2004 14 February :: 1.00pm
:: Mood: reminiscent
:: Music: "So Like a Rose" - Garbage
Ok, first off, before I get into the meat of this post, I'll give the outlook of the day: I'm home alone, possibly until tomorrow (shh! Don't tell now... can't have the parents mad at me for parties...) heh... like that would happen... anyways, I've got another pep band game to go to today; last one before state. And, my leg is about 5 times better than last night, but it still hurts like a MF...
So, the reason for this post. I kind of got into it yesterday, that all this talk about love and Valentine's day has got me thinking about the incident with Schylar last year. During part of all the fighting I mentioned a dream I had had about her... but I never had told anyone, just because it was somewhat special, and somewhat traumatic for me. And, Michelle's dream that she just had kind of reminds me of what had happened in mine. So.... I decided it would be good to finally share it.
This was during the month of May... I can't remember what day it was, I can't remember what exchanges had gone on between she and I before the dream... Anyways, I had put on my Garbage CD to fall asleep to, as I normally would every night. Well, it got to the last track, "So Like a Rose." I had fallen into that trance/half-awake half-not stage. Well, what I saw was just a pure black landscape... no walls, no floor, just a space. Then, Schylar appeared. I have no idea how I saw her, as there were absolutely no lights around, but she was there. She walked around for a bit, then she turned her back to me (She didn't actually know I was in the area)... She pulled out a knife and started to cut on her arms. Right away, I started yelling at her, begging her to stop. But as I tried to get to her, a wall of glass was in my way. I pounded and pounded, trying to get near, to hold her while blood flowed down her wrists...
Right at the guitar rift of the song, a crystal chair appeared right against the wall I was standing at. The space had begun to lighten, and I could start to see the walls and the floor. Schylar walked over and sat in the chair. Then, she took the knife and made one deep cut into her arms. I threw myself on the glass and just bawled as blood poured out of her arm and she fell limp. Finally I was able to open my eyes back in my room. As I lay trying to catch my breath, the last verse came up:
"Sleeping with ghosts is such a lonely experience.
The stars are out tonight. Only they can hear your breathing.
You're so like a rose, you're so like a rose, you're so like a rose,
I wish you could stay here."
I cried for a long time, and then finally fell asleep. After a while, I saw myself sitting in the darkness again. As I sat there, I looked up and saw a faint light moving towards me from above. A lady with graceful fairy came floating down, and after a while, I recognized her as Schylar. She looked so different... She was silvery, like the moon would be... She looked so... well, It was her, but it wasn't. She was taller, and much differently built. She gave me a sad smile and said, "Everything will be all right." Then she turned and slowly flew away. I just sat there in the dark and tried to understand what had happened.
That's what I can remember. I don't know... It was really hard, and for the next few weeks, every time Schylar was gone I thought she had done it... I was just so fucking paranoid. And then I screwed it all up anyways. Oh well, it seems she's happy now. Time heals all wounds. Fuck no... wounds won't be healed. There will always be scars, but we can always say they were meant to be. We can always say there was a story. We can always hold a meaning for them.
6 truthsooth sayers |
2004 13 February :: 10.40pm
:: Mood: kind of happy
:: Music: "Cup of Coffee" - Garbage
Happy Friday the 13th!!
Yeah... I'd rather celebrate these days... I got more hugs than I would for Valentine's... always better... grr commercialization.
Anyways... English: after getting a "Your crush sent you a Crush" message, we all had a big discussion on whether or not Valentine's should be allowed in school...Well, towards the end, after all the arguments, I said, "See, this is why frienship really is better. Friendship can be messy, and honestly, I find it the bigger heartbreaker in the end. Love is too complicated and imperfect to deal with right now."
So, Sarah L. says, "Nick, turn and look at me. Ok, now you know you can't go through the rest of your life avoiding love. You think you can get away from it all, just because you don't want to get hurt. What kind of life is that?"
I laughed histerically at that comment. However, for the rest of the class and the few minutes afterwards, I was thinking about what happened between Schylar and I last year. I still can't figure out how it happened, but it did, and I was an ass... but fuck! I left English ready to cry... really not like me... Ironic part: Sarah L. sent me the Crush so I'd be happy on Vday...
Bio: Davis was boiling cabbage during class (foundations is doing pH) ... we talked about inheritance again... jarrod.... eee... Math: we had a sub, we did more fractional problems... nothing special...
Lunch: we got a pizza party for the team (yes, folks, here at CMR, we have one freshmen team, and I just happen to be a leader... huzzah!!) I had 4 pieces, which is a lot more lunch than normal. In the back corner we talked about abortion and gay rights (go democrats) ... and Allie flirted with me in front of her boyfriend. Which reminds me: she came in this morning crying because she couldn't talk to him on the phone last night... WTF?!?!
History: apparantly, the movie on Rasputen we were supposed to watch had terrible tracking, so instead we watched Anastasia (maniacal laughter) ... yeah, really historically incorrect, but Dacia, Sarah M. and I sat in the back singing along. Nick (other Nick... Gee, there certainly are a lot of Nicks... I think I better murder a few to feel more unique...) was watching us and laughing... sadly kids, I'm crushing on a kid with my same name... and Nicole, the Carmen of my Spanish class... Band:hmmm... I don't really remember band... oh yes!! Kellogg showed off all the computer programs we got this year for manuscript and accompaniment. Spanish: finished Sweet 15... I didn't pay attention... I'll be screwed 6 points Monday... big whoop... P.E.: after running around for 10 minutes (along with Chanteur coming around, delivering singing Valentine's to our sweaty bodies...) we went down to play dodge ball on a small court (the bleachers were pulled out for the game tonight)... well, on the first death rush (the time when you rush to the center to get the first ball) Mark Rassmussen slide-tackled me... He's not even in soccer. Anyways, the bastard left a welt that's about the width of a fist right now... Fuck it hurts! After school, let's see... Alisa was all *cry cry* because Kelsey and Jasmine were mad at her (Kelsey: Alisa was w/ her BF; Jasmine: Alisa talks to boys while going out) so... after school was rather boring today...
Came home, tried to update all this, but my mom came down in the middle of it all, and thus, I closed out of the Internet, as I'd like her to not know what's happening in my life... yeah, the whole, I'm really an ass and I'm bi doesn't exactly work to gain family support...
Went to the game tonight. The girls lost by 2 points.. sad sad... we played rather well.. happy happy.. we heard the boys took Eastern Conference... happy happy... the drill team did not do so well tonight ... sad sad... and that was my bipolar moment (see, I was given a Grumpy Bear and Sunshine Bear Valentine today... major sign of the happy/sad syndrome... no not really... but I've always called it that...) ... Drew was cute tonight... mmm... saxaphone player...
OH!!!! AAAND!!! I heard on the radio this morning that Garbage's new CD is coming out this spring... Marilyn Manson and... someone else helped produced this one... yay!!!!!
1 truth |
2004 13 February :: 6.52pm
:: Mood: jammin' ^_^
:: Music: Green Day - When I come around...AFI - Morningstar
Happy Friday the 13th!!!!
Today was surprisingly good. I did not bite ANYONE'S head off. Be proud of me. Not even Andrew Wareheim when he was bugging me, Christie, and Annie and saying something stupid about Halloween.
It was weird. This morning I was listening to music and I had a sudden happy spurt just thinking back of Warped and the excitement. Maybe that is why I was so happy. It never died.
Later in English I was very strongly reminded of Nick by the way Kyle said something.....I was freaked out. Maybe it was just the gay peeking out like it does from both of them....O_o.....dunno.
My leg hurts. Mishelle kicked me. Ow.
4 truthsooth sayers |
2004 12 April :: 7.07pm
:: Mood: annoyed @ piano
:: Music: Well Tempered Clavicord (Bach)
I have too much homework to update...
This is the longest I've ever been at school before (as far as I'm aware). I got to school at 7:00 this morning and didn't leave until 5:00 tonight... long day. So, when I got to school, I finished my math homework, walked around, did nothing special. English: We finished our movie (Amanda was swooning over Gary Sinise yesterday...), and then talked politics w/ Mr. Meridith... I really could care less about the election right now, other than hoping for a Democrat in office (pro abortion & gay rights!!). Biology: We talked about mutations today (again, an easy, but useful, class)... Jarrod sits next to me right now ::drool::... Jarrod's on my futsal team ::drool:: ... Jarrod's in my gym class ::drool:: ... I'm standing in a puddle of saliva.... Math: Fractional equations today... yeah... just peachy there... Lunch: A very happening time. I had Alisa divorce Jasmine and I. She accused me of sleeping with the milk man, so I accused her of sleeping with the maid next door. So, even though I gave birth to her kids (along with me still carrying Rachel's, who just happens to be in Cali right now...) we've divorced. Naturally, I married the babysitter (Shawna) on the rebound, even though Jasmine and I still have our late nights together. Now THERE'S a story I've just been waiting to tell!! Moving on... in History: our sub (wish I could remember her name, because she's such a pessimist... it's awesome) had us all teach the class on some *special part* of WWI... Our group got the Treaty of Versailles (I hate the French and their superfluous use of letters...). So, as my partners sat around playing ... well, I don't even know what they were playing ... I did the whole thing. Yay me. Go me. **shake yo ass, watch yoself** ... Mistikal moment... Band: We got lessons on manuscripting today, something we *must know* by the end of the year **insert eyeroll** .... Spanish: we worked on posters today... yes, we're supposed to make a poster to represent one of the expressions that we were taught throughout the year... sadly I can't remember which one I picked... Then, in Health: more work w/ the computer on the *how unhealthy EXACTLY are you??* program... I did fine, except that the eggs that I had one day put me up 400% on cholesterol... actually, with the way their calories worked, compared to what I eat, it would be more like 800%... that's health for you. I'll either die of that or overdose of vitamins... whatever...
Afterschool I went to my sound crew meeting, which lasted all of thirty seconds... I'll either be a gunshot or pounding... thank you Bergquist... then, I sat around and talked w/ Alisa and Kelsey and entourage... sadly, Lucian was not around to pay me back today... The girls think I'm going to get $1's worth of raping from him instead...
So... I've got a game in roughly 45min., so I best be going kids. Buhbye!
7 truthsooth sayers |
2004 12 February :: 7.01pm
:: Mood: fuck off.
:: Music: Eminem - Sing for the moment and Drop Deadications
Stupid fucking Catholics
I screamed at the top of my lungs this morning to calm myself from killing my "family".
Then, I was brought to tears 3 minutes before I had to leave for school. I quickly had to dry my tears, fix my makeup, and put on a happy face. My happy face went away within a minute, when I went downstairs, because the stupid little people were intentionally pissing me off again. So it was more of an angry face all day.
Drama. First Brittney Kelley was off getting candy so our group could not start for 10 minutes. Shaun left to go to Becca. Brittney came back and went off talking to Jill or someone. Shawn did not want to come back. We got Brittney back, dragged Shawn back, and demanded that they work. Shawn decided to act hungover and stupid or something and Roxanne and I quit. Suddenly Brittney "Decided" to work, and said that WE were stupid and not working and making the group terrible or something. I was about to fucking punch her with the mood I was in. Then someone ran to Theil. We need to work out our differences because we can not only work with who we want. That was all she said.
Math: mathish and not too bad
English: we listened to Odyssey on tape. The guy sucked at reading. Not too bad.
Social Studies: We had a fucking sub I absolutely hated. I sit in the front and he kept looking at me like I was stupid or something. Then I was the first done with my quiz and handed it in. He looked disbelieving and said "There IS a back." "Yah...your point?" was my response. I was also one of the first actually done with homework and just kept staring at me as I sat there and read my book. Then a chick brought him food, so he was eating Dorritos very loudly and chugging a soda. I was annoyed.
lunch was loud.
Choir people are stupid and I did not have the energy to sing high so I was flat on one song. There are a total of 4 altos I can actually hear that do not sing soprano and hit right notes.
Science: I have been cynical latey..... But Andrew Wareheim was about to die. I got a hundred on the stupid quiz we took today.
Gym: 300 yard dash......Like I said I did not have energy today. My legs began to hurt and I twisted my ankle. I think my energy went away with my screaming all day.
I got invited to a banquet thing for my "academic achievements". Students only. I hope more people I know got one too.
2004 11 February :: 12.34am
:: Mood: tired... as life has selected
:: Music: "Over the Edge" - BallyRag
woohu! very little homework...
English started the day with extention of movie day. Notti was gone, so Crawford (ex-health student teacher) was subbing again. Biology: sex related traits/diseases, along with mutation. It's the only class that makes some sort of value in my day now, simply because we actually THINK in that class... Math: MORE percentage problems... McLean is so freaking busy with basketball schedualling/ reservations for his team that we get absolutely nothing done... Lunch: um... what did I do...? I don't know... nothing too special... maybe, got a drink? yup, that would be about it. History: more talks of the -isms of WWI (joy0) ... Band: we got yet another piece today, which means we have 8 (maybe?) ... I don't know... we have a concert sometime, and Kellogg hasn't decided what he's using, but he's using something. Spanish: we were conjugating today... joy joy... and P.E.: we ran and ran and ran, and then they had *team captains* choose sides for dodge ball... what a pointless game. Get the two popular kids who have no reason of wanting to win select teams, and it's all screwed over after that.
Anyways, as always afterschool is when the real party begins. First, Sprinkles gave me Alisa's heart(s) ehheh... then we all just sat around and talked (yeah, I know, really exciting) ... anyways, then, *can't remember her name* asks if I have a dollar, and I say, "sorry, but I really don't carry money, but I'd take it out of my account for you." and she's all, "really?!" I say yeah. Then Lucian asked if I'd get a dollar for him and I'm just whatever at this point (do I sound at all drunk at the moment?) anyways, the girl didn't use the dollar, so I bought a Sprite... but I was jipped by Lucian... I'll get repayed... I just don't know when or how (hehehehe) anywho... went to church... nothing special... I've decided on agnostic for my religion right now... yay... I'm tired. Bye kids. Watch out for the large-boobed possible murderer... actually, only I need to watch out... she only wants to hurt me. So I'll say to her "Touch-a-touch-a-touch-a-touch me!!! I wanna be DIRRRRTY!!!"
1 truth |
2004 11 February :: 10.55pm
:: Mood: tired, headache, irritable, hateful, angry, weak..
:: Music: commercial
I am fucking peachy. How are you?
There is a movie party at Kaylene's. I can not go. Not until my mom knows the "truth about the pills". She will not believe they are pain killers. She did not even see them. Stupid bitch.
Luckily Mishelle is smart. And awesome. She will make me a "Pain killer" herself. Just if I take it I die. Oh well. A sacrafice I am will to make = ).
Sorry Nicko, but I am near to becoming a murderer. Just not with my boobs. Sorry ~_-
.... I don't know if it is just me or what, but people are becoming increasingly stupid lately. Or, I am becoming more irritable. Maybe both. But the mom assumes that I was taking Prozac dailey and got addicted, and my body is having a kind of psychological breakdown of sorts. Stupid bitch. *twitch*
I know who invented the pencil sharpener! Do either of you know w/o looking? I believe we had SOME stupid pneumonic(sp?) device for it. Everything in fact... But I entered! This was not even my topic! WOo meeee!!!!
I am very tired lately and never rested. I am sore. I almost wished Andrew Wareheim would have been super stupid today. Just so I had an excuse to kill someone. But he was somewhat behave = (....
Today in Science, Logan (Mr.) was being inconsistent. I do not know why, but it was driving me insane. We have VI(initial velocity) and VF(final velocity). He was putting(sp?) Vi and VF. For some reason I had to have them both be lowercase or both uppercase. I complained. He fixed it and was sure to stare at me and see I saw. Then halfway through, he forgot and did it again. I was about to kill him.
In music, I was about to kill the teacher. She wanted up to sing loud and stuff...but we were to be monotonous...Impossible....Then Kirsty was singing Soprano and she is the only Alto I am by. She was doing it intentionally to piss me off or something. She is very grred at now...I ahve reason to believe she was spreading all sorts of rumors about Rochelle and Josh..*twitch*
The little boy took all my fucking valentines.
Jordan came and gave me a burned Blink cd. It made me happy.
I am thinking of bed. Though I have tons of homework. It is 9 and I am so fucking drained. Neck and back hurt.....
3 truthsooth sayers |
2004 10 February :: 10.10pm
:: Mood: muy consado
:: Music: "Sarah" - BallyRag
fun fun fun!!!
ok... didn't update yesterday. I was up 'til past midnight (as usual) working on my WWI recconaisance: Serbia... VERY annoying...
So, this morning, took that math test (and Drew, that sexy sax player was sitting across from me)... I was ONE question off of reaching the 100 point mark, which would have qualified me for the next level (of course, this assumes all my answers given were correct), and I was working on the arithmetic/geometric sequence problem (did you get it, Jess-Jess???)... and none of the given answers checked... oy... so, I have no chances of qualifying, unless the rest of the school did horrible....
Then I came into the middle of Biology. We were talking about geno- / phenotype for Blood Types today (traits with three gene alleles) I feel so smart when I say that, and it's really simple ;_; In math, I completely resented McLean for making me take the test, taking me away from a perfectly good movie day in English... Anyways, we were doing percents today (how freakin' easy could it get?)
*insert comment* I'm watching Pokemon. Quote: "Suck them up! Suck them all up!!"
*back to day* Lunch was really nothing special today, other than me stroking John's leg so he'd go away. It's so fun to do these things when no one is sure if I'm gay or not. Wonderful world... So, in History, we talked about the -ism causes of the war, then turned in the Reconn. project... Band: we learned Dorian mode today, another joyous version of the minor scales... Spanish: we were watching "Sweet 15," the story about a girl reaching her 15th birthday and becoming a woman/rebel/whore. Wonderful wonderful world!! :P
Then in Health, we finally worked on the nutrition analysis program in the computer lab... very boring... very boring indeed... Jesse was sitting next to me. I've been feeling really bad for her the past few weeks, because she's a recovering bulemic (sp?) right now... just awkward moments.
After school was awesome!!!! *devious laughter* Alisa, Lucian, me, and entourage were hanging around the commons after school. (Lucian's the only guy I know at school who's actually come out of the closet, while my foot is still in the door...) Anyways, Alisa made the most oblivious comment: She points to Sprinkles, Lucian, and then me, and she's all "Someday, I swear you're all going to be gay together." **beat** random outburst of laughter by we three boys, and Alisa's just sitting there like what the hell is going on?? funny funny... anyways, I was in a flirtatious mood... :P ...
Ah, then I came home, and completely blew off my 6 journal entries due TOMORROW for English... I really should have worked on it, but my mom talked to me for about an hour and a half, plus dinner, plus a futsal game tonight. Our team lost, which sucks, because we played extremely well tonight. Ah, that's just how it goes, though.
So, I think I'll say g'night y'all (wow, two contractions in a row... I'm not like that too often).
Ah, yes, and don't get squished against the wall by ginormous boobs... after all, we don't want Jessika to become a murderer....
1 truth |
2004 10 February :: 7.09pm
:: Mood: sore, tired, pissy, about to cry...
:: Music: Incubus - Megalomaniac
My mom said she would wash my coat. She didn't and put it on the little kids' pile. So I emptied everything out and washed it last night. This morning, me being stupid, I forgot about all my stuff till after everyone was up. The little people went through my stuff and found the ONE Prozac I had left. I totally did not think any were left. They then ran to my mom. JOY. I claimed it was a pain killer and stuffed my pockets with IBuprofen (which I should have taken for my back. Stupid me..) and she did not believe me. But I left all quick, fast, and in a hurry. As I was walking, it turned out my lip thing came unscrewed. So I ended up losing my pink spike = (. JOY. Then school started.
First I had the super stupid test. It is only 25 questions, 6 points for each right answer, 2.5 for each left blank, and 0 for wrong. I understood like 6.
FUCK. mom home. I will continue later. MOBILIZE!
Alright. English....I did not get any credit on my flash cards because I had 19 out of 20. So my grade dropped.
Socials Studies....WW1...I knew all the answers and that is becoming my favorite core because it it so simple due to lack of activity.
Music: We were so quiet. The notes were supposedly right, and I got a thing right when she said "This is do. Sing sol." Yay me. Concert next Tuesday.
Science: math skills.....acceleration
Gym: I ran the mile. Everybody else running is slightly fit, and then there was me. Only 4 girls ran today. Everybody was all watching us and stuff. We did shuttle run today; I will make it up tommorrow.
Thank god my day was over.
I do believe I am getting sick. I kept coughing up brown chunks that felt like they came from my lungs...then I sneezed during each coughing fit. Weird combo. I am all sore and have been for some time. I keep puking. But it is the puke when you puke, but it is not enough I guess, and it ends up being swallowed. It makes my throat burn. I am incessantly cold.
I began to cry around 5:30. I have no clue why.
I am going to bed now.
2004 9 February :: 9.28pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Some movie

Find your Realm of Influence at
I got to watch the orchestra people today during choir. It was amazing. I wonder if we will sound like that for OUR music festival.....*hopefull eyes*
Tommorrow I have to take a 2 hour unnecessary math test that is a requirement, make up the mile, and stay after school for an hour to do another timed write. Which means I have to wait for another hour before I can get a ride. BOO.
6 truthsooth sayers |
2004 8 February :: 4.12pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Blink 182 - Miss you... *sigh* I love this song and video. So sweet.
It is coming baaaaackkk!!!
Yup. My AFI-manianess is returning yet again. I got VERY amused when I actually went to the boards(I had not been there for nearly 2 months) and found a post by Jade the guitarist. It goes as such (and I quote):
"Sorry To Burst Your Bubble...
but Davey is not gay. Or bi. Get over it. Just because your friend heard he was gay or you read it on some message board doesn't make it so. However, since I've made posts like this repeatedly over the years and people still refuse to believe he's not gay, I guess we'll have to keep hearing about it ad infinitum. I say we talk about Fritch. Or Smith. They're DEFINITELY gay, I caught them holding hands and plus they went to the prom together.
Also, my friend heard YOU were gay."
I don't know why. That cracked me up for nearly 5 minutes.
I just saw Silver and Cold. Twice. Within 20 minutes = ). And on the FUSE Grammys, AFI won SO many things they were not even nominatd for. It rocked. I clutched a big alligator to me and jumped over the couch and sat immoblile for the entire 4 minutes and 5 seconds of the video. It rocked.
I will be watching the Grammys just to see if they win the ONE (*angry*) award they are up for.
I also watched the History of No Doubt today. They are like my second favorite band.
Call me obsessed and I will reply "Who me? NEVER!" numerous times = )
I also like Finger 11 and Incubus lots.
My computer turned off 3 fucking times in an hour! I got SUPER pissed the third time and through a HUGE temper tantrum = ). Then AFI kept winning stuff, so I screamed more. My voice hurts. WOOO!!!
I want to be a tenor. To bad I can't. Especially since I'm in an all girls choir...
I am bored. This will probably not be read anyways. Strictly for my own enjoyment = ).
Name: Jessika!!!
Where do you live: Montana. Unfortunately. But you all know that, right?
how long have you been a fan?: not sure
What afi cds/eps/vinyls do you own?: BSITS, All Hallows, AOD, STS...
First afi song you heard?: initiation or wester
First afi shirt you bought? and how many do you own?: 1, my beloved purple wings!
are you a member of the despair faction?: not yet = (
favorite afi cd: MAYBE Sts....
least favorite afi cd: Umm....I don't like BSITS as much I guess
favorite afi song: Hmm....Days of Phoenix...But Home is Nowhere..Death of Seasons. SYNESTHESIA!
least favorite afi song: I don't like
Dancing Through Sunday
afi song that most relates to you: Umm..
favorite afi lyrics or lines from songs: My journal Title!
favortie afi quotes: Dunno
what member you would like to meet the most and why: Davey. I used to be obsessed....Glad I got out of that stage
and lastly, what afi tatoo would you get?: Probably the nephilim. It is overdont but looks awesome. Or just a simple "AFI"
2004 8 February :: 12.04am
:: Mood: depressed/contemplative/tired
:: Music: 17 again. I hate this movie.
Old people are gross. I wanna swing.
Damn Alan got me thinking. Damn you Alan.
My mom won't send me to Florida. If only I could get to Florida then I will be able to go see AFI.
People are stupid. Them and alarm clocks should be pounded with giant mallets till death. Very violently. All of 'em.
Remember the Titans is a good movie.
Fuck George Bush all to hell. He can take his conservative money specnding ways with him. And all of the Iraqis too.
I am becoming a recluse again. You need to get me out of my home. Yes, you. All of you. I will get all depressed and hate everyone soon. It is already starting to set it. Fuck you.
5 truthsooth sayers |
2004 7 February :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: tired (becomming a constant)
:: Music: Asante sana squash banana heemee hoo a weenie a bana!!!
Look. The children are running down the hill...
Sorry, book quote... anywho. I completely screwed this day over. I intended to work on my multiple essays today, but I got lazy... Damn good intentions, always get shoved around. Yeah, then I took a nap, because I still haven't recovered from my 12:00 adventures. So, off to the *exciting* part of my day. Thunderbolts had its first practice today. Our team could do rather well this year, that is, if the rest of the team shows up... But yeah, we looked pretty good (as much as my opinion really counts). And, joy0, I am moving back to my sweeper home. YAY!!! Ahem... anyway. We have a new kid on the team this year... red head *cough cough*... I have to say that would be my only attraction of the moment... and I'd like to stress that... it is indeed only the hair...
Let's see... the girls didn't do so well at the basketball game tonight... um, in fact, we, the band, didn't do so well either... communication problems... But, the game was still fun. Oh, and the little cheer campers did their half time show. All the little boys out there, I was like "Those ones are MY heroes.. :P" Anyways, I was worried for those folks, as they would only call out "READY, LADIES?!?!" All I could think about was the gender issues that will show up later in life from that... poor kids... yeah... so, we had a sax player come in from Glendive. Shawna and I were like *ROAD TRIP*, thinking we'd go to Glendive to play with them, as they play songs from such groups as Cherry Poppin' Daddies (hell yeah!!) ... anyways, then I came home, then I went with my mom to Taco Bell ( :P in a bad way), and came home to the family... and my life is slowly being spelled out on a computer screen. Mildly disturbing? only because I don't know you people :P. Oh yes, I forgot one thing from the basketball game (and I'm too lazy to go add it in above, so I just write superfluous explanations for why I'm not adding it in above here, as I have no real task to do now *excluding essays*) Anyways, after half, when we always get our break, all the little kids and their parents were up around the concession stands. And I was on the other side of the field house when this happened, so as I came back to the stands, I run to Shawna and grab her arm saying, "Oh God, Shawna. Hold my hand and get me through this crowd." I still don't know how this all has come about... but seriously, large numbers of people really scare me... so we ended up dodging through the lockerrooms/bathrooms to get back to the band... I'm such a freak... :P
7 truthsooth sayers |
2004 7 February :: 3.04pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Beavis and Butthead!!!
OMG!!!!!!! Daria is on Beavis and Butthead!!!! My two favoriteist shows of ALL TIME!!!! *dies*
*laugh till death* Oh dear, this show makes me laugh uncontrollably.
7 truthsooth sayers |
2004 6 February :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: rockin'
:: Music: "Ghost Riders (A Cowboy Legend)"
today: ok day
Let's see... actually showered today. Yeah, my personal hygene has been rather shot for the past week... but things seem to be improving. Still haven't shaved, though. Anywho, on to school!!
English: even more (non) work on the essay (... yeah, did more reading on ORB instead). Biology: The Test!! Really easy test at that, but the test nonetheless. Algebra: The Other Test!! I completely forgot the *exact definitions* of laws of exponents for division... but that's only three points off the test... no worries. Lunch: really nothing exciting... sad lunch time. History: more Serbian research, along with sex talk with Bulgaria (they were my first invasion, after all!) Band: sight reading... really easy stuff, too. Spanish: not worth trying. Health: more nutrition... I'm already a nutrition freak...
And I saw Alisa after school. She says she'll probably break up with Mike (by the way, they got a PDA today...) because he's being a total ass and not caring about her.
Ok, I missed the Chudds, but darn. Pep band was awesome tonight. We really rocked (serious band-geekiness showing through)... anyways, the boys are going to state, meaning I'm going to state with the band with the boys with the basketball... HUZZAH!!