheeeee tiph was not thinkin and bein funny and it was cool and here is a story that came along during our convo.
she has decided to journey deep into the depths of the sheets where the bed bugs and skerry dreams await. her goal:to conquer and snooze. they are not done packing the supplies for the ship yet and so while waiting we discovered what fun the lil faces on messenger can be. u can make it pick its booger, flick it, kiss and even give tongue. it is also talented in the area of the classic game telephone but sum STUPIDOS dont even know wut that is. we then go and see a man rape a snail and a chick rape a sheep. quite an adventure b4 we have even left. we have learned the clap of the natives. then the dream ship is ready so she must leave me and wave farewell to the shores of reality and tackle the demons of wakeness cuz they are weak. i ask for a present. she says the only tourist attraction with preseints will be the island of the toilets and then shall return onto course so would i like a present behind curtain #1 or #2???
as dorky as that is it got me loffin hysterically and thats all that matters and i believe tipfferz was loffin perty damn hard too:)
were dorks
4 Hearts |
2003 16 July :: 9.17pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: lil boy describin how to tie up my puppy and my mom not carin:(
AAAAA!!! in south park this dude was fuckin chickens!!!
fucking lil boy just told about the time roxanne stayed here. he fucking got paid fucking money. i dont member how much but thats not the point. lil whorebag.
eureka. i REELLY dont wanna go. i cant stay with freinds kuz i need "adult supervision" and i guess my friends dont have parents. its not their responsiblity to take care of me. the mom claims she does not know what i have against my aunt and uncle. i want to go just to see them. i dont wanna go kuza the rest of em. i told my mom that. she said they will not bother me and i will not be stuck with them. ha! riiight..... she says they never bother me in any way. bitch. i am going to see if my aunt will bring me back early preferably by like a week. mom is going to take me to the library so i can READ all 2 weeks i have to be there. O JOY. holy cow the fucking bitch!!!!! she has to stay accordin to her. so now we are stayin. she is going to be a big bitch about it. it is goin to be even more miserable. i wanna fucking slap her.
Mrs. God knows EVERYTHING there is to know about my dog or so she thinks. if u do this EXACTLY how mrs. god says, it will work perfectly for maggie. eveidentally she does not know what she is talkin about kuz maggie is being worse than before. smart dog.
2003 16 July :: 3.54pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: ac
i FINALLY fell alseep around ten and then the lil boy came and woke me up tellin me it was time i need to get up 1:30. he should die. now i have a fucking nose bleed. i hate them. i should try to go back to sleep now bekuz i really need to. i wish my nose would stop:(. darn
2003 16 July :: 7.40am
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: computer
i am not able to fucking sleep and it is now 5:40 in the morning. i dont like how my dog keeps sniffin my wrist funny every time i reach down to pet her. it is light out. the birdies are chirpin. they should fucking die. they are too loud. i have a stummy ache. i have been scared tonight. it is VERY strange kuz sumone else i was talkin to was feelin the same way and i wonder y i am now. i dunno why i am scared or wut of. i am scared just sittin here. afraid sumthing is going to attack me. i hate this. i tried gettin bailey o give me pills at like 4:30 in the morning but she had just woked up and was goin back to sleep. if she ever wanted to kill herself she would succeed, thats for sure. not only does she have lots of codeine, aspirin, prozac, strep pills, and sumtin else which i forget, but she has omoxycillin and shes allergic to all cillins. she is to call me when she wakes up. i am VERY shaky and jittery but that is how i get when i do that. i am developing a tummy ache now too. i always have tummy aches. my mom will be up soon so i better get offa here or elses i be in great trouble. i shall now go upstairs and continue listenin to a few songs of a buncha cds.