2002 19 August :: 12.08 pm
:: Mood: nice
:: Music: john mayer- not myself
ok all you dirty lusses.... i got my schedule fixed today so here it is!!!
1- Band- Robuck
2- Soc. Stud. Pers. 1- Schoen
3- Spanish 2- Crowley
4- English 2- Millard
5- Yearbook- Stark
6- Algebra 2- Andrus
mr. walker said the lunches go like this... if your 4th hour is on the BOTTOM floor, you have B LUNCH.
if your 4th hour is on the TOP floor, you have A LUNCH.
this means i have A LUNCH! if you have any classes with me, reply and we'll celebrate :)
anyways..i'm going to kaly's today. she's going to help me make an extra special scrapbook of band camp pictures from the past few years. then marching band! yippe! yep...time to fly... later ;)
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2002 17 August :: 11.28 pm
:: Mood: dirty like a luss
:: Music: agjdgshda
You have just entered room "mushy taters."
danibean05: mushy taters?
LibertyCPD: yeah
LibertyCPD: mushy taters
danibean05: we are the only one here
LibertyCPD: yeah
danibean05: are you tring to seduce me?
LibertyCPD: the other pplz are supposed to get here sometime
LibertyCPD: yes
LibertyCPD: i have been
danibean05: ohh
LibertyCPD: mwa ha ha ha *cough* *cough* i'm choking....
danibean05: i see how it is
LibertyCPD: *cough*
LibertyCPD: ok
LibertyCPD: i'm fine now
LibertyCPD: i'm fine
danibean05: you're a dirty luss
LibertyCPD: luss?
danibean05: yes
danibean05: luss
LibertyCPD: what does that mean?
danibean05: i don't know... i just play instruments...i don't spell
danibean05: gosh... there is a sweaty moose tring to lurch at me
LibertyCPD: ?
danibean05: save me from the lurching moose!!!
LibertyCPD: *kills lurching moose with a toothpick and a picture of george clooney wearing a suit*
danibean05: ooooOOOoooo
danibean05: thank you roger!
danibean05: roger w.
danibean05: you saved the day!
LibertyCPD: sarah was hitting on me...
danibean05: was she
LibertyCPD: *yay*
danibean05: how so?
LibertyCPD: i saved the day
danibean05: i know
danibean05: but how did she hit on you
LibertyCPD: she goes "i love you roger w!"
LibertyCPD: she's such a shameless hussy
danibean05: hahahahaha
danibean05: i think so
danibean05: and i'm a dirty luss
danibean05: :-D
danibean05: see my teeth?!
danibean05: those are the teeth of a dirty luss
LibertyCPD: those are lips
danibean05: no
danibean05: teeth
danibean05: see:-D
LibertyCPD: i hate to know what you've been biting on with those teeth
danibean05: um...ryan's face
LibertyCPD: i think it's more than his fac
danibean05: no no no
LibertyCPD: face
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2002 17 August :: 11.23 pm
:: Mood: shameless
:: Music: get up kids- i'll catch you
i've got some funny stuff for later... you just wait!
you shameless hussy!
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2002 15 August :: 9.19 pm
:: Mood: sad
this sucks ducks... i hate this... why can't we just be together??? the world is such a cruel place. *tears roll down face*
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2002 15 August :: 1.32 pm
:: Mood: tired even though i took a virtual nap
:: Music: john mayer.... your body is a wonderland
toot toot i like ryan!
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2002 13 August :: 11.27 pm
:: Mood: okay
i'm back from montana. it was really nice. call me for details... i'm not going to go in depth because i'm too lazy. oh well. i laid around today.. it felt good to lay around. so good... i might just do that tomorrow...with the exception of going running with beans in the morning. well... that's it for now.. im in no mood for posting. good night
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2002 8 August :: 12.02 am
:: Mood: happy!
:: Music: birthday!
to me!
TOOT TOOT!! it's my birthday!!!!!!!
too to totoott
toot toot
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2002 7 August :: 11.20 pm
one other thing before i leave... i changed my aol screen name. it's danibean05... i think i'm going to use it from now on so just talk to me on that.... good night.
crown me! |
2002 7 August :: 10.39 pm
:: Mood: eh...
i bet an elephant wouldn't feel this bad the day before his birthday. i need ryan here...bad...i'm going to cry. oh yeah.. i'll be back tuesday for montana. have fun kids. my birthday's tomorrow and *****i think that ryan kiernicki smells like an elephant on it's BIRTHday*****
crown me! |
2002 6 August :: 10.31 pm
:: Mood: a big 'ol mix of everything bad!!!!!!!!
:: Music: nothing!!!
we'll start off on a good note.... i started teaching Vacation Bible School yesterday and i love it!!!! the kids in my group are soooo cute!! by the end of the day i have about 5 kids all wanting me to pick them up all at once and another one pulling on my leg and another one holding my hand. it's so precious. they are so innocent and make me forget about my problems for the time i'm with them. i think it's been really good for me. anyways....
i have so much on my mind right now i can't really control it. my mind that is. my mind is out of control. i'm analizing myself and i think it's because ryan is gone and all i think about is us and i can't talk to him to tell him everything. he's at overnight marching camp (who's ever heard of that anyways!?) and it's killing me!! i miss him alot. sunday he sang me a song over the phone while playing the piano. he's a really good singer. it was some country song. oh! you know what... taryn's subject got me thinking ...it was the one that said......
When am I going to find someone who thinks like I do? In all ways, not just one.
i've found that person...and it's the greatest feeling ever. i guess i'm extremley happy about that...i have been. but he's far far away and i miss him... no one really knows how it feels except kaly. she's been a BIG help. i think i'm jumping subjects way too much...bah.. oh well. too many thoughts...too little brain. of course i'm wondering if he's thinking of me too. he claims he usually is...but you never know do you?! 2 days till my BIRTHday!!!!!! woooo!!!!! and 2 days till we leave for montana!!!! woooo!!!!!!
crown me! |
2002 4 August :: 1.08 am
oh yeah... and my birthdays thursday... go me.
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2002 4 August :: 12.59 am
:: Mood: okay
well... i've neglected my journal only because of the fact that i was pissed off at the last comment i got. my only say about it is.. if you are sick of hearing about it.. don't read my journal and don't talk to me. other than that.. i have nothing else to say. good night!
crown me! |
2002 30 July :: 10.49 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: weezer- the sweater song
tee hee hee hee tee hee
marching camp was more fun today. everyone in pit was really giggly and squirly so we had alot of laughing outbursts. fun times.... i only talked to ryan for a few minutes...but it was better than nothing. anyway... i'm tired..good night!!
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2002 29 July :: 11.36 pm
:: Mood: satisfied i suppose
um...yeah... marching band sucks soooooo bad. pit is alot of work. alot more than marching flute was last year. ugh...oh well. i'm talking to ryan and he cheers me up :) eh...good night
crown me! |
2002 28 July :: 10.56 pm
:: Mood: tired/sad/happy
i'm back
well... i'm back from band camp. this year was by far the best year of them all. i met the boy of my dreams. his name is ryan and he lives about 3 and a half hours away. he's sooooo cute and he has the most beautiful eyes. we have alot in common too! i had the time of my life. i'm really tired so i don't think i'm going to put all the details in here... call me and i'll tell ya all about it... you know my number. i hope everyone had a good week... i started to go back and read everyones journal...but i got too lazy. good night.
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