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The Wonderful World of a Princess

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:: 2002 16 December :: 11.08 pm

I'm Waldorf Worldwide!  What GC song are you?
Which Good Charlotte song are you?

crown me!

:: 2002 16 December :: 10.59 pm
:: Mood: pissed/sad

DAMN IT!!!!!!

crown me!

:: 2002 14 December :: 10.01 pm
:: Mood: tired and on the verge of bawling
:: Music: moulin rouge- come what may

well, my night ended up being a dud and i ended up sitting on the computer like the useless loser i am. i want to cry, because i'm like that. i can't really describe how i'm feeling right now, nor do i want to. if you know me well enough, you know how i am. i need ryan or roger w. to come on and cheer me up. arg....

crown me!

:: 2002 11 December :: 10.31 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: CANON IN D!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!

wow! it's been a long time since i've wrote. i didn't realize it had been that long... hmmm... i found out that brent decker has been playing the piano for almost 9 years. WOW!!! and he can play canon in d. my favorite song EVER!!! ahhh.... wowzers. eeepp..tommorrow i have to drive for drivers training, please, stay OFF the roads. if you're on the roads...don't play tricks with my cheese head topped car. it isn't that funny. yikes.... ! i did get a really cute email from ryan today. aaaahhh....he is just so darn sweet. hehehe ....anyways, i'm going to bed. sleepyness takes over. nighty night! :)

1 crown | crown me!

:: 2002 24 November :: 7.30 pm
:: Mood: woot!

today was fun fun fun! after church alice, josh, dylan and i went ice skating in rosa parks. i love it there. it was like, the world was going around all around us, but where we were, time was stopped and it was just pure fun. it was great. sooo... i didn't go to jam time, i would have been late anyways. oh well. night night :)

crown me!

:: 2002 24 November :: 1.01 am
:: Mood: silly

i love it when i can relive band camp without crying. i've been talking to roger w. all night and it's been so fun talking about camp and people and sending pictures and laughing. i miss him. he was one of my favorite kids from camp this year. i went to bean's for a while tonight and i think after church tomorrow, i'm going ice skating with josh, gangles and maybe dylan. that should be loads of fun. woot woot :) i'm in a good mood thanks to roger w. gotta love that kid. hope everybody had fun tonight :)

crown me!

:: 2002 23 November :: 1.43 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: i have a great FUZZY LOGIC song stuck in my head!!

stranded at the high school, waiting for a ride....
my life is so blah now. i need something to spice it up a little. something new and fresh. hmmm.. maybe a new friend. i'm thinking of one person that i'd really like to get to know, but it's hard. yet, it seems to be somewhat intreaguing as well as fun. life just seems to be the same old same old thing. boring! ugh... last night was pretty fun. yesterday i spent the day up at CMU's instrumental workshop. woot. i met the professer of flute and she said she would give me a few lessons before college. i also saw george davis from camp and dr. dove :) then when i got home roman, josh and gangles came over and we all went to the play. which by the way was very good. :) then dylan, josh, gangles and i went back to josh's and watched a movie. dylan fell asleep. i fell asleep. some party that was. oh well. mom picked me up and i went to bed. i officially have nothing to do today which feels so good!!!!! i got to SLEEP IN... which is very rare. heh. hmm..... oh well, i have some thoughts, but for now, i'll keep them to myself. have a fun day!

crown me!

:: 2002 19 November :: 10.16 pm
:: Mood: eh
:: Music: i have cannon in d stuck in my head

eh...i never feel like writing anymore. too much work..i'm a lazy ass.

crown me!

:: 2002 18 November :: 9.36 pm
:: Mood: gloomy

back to normal life today. i lived in the best fantisy world all weekend. i wish...this is the ultimate wish, i wish that i could move up to CMU and everyone from wolverine would be there and i would be in a band with all the people that were there this weekend. wow...what a life i would have. it would be THE BEST!! but it won't happen. only in my dreams.... if only.... if only....

crown me!

:: 2002 17 November :: 10.32 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: wow

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

this was seariously the BEST weekend of my life. it was so incredable i can't even describe it. i went to CMU's honers band. wow... i just can't explain it, or i would be here forever saying how incredable it was to be with the best high school musicians in the state. holy crap!! what a get away. all i thought about this weekend was music and i loved every second of it. wow.

crown me!

:: 2002 13 November :: 10.15 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: 311

remember when...?
so many things have jumped out and reminded me of last year. i think this might be some sort of sign to maybe think about last year. no... too many good times that will be too good to forget, i haven't forgotten, they have just been put behind me. i'm thinking i like the freshmen dani. she was nice and fun, but not as annoying and stupid as the sophomore dani. the sophomore dani is kind of dumb. i dont know if i like her as much. she's kind of loud. i don't know....i'm talking crap. i had a very meaningful conversation with a very meaningful person today. i got what i wanted, the truth. it was so nice to have someone just tell me straight up what i wanted to hear. wow. wonderful. if i could have one conversation like this each day, my life would be complete. it wouldn't, but it would help. wait, i had this last year. shit.

2 crowned | crown me!

:: 2002 12 November :: 10.18 pm
:: Mood: tired/curious
:: Music: classical guitar- the romantic guitar

wow...this song is so beautiful
i think out of all the things in the world, the biggest complement someone could ever give me would to tell me that i am a good musician. that to me is so meaningful. more than anything. my love for music just grows everyday, even more. it's like a fire, that was lit at camp last year, but now has turned into a campfire... which will soon be a rip roarin bonfire. wooot.. :)

mu·sic Pronunciation Key (myzk)
1.The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous,
unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony,
rhythm, and timbre.
2.Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony,
or rhythm.
3.a.A musical composition.
b.The written or printed score for such a composition.
c.Such scores considered as a group: We keep our music in a
stack near the piano.
4.A musical accompaniment.
5.A particular category or kind of music.
6.An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of
sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.

[Middle English, from Old French musique, from Latin msica, from
Greek mousik (tekhn), (art) of the Muses, feminine of mousikos, of
the Muses, from Mousa, Muse. See men-1 in Indo-European Roots.]

oh...i'm starting a new project, that i really don't have time for, but it's worth it. and i guess i'm supposed to toutor this girl in english now too.... and yet, i still have time to drool over beautiful gutiar music and copy and paste the definition for music in my journal. HA!

crown me!

:: 2002 10 November :: 9.21 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: ajkdlafgnjkhfkjhre

i never know what to say anymore... epp.. stef used that word today. it's a cute word. it's so good to talk to her again.

crown me!

:: 2002 9 November :: 1.45 pm

here's a lovley song about my favorite food!!

frijoles negros
navy and northern and garobonzo
i love beans!!!!
wooo wooo wooo!!!!
high in protein low in fat
i bet you didn't know that :)

view results

crown me!

:: 2002 3 November :: 8.46 pm
:: Mood: oh bah.. who knows..
:: Music: algkjahgsa

hmm... the party seemed to be somewhat fun. not really what i expected, but fun none the less. i found out i got into CMU's honers band yesterday. so i was really excited until today i found out ryan didn't make it so now i have no idea when i'm going to see him. don't take things for granted you guys... because some day, you might wake up and not have it. ugh.. i need a break from life.

2 crowned | crown me! | Random Journal