2004 11 August :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: I Just Wanna Fucking Dance - JSTO
I have yet to understand why people treat me like shit. For some reason some people...who will remain anonymous...have suddenly started to bitch about how my life is so great blah blah...jsut because I have my school paid for with scholarships....well guess what hun....I EARNED IT. And if anyone thinks my life is anywhere near perfect think again...anyone who reads this has NO FUCKING CLUE what I have to go through right now. No I don't want sympathy either...but guess what? I have major problems right now in my life...and when people give me those comments in my journal...anonymously...yeah....it pisses me off. Who in the hell has the right to say that stuff about me...yeah so what if I am gay...I never said I was...but if I was what does that have to do with anyone and who gave YOU the right to tell everyone. Oh well thats ok...for all of you that I still consider friends...and who still treat me with respect...thank you...and to my new friends...who I have a lot of now...thank you for all of the great times. I can not wait to have more. I am really moving along in my life and whoever doesn't wanna take the time to accept me for who I am can take a flying leap cuz I don't care. Ok I've got what I need to say out.
Laters guys :)
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2004 11 August :: 7.11pm
"If I don't wake up, it's because God wanted me to die. It'll be what God wanted."
-James Golden
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2004 9 August :: 12.13pm
The Ultimate Kissing Survey
Age of first kiss: 14
Number of people you've kissed: 4
French kissing is: Better upside down
The worst kind of kiss is: When you hit your teeth together
The best kisser you know: Rueben, of course, he learned from me ;)
The worst kisser you know: I won't say the poor guy's name
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: I don't really care because I wouldn't want to anyway
Friend you would like to kiss: Hmm. That's dirty.
Favorite movie kiss: Never Been Kissed
Do you kiss on the first date? No
Eyes open or closed? Closed
Average number of kisses you get a day: I would have to say......45?
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? No
The last person you kissed: Rueben
Best placed to be kissed:
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? Yes
What about the opposite sex? yes
Do you consider kissing cheating? yes
The longest you've gone without a kiss: 14.7 years
The kiss you regret most is: Kissing Kristen
Kissing in public is: Fine, as long as it's not too out there
Tongue rings are: shiny
Two girls kissing is: Ackward
Two guys kissing is: something I don't really need to see
Take The Ultimate Kissing Survey
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2004 9 August :: 11.42am
:: Mood: lethargic
I'm so tired sometimes. From trying so hard. I really am, but I'm in a cloud of confusion. This math problem, never works out to an exact number, and is no where close to where it was estimated at.
I worked 12 hours yesterday. The whole day seemed like an out of body experience. I would stand back and look at all the people and wonder about them. Statistically, that store had criminals, and pyschopaths, and poor people, obese people, screwed up people, people who didn't know how to read, people that are never happy, people who haven't boughten a new pair of shoes in 12 year, people who don't shower, and people who have no common sense.
And while I was looking at those people, I realized that they are America. I might be the future, but most of my generation is going to end up like that anyway. Those are the people who influence my destiny. Those people are what make us "the land of the free and the home of the brave".
Those are the people I am supporting with my social security payments out of my paycheck.
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2004 7 August :: 10.20am
ok, my party IS rescheduled for monday by popular request. i really hope you all can come.
starts at 7 pm. ends whenever.
call me for directions.
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2004 6 August :: 6.19pm
should i reschedule my party? to monday maybe?
tomorrow is justin's. sunday i have to work 12-8.
YOUR input is strongly encouraged.
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2004 6 August :: 12.42am
she cares so much, she scares herself. and none of it in vain.
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2004 5 August :: 6.19pm
Since Chrissy hasn't been able to do anything this week Drew and I have been hanging out a lot. I'm deffinately gonna miss "the three musketeers" when I'm at Ferris.
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2004 5 August :: 7.42am
:: Mood: cold
I'm about to leave for my fourth day of band camp. Yesterday went a hell of a lot better than Tuesday, when we had a whole shit load of freshman have to leave for cheerleading, Courtney broke/fractured/sprained her ankle/foot, and one of my girls 'got sick' on the field and I got to clean puke out of her flute.
All in a days work.
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2004 4 August :: 1.25pm
:: Music: the cure
she meant to fix things, she was only trying to help. she only made things worse. what was she thinking?
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2004 1 August :: 1.43pm
I am having a party at my house next Saturday night. Everyone is invited.
7 p.m.
11480 Walander
call 696-3077 for directions or whatever.
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2004 26 July :: 10.11pm
Yay no work today!
So yeah I took today off of work for "rest" after getting back from Chicago.
Rest I have yet to do.
I spent the day with Drew, and other people(Dee, Nate, Chrissy, Jess, and Ryan) depending on the time of day.
It was a very fun day.
Work tomorrow is gonna suck, but I'll survive I think.
Chicago was tons of fun.
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2004 26 July :: 9.45pm
:: Mood: calm
I had my training class at Meijer's tonight (and for all of you wondering, it opens August 3rd!). Old people can be pretty cool, and I think I'll do good there, if I stay. I'm not sure right now, all it is to me right now is some way to pay off my car, my insurance, have money for gas, and have money for any frivolous thing a sixteen year old girl could want (you know, for cigarettes, condoms, drugs, alcohol, male strippers, and pizza).
I know, I know, I have such an entertaining life.
One week until band camp! I finally realized how much of a dork I am today. The first thing we did in class was go around and say our names, where we would be working, and something about ourselves. A lot of peoples was something like the following:
Hello, my name is Dave, I'm working in the Deli and I like to sky dive.
Hello, my name is Sara, I'm working in groceries, and I take care of a five year old and a two year old.
Mine was the following:
Hello, my name is Michelle, I'm working on the Courtesy Team, and my life revolves around music and my flute.
That's my life, I can't help that I might like it sometimes.
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2004 25 July :: 10.58pm
:: Mood: drained
So you left. I'm here. On time. Like I said I would be, and talking to everyone except for you. Maybe i'm too deepy invested in this? Maybe. Or maybe I'm so hormone ridden the sight of chocolate makes me cry and I can't do anything right today. I think that's it.
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2004 23 July :: 4.38pm
:: Music: the cure
she dances. why, we may never know.
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2004 23 July :: 10.03am
:: Mood: cold
Caught the chipmunk that's been living in our house for the past week. Damn bastard.
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2004 23 July :: 7.59am
Why do things have to be so........confusing?
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2004 22 July :: 9.45pm
she stood, silent in her own little world. she eluded the noise, the chattering and bustling of those who avoid her little world. she does her job as best as she can, though her legs feel like lead. she has but one thing to say. . . . .
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2004 22 July :: 4.45pm
:: Music: the sex pistols
she is tempted to delete entries as soon as she sees how people respond to them. they've already been read and she doesn't feel the need to remember this point in time. hmm...
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