2003 16 July :: 4.54am
:: Mood: about to fuckin kill myself and others
:: Music: fucking thoughts of how exactly to kill em all
fuck u!
god damn fuck i am pissed and sad and fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!!! for one person nothing is good enuff and another wont say any fucking thing cept that i "wouldnt understand" without fucking giving me a chance and another keeps complainin but only tellin half the story and another i have always hated and another i will just amuse myself by killin and i dunno but i will find sumtin wrong with this person and collect all there eyes in one big jar.....then nobody will ever have anything nobody else doesnt....they are all the same fucking things and then i can not hate them...they are just eyes..nothing more...nothing less...fuck i am still a fucking pathetic virgin thats all i ever will be nothing can ever change as much as i may try to make it i have no say in this world in my life in anything it is all preplanned but then y is my life meant to be so shitty??nobody will fucking like me for who i am and i accept that but here i go off bein selfish and thinkin only of myself again but i am in such a terrible mood kuz i thought of others...maybe i need to stop considering them?be a hermit all alone forever?that would make stuff easier but i would still find sumtin wrong kuz i always do and i am leavin for eureka soon and then i will be surrounded constantly no leavin no bein alone and i swear i am goin to commit suicide up there while everyone is asleep fuck im done with this hardly anyone reads my journal anywho but sumtimes it helps just to put it all in writing sumwheres